OCR Text |
Show '11 - , .4,- -1 ,' I 740-4- orm ,. 1 Industrial Equipment , I INVESTORS 15 4. return ever. an Investment. Can own percemAge cr, but.,,,s S3246,63. AUTO I EQUIP SALES 9i5 LOADERS la) Priced at vonolesale DEALERS WELCOME CALL , $ , I t ,105 I;r West 1700 Soutti John Deere 7700 combine. new, SOO hrs. Air, cab, 18 tt oickop reel. S37,500. Cail copeci 976 4ke 1 EQUIPMENT consignment. 1 beton or WO I 20. joy CEMENT TRUCK, '63, white Port. Fastwav Travel Botcher. wkdavs, 2050-DIESEL TRAC'73 20' with end dome alum, 'TOR trailer. Like new. DUMP TRUCK CUY .BEST 65 CUMMINS. Under SI0,000 Call --bet BS BiJICK Tractor and Cu itor best offer, or 2982077. TRENCHER, Davis Like now condifion. S800. 255 6883 or Model S1,000, iuator Call 1173 ON1RACTORS Trailer breaker box and cord. S200. with ton Ave ft. ROTOVATOR, 8,,400 Call I besutitui car and loaded wilt! extras. A n $4,099 volkswogen oot '72 Monte Cart Coupe, fully equipped, 83895. Cali Jowl Maack 972.8411. '75 CAMARO 350. Hydro auto, air cond, great shape. Qt.tiCIC Sal Just married. 53991 Mark after BUICK factory air mags, w'new radials, low miles, (STORE-OFFICPS, FB, excellent cond., '70 BUICK LTD, hdtp , load- SURPLUS OFFICE EQUIP. ad Top SnalNe, IOW nni. New met& file cabinet S2930 67 BUICK Skylark, excellent Desks $35 ea. Olivetta add mach mechanical cond., $250. IS9 50 ea Chairs, meal shelving and misc. office eouils Dealers '66 BJICk Wiidcat. Good mech arci public welcome. Buy for a conct 4 dr. Radials, air, auto., fraction& reg. grice at ps 1295. call bet ISL 1K. INT'L LIQUIDATORS eves or 2855 S. 3600 W. SLC 50 BUICK Special. 60,000 miles. or 9734060 cwner, all original except one rePainting, 00er. SELL SAVE NOW-MUS- T 17 CAD. COUPE DEVILLE, NEW executive office Loadeo, silver. Must sell. 610,503 Compiete furniture. 72 in. Kimball desk, or bee,t otter. 5341267. DEcredenza, 2 cont. chairs, Swivel '77 CADILLAC COUPE mi. 3,600 erec. chair, reduced for tasi sale, VILLE d'Elegance. 01. Cai Bill, Beaufff Loaded, '76 CADILLAC 4 dr. Calais BARCAFE EQUIP. red, 31,000 miles, extra 3 Compartment sink, refrigC, Clean, Seen0. Call Carroll poison, stainiess steel hood, cash regs., eves. ) meat grinder, bun warmers, hi'76 CADILLAC Seville, fully loadves, booths & MORE! ed. cond. showroom Only 1,200 VANN ASSOC. 467-844miles, a Feat buy. SENDING WEEKLY NEWSLETTERS? Were moving and need to sell printing equip. '75 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille, to mailing come and make me an otter. merit, addressing macnines. Practically new. Best $5900. otter. Call or '74 CADILLAC Coupe de Ole. New paint, red with white leather. $4,199. restaurant equipment, uSED '74 CAD CONVERT very good Cana., booths and tattles, various kitchen equipment. Mint cond. 28,000 mi. Best offer. or or Salon equipment. Ex- '73 CAD. COUPE DEVILLE. BEAUTY cellent condition. Chair dryers, owner. Low mi. $3.195. hydrauilc styling chairs sham-Pobowls, spray system, etc. For 'Ti CAD. convert 45,150, white, or amt. call or 71 CAD. El Dorado. Must see to 2 USED SPace Cadette carbonat ed irink dispensers. 