OCR Text |
Show 44 Lots for Solo 48-F- ornn EE INDEPENDENT 260 ac-- e JY acres cu an par a y .f m' oarf o' v oO h b-- bee xma 93 Oae net 5 "E ,h ' -,ske SSt L?xe heme Ca &TNy :n, ' u 67 .4, s"cEV 'IM at"1 feet 25 irfmt'ii of income :,9a A9 rg asT TO 3jrd CS;SJ Jcp Vs .ev richs on 75 snares Cleve and water nee Dt conn ft e t 363 ,,J.C,NE,S 94, i t5 Ar Lm Hen ng'on SS 3T w m 2' or SaLrALoVeNC ,c 0 5a 52.8 LARSEN DRAPER, UTAH Emov cc c the fresh of harf acre $4 7 oco m air ena junehme 5 acres witn i water with each - - or 3 per 374 ALPINE acre In area ct new homes 75. Fed acre S4 500 OTHER c Vj $2 epn 33 3278 Farnu & S3 UvM.ack Acrtogq ;Vi !53-llve- itcck LTAh WELSH MOUNTAIN PONY HEADGUARTERS . UB beaa'iful Ooaen ca-v- rcr Queerer Aav 2 sa j So li rn asvvm Co Ao-- il Ogam C?ns Sen nq ,on ttr n a Am-o- oen behve up Hanks no. tinnw 53 Pet taqie S3-P- iirJi, lobilts, PlsH TRC :al fish TT heoaJj'!e'j ,n is We to oonv Euen. d m enstoKai tteb! of ;ne nBO tor ) o.e nner, by W Sait aer Agwariymi v.nrier aid a aLJ St?,,! sS S'S KENNETH INN - DOWNTOWN, 230 WEST SIXTH SO., B ADAWS, Delta, UloH 204 40 LcThnw rs S4h.A''on.'mrvre4rnpa'ouo.1cL: no PM Lit Far ta.n Boou out ot Rjoer K nq ana Pine Dale Fa.r Both Co $ are pro- ken ana reaav tor trannq Bom f o, D and AMb.n, X harness, wech ooq, $5. RACING West 5415 So Piaza Tneatra Bioq. Kearns, Utah J2vg l -- etr lM.. an. DcnTrDrn'cf'acDi''fi 5442 Husky. A.aioo toeont hommq ood 54 Hay, Grain, Feed Dr.,, excellent TO 6Q I TROPICAL Fish AND SUPPLY Button & Sioenecx Turtles A AkC D amum s lyeroocdie DUPOes. icv anj mna'ure swea by Sncw opea. 28 7447. 'Snots, 9$C. F'DDLER crans cams 59c Panis, yseo tanks and ha fish in Sat and un house 32? V5e! 7th So, 3a3 84e9 AKC SPECIAL this weekend reo Maltese lovaoie, oarimq, Di'OD.es Must see to aoorec. 3232 Greoson Ave J3080 SoJ GREAT PYRENEES PUPS. AKC, 4 nios , Mrs. Robert Leo. Rt 3. Boie- Coen AT STUD CERStAN 2 SHEPHERDS,, AKC.. rep ct OlKNAKL) Ol. Female, oet Quality FREE amos-olovab puo mate housfbroken. Pom. and Fe-- 1 C7 1976 REDECORATING for Sale HOUSE Will sell reasonable 2 strato-lounntt, wainut cortee taoi, round wainut end table wamut Open Sun 12 6 Wkdays, china closet, ail by BrovhiH lamp tnmmed whh $1 PER BA.. E poie Choice teatv altaita wainut. turauoise table iamo, modwire t.ed, in barn Mr. Wn.te. 2901 ern picture, wa.l oiaoues, mc.e Kenwood 4ai 242 nil ceuver bunk beds and mattresses, child's HAY AND ST R A TV dish cooooard. also '60 Cnev. 339? W 7900 South 255 1134 Cali p.ckuo. att. 3 30 . 4C56 266 wkaavs BRIGHT aifaita hav m barn Leo D palmer, 1005"S1000 West 254 3452 'r.AUArc sate . - . gas lawn mower, a. reel type, run fcoval $20 gooo, 5. Pipe dies, typewriter, excel , . cutters and reamers, cut.hlrd w,leai ,0J ting torch c.L,fNE01 Many more tools. 3720 Amertcan Fork. s'raoe. 4 ForrestHil!s Dr , 277 3518 GARAGE nrtach , st 'Is, sale pool table, bowling iuke box, back bar, bar, bar Irvcl. washer, other item dryer, elec, ranoe, refr.Q., troner, POTATOES'! and other 2775 items. Pameig ExceMem business oo.nq potato Drive ,0a! Cache Valiev locatton. R R Sour, XX)x60 ft p t, with sorting BEDROOM accessories, twin lamos. whit etc. 9060 .ft- warehouse, 2( nrlon JcrwDf' Pfad 3 panels nylon curtains, acre3 Crouno un'imrted DOiential.l thrw ruos hot pink, chair, pillows, Excellent terms and interest vS Schwinn bike, Box REALTY BONNEVILLE girls cupboard, 464 3238 Logan. Utah 757 8501 RANCHO ElRae camper, vCYk 4 c;j,sp sink, stove, etc 2 pmoang APPLF heater, loaders, real clean. s'eeDS 6. JUICE $1 25 oat. Bring cont 494 tanks, First $795 takes. David Bradley last 11000 Souih. garden tractor, cement mixer, CRISP aoples. oranges, grapefru.t.l on ions, carrots, souos, potatoes FORCED TO SELL. usd tires, all Seeds, onion sets Pinsis Fre.h sizes, $3 up Hub eao. wire wheei, caos. 13" wheels and t.res. eggs, brown, white 2&2Q S Main oiy 9 00 20 truck tires- seal beams. BFLIFVE IT OR KOT Private party, Now $1, $1 50 bu. those firm, fumy "rTd del 'aomts. W?" V.ntM. (6100 So di- (TUBES WHOLESALE. 40-'HONEY Pure, natural, ooan.c count on TV and radio tubes if you mention this ad Use our Oo 46l East JTruman Ave , La tube testers APPLES R Del , rears Math1. 785 fayette Electronics, 2760 fret! $. Mam, N 400 East. N Salt Lake. 55 1 1, Mistelloneoui chairs, D eclTWS Sorre,-V.- oonv vti' e iv 6u0 Atawan 21V8-Ol- fish 2ss:4 Proi HOUDAY c' The Salt Lake Tribniw, Sunday, April ETS Bcfl, Urdt, tabblH, Plik reo end Suopoes a Anier Ftm.v SPECIAL Tome But P at 3h4 Cha"-n-o4 1100 Mj-Oooen Bar$ 7iAu(i9 PeawO.. (.'v" ct pa try v COmcact CO'S , 22 32 HOLSTEiKS. V kino, SkbAYra 95 pr ouoht tor aou i anc cent a e vouch Ivrtd li i Or Pea-Da noe'S 3 S' 00 vb x cn area. O 23 A:5ES AS L0 tK UP 10 9 YE AS 53 29' Ca e?ws Buls used TO.'S TROPICALS treuat wei broen o"es &q - a8S m mvev abeet Cna'case. Ancws 4 Aca Ho'tn 30 SMAa. doa'n payment. !IU'oi- - 250Va, M lnes IN ri,ng 5,2: A' underground 12 o to a Sd L HT'y F r D"' A'QV"' E A PO.VER ON PROPERTY, ACCESS ROADS. .d in LET US hei vog seM vour puds We hea-- t of a cattleman i c -- o.r, off US. H gnwov 20 and Oeqon h,NC,tLE'r S fPONY BREEDING Anau5 XV3 buw AkC OuO Exc. our tmerna bck 420 Soutn 44m Stee Soe H ghwoy 78. Just 15 mne from th County $ot mEADOV- W ev V.ew, Nd'cc, Ca it. iU. tionai EDEN,UTAH 84318 Otxsna, Nearest. 