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Show r - W w "y M r 'Ilie Salt late y Tribune, Sunday, November 7, 1965 "W ,i' W IM? wr W Miss Jarman Wed; Miss Burke Exchanges 'Vows -- Patt Mahon and Miss Susan Salt Lake LDS Temple was setting Friday for the wed- ding of Miss Jeannj Jarman gard, Ushering were Tim' and .given. JiyMisSJLilpenodLBurle;jlm-yman,Bn- (j jjm A wedding breakfast was Miss Cheryl Shupe, MixAl Drain. The newlyweds wiD make a Heines, Miss Iaren Marinelli, ' given afterward at the home home In Salt Lake City. of the bridegroom's parents,. Mrs. Jimmy Hodgson, Mri Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Kastel-er- , Marvin A. Jensen, Miss Clau- Winkler-Bradle- y 1851 London Plane Rd. A disTJensen, Mrs A. W. Ack- . at-the Tarried Monda were M,ss reception that evening Ruth Jarman, Mrs. 1ey7Mrs Shalamar Center LarryLF-Kasteleiu- T ( ' Larson. Best man was David, Hag- - -a Reception t. Dutson Lucy Maurice Campbell. Sharon- was maid of honor. Miss Eileen Todd, Mrs. Matirice Campbell, MTss Cheryl Shupe, Miss Claudia Jensen, Miss Louise TliejCandlelight was setting Saturday for the wedding and reception of Miss Jo Anne Burke and Bruce Glen Buck. Harvey Hirshl, LDS bishop, ) h Kasteler also attended the bride. - Suan Kasteler was junior attendant and Diane Kasteler was flower girl. Best man was Ray Kastel- -' er. Ushering' were Scott Kasteler, Rodger Vincent, Richard Vincent, Danny Kasteler, Bill Peterson and Mark Peter- h jbt'S K Mr. Mrs. Larry F. Kastrlrr Leon Arnold McManua son. gt ?r 5 East, MurPavich, ray. Mr. and. Mrs. Ambrose McManus, East Carbon, jre Arnold parents of the bridegroom. Mrs. Norman Newbold was matron of honor. Mrs, Jerry Clfne and Miss Evelyn were' attendants. McManus Cherrie Lynn Millgate was flower girl. Frank Angulara, was best man. Ushering were Clinton McManus. Monty LDS bishop, offici- Poulsen, ated. 4521-T8- . The newlyweds greeted guests afterward at a reception in their honor. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Our regular $20 00 Brack and Rayttt 1 Prmonnt I inciudtn shampoo, Mt and styling. j Cl Our regular $25 00 Expart tipping including shampoo and sat. Hair Cut $2.50 Shampoo and set $3 (Sold slightly South Ttmplo Phono tri'trvdwr nup- - , Motortolt JUPPIT CR rim n Thte Pm MatortaW Burke-Bur- k Parents of the newlyweds and 'MrsAlJie H. Burke, 956 9 Garn.et Dr., Sandv, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen R. Buck. 1473 W. 7th.. South. Mrs Jim Lyman was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Nancy Burke, Miss mmmn $250 00 Comparable Value s3 , i00 - ONE ONt ALSO AT given by Mrs. Newbold, Mrs. Cline and ' Mrs. G. Gresham. $475, NEW Direct Consoles generally retail for much, much more so the at the savings are tremendous price figure quoted for this lot. This most popular piano will go fast so don't be disappointed. ... ... Making plans for a Dec. 21 are Miss- Martha wedding Keyser and Jan B. Evans. USED UPRIGHTS WITH $65.00 It HAPPItK A GULBRANSIN YOU'LL The wedding will be held at the home of the bride-elect- s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Keyser, 80 Nr Wolcott St , who reveal nnvs of their daughter's forthcoming marriage. Perons of (he prospective bridegroom afe Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Evans, 246 S. 1st West, Tooele. , . $200y as2 TERMS MUSIC SHOP PIANOS -- ORGANS Owner N. K. GALLACHER, 2233 S. 7YH EAST Park Free at the Main Parking Mall Enter ot 26 West Broaduay. It'rsncomenicnt! Walk'OwKi Mezzanine Halmar Downtown fast IJAUTID CALL r writ ' v highor. AO Iwxwnov lwtrM, 9 huriiw f " DISCOUNT Hamilton and Craig Pavich, brother of the bride. The bride attended Brigham and was Young University graduated from Carols Beau. ty College. . The ample will reside In Salt Lake City. were Prenuptial parties W loon prica Ptr Kind are- - MfT PIANOS - and Tippings! Or bfficiated. NEW 'Martha Keyger Special! Permanent Waves East, waa setting for the tials. ' mnd CARPETJNO RJIndt, On Gail M. Bradieyj 546 Tiffany Ct. The home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. .and Mrs. .Donald Christiansen, 17932600 - DOMfStlC CUSTOM COMMERCIAL AT KING'S Mrs. Bruce Gtcn Buck Miss Sheren Rae Pavicli Says Vows Memorial House Reception Center was sitting for the Saturday marriage of Miss Sheren Rae Pavich and Leon Jat-ma- CARPET SALE George Bradley. Parents of the newlyweds are Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Winkler, 950 W. Mrs. -- 3rd North, and Mr.-an- d Mrs and further honored the couple. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Jar-East. man, 2609-5tMiss SPECIAL ' hundreds of pairs of our finest WOMENS reduced lo simplicity is luxury comfort is pleasure . groups of beautiful shoes by ARTEMIS , d luxury for those moments soft as sleep to of leisure living little care. They re so wear, requires the lovely for a wonderful gift idea - in your life. - Hereis regularly $26.95 Substantial, savings on quality shoes by. Palizzio, Rhythm Step, Paradise Kittens, Hill & Dale, . o, - Henry, and others! All ore beautiful styles right from reg- SALE $95 Pen-alj- v Edith $g95 ... ular stock . . in all heel heights and colors. Take advantage of this opportunity - of 40 denier nylon Quilted Lounge Coat Dacron poly1Q0 with quiltmg and lining ester Lberhll. Satin piping trims collar and cuffs. Raglan sleeves, full pockets,- Sizes Choose in gold glaze, cherry red, or turquoise. $20 10-1- 8. tomorrowl I , no opprovoli, axchangm or rotunda, ploaio ' ( . ... you save up to $10 n of 40 denier opaque Classic Pajama tricot with satin binding at cuffs and 'collar. Cutout embroidered applique on satin Gold glaze, decorates collar. Sizes cherry' red or turquoise. $9 ny-Io- 32-4- Open Mon. til 9 p.m. DOWNTOWN & Open Monday SUGAR HOUSE & Friday 'til .9 (not shown) Tricot pullman coat in S, M, same colors. 'alk Qv&& . L. ' 1 ZCMt LINGEPIE Downtown, aecond floor, Collonwood, Aral floor ''Quality Shoei, Hotter ) and HauJbagt 214 South Main Salt Laka City DOWNTOWN Till 10 fvonln She hirioy, 4 Mndy . OtKr to 4 . doyi Phoito 10 am. vnbt IK COTTONWOOD Till 9 Mnrioy, fWurs4ay 4 n 10 Otrjdoyt 10 to Opm. P bon 7 8 2661. i. ny, m. DIAL 322f$05 in Self lok Aro for 24 Hour Sunday RHon 825 2212 in Ogdvn, 374 1731 tn Prove, Zenith 80 m out All TOLL PREf ERfl OSUVUf lyin north to Logortg touth to Poyreto $rtt oro. np |