Show DEATH OF prof J 1 BARFOOT THE CURATOR OP OF THE MUSEUM breathes HIS nis LAST OS 0 q SUNDAY MORNING MOE nina NIKa tha the death of brofe profess sain sair it joseph ij barfoot occurred at am yesterday yeater jeater day la lot his room on the upper floor of thellus the museum eum building he had been suffering for sometime bome gome time timo from bronchitis but no one anticipated that the end was to 0 near on saturday he was at his post in the museum of if which be he was curator as usual and slept well from nine that night till four am a m yesterday at that hour he awoke and was seized with a severe fit of coughing he requested his wife to summon dr H J richards who soon arrived ari art ived but ho he had become unconscious and passed away quietly aa as if failing falling into a gentle gentie sleep brother george reynolds a friend ol 01 the deceased from his boyhood was called in and by request requests took charge of the details for the funeral funerals which will wiil be conducted at 10 a in tomorrow at the ward meeting house deceased was waa barnon boma bora on the of march 1816 in the historic fortress of warwick castle warwick england at the age ago of 18 yearb years he joines joined the royal rosal marines of the E english navy and after serving a obtained his dischar geHe geue proceeded hia hla father mccu occupied led the position of superintendent dent 0 of the london rondon city mission missions and in that capaci capacity IT was closely associated with the noted philanthropist the earl of shaftesbury then lord ashley about this time brother barfoot obtained a situation as butler to B S Ga guerney erney enney tho banker banter at ham essex he left that situation in 1812 in which year ho he married and opened a store for tha the manufacture and sae we of gutta percha goods he heard the gospel in 1856 and joined J olied the church in F feb ch of that year three months subsequently he was appointed to preside over oyer the chelsea branch of the the church and afterwards atter wards warda presided over the Holborn Hammersmith and lambeth branches successively in all of these positions he displayed great zeal faith and fidelity to the cause he bad espoused in the early part of 1863 he was called upon to devote himself exclusively clu ciu to tha the work of the ministry and his wife and daughter the latter lafer then a little girl now mrs airs pascoe emigrated to utah brother barfoot remained in the ministry preaching the gospel and doing great good in winning bouls souls to the cause till 1865 1835 when he came to this city arriving in november of that year he opened a small store on main street by which he endeavored to ma make a living by making and mend shoes and made several efforts at that early date to introduce the manufacture of soap candles and other articles hon john W young interested himself in his behalf and was about to give him employment in some distant part of the territory but president brigham young desiring to retain him in the city employed him as watchman at his office during the whole course cf of his life brother barfoot had devoted himself to the attainment of scientific knowledge which he hes by patient research and assiduity bue euc in accumulating to a remarkable degree in fact there Is scarcely a branch of exact science with which he ie gas vba was vaa not more or less familiar lamillar several years ago hon john W young founded the tho nucleus of a museum and being aware of the professors attain attainment attainments menta employ ed him a portion of his time daily to classify the dif erent specimens belonging to and which were constantly being brought into the institution finally he became the curator which position he retained after the museum changed hands and held it to the time of his death his position in the museum was one for which his nature and education admirably adap adapted teI tet hims himy him anil the they vacancy created by his hib death will not be easily filled deceased was a lineal descendant of robert the bruce eruce king of scotland and heir to the earldom of crawford he was aiso alao directly y dencen descended ded on the side ot of hla hia mother sophia louisa ridley from bishop ridley of historic f oame fame ae mho bho V lo 10 web wes insi rusi tyrce at bruff stuff neld feld volumes might be fco written concerning cerril ng good and learned man the story of whose life preen ts an art almost perpetual struggle with poverty hla hia devotion to the pursuit of truth was heroic his kindness ot of heart proverbial and 1 hla hia integrity to his hla honet conviction unwavering and unsullied |