Show BY TELEGRAPH AMERICAN menio MERIC AN NEW YORK 2 thib this afternoon jT resident clayes visited uhe the post office and was received by postmaster james who escorted him through the building and ex explain i plain ed the workings of the department mr hayea was introduced to the employees and her heartily tily cheered and in return madea b afef brief fet speech he will attend a furt fart further lier iler nie meeting eting of the trustees of the peabody fund tomorrow to morrow beyond that his movements agrenot are nou not known in iii the cricket match the austra lians liana in the second innings scored 72 with the loss of only nive five wickets thus winning the the total of innings were australians new now yorkers in the vanderbilt will case cage today the surrogate declined to commit mrs stoddard eddard St for berju ry oleary fl tia fla nishel ishel his mile at midnight and retired for two loura houra rest at 1030 10 30 hughes had bad completed milea miles when he left the track and at midnight was still resting HOLLY SPRING SPRINGS 9 2 no ampre IT new cases and it 11 deaths in the past 24 hours biloxi 2 one hundred cases and 18 deaths to date 2 fifteen new cases and 2 deaths from fever of a mild type new now orleans 25 athe ethe the tho new or jeans relief committee composed of t the b a presidents of ouid odid 30 oid old established charitable institutions having been refused by the howard association have again appealed to the secretary of war for rations for the destitute they state to the seche Secie secretary tary ef of war the reports of those who are in a position to know show that the howards howardk cannot aud hava bava not relieved a large part of the destitution in the city SIDNEY neb nob 2 A report leport r t from ogallala laj this afternoon says that indians indiana were seen a few miles south mouth of there the telegram was big eig many citizens and received v i ad by col thornburg who telegraphed the citizens that immediate aid would be sent them A detachment of soldiers 18 days rations rounds of ammunition to the man and a wagon train loaded on an a special train t with an engine attach attached edy eds awaits orders thornburg requested the citizens of ogallala to send out scouts south of the ton town to ascer t jiin the location of the indians to better enable him to act upon b his is arrival at ogallala it acta I 1 is thought ht by many that this 1 is a decoy by a email small band of the indians to draw the attention of the troops to better enable the main maln biddy of indians to enni effi effect act a crossing over the union pacific railroad Bail rall road omaha omana 2 about molit three months ago it was announced that the indians of the red cloud agency fl be their new reservation and orders for lor transfer have abeen been expected ever since but have not yet been beeh received the indians bre ale aie are pleased with the new ew location though reports to the contrary have been circulating and they chave haxe have I 1 been impatiently awaiting orders jor for or removal matters have been dragged tediously along until the indians become thoroughly r dib disi 4 i with the of oe doing business and last week after receiving their ration rations sj therall they all ail gathered up tup their traps and without assistance of the agent or of authority of the government governments struck out across lots for the new reserve there was no violence there are about aboul indians Indian bina sina in a body and they took with ith them the cattle herd in which rf there an are about head ST LOUIS LOUA 2 A special f from rom leavenworth says the troops had a fight with the indians at afa 4 this this morning but does not name nithe tithe place broderick infantry was wounded an and d cor stewart of the infantry and five soldiers killed captain IS lauck mauck with his command has r crossed olover glover creek in close pur suit of the indians the bodies of 13 settlers killed by the indians have been brought into buffalo ata ilon CHICAGO ae 2 henry stow of f fc san francisco yesterday filed a bill in the united states circuit court against charies charles E rays nays baruni anted eted ted states H mccormick pd to tore reh iv rr estrain restrain t the a i infringement of his ilia patents folwood fon foE wood pavements drw yone YOKE ol 01 3 according to the tribune the total fever deaths in the south is the amount raised by new york the special says saye A teton indian just arrived from bitting sitting bulls camp at the poplar river biver indian A agency ge ncy ney states that bitting sitting bull was se severely beverely braly wounded in a quarrel with some of his chiefs the times new hew sew orleans special says bays in Congress congressman nian ninn Ac achien achlen klens klena s ca sethe committee of investigation met yesterday in secret session and the members were pledged not noi to divulge the proceedings cons consequently nothing could be obtained of their work or decision they promise to announce the decision in a day or two the session is secret because some of the first tami lies in the state are affected by the scandal public opinion Is divided regarding his guilt none believe him guilty of tila ilia ine charges as made and many hold him to be innocent the course pursued by the committee however augurs unfavorably to him 