Show look here H e re everybody E very body DAILY ARRIVAL OF LATEST STYLES OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS I 1 wet Wot losi iosi sa ebl ELL jofs esz or davs abl AOL N gw t agae jaae aws L zan ia P V XV X V e cac C otili GOODS ul 1 yli su our you ou will find tho the choit int ing of GROCERIES lf e 1 ir S L 11 1 1 r pad 4 i A i this thia is the plate place to buy 1 fht fat t clas boods goodfe and F fancy an N no 0 i f i v bious for the least T money 1 f W WM K JN jnes ings I 1 ili lii G 3 SOS SOIS 4 sae SAi JLE yle B IMPORTE gis RIS JOBBERS RETAL D IMERS i i i 1 N general merchandise ADISE C STRAYS it AV V in my ro fon lon one oco relt rell roan co v four yeats tenia told sallow s allow airow fork in left e eart cart a r 0 under slope in the right ear eart brand 0 lett lert ett eft houlder boulder illegible one ono ehlt two year old HEIFER wilh with red deck neek no brands blands or marks mariol legible I 1 if f not clammed within ten days ti to om ibs ihs dale daie willbe foid fold hoidas as the law directs at toole too tco le ciry city pound ly I 1 W MORGAN mornan dsa vit lit eat rat y PRIGS PRICE OF COLE aole i if daily dally by DEs Litta nata HATa ovar onar BANK i M w tair tain SAIT lair kake take KP CM crry JV nov 22 uz aj it tit oti 15 OY ni largest I 1 stock siti and t awty la in utah iride tride ar trude irude ide d at wt the Lf I Arest kregl ft wholesale hole hoie baie Bate katee limbs adaris ir lo 10 I 1 1 1 1 cila CH COOPER two pince salt sall like cita N OT I 1 ioie iole T NAVE in n my nit possession pes res session ohe OHP red OX i about years old oid alte white belly white la in minks thinks it not claimed before november at 10 a m wj bo be dold sold at auction according to law HENRY REYNOLDS D P K Wan wanship wanshin ship nov 18 1870 dsa w W WANTED A IN T re D T A reliable business man with a small smail capital la in every county iu in tho the territory who will be willing to purchase a county right for tor the sale of farm rights manufacture saie sale or use of T X V PORTABLE venoe FENCE 2 1 A splendid asplend d chaunc for aies lers bin aln in lumber lumbers working carpenters carpentere cooperatives operatives co who traffic in lumber or a ih lives c nerg energetic nere etla business man roan fot tot a small lu mv vestment estment to obtain a buness budness whose returns will te to sure and tafu talu as it la 13 an article always needed by farmers and stock laisers kaisers rai Kai serg sers for particulars apply to geo goddard god dara dard SALT LAKE CITY owner of ni aa faor or the territory j w of utah I 1 17 2 a we cn M |