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Show 'Excursions to Idaho, Montana nnd Oregon via Salt Lake Route. During the summer months, excursion excur-sion tickets at giently reduced rates will be Fold to points In nbovo territory terri-tory on different dates. Return limit 30 dnys. For tickets nntl full information infor-mation npply to any agent Salt l.ako Routo or J. II. Mnnderfleld, A. G. P. A. Salt l.ako City. Sept. If.. B i iwiiiwn " '" " I Next Week at the I BRONX I AMERICAN FORK I'Hio Homo ok Good Pictures I v w hoi, i: vi:i:k of timimpiis I , MONDAY. Jl'I.Y 31st. " Mhl "I'Hi; CH.v.MPION IMH'Kir Inn high class Westerner . mso coon ki:ystom: comiidy. I rt i:sday AND WICDNICSDAY, Al'C.rST I and 2. KINV (.(l(ll)lii(ii (AmerlcnS .Must lleimtlfiil Star) IX . "AH.MSTHOXti'S WUT." M "It: daring theme, replete with suspense nml Ihrllls. I Hum "" Usl)AY AND FRIDAY. At'CFST 3 nnd 4 M"V hlMim.i, YOlMi IN CAMIM-i:" "'MWirhl's must popular Actress In u classic of all lime. "-mi i.iiihkji: ovi:y in a xkw k'i:ystoxk co.mi:y B "- i a,i I'1 B I)r. ATPRDAY. AlTOl'ST C. " ' AN TIIOMP.SO.VS Iiiiuiortiil Rural Claslc B isoi'f "Tiii:oi,imiomi:sti:ai)" B "raniiiiiHi Plclograpli mid lliirton Holmes Tniiel Plcliires. B 10 nnd I .'.(. MR. ADVERTISER. Do you know tlu.t your advertisement advertise-ment In this pnper goes Into more homes than If placed in any other two pnpors in Utah County? It will got results. HH S m 3tV V i ilijmm1 mi . ii ;. N T IPO Mllfi p-A-Puts new w i ' iSi ' if, r tobacco is prepared1! into the sport of , KV H Xfm X ' FOR SMOKERS UNDERTHE I i. V, W- IfefkAW i PROCESS DISCOVEREDJN 1 SltlOKing i ..' W JmNmirm',' making experiments to -j- W A JBMJuV,,: 1 tRODUCEiTriEOST, de- OU may live to ' V&h MKMil, ' X UGHjFlJArlDiHOLE ,,l I b 110and never HHMwi50ME TOBCCb FOR.CiG- . ,De x 1U ana nevf r -g -J&- NHSSEv?Ne"eandpipesmoIers. I feel old enough to W W V'WjS process1! patented ill i vote, but it's cer- f mMW4$$W !", JULY30T",90llll;! tain-sure you'll not ?s (lSr'P(t4 F RJlRtYNoLbsTOBACcoCoHPANY know the joy and j SSiuL.W : , ,w,ST0NSNciu-'s-A-i 'contentment of a t GniiffiK .lnOE5HDTBTCJHE'TOH0bE friendl oW jimmy WWIWWttl 'L' '' ,,,L"' pipe or a hand rolled g III SI rSN 1 ciarette unless you get on talking-terms n ll ' 1 W iwv wlHll 11 w'tn r'nce Albert tobacco! m W 1 Iff lffll&$$k 'i'll 111 'A' comes to yu w'th a real reason ,or M t,le ja II Ml Hsij llHll I'll goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is made by M 11 I llllullill - VrA rivlfl 11 '111 111 ill - mm v J !i lr I II I ll n Palentet process that removes bite and parch I j i1 1 I'll IH wJ ih-llfl You can smoke it long and hard without a come- w WluAmAvi ac'' Prince Albert has always been sold without h lWmuWW'M coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality 1 M IS1 1 111 llllllll lllli flBftfiKTuill IlllM Im I lit "4 I ' JfswilmP IRpli 'I HI Pnnce Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette a r WPipJ'nmftu ll enjoyment! And that flavor and fragrance and J I I iilfife.MlffliP'QI - coolness is as good as that sounds. P. A. just . - o-i-- j answers the universal demand for tobacco m without bite, parch or kick-back! fj Introduction to Prince Albert isn't any harder f "w, ? U7." Jm7V3 than to walk into the nearest place that sells J Mf.