Show south jordan canal company PRINCIPAL PLACE OP OF BUSINESS SALT lace LACH CITY UTAH VT OTICE CH is 13 hereby GIVEN THAT AT nott L a meeting of the trustees held march loth 10 th 1833 lra an assessment of one dollar per pez share thare b are ane was levied upon the capital W str the corporation one halt half payable in cash and d one half payable in work on the cannau cannal payable before the tho ath day of may 1883 IBM cash casa payable to ishito M waddell at county court house salt lake city and a applicants cants mor for work must apply to william J spencer north jordan fait lake county any stock block upon which this assessment may mar remain unpaid on the gib fib day of ct may 1883 IBM will be delinquent and advertised tor bale baie at publio auction and unless payment la 18 made benere before will be sold bold on the enne sad day of may ma to pay the delinquent assessment to rether with costs costas advertising and expense for sale bale at a meeting of the trustees hoid hold on saturday may aub 1883 ism the tho time in which to pay bhe the be above assessment was extended for 80 d iraq and unless paid on onor oner or before the ath day ot of june 1583 will be advertised for sale ani and sold on the day of june IM 1583 FOX JR secretary salt lako city may way 7 1883 |