4 the tribune this morning has the following among the passengers on the steamer greece which sailed for london Londo fi yesterday was formerly miss mias jeffreys lewis the actress mrs Mai Mait lands departure for europe was a great surprise to her friends and former professional associates in this city borne of her friends say that in view of her financial troubles of maitland the broker wham she recently married in ban san franciseo francisco she slid has gone to europe for the purpose of resuming her professional life previous to her marriage she bhe had accepted several engagements to act n paris and Lon london doii which were cancelled on account of that event the times says at the wool manufacturers meeting yesterday day the secretary red his annual leport the following id Is an au epitome of the document the policy of df the association so maja TaJa iia lia veen been eer eeg to develop the wool wooi wo 01 industry of the country coti in its production as well wall ailts as its manufacture so that ma manufacturers should be independent of foreign nations in procuring d supply of raw material with this object it has maintained close intimacy with the wool growers associations of the west and south and athas it has endeavored to reconcile the anta which had long iong existed between growers and manufacturers wool wooi growers being desirous of getting the largest possible duties on clotus ciotus with no duty on wool coola A very large part of the work of the association had been devoted to the tariff question and in all its labor it had consulted with the representative en enta dative tive wool growers of the united states the result was that there had been een a development of the woo wool wooi growing interests without a parallel in any ony other part of the world it was believed by the manufacturers that by pursuing this policy nor for nive five or ten aen years both wool and woolens would be exported from this country the of the movement understood when it WAS known knowd tuat sheep and wool were staples in which all ill farmers in the united states were interested and the wool wooi wol bol question thus thug became beca been in athe 1 the tho ierio keto the fhe tb a policy of the united St states lates officers were ihen then elected for the ensuing year ear being all ail eastern men the noll roll of members contained names from flom all quarters ot of the union I 1 at 10 thia morning rig lot jot 0 leary finished his mile hughes his hig mile mlle hughes physician says heis hels in lu good condition and rapidly improving 1 nevy KEVY KE VY oslean Sj 3 deat deaths 51 cases ported reported po total ekies eikos cases deaths weather clear and pleasant bt st louis louisa 3 HH H H benner ne infantry and lt lit chas a hall hail 11 infantry arb are to haye have barge charge c of the expedit expedition ig n for the relief of the yellow faver fever sufferers ri along the banks of the mississippi rover river between memphis and vicksburg arrived here last night BOSTON 3 it is reported hirani hiram H kimpton has concluded to go to south carolina being promised prom lied good treatment 3 the times denver special giving an account of the indian depredations near buffalo station on the kansas pacific road and the killing of 17 persons says the indians crossed the kausas kansas pasifico pa road on sunday morning after killing col lewis in the battle of the on beaver creek they crossed 20 miles south of the monument struck northward to cattafe trail an the north fork of the salmon river and attacked the herders af f smith anusavage and Savage driy daiv ang ng them away and stampeding stamped ipg the cattle they destroyed the sheridan post office and the ranch of F baylis besides several others in the same vicinity going northwest to prairie dog creek on monday blon hron day they cleared ont out J I 1 it pecks store and and the ranches of A robinson and james baummer Ga ummer on ori creek cieck however their ravages mere were worse abne than before for they have killed every white man they met 17 in all including ed a well known cattleman cattle cattie man the aiso also killed many cattie cattle and stole all the ponies they could nind find 1 ftp kip A late on monday afternoon a pa party of pursuing citizens came up with them and a fight followed in which two indians were killed the indians number well armed and mounted they are pur put hued aued bythe military and citizens the force being now close upon the savages ea so that another fight right may occur at any moment it is said that some women fell into the hands of the savages bava aava gea and were terribly maltreat maltreated mal mai treated id before being killed OGALLALA neb 3 A courier arrived here this evening bringing word froba frota captain A laucks command and reports that the indiana indians were last seen on R republican river that they had killed every w white liate man they come across on the route stolen horses tind and committed other ether depredations there are tire about well armed and mounted warr warriors loft and about squaws squads and children in the party it is thought they will camp 35 or 40 miles west of here tomorrow to morrow the settlers will send a party of 25 out in the morning to alcert ascertain ain aln the whereabouts and direction ty taken nen aen by them