7.i Nv9 6127. Tel. LAND RANCHES Will PAY a LARGE PORtION OF YOJR EXPENSE INTRODUCING THE GREAT AAA K,,, TO GO SEE THE LAND, WHETHER f,L, v pV PCVERAMAN MIX YOU BUY OR NOT. Now I, voor A to Dt b GaLWond SHOTS GOOD WITH CHILD L Path tor iWl 255 ,023 cnonca fo own that droom m th cojntry. Let this bo vour investmont Be- 5 Tonro Cienoer has House trainea About 9 nius l AAAT 15 AAA and 14 AA. 3 A Q H. STEEL HORSE no e$ FEEDERS, 3.64vo Lond doasn f become sacond ronded. 8uy lord and opportunity. 545. so. 5CJ9 tfctsf sran.es JSX) Ovub.s show and champs, winner. 299 2577 b.ue snxAe mate, - OuNG onePersian Wiry tor champ . Cameo le rK,-.pRace prospects, ge.d- tram. ,a!t aVhpiios, V""oV cow, me Garden t f M 48 t. n 3 t kerte go Farms, Garden Produce exoteo at the D'vsoe. t at of toy tor h.s services td.!spamel 05. CHECK AT DESK FOR MEADQWLAND 3 15 AQUARIUMS RANCHES 150 oal. f)SH 295 .F-hdoor Grav, $75 deluxe metal fran aouari- - gal $b, 120 gat $10 All with Phone GOATS 2 fresh, 4 wil freshen bv. um racing prosoec 566 Emerson all access, with hioh volume stands LOTS LOTS LOTS oset them at my homa m A av 1 j onatiow power f.lter. $40. 464 2665. DOGFOOD pellets, 23 pet protein, t 6 o m Yprna,Uab broke. $160 BUCKSKIN gelding, only $7 15 per loo lbs. Hymas Feed ;rrnVxra,0cV,sn5:'4&-1n'ltri- al Property JOCKEY CLUB Tft Soud KnTloo Tiaoe or sell. ao4 4a52 . ST BFRNARD, 2 vr male, must, Stoie, 138 West tfutiana Ave ana many with very easy terms Commercial-Investmesxcrit naht orica tor right home S. Subdivision arrangements on ever Jna So , Sana,. C..I J Ail 30 VI .m among exisimo bv Sssors hemes, S'c B4T TOPS. including ail the improvement. winners and prooucers both sons STIDHAM horse tra REDAOOD RD S'hcenfelo, w .3 ,2TY,rcFn Sanoinq at A J Preveaei Cannon 355-- 76 3&00 S. Kanesviile, UL 354 385. Fee Sheo Dane cross, good FOREST HILLS PFT SERVICE. GL,3-V- " 0a1 5 0 Jfnv' hi,Tr 38'6 5 --V ATTENTION BUILDERd pets, watchdog $35, Highland Dr 277 249 n oh- - USLD Sioutn horse tracer, must ATTENTION 30 dairymen! S GREAT tot m Ve have oerfect ouHdmq scan-ePUREBRED pups Brittany cows, 1 499 ids sell 2e2 5.4 producing Kelste-scuheast a'ea Zoned R 5 w th wks c'd. ta is docked See at 2?30 571 3643. H tandem hors, 83 7 ao so tt. for muitioie un.ts. W.ll Th.t1 tor aoot. Priced to Laxt St. ar? 5r,tT h VA 't47. CIRCLE ENGLISH SFTTcRS . ghest wwv 2i5 j.64 subordinate. e jjoJ describes issue herds m Exciting fate Off cai DhA Schoeneid, An too PD well bro-- j SALE 2 100 over RANCHES,! FARMS, hero averaoe 17,395 m k 'bs of DACHSHUND for REG. Nanseil, puppita en MONTH SPECIAL RUMMAGE SALE PER FT PER SQ e, Mapie'cn BUSINESSES, TOWN AND COUN-- ! lbs of butterfat. 436 8649 A'.oron. Trees 56 Flower Wasatch Presbvtenan Church AKC reg., call Mr , sale, INCLUDING ESTATE TRY HOWES In 32 states COAST I0, HORSE fra 'er 1 axie. s;5.' 'M u?i OUT SELLING house 1626 So 17th East kittens WHITE FREE, TAXES AND INSURANCE New TO COAST! Nearly 3.000 ACTUAL a req. B'ack K a n cc 2600 ten Hit cows Angus with Thurs , FrL 9am to 5 p m. framed ft ceilings. photos! Specify type property and calves 1 reo he buitdmq, dock high, THE FARMER 1962 4000 se-- r ftr. TENNESSEE Wa ung horse mart AKC BOXER turn., tovs, misc PUPS RR sour. Ample otf street parking Clothing, locatton preferred. Z o Code, piease. FEMALE 3 yr. old Spitz, Puppies Rasoherry es GMC tia'bcd truck, 1965 Cnev plants, black raspberry e terner cross, 521-600blue LIKE new wrinaer washer, 12 lb. dewberry sa. wan, 163 Voiks, 1968 Pivm plants, Reg , champion plants, tines, also Boxer OF HOMES 0 had Call PDA shots. horse, 7750 20th So. won $25; East s?a 1953 Itq. cedar chest, $20; Stud 466 23&S, capacity, spruce. 4800 S. Buick. service. PUREBRED DACHSHUND PUPS 3'0 2v9 3947332 S 3200 West 177 East 1st Soum Country Haven old REALTORS West 298 2040. Dost, good co. 2 000 COLORADO CALL blue spruce trees, $25 round porch buoov Settle back and re'ax on this REG. COLLIE PUPPIES S5, child t 6 YEAR Sorrel reg Quarter oeidino baby pair; own vour choose end own, your dig STEEL FENCE POSTS Co'iie pups, REG Poodle and Utah $7 out ranchette! Situated E SKI AREA in the 64. 262 J 675 whirly-pedal SU 0 iq, 1700 , 328-862- 1 For show, breeding or oet , $6. 13332 S. U. Colli Stud service 299 5928 country tor plenty of peace and TAKE the work out of lawn raking. 99c. See Frank 13322 S.90 East. Draper Cverlooks Par cty West ski runs, Frontier T- ler CFDAR and pme posts. 