&i.fiti'iJSrJ.ZSi tobacco and ask for "a supply of P. A." You pay M tmuJrZiAry'ntll.Vr.i.u",d, out a little change, to be sure, but it's the cheer- M :Xnrf"i'pd:(o;.'otocco,'n'ue', fullest investment you ever made I Jfi nfll M fflC national M J O fT inr 1 UllmtlaEf smoke iSkSJ&rffli I R. J. ReynoUU Tobacco Co.,Winftton-Snlem, N. C. Copyright 1916 by R. J. Reynolds Tobncco Co. NOTICE OFJpiTO To the stockholders of the Osbom Mining nnd Milling Co: You, and each of you '.icrclnaftor ' named stockholders in tho Oaborno Consolidated Mining and Milling Com-' puny, a corporation under tho laws of tho state of Vtah, tho character or which said company lias bcon duly forefolted by operrtlon of law for iter payment or State License Tax. youi heirs nnd assigns nro hereby notlf that I have cxponded the sum of fivo thousand four hundred dollars In labor lab-or nnd Improvements upon tho Os-boru. Os-boru. Osliorn niimbor 2, Osborn number num-ber 3. Osborn number 4. Oabom number num-ber r.. Osborn number C. I.odo Mining claims, sltuiited, lying nnd being In American Fork Mining Dlhtilct, County Coun-ty of rtah, State of Utah, as will appear ap-pear from Proof of ljihor on rile In the offlco of tho Itceorder of snld I'tnh County In order to hold tho said prein-Ips prein-Ips under the provisions of scfile-2.T.M scfile-2.T.M llovlped Statutes of the 1'nlteil Stato bolng tho amount required to hold tho uanio from July 31. 1007 to December 31. lMfi. Thnt tho amount duo rrom each of you Is as follows; Name No. Slu.res Ain't. V. II. Lovoloss r.on 5 I.Ofi I'oail l. Loveless.... r.Ofl 4.C0 J. W. Storrs 3000 27.09 Margarot Mc.Cory 1G00 13.90 Klmcr Loveless D00 4.CC A. J. Oburn 2fi00 21.20 Alfricd Hlrchrotter... 700 (U.3 .1. II Wootton r.00 4.00 V. J Sullivan 200 1.87 Clias. U. Lively 1000 0.33 John mini 2300 21.40 H. T. Adnmson 1250 11X0 Mary Crnlg 2000 18.CC j. J. (luyott 4000 37.32 l.osttr Campbell 212 LOS linrbrn Johnson COO 4.CC H. C. Johnson MO 4.00 .'oseph Ilurgess. 27P0 2S.CC .1. J. Julian 4000 37.32 II. i:. Loo C00 LOG Mr. C. M. Hock C00 4.C0 John M. Nordstrum... J000 9.33 0. J Sunberg 1000 0.33 Joseph Kolley :... 10000 03.20 peter Adnmson 13000 121.20 Thos. Kolley 2000 18.00 Win. Kolloy 2000 18.00 Hurt Crookston 2000 18.00 Anna Oreon C000 40.05 j. A. Woods 1000 0.33 Chas. nnum 2C0 2.33 Richard Steolo C00 4X0 Amlrow Crystal 1C0O 13.00 Itube Chlpman COO 4X0 V. H. Greenwood.... COO 4X0 Joseph Walton 2.10 2.33 C. M. llpndrickson.... 1000 0.33 P. Y. Greenwood COO 4.00 Vern Wnlkor C0Q L00 John A. Miller 2000 18.00 A. H. Adams 1000 0.33 John Lovo 1000 0 33 Warron noloy C00 4.00 A, P Wnnlnss 1000 0.33 K. M. ChrlstcnBcn.... 1C00 13 00 s. Oabiirn 01C00 573.80 And If same la not paid within nin ety days after publication of this notice no-tice nml you fall to contribute, your proportion of such oxponotturo ns co-owners, co-owners, your respective interests In said claims will becomo tho properly or the subscriber under said section ' 2324. Dated at Amorlenn Pork City, Utah, this 10th day of Juno, 1010. S. OSUOUN. First pub. June 17 last pub. Sept. 0. MYSTERIOUS PIS JND ACHES Miikc Life Hard to Hear l'r Many Women. Too ninny women mlstnko their pains and aches for doubles peculiar to tho sex. Moro often dlsordoicdi kidneys aro causing the aching hack, dizzy spells, headaches and Irregular urination. Kidney weakness become? dangerous If neglected. I'so a time tried kidney remedy Doan's Kidney Pills. Hosts or people testify to thel merit. Head this I.ehl case: Mrs. Ada II. Ashor. 