the courier also the hostiles ho stiles have stolen nearly horses within the last three days 61 of them on republican river syi STI just returned from big stone county R biver river valley vailey report grea great im nire fire fl s extending iiii iril miles ies ius I 1 in d distance which w hie have destroyed thousands of tons of hay bay the thie board beard of health reports 26 deaths from yellow fever far the paw past twenty four hours bouts ending at 6 tonight to night in addition the undertakers report the interment ot 0 seven ou outside tilde th the a city new orle orie orleans Ds 3 fro ero from m noo noon n to 6 p pm ato 15 deaths are reported potted re and cases caseb of or date since alnee CHEYENNE wyo 4 Oga liala llala report the tile ludiana 1 nolana diossi crossing nig tue the river at A am five miles m lies ilea east eist of that sta tipp fifty citizens in ogallala armed and mounted 11 bre are e prepared to tu defend the town should it be tacked attacked il decouta are aie out in all directions ogallala neb 4 the indians are crossin knorth platte river north of here six ais miles A party of co cow eow w boys started from here fiere this morning to lo scout and overtook a party of killing a beef they e exchanged x shot ahot and made the indians drop tn beef one horse horre bdie brie mule three blan blankets kem kew Jar jarlath Ja late bats hats etc they are goi got going ng nort northal lias haa fast 64 t as possible nearly all tile ranchi mell men are here with their horses Dg DETROIT TROIT mich mien 4 one oe man mau was killed and fatir othera others eor eer wounded yesterday yesterdays by the tha a explosion of a saw aar mill boiler at fr freman station washington ton Tox 4 acting pasit postmaster rl tyner has ordered that ua 10 nines fines be imposed upon mail maii contractors or deductions made from their pay because of failure or irie jrie irregularity iii in the te ser i v vice 1 e in alabama 1 kentucky ia t t i dby tennessee arkansas louwana and texas on acco account u ut 1 bf quarantine regulation the president B nell neli rek rea register laten lAter of the land office at sa it lake the cabinet in session today to day approved the letter of the attorney general giving i the opinion wit tn at the utah and oregon railroad company can pass ass through the bannack indian reservation the treaty with the Bann acks is not recognized as a law of congress which ia is considered superior to if je andt antt gives the company the to follow a prescribed line P pnra 4 wool wod is in improved demand diamand and prices are steadier and firmer california fine and medium IS 18 25 coarse IS 18 22 YA eton dakota 4 dr jams jamea irwin irvin agent of the red cloud indians arrived here today to day on his way to sn to CO consult n suit sult wit with h the secretary of the interior and alib he President delt deit upon tu the situation and affairs of the indians under his control his indians tired of waiting for fod permission to move to white clay have abandoned abondo ned agency on the tho mi missouri river ind and kone kono back miles milea in the country and are to camped on past pass creek they say they will remain there until they hear from washington the disaffected indians indiana number over dr irwin has information which leads him to believe the renegade Cheyenne a from the south are intending to join his bis in deans at pass pam creek and should this occur there is serious trouble troubie ahead for the black hills and other f frontier chattanooga 1 4 dr kvande man registrar reports that fri iri 24 bours hours no deaths occurred from yellow fever but there were 16 6 new now cases 11 14 of them being colored rhe iho the rho outlook is deci decidedly denly dealy unfavorable the warm days and cool nights nighta very rapidly developing tiie tile the disease new now Orlean orleans sj 4 the foll following owing telegrams passed today to day washington october 4 to the collector Col of customs xe new kew orleans report by telegram the actual condition of the aluf fering suffering and want from yellow fever the extent extant of the relief fund on hand and its lla bum eum suki clency and the nature and extent of the relief indispensable writa write fully signed jonn jons shernan secretary NEW ORLEANS october 4 to tb hon john sirman serman sherman secretary of the treasury washington Vak hington D 1 di there is more need of aid now than ever the wharves are bare industrial enterprises closed epand nearly men oua of employment A meeting last monday of nearly all the charitable associations developed the tact that with the ahe exception of the howards the tho funds are nearly exhausted the howards furnish no statement of the he funds on hand it may not bo consistent with their rules to do so eb provisions are most needed and I 1 in I 1 my opinion the ne new w orleans beliel relief committee is the best beat for such distribution they haye hate rp reported arted the need of rations in addition to what have been beeh issued I 1 have no idea that will be enough thirty charitable associations through a comm committee iVee hav have made an au appeal to the country which coes goes over the wires wired tonight to night L I 1 cordially endorse the represents tsin tsen labna malle signed GEO N lj hit sit SMITH ITH collector OGAL ogan nani LALi neb 4 |