18 MONTH SheoGerman female Get a Roto Rake Bar to fit vour ro234 43 1 tush meadows and trout streams ROTO H RAKE bar. Mak a power herd, shots, lie. oawrs, mower, ft works' Only $4 75. NEWFOUNDLAND PUP J Just a few blocks to new Canvon Tr,iw Gva ter horses tor rake with your rotarv mower tor tary W. A repair, 2 bedrooms, bath, nice SlawnliRim Village, oo't course and air jies Co, 1351 West IndiCho.ce fema'e AKC reg , fully guarsale 22 45 Sadd e Wav. 298 4397 t only $4 75. It works. W. A Hymas an Ave Hymas Sheds, corral, other bmidmqs. , C On U.S. high,1358W Jnaiana3?2-396- l (CUSTOM HORSE SALE vea ock on anteed 57) 1l)84. KILLING of h2me Mrk s,tfs. 5slt Lake, able acres, irriqated acra for per i'tr. 33J way, closa to town. $7,500. AKC Oaden, Provo areas. Already zoned 1747. UJ,LnIT,Yf.,r.aJi!r'.0, REG. SETTER farm .9 IRISH Wuiis your Mower, GERANIUMS, Fern, pups, Pansies, 11 case capacFriday, April 17th, 7 pm., at th or with aood for rezonmg tires, strawber cnamp bloodlines, fietd and bench tomato s, peopers, emon ALMOST new S mco saddle Stockvaros Sa e Barn (rot Cotise-ity .soda poo cooler, com operated W. ADRIAN WRIGHT, INC. Must be in potential W ii be reaoy to hunt growth action area, 16al East DOG seed house for sets, thu year. plants potatoes, dog, ' In Invest The lg, West! use as storaae freezer, urn), Ooaen Sates Co., Union Stock $85. near freeways, and mator shopping raw garden oiants.2620 S. Alain. or 5920 So 33 5660. 141 West 5th So. Realtors 45 000 btu. fir. furnace. $25 yatds, Ooaen,Utah tRFG. thorougnb-o- d All util, must be available. 30 acres mare, Aoodloosa Under $19 Per Acre! CHOICE Austrian pme, blue spruce, 2 PAIR ud servree. Substantial buvers SILVFR SPUR ALL BREED HORSE oood duality, lined, gold ole minimum E E 2715 uce. South. Iberia 6.M Spi Mvron Fmklestein, Broker, Realtor, 5,406 Utah acres ALL IN ONE SHOW April 24th and 25th, Ogden WANT to sell vour horses and" tack? fur window draoes. look like new, STANSBURY PARK Yourchoce in field. between 810 am. or 6 8 BLOCK! See PICTURE in cataioq! Cotosseum. Fntnes are mailed, do Call $45, less than l prtc call after 1 at, er p m MANY choice varieties of Gloxinias Dm. DUCKS, ducklings, spec 80c uo, ex- 4 miles county road frontaoe some you have vours Can now. r-.T y,TTTrr-MnCHEAP! gA CJW10 U A,S0 river fronfaQe, teep roads, somei 255 4594, Sandv 1. Choice warehouse with offices and " 3779m,,V RUMMAGE "Couch, "M' grown toy A,r,CM, chaio BEAUT, pups,.also.par,ly 4Sf B' OWNER Violets, Farqo St nfr maros, aoolv for lease downtown grassland tor cattle or sheep. ManyTLL" TV, SOfa, vacuum, trackage puos. Rras5Y06So.13th East interestinq rock format, ons! W,tn,n V delivered ALSO BLOOMINGTON si 00 PAID for accept.b'e smalt tvpe oeldinos and mares, ointo mares' HORSESHOEING-PROFESSION- AL and planted! drapes, curtains, misc. 332 Owens location, 28,000 sg ft. Chihuahua puds 7 wks JUNIPERS few m ies ol nearly-bgil- t 255 .035 lake Sl 2 that is Ptl,) fill for suitable $7 Place vs. kennnoton, Starter and various nTdsL No.7 FOREST aood 50, broke CR715?87. csshr.d oetamas and puds 487 73 HILLS., Buy smalt equity and assume 7 per uses. 5,700 sa foot building, offices, now filling Close to big game huntfam.lv horses ioo head to choose CALVES for sale. Stout Coro Call PET SERVICE. $1 cent contract. Call Tom Womhle, and $1 50 a QUAKING .nnD.a; shoo. ing and f.sh.r.g. $102,000, low down used as cabinet A' W S.UUH.I a no 111 m. formerly 1331 E. 4??5 South.! J OalHshuNOS, 4 mos. old. 1 full Provo clump, 3 '8 3 East 7800 'sc 2 7 ;iToo Near West Temple end T3rd South. payment. APPALOOSA oeld.nq f.llv. and stud drown, female, $20 ea. JS 5576 COLORADO soruce V 774 W,,t ,rt cans. IS,?!11 L in CONTRACTORS ''EG 3. New 40,000 sg. ft. warehouse with E AROUND THE WORLD ARABIANS, colt, 0 sHers: 188 West 8h North 295 0903 and up. Call 222 5982 Have 81 lots m Glen Heather No. 2 modern office end 5 acres M OLD. iiiTw .... Tr rr-r- 17 reduction sate, Witez II, Sxowronek.'i STEEL flaQoole $12. Larqe steel 4 vear-oiouar-te-r OUTSTANDING suodivision, 36 h s , 69m West. Prel. ground for lease, easy freeway req. I. Measaoad, Reo. Egyptian breedina. toolbox for pickuo truck $40 MotoOPENSHAW POODLE CENtIr mare. 255 7980 ApORAeLE POM. PUPPIES plat filed. Will sell without Inv access, near airport. vr. old, 2nd at Murrav colts, S7M07I 3015 S state St. rola TV $35 Galy, pipe fenca Post 4867166 Ecei. for 22S housing. Eerngs cal! Werrett, 466 238? er REG ANGUS HEiFERS mare show, 4th State Fair, $1 25ea.322-0?lWill No real OLD Maltese pup, male. Must subordinate estate days Woodbury Realtors, AKC PEG. WHITETOY POODLES. 7 American Fork and colt, ) stallion. Call 295-3brokers, please. 8 wk HOLLYWOOD bed with box springs Excel, breeding. Puppy shot. sell this weekend, 2 PUREBRED Charoiais AIRPORT LEASE heifers, 276 8708 and mattress $20 , YEAR $20. LARGE SPITZ MALE beioa ATTENTION builders and develop-es- . 906-SMidland Savings Bldg., 444 ooen Wilt breed to calf pexf soring, ultry less than I year old. 48x83, drapes Must sell 12 acres prime proo-ert- v 88 600 sq. ft at $3 67 per sq ft. at Seventeenth EA. 1 $25 Tiny Chihuahua pups, Colo. aKo 2 purebred Charbiats cows to St., Denver, 359 2878 All a Dole orchard. Preliminary 2300 West North Temple, zoned 1 Westv, Scott ie pup. Forest Hill ARC Reg tov poodles, apricot, had calf late summer. 