350 lb caw. believe. Bright red with white leather int. Full power, ity icemaker, ail for $1,000. 487- - top. cruise, stereo, tilt wheel. $2,599. 824q 1100 Main' So, FREED'S, 3 small used glass showcases. 2 hice used wood and glass CAD. '68 4 DeVille, loaded, dr. Also other store fixtures. good rubber, excel. cond.. $975. Reas 211 So. State St. FREEZERS Icernakers, new and used, rentals T.1 ,L., 4617 S. PO W. tPD Has used ottice furniture. All types all sizes, best Prices. 463 So. 4th West 328,1596 ICEMAKERS, freezers, new & !tsed Fetzers', 158 W, 3rd So. Sde Safes for CALCULATORS 355-341- 3 typewriters at 8. Utah's lowest prices. Model 24 cash, register. totals. S460 NCR 2 GS 350, 5, 912 TRADE,' , or USED CAR or TRUCK tor boats, trailers. tools, ir,999"1, livfnIcck or what havc vt,u. Pioneer Dodge, 5716 So. State, NEW FOR SCRAP COPPER, ETC. NEED Large air compressor, viill trade. Phone 261.2495. TREE and shrub work for an) temp of value. CASH BRASS, '74 21 NOVA, PVC beautiful. Like new. Air, auto, P. S., P. B., Icw miles. New tires. 51,915. '74 NOVA Custom, 4 dr,, auto., 0.6, P.b., air. Rich tan with vinyl too. Low miles! $2,265 or offer. 74 MONTE CARLO Landau, V4, auto., P.O., air, radio and tape, radials. Beautiful cond. 52,650 or any ryas. offer. '14 MONTE Carlo, 16,700 actual mi. 350 V 8, 4 barrel, Auto., air, P.s., tth Excel. cond. 74 MONTE CARLO Landau, loaded. excel. cond., rrtust sell, aft 5 30 P.m., Mike. 74 MALIFlu Classic, p,s, AT, Air cond., 350, AMFM cassetteistereo, new radials, $2,950 or offer. eyes 8, Sunday. '74 IMPALA 4 dr., top cond., air S2850. cond., vinyl top, '74 IMPALA station wag., cream with cream Int., 350 auto., P o., fact. a,r, 39,000 mi. Excel cond., $7,595. '74 CHEV. Monte Carlo, air Bountiful Motors, 52,988. 2773 So. Main, Bnttl. '74 CAMARO, PIL, P.P., automatic, sharp car. WASATCH MOTORS 5660 So. State '74 Camaro, air cond., Pb., 0.s., LT type. 4 spd. low mi. 13695 or close otter. aft. 6. '74 CAMARO, 6 cyl., air, AMFM '73 VEGA HATCHBACK, RIOS great! $699. WANT TO BUY ) for late model retries., freezers, ranges, port. T.Y., gas retries., etc. Bring in, or we pick up. TRADEWAY STORES, 3114 CASH Want Ads 521-353- PAYS FOR ANTIQUES--SeS.F. TRUNZO e BEST Col. 630 cars and trucks wanted, JUNK fret notary, highest prices and Pick up 7 days wk. from daylight till dart. We sell some part or anytime. CASH for old cars, trucks batteries, sten , Pipe, tanks. Acme Wrecking FREE pick up and cash for junk can. Hunter's, WE Fey cash for junk cars, trucks, and VW's. VEGA WAGON 4 cylinder, 4 sod., air, bronze, hauls' a lot and costs a little, FOR SALE furniture, annilances' and antiques, Murray Trading 1859 S. Stete. Post, WE BUY I. DIAMONDS, GOLD, COINS )1 HIGHEST rrlats PAID or loaned' value. on jewelry or anything of AA& Jewelers & Loans, HIGHEST possjile prices paid for diamonds, old gold, jewelry. Schubach Jewelry 279 S