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Show Every day for a week Children learn about Hill AFB HILL AIR FORCE BASE Barreling out of a big blue bus, 45 kids rushed into an airplane hangar to have a look. other sports Thpy are picked up each day by bus, fed lunch at the base and returned home each evening. The group was visiting Hill Air Force Base as part of a program sponsored jomtly by HAFB and the Community Action Program. The project is organized for children ages The program also includes rap sessions about alcohol and drug abuse It is financed through the base by private donations 10-1- The kids spend a week at the base, touring, learning about Hills mission, swimming, bowling and participating in Two youths from the Community Action Program get an inside look at a jet cockpit during a tour of a hangar at HAFB. Eleven groups have visited the base so far this summer. yaso 3ir CAP signs up children interested in learning about the Air Force base and coordinates transportation to get them to Hill Field So far this summer, 11 groups have visited the base through he program Brent Hancock, who directs the program, said it has been more successful this year than ever before. It has really gone super, he said The program was begun because Hill officials felt it would be good orientation for kids and would school people about whats going on at Hill AFB, Hancock said. i BEEF Vi 81 Choice or Prime and frozen cut, wrapped LOINS BEEF T bones, Beef SiHoins, Filets, BEEF JERKY 98, $A9S Fresh Smofced Ground 'I. PASTRAMI BEEFCHUCK Extra Lean GROUND Country style lean slab 69ib. BACON $159,v Vi PORX BEEf90c 25 lbs. for $23 Qkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk " 'HiliJuii Qhclite 1 ToOiicwiiuiteCk 3 ARE THE ANSWER TO HIGH FOOD COSTS 3 t 1 1 i The crunch of inflation e being te by aN of us. tt oommor to hear I hate to U you ere fcu logit go shoppng everything ts kxxuny tot ways to reduce your food Ml. we enoourage you to consider KITCHEN DGJTTE FOODS We have developed a bne of foods that are et good or better in OuaHty than name brands but much LOWER m price. These foods ere sold n dry concentrate form end ere very easy to use For example 1 level tablespoon of Gelatin Concentrate mixed mlo 13 cup suger equates 3 ounce JT packege of Geiaon Oessert smufter to Jeflo The cost of the Concentrate and a savings of up to 43 over name brand 3 ounot sugar a about pacxages. Some otfter sewrgs you can realize by ueng Concentrates. onFrttd Bwwfcig and 30 to 40 on Whip Topping. Save S0 on Breakfast Drink As the saying goes. The proof at the pudding is in the eating." We have prepared a CONCfc NTRATE TRIAL PACK to help you become tamihar web our econamicel versatile end CONCENTRATES w WE GUARANTEE YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH THEIR QUALITY OR Z piJ i3'c SM2SonPct.Syn W aw SV7X YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED 2.00 CONCENTRATE TRIAL PACK CONCENTRATES' to make 1 qt ORANGE FLAVORED BREAKFAST DRINK 1 PEACH FLAVORED BREAKFAST DRINK qt SYRUP 34 pt MAPLE FLAVORED PANCAKE RASPBERRY FLAVORED PANCAKE SYRUP 34 pi BLACK ox. CHERRY FLAVORED GELATIN DESSERT 3 Oi ORANGE FLAVORED GELATIN OESSERT SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN BREADING 8Vk JT ' Conoentrstes require sugar or Hour 10c lor 60 cbeck $? (includes You may order your TRIAL PACK by mail Send Utdb tales qax end 50c pcsloje) drop by our plant stare sod save Ihe rr postage charge Contain 4 . at fr a rJiiftmt 543 West 100 Phone:290-122- X No-- . O'? fife Jerty,Avv?.0W HOURS . VS7.7 7.Y.TX 7 7.7, T 9am9am -- 5.30 p m. 1 90pmt ( TO z m C7 Z ( o co c l to tv 3 Bountiful, Utah 84010 1 om O M-- SAT. V 7 7.T.Y.T 7, lY U |