0202 Call Provo v Pet Service engineering completed 6880 S. 9th Ca'dwetl, shots. so.a; excel. or writ P.O, Box AMERICA'S finest W.L. Pul,, TOP toil, sand, gravel, grading and Ph.: 13031; 266-254otd and started, and several breeds East See sg n and plat on preper-Btcond. $75, Buescher alto sax., used lawn preparation. 298 2631 10 TOY 21,Provo,Utah. female WANTED ST BERNARDS apricot poodle, Priced to sell. of excel, meat birds avail now. , 6 mos ; $200, chest of drawers, $6. After business hours, 18 19 , weeks. to WISCONSIN Either Sex LOTS ONLY TOP LOAr Months, or SOIL. calves Holstein Dairy 485 358 Aiadate Hatcnery 3666 SSiatr 4996 S Redwood Rd 295 7236 CHIHUAHUA Anous cross shipped on aooroval. 6 WOODED ACRES Looking for a small farm? Th1 sales and stud service, 500 chick cao ENGLISH RUMMAGE sale, lawn mowar, TV, Atl aoes. Write tor free once hst. 4 ELEC, brooders, farm Is tust xu minutes Spnnaer Soamel pupsJ show quality, shots, AKC. loe c.ose to the Wasatch State Park rsr metal Chicken turn., 521-600Vkc" curtains, from antiques, downtown fwe.s, Provo c,llent' North or Vanderburg Salt Cattle, Lake 0 Pratrit, nMtirj brpedinas, $50. Hunt BASSETT houndt. m.l, 6 mos. old. O0 Miscellaneous for 5016 Golf Course Culinary water andj rlUMtj linen, ruas, nice clothing, Cttv. home with full bsmt . Wisconsin 53153. Or sow. call Bn'tff SoXf Mufrev an acre. 77 East 1st South REALTORS femalo, 5 yrs. old 395 39 38 2115 East). misc. 6936 N ve Dr. full line of equipment, ccweryavaiiable. Only $795 Gl.nT, plenty of 7v RE. red Angus "oual.Ty-Fl.mish-one bulls, mDLa a0r GORDON setter pups, AKC reg., cal SHELBY racinq bike, new tires, GARAGE SALE irrig. water, good, deep soil. ConRadio, port. TV oid, two yearlings, one 7 mo K 5 2125 S. WEST TEMPLE Demetrius. tract at 7,4j pet. or trade, $?5)00. seah palnt. $3uL and stand, TAKE A LOOK Zedard bikes, ice 883 1556. Tooale, Utah. skates, black 3 Anous On, reg Call & "A,!4?" 3,450 SQ. FT. and used. Misc 12 to 4 Provo LAB , black, 7 RELAXACtZOR for sal or trade, clothes, new Merrill Liston 785-378- 7 or Writs1 w 3475 puooies, AKC reg Reduced for auick sale, 326 S. 7th Great Dane duds male. weeks, Dn277-l984- . 278 409), 5557 Holladay Blvd. $125. POBcx 21, Provo, Utah. FANCY pigeons, all kinds, ring neck Call collect; 331? S. 2ND WEST East. Valuable lot with old home on O'Neill, Paul Taylor 225-221- 8 LIKE new size pieces, approx! DOBERMAN Pinscher, AKC Call Goulet, THOROUGHBRED STEEL BASKETBALL STANDARDS, stallion. Red doves, 521 Emilia St. (2810 W 5th Nebraska. It, zoned 4,000 SQ. FT. 65 yds. oid carpet, $110. conALA NEBR OCK BAN K $30, Eaqle for stud service. Sired bv SL THE greatest Dane, 18 mos , brlndlt $125 or best offer. WAREOFFICE sofa with boR AND temporary naugahyd out of Unbelievable set HATCH all leos, High Monday. Kisses, kinds, St. not Reo. eggs. PUPS record Mother STEREO port, male, HORSES allowed 2 mi. of bridle Bernard, reg. Make offer plaver, cail sters $90. For information call 6 N. attar 277 3811 149 8th West. . HOUSE ipaca, ideal locations. or after 5. 2666417. paths, close to aolf course. p m WE sell and trade new and Priced from $72,000 to $40,000 GOSLINGS FOR SALE r AKC reg. male Dachshund IMPORTED Swedish . pointer, $250, KIRBY vacuum and polisher, $25, usedBUY, C. B. and ham radie equipOPEN MODELS LINDNERS LANE ARABIANS id,571-3085298 3796 3 mos. Call 3036 Morgan Dr., Kays-viil- e Cali male, weeks. pud, 1 ment, Lafavetta Electronics, )7io $. Offers show quality, 9370 S 2700 West. grey DOVES and Helmet pigeons: 43 50 blood-lin1 MALTESE. AKC, tiny, good ELEC. WATER HEATER used McDOUGAL Mam, REALTY stud colt, Lotmk breeding other W. 11000 South. Tooele 882 0946, 882 2435. month, 35 gat., $50. shepherd puns, males. Sock also avail. 6904 So. per palr. 45 .j AKC German KWEES power rbke, 1 Rotor Thler. INDUCED 1300 females, $45. American Fork, AKC reg Airedales, female 7 wks. 8X6 TILTING bed snowmobile 2 EXCEL. LOCATIONS $0, 2704 East. GOSLINGS FOR SALE 16 ft. extension ladder, lawn sweep756 4 acres industrial land nr. Redwood SO 48)5 So. 3400 West, $75. 466-- 900or Call Tooele. 6 PCT .NTEREST. TERMS er, all like new, 2401 Snngharn Homino p. aeons, most'K(f German Ave. ----- vanehes tor FOR SALE BANTAMS, Improved beautiful Cottonwood view Rd and 5th So THOROUGHBREDS Shorthair SINGER in perf. cond , $19. Shmale-Eascorpointers. on filly, lot commercial Other is Irq. 1885 1 . '7 acre, East 6400 So. have flown 400, $s pair and up, see cwner. I ton lots, colt. Also too saddle sate. yearling s,!533$.11th ner 17th So. and Maior Call Bohn, at 2461 S. 7tn East. USED carpet china closet 93 1595 horse. BABY chicks, ducks and oosltnq. 64 AKC German Shorthair pointers USED Venetian bhnds, 54 x 50, or McCleerv, 3090 South Main. $12; also other RECREATIONAL TETON VALLEY APPALOOSA oeidino, 6 yrs. old. aquarium, 54x98, 54x14. Make otter. CHAPMAN REALTY, in. tall. 363-719sizes, custom made tanks to your loud color, excellent traveler. $300. AND RESORT PROPERTIES near REG. Am. Eskimo pups, snow white, SINGER Touch and Sew, will zia 756-606- 8, 374-619- 6 specification. For info. e 9022 So. 1300 East, afteran Teton Peaks and Grand 505, executive famous Animals 25 or . Fur 52 $40 cash offer. lovable. zaq, Bearing Boarding, noons. OLD new. 5,000 sq. ft. prime office EnQlish sheep doq puppies, swerinq device, oerfect condition, Targhee Ski Resort. P.O. Box 233, Like KITCHEN set 4 chairs, good cond., $300, AKC req. female Dachshund duo $39278-246and warehouse soace. Lot 115x65. Eu- Colo. HOLSTEIN sprinaer heifers, close normally Dripgs, Idaho 83422. 