0 West SL.'l.ehl wiy: "Doan's Kidney Pills are a ennd medicine and I have recommended recommend-ed them for several years. I took lliem snmo time ago and they relieved mr of backache. Acquaintances have taken Doan's Kidney Pills and I knov that they nlways live up to the claims made for them." Price COc. at nil dealors. Don't simply ask for n kldnoy remedv- " Dnnn's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Atdier had. Foxlcr-Mllburn C" Prop Huffalo. X. Y. fAdv. PHOHATi: NHTICI'.S Prnliate ami (.'uarilluushlp nntl , rniisiill County Cli.rl., or ripei--the -.tellers for furllier Informa-linn. Informa-linn. In tho matter of tho F.stnto of Domallle Oakey, Deceased. Not Ic-p In ('redllor-. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to tho undersigned nt her losldenco, In American Pork. Ftah County, State of Utah, on or beforo the 2nd day or December, A. I). 1010. Helen Adnnuon, Administratrix or the estate or Domatilo Oakey, dcccn.i-ed. dcccn.i-ed. A. J. Kvans, attorney tor said cstat" First pub. July 20 last Aug. 20, 10P IINImiMiPss mid Stomach Trouble. "Two years ago I sufTored from fro-ntient fro-ntient nttnclcs of stomach troublo and biliousness," writes Miss IJininn Vcr-bryko, Vcr-bryko, Limn, Ohio. "I could ont very llttlo food that agreed with mo and I became so dizzy nnd sick nt my stomach nt times thnt I had to take hold of something to kcop from falling. fall-ing. Seeing Chnmborlaln's Tabletn advertised I decided to try them. I MM improved rapidly." HB For sale by II. II. Morrlhow, Lchl, Hi rial.; Win. Thornton, 2 stores, Amerl- H can Pork: Hedonist Drug Co., Pleas- ( jW ant Orovo and nil dealers. iK? 1 CLEAN UP AND PAINT U? IK P To Remuve "For Rent" SiSn g jf h; Prax'Urnt KxlEalali. Buraau it 11 J; Utile Kock.Aik. fl J r'i T Is not imrprlalng that f I f houses which aro for rent n l slioald ho without tonnntB, bo- 5 Kg b caimu In moat cases such housca li ffi I nro unpnlnted, thu steps aro Jr u rickety and tho porches not In jj iwm repair. g ' SJ t Tho number of vacant Iiouscb fH fr In any clly Is largely duo to tho fi H uegllgeuco of tho landlord him- 1 nelf. I recently took two Indies , "M j out, trying to lltnl tor them a do- g ' Blrablo six or soven-room houso i jH ", to rent. I was uiiahlo to ilnd j; &jg anything to suit them, either on Tm It my own list or on tho lists of H a other real estate firms, and ( theso ladles wero not exacting ij m In their wants. They wore shown jj M II u few houses of tho desired ';l jj size, but tho lioimcH wero not in j) .'S n good coudition. It Is true that h M somu of tho landlords say they "; ;-flJ ! nro willing to ninko certain re- a )', pairs for a good tenant, but It ij jgn has been my experience after 'i )$ 'i years in tho business, that It Is f ;3 p best to pul your houso In nttrac- ,,1 1 tlvo shapo llrst nnd you will $M J quickly got 11 tenant. j? - t I louses that urn kept re- ps ", paired and painted not only r; M ' runt better, hut they greatly Im- '1 " j prove tho Iool.s or. tho city. u ' O, ('hiiiulierlalii's Colli, Cholera nnd ' Diarrhoea Itemedy, 'm 2 Kvory family without exception iajj should keep this preparation nt hand Jj during tho hot weather of tho Bummer -'jffl months. Chnmborlaln'B Colic, Cholera '.k and Diarrhoea Remedy Is worth many ,-j8 times Its cost when m cried nnd Is nl- W most cortuln to bo needed beforo tho , bj sumnior la over. It has no superior for 'gjl tho purposes for which It Is Intended. ?m Huy It now. U ' For snlo by II. I). Morrlhow, Lchl, M Utah; Wm. Thornton, 2 stores, Amerl- Jjal enn Pork: Hedqulst Drug Co., Pleas- IffiH nut (Jrovn and nil dealers. r |