17 other temalM. M2. $80,030. Hems, misc. & male, Amole parkino. Zoned gene God at, 8 1637. TV and MAGNAVOX I up. Lra., good dual. Up to 100 head CHINCHILLAS record Vz clpse-ou- t. $500 ACRE LOT with all improve- Cash or terms. 487 6755. avail. Elvis C. Snow, Roosevelt, Ut. ekcel., stpek, pens, everything goes. plaver with FM radio, both for $25. ALASKAN Malamute puppies. a fe- - BASENJt pups, malt, female, royal TRANSFERRED Zoned for horses, only $15,400, $34)00 ments. 165 front footage. Amole for terms. 328 3063, 2580 S. Hamstead Box 356, J7B0J04. male, 18 mos. 3081 Lhi Dr Gran- - doos of the Pharaoh. if desired. $5,250. Near 13lh 2 lot down, $3 000 per veer. No interest DARKS, pastels, feed flflhts, equip. ger, on dele, ed payments. All payments STANDARD AKC Poodle pup, white, MISC. iunk, including kitchen sink. SOLD home, have odds and ends of West and 39th South. Call Ida HORSE TRAILERS Sell er trade. 25. 3815. furniture and campmq equip, fof aft. 5 p m I539jdarvard Ave.328 3029. or E. B. WICKS applied to principle. Good water FLUFFY male kittens, free to good male, 8 wks. Frame, New and used. Rentals. 362 5606. water. COMPANY. 363 5861. rights, saje. city homes. $700 ROSENTHAL crystal, 11 ea Realtor Fprmally J A R Trailers. 53-P- ets 54-Hwater, wine, sherbet, $85 7'y AND 5 hp. OB motors, reel type ay, FOR SALE AKC Pekmaese feed Grain, end puppies, beige MOUNTAIN STREAM rotarv motors cheap, 1515 Lm nice oentle family horses, NEED sewmq machma repairs? Call and Silver, 7 wks., $60. 35V 9638 MURRAY 30 acres only $3,150 per acre, total SEVERAL coin St , bet. 9tn and 10th East. Dogs, Birds, Rabbits, Fish $150; also saddles. Horse boardma Eows throuoh these 2 beautiful can- - MIDDLE LundS 363 3673. GERMAN shepherd pups, AKC reg., price $63,000. A possibility to develavail. Also matched pr. of sorrels. 4 255-233- 3 NY VACUUMS CHOICE floor serviced and t with houM HAY, ground .. e oT elst trailer court. Estimated to qet white leas, striped face. 1)43 East op CRIB, stroller, wonder horse, amplisbjwand pet, male, k a m as. 'onl v" it 95 We sell parts, hoses, belts, GREAT DANES offices. Building 64)00 so. ft., large repair to trailers per acre. But 3rd South, Bntfl. trailPOM. Duoptes, stud service, 4111 S. HAY, leafy alfalfa, 90c 1025 S. State, bait. fier, typewriter, 299 3648 Call ers per acre would rented. $83,000. lot, baascords. fully 160 females be bnndlt and Fawn 1400 trailers Bountiful. Horo- East, CR 1 ACRE lots ,x4 mile from JordaneH SADDLERS, Arabians Quarters, or -- 30 YARDS of used caroeting, on this 50 acres, when comoleted FOX mim-bik4 ho., runs oood. Sira champ. Shan s Sacradotaa Tennessee Wajkers, Morgans, too site Water and power reservoir scoDtmachine, 1380 East, 4500 SHELTIE duo (min collie) I wks.. GOOD alfalfa hay within 5 years, with a oossible indbie. seat, $110 Bicvclt exercise! D L. Allan stud service. Com acre Call 295- and see these 15206 available. $?.00 So. Call $65. Must sell, 487 3091 3448 BOY'S Schwinn bike. wheels. come of $6,000 per month or $73,000 (206) North East list jtand!$5J364 beautiful horses. nore Informat on 598 . year, when fully rented. Terms 6140 S. 2nd W,st. Ponderosa Sfah'es, TOY poodle Dupoies, silver. GOOD grass hav, 90c Igt. baits; 125 $25. Call 484 7890. Bothell, Wash. 980)1 per REALTORS GARAGE sale Car too camper, $2,950. West to reliable people. SO. JORDAN a ton champeane-beioCall Chapmen $40 292 1075 UTILITY trailei, trunk trailer, spare ramping tools eaulp. qardenlna small white female $2,350 S'ud Service, AKC reg. 11beaut, Jordan and Riverton or call Mr. Chap-ma- THOROUGHBRED FOR RENT OR LEASE Realty, tire, hitch, bumper many household Items. mos. old, hoosebroken "No Regrets," ran in 2 Triple poodle, $3,700. Call Auir 1 7. Riverton eves., do SLIGHTLY sued used BEDRM. for Sale misc. kmq 11,000 Ideal for set; prt Crown ft. calm TV; dear 266-won span Eyes for Salt Calif trained, to 762. disposition. at races, Derby aReal Estate, tresses, call Von, articles. Call retail, wholesale, light manufacturnot run. Needs a loving home. GRANGER MAGNA ing. Loading dock in rear to keep FARMS and ranches ranging In size TENNESSEE WALKING HORSES parking clear for customers 530 So. from 80 acres to 3,000 Located in For Western pleasure ridtna These Choice lots, fully Improved. POODLE STUD SRVICE KNUDSEN. the heart of the potato capitol of horses art a must see. 726 West First West. Contact eves. 48 7 3170 ETEft OPENSHAW S POODLE the world, Binqham County, Idaho. 4800 South, BLDRS. at 510 So. 1st West. Champ., American and Cantiian Large Improved farms with or with- FULLY imoroved 1880 East Meaaow out livestock or unbroken ground FLASHY, spirited, Appaloosa Gelding, Choice of 20 studs all cotors Downs Wav. (6670 So ) 486-766 47 Real Estate Loans, Contr. for investment purposes. Various 9 years old. Good ndmg horse, 301$ S. S t atfP U P P IES owners will consider trades on com-roc- $300, 1365 North Redwood Road DARLING CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES, 45 Real Estate Wanted properties, apt. houses or AKC reg., loving disposition. BeautiIF YOU want more for your conmotels. Write or call us for a brotract equity, call Mr. Ktlpack be- chure. REG. quarter horse, Bay Poco DeU ful tiny stud prospects, 11 mo., red with white mark. nq. Stud services, mars in foal, to chamoton, fore you sell. Sproul Rlty., REAL ESTATE MANWARING HAVE CLIENT sorrel qeldina, white marklnas. Leo Champion b 'ood mes. 376 2657 HIGHEST cash for real estate con breedinq, Ph. IKC SANCTIONED MATCH 504 WEST BRIDGE ST. tracts. Days, 19th Coliseum, Fairgrounds Blacufoot, Idaho HORSE shoeing and horse April Off. pht (208) entries $1.50 per doq, Jr. Showmanhome ph. Mr. & Manwarina, or Acreage Will buy home on upper Ave 3 bed- 48 Farms ship 50c, time entries 10 to II 30 Mr. 255-904a m. All AKC Reg. doos having neiHawkes, training. smalt lot preferred. View room nor a maior win are Very important. APPALOOSA Stud Service, for the ther 5 points NEAR HUNTSVILLE eligible. 295 8800. to best "CHEROKEE breed 1 ACRE KAYSVILLE HAVE BUYER AKC BOXER PUPS QUALITY PRINCE," Comanche, Apache. He'll Gentle with children, protector of the Do Bloodlines, imall j inv, iiMimu, wwuea enu keuuuea, tram. Utilities ) avail. stud service home, $5,500, term or trade. UTAH Quarter Horse Association sale. May 2nd, 1 p.m Odqen Gold- Leyton. 2,300 ACRE RANCH In Kenwood 2nd Ward area Base - '.277'?969 . WE BUY PUPS! en Spoke Colosseum. Consigned e rnent important Near 30h South FOR sale Fruit orchard, so. Utah Isolated and needs work and .... April IS. Ph. Ogden. PUREBRED OR SMALL SHAGGY and 20th East. County, Genoia, In production, 55 provement. 600 irrigated acres from MIXED BREEDS. SPRINGER HEIFERS acres fruit, 20 acres to plant, 40 wells. Small down or trade, but 15 486-746- 7 Holstein heifers to calve Aorll AKC req. quality silver miniature 277-534- 9 ranae cement land, equipment, requires capital to operate. Fully See at 756 West 15. Call poodle puppies C will Midway, trade. ditches, ample water, ,22'000 Grayson, 3400 5., Bountiful, $50. Cffica Construction Realty UtajL Maiestic Coro., call Ora:n, or GELDING. SALE, AKC Germ. Shep. pups W. ADRIAN WRIGHT, INC FOR Gentle, very oood horse. $350. Cali WOODLAND ESTATES W W. 5th So. eves. aft. 5 or all day Sat., Sun., 363-745- 3 Realtors 6 VINYL COVERED RECIINER fc ELECTRIC 30" RANGE Grantsvilie. Still have oood selection of 5 acre YOUR on left summer sites, with a few FOR SALE brown quarter SIRED MALTESE CHAMP. horse gelding, green broke, $200. creek, all are within walking disOur activity has been so tremendous Male pups, J2431$o.7thEest. Call v ore unable to keep oood hstinos. tance to Provo Rwer at Woodland, We need vours. We specialize m m- - .Uan, terms. 4683j or R horse, .PUPPY, med. size, female, approx. VINYL RECLINER 30" DOUBLE OVEN RANGE come property but no property is 600 HD. CATTLE 4 mos. old, housebroken. Likes chil4600 ranch 5 years old, sound, unspoiled, mare, too small or too large. For orofes-tonalo00 B.L M. plus 300 hd. 328 2868, aft. 10 a m. deeded dren, call spirited, evenings. Memquick results list nowl permit adioms ranch. Free water, 2 RIDING'S GREAT at Covered LIKE new bird caoes for small parthe bers of muitioie listing. nice homes and biag.s, $100,000 dn. Waoon Stables. Good family horse rots, parakeets or canaries, ate. Bill Ace easy terms. R. J. Kelly Realtor, and $199. saddle. VIBRATOR RECLINERS Townsend, Mont ELECTRIC 30" AVERY PINTO mare $100, Moroan POODLE PUPPIES, AKC REG. $25 Welsh West-lan75 d FANTASTIC buy, acres nr. mare $150. gentle. Saddle, bridle Hills golf course in West Jor- ASSOCIATES $60. Cattierack $35. Tooele, RABBITS, does bucks, bunnies. Large 357E!33rdSo. dan, $1,000 per acre, low dn. pvmt., CORRECTIONAL 2 variety, Horseshoema, RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS WANTED 10 years to pay, 5 pet. contract, Li5'000100 acres grass, oentie horses for kids plus 1 artv will sell all or 3f great FREE kittens. Black and ticer. investment, to ITALIAN FABRIC RECLINER $15,000 AH brackets especially PORTABLE DISHWASHER reservoirs, sheds, fenced, reining mare, part. By- owner, $30 000 Call us for "real action" If $68,000 10 HORSES for sale, broke to ride, or Irene for PUPPIES or rent- - joo ,crM c,d,r cwtrv, BASSET LOVABLE you're thinking of selling. We buy, SELL v,rlookina kids or arownuos, 325 West 5900 After6 P m. d- 27 als. 5,300 so. ft. groenhoust sell and trade homes. (Free SandWash Reservoir, great potto- - South. noned for tomatoes grown orf sea ) tiei, $250 CHAMPION chihuahua stud service. son. IVj acres, $100 home, 2 ROAD RUNNER REALTORS Palomino oeldmq Dean Roberts, Buebefl, Utah 8517. 328 1 out bldas. Write Box WOOD BUNKBEDS COMPLETE ELECTRIC DRYER ? cart this 2828 E 33rd So. family horsa. Barn 9, State Fair- REG. Enqhsh Cockers, Manchester paper. H located qrounds. in Bluebell, Uteh PLEASE HELP UDS.4n5S.2ndWest, 1 2 for HORSES, children, pood DRAPER WEST JORDAN CUTE 'A POODLE PUPS, $10 If have a lot zoned R5 or R6 shontly used saddle, n cail accretbrick. 14 3;Wrm 'that is 66x165 r wider vou want to Ideal estate for animal set-ubaths, built-in- , on Sunday, 255 2164. full bsmt., dbie car car- - ed ieil. cail and ask Dorothy Johnson acres, trriaaed, alfalla in Will AKC, 4 black, 2 red. DACHSHUNDS. WAGON WHEEL BUNKS COMPLETE AUTO. DRY TIME ELEC. DKYER port, sell pr.ct $24,410, $2.S00 takes FEEDER CALVES AND FAMILY females, $35 Provo r over Realty carry contract. Eves. 3738422. Construction 4'i ct. at Si90 per month. COWS BLAC toy poodle puoov female, 830. PASTURE for sale or lease, bv SELLING 298 8523 MURRAY 20 acres So. SpnnqvMle, EXPERT HORSESHOEING Equities $3,000 to $8 000 urgently owner, ST. BERNARO PUPS Hwv. 91; 76 acres excel, meadow, Horses allowed, 2 bdrms , small in Lake Salt County. -4 reeded, Tax Parker, MATTRESS sm Oaden BOX SPRINGS San 4 SPEED AUTO. WASHER Pete County, Utah, DON CRAWhome, outbuiidmgC price 3273. $12,300 25 Call Call Provo. me FORD, REALTOR. Professional wJsURaFkcD3'jju7' Horseshoeing AGENT B WEBB DEAN MURRAY horse $3 000 property, CAoH FOR HOMES Jim Klmber B etta Johnson R ea y,255-00HUGH 4 cedar shingled etrg house. down, $75 per mo. 1 acra, irrigation FAST APPRAISAL home. Cail FOR sale bv owner. Nr. IS acres'of REG. POA at stud, little beaver) unau9 desiqn, $85. 355 2755 water, tractor, F H. Black, Realtor John J'U 4 6 BOX & MATT ,1020 COIL Sugar soil w'th cvncre e breeding See. $35 or will treat for Collies. Cocker 23" CONSOLE COLOR TV vot, excel QUICK cash House Realty, 464658 ditch loc. in aouthern Utah Sharo l7' blood Imr Call 254 4 895 Jenkins, 3 bedrm home me I. at a total TRADE 28 ACRES by ow nr. heart of beaufi- or horses Quarter req pnre of $18,600 Choice oiaca to retire for tractor or hav, ful Alpine Litv, Utah ideal subdiviAopaioesaa and owner mev trade tor SLC sion property. 27 shares primary 46 Industrial ?ropert home Mr. Herward, 278 8339, or SHETLAND 7 water, utils , frontaoe Zee McDan-ialQUEEN-SIZ0,.W PCU.E0 BOX & MATT 23" REMOTE CONTROL COLOR TV 522 9148 Commercial Investment Idaho Fails, Idaho. 486 7441 j Arabians $ao, Angiq steer; mutton' ewes 2 5750 297 PUREBRED Lilac Siamese. V0 $12. ACRES PASTURE IDEAL eves. in or real Call t estate, Sunday AQHA PROPERTY blood req. excel lines, eah. IDEAL BUSINESS East Lavton. wilt sell fcyV or ,nv9t for future, best terms. 5vear-o!mar and Vaar-ol- d m Price. filly, Located on Highway 50-376 46)8 for acres, all utils 255 9164 T. L. MANN ASSO. ; kittens. Will deliver, Ut. Includes 2 houses and Invacant eoDt., make offer,avail, KING-SIZFRg Will carry con BOX & MATTRESS 23" EARLY AMER. REMOTE Salt REG. quarter hors ma'es. $400 and! lot. Will trade for house act. Chavis, Jr Van Lines Auction, May 9 Ph. Mary area. 6nql,lh Lake OR PAIRS, HENS 57O1013Aant CANARY dlhra, 2 to 100 ACRE tracts, unimproved SOUTH 5600 WEST 38 acres JlOP QUALITY AKC Coin pupp.es, land, lakeside or woodland, itsidn-tia- l 5400 V wi,l .fo1 in 3j eves or wk. ends. 254 3284 DENTIS7S-DOCTOor development. Details, prices Of gently sloping ground. Good RS at $1,650 oer acre May wks; 1 oeidino. Bofh broke for on request. Vacationaind EsReal EARLY AMERICAN SET STANDARD POODLE, pups, black VV 23" MODERN COLOR TV women, children consider hade for inroma fceveooer has property for clinic tate Co., Eureka Springs, Ark property. 150 West, So suitame for 3 or nwa suites. Pur SrT1,m J4W or Ken I. "n VuvrorV" .. Dick, or lease. For info. cai ANnv Otsrn 467691. FIRST SECUR'TY, chased Ponderoaa Krifm Ci,ERh.mi Stables 6)40 S. Mil REALTOR JSO 5175 DrjcA, W.lk.,. 40 ACRES 8', ABOUT 1 ACRE, ENCLOSED WITH Choice subdivision land WASATCH Aauarium Society meet- - AFFECTIONATE, purebred, Siamese f0r 355.7370 ,n Call 266 4243. t Scott' J1))0 and oak btush. utilities MED. QUILT SOFA WCASTERS CONSOLE STEREO WednesdAy, pm ;i terrece Seller Will carry own paper joining 6 pet Partial releases. $s 000 per at acre utils avail.. $l,7fo acre of Peak Improvement, terms. 10 pet. down. OLD colhe. all shots, loves REG Barkless BAENJIS, discount 756 6152. American Fork. ST 26 6957 86 ACRES-STJP4? Fa,t Pdftwna Drive today, toi trade. PASTURE: 60 ac. sub Irr , meadow ARIZONA zoned C 3. only $18 500 RANCH. Beautiful acre-ao- JYi.WtlC.i and dry sorino past, will handle PORTABLE STEREO AKC MaltAe; stud NYLON FRIEZE STUDIO SOFAS 125 FT. 5 RM. HOME, rv,c,:227U for homenta or vacation near 50 GREAT PANFS of 464 2562. eoulvalent vrlingi. wkdavs., call ,H 5 Prescott National Forest. 2 zoned M ). only $11,500 seres, Breed Information Mt Pleasant, Utah 255 3831 DAVE Lov SHELBY, Realtor $1,295. TOY POODLE terms. PUPPIES WHITE Mrs. Anne 295 1992, n Young. G'enarm Co., 2233 N. 7tti 4 BEAUT, reg 0 .CT..VbEr.AM.Xnon Arabian yea ling Mv,d St , Phoenix, 85006 ACK5VB,M,r'ifi f uS,U;,!"h--l' road - 359 J74' con. by ME R S A A N , S3 M) or 2 reservoir. to Paradise Park. acctss. Near water. of NYLON COVERED FOLD-A-BEPORTABLE STEREO ads 1667 ,h cou'rs,r0kfltracts on a good painter 466 5408 1 milt Mosby Creek, $60 per acra ARKANSAS.long BeaveracreLake. firti rno 378 9.0 Grat REALTORS CHOlCrFEEDFR CALVESTWeaTT 625X500 CORNER. W BOUNTIFUL hunting, MURRAY STATE fl.ULOVxl20 fishlno Farms, ranches, ER PIGS. 3,3 341 300 So. By new goit court. Terms 1st East , home. Lew taxes. Terms Cataioq FREE KITTENS JIM TUCKER "The Land Man," KILL BUILD and LEASE to suitable KIDMAN REAlTY 10 to fmml Rogers, CABINS LOTS BEAUTIFUL tenants specifications, 72,56. AND Palomino quarter, BEDROOM GROUP FROSTLESS FOODORAMA 2nd S 7800 J Arabian, acres. Prim lociiio". Kittens, had all Mirror 5 yr. old pending 1S0. BLUE SiAYESE w Lake hiohwav. Wa $ BEDRM horn on acre, Irq shots. Call or 3400 S. 10th West. Raas. avail . access. 2 car if garaoe, trees, garden. fr 40 ACRE Irriqated farm, beautiful $50,000. 68 East 400 North, Farmmq- - REG. Quarter running horse qeiding TINY cross breed mala Pud, mature Cache Vai'ev. south and. Phone ton Bluebell, Uteh, 454 3577 7DMF M 9 m, cutter prospect. Provo at 4 tbs S20 Wellsville 245 3350. 320 ACRE farm SlAMESE kittens, $5 nom, barn, 'M BEDROOM GROUP FOODORAMA TOP a'L0,r,hw' c M.dien' EASE or " ,mal1 ,arm ln Utah Bluebell, tW,C0' quality, Angus feeders, vacciter. Aav taka contract with soma 454d35',7S10' nated, averaoe wp'oht 525 lbs. J. 295-1cash 3i oct 255 4657,278 3447. vaop Ogde-i- , 80 ACRE farm, fenced, spring water, WAREHOUSE and 2 COWS, ACRES neaDraojrandFreewav $15 000 Bluebett, Ulah 464 3577 Holstem and Durham, 1209 POODLES. AKC reg, 2 ma., party Dieted, 10 qjO so ft R R. dock acre. 4, Pheios WANT TO RENT $1,100 So. 4500 East per colored 867 2727, 2 7 3119 , of title-free acre about 18' inside, fireproof lost DINETTE SETS FROSTLESS 1 FILLY ble land with water 4672942 wav. l?h So Uc Call 359 5091 or Realty and 1 mlt Garrick Arab- - AKC rea Scottish terrier puppies. 15 So 7 5 ACRES $24 000 720 W. 7 380 s0uth East y after 5 call 35J 5981 pick yours row. $75 2 78 637 nrneT 27'W44. rms, irpps"pjt St.,i5H 10th W. 3C2 Hoftman. Write 500' KeaR Mall, mtq bldg , 5 sq ft . tema.e. SIBERIAN Samoved Lawrence, Kan 66044 $ ti Ph 39 48 Qoden, Ut J oh. pwr. $350 mo. 278 3421, LARGE Acreace undeveloped mounwen PONIES, HUSKY will 14-Cbroke, 'maie, one pups, FT gnti REFRiG. SOFA & LOVl SEAT 5044. tain on timberland. Ph. I .! 'haie, $?0 ?l5 6636 8V6 5044 ACRE ZONED M-- l GOOD tor 9 ST PONY, $85, kids, months od. 6IRNAPO HAVE several Montana ra?t e PA otidmg, gentle for kios, Ciy $9 9M) Sell or trade 4(6 1967 ranches ilL363 R. J Kelly,' for sale nrw MTa"90 x 100 with trackQC 1'QO Tcwns'.nd. Mont. 26 3641. BROOD MARE for sale. Reg. Quar-- , CASH FOR GUNS ANO SADDLES. AKC oood es ov and mm Apr. cot or Call c.i,e Ttvirih 414 C17 or E B.l Rea. ter, 4?8S State, 364 3213 JENJC1NS. er horse, ca'I Sttver $9 ad ud 299 441 586l WICKS COVPANY, URGE b'lsmess corner Ion best ' tora GF NTLE loc , S'aie S Also tmeil oe ding, $175. After SIAMESE K'TTFNS Quarter bay mart. PUREAPF'h -- gnehalf -LEASE Wda and 'wanhous. 3333 busv 3 30 D m , 255 9341 deal to move, pood 466 Call 853. So. State SAC and UP W. BOUNTIFUL i3ox4w B'da. io8o. Lease CONSTRUCTION SALT REALTY tr LALE ft Announcing Vrt 5790 H Arab .7 ,n;BO, ENGLJHFJOGub- Rrd5 SUMMER 7c Pt. v;2 . New... Free FOR LEASE nore' REG- ,sL a Catalog! T tr..r. '! REAL GALLERY BettilyoiVs ComfortabieVSmhrql'HiRL fdSHrvVahev. registered M1, sii bS52 6iS7.5 rn arn, iL UNITED FARM AGENCY ft ft GALLERY - MONSON & COMMERCIAL CO. 59 WEST MAIN AMERICAN FORK, UTAH 4 41100 t ACRES - STAN KATZ OF nt W " LeCHEMINANT pr - QUITTING BUSINESS WITH MONEY FOR HOME SALE Tre, JOHNSON'S FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE, INC. SOMEONE HOME WANTS REG. $309.95 NOW $230 $419.95 NOW $295 ft REG. $89.95 ft REG. REG. $119.95 ft ACE acr, REG. $309.95 NOW $235 REG. $179.95 NOW $108 ft REG. $189.95 NOW $112 REG. $219.95 NOW $134 ft REG. $289.95 NOW $192 REG. $549.95 NOW $408 REG. $799.95 NOW $514 REG. NOW $514 ft U,r acTrixr'.oi two,. ft 32 ft - qirVF7irT ft I.lll $799.95 REG. $599.95 NOW $447 REG. $419.95 NOW $278 REG. $189.95 NOW $129 REG. $149.95 NOW $90 REG. $649.95 NOW $450 REG. $649.95 NOW $410 REG. $509.95 NOW $350 REG. $289.95 NOW $209 ft n. ft ft ft rraJ ft rii re Mth till,. Ph. S. nth Are, E,t. Jlrd kidmanrealty -; . Johnson's Furn. A ft REG. $219.95 i $79.00 NOW $48 $160.00 NOW $88 NOW $129 $199.00 NOW $119 REG. $300.00 NOW $178 REG. $299.95 NOW $178 , 4 A A A jDw A A, A A. A. A. A- - A. A A. A A A & A ft .A .A. Ai 4ft NOW $219 REG. $119.95 NOW $58 REG. $249.95 NOW $165 REG $199.95 NOW $119 REG. $599.95 NOW $440 REG. $99.95 NOW $50 REG. $599.95 NOW $399 ft ft 1400 S. Main, Appl. Au REG. $319.95 ft ft NEAR ,Omv ft ft ft mo $149.95 ft 33 REG. ft REG. ft REG. ft llnll'o' FT., REG. ft W,MRT,nns r $139.95 REG. $119.95 ft ft rfg REG. ft ft 'd' ' JQft A. A A A jA 8l A A A A Jk 486-715- A 7 4 A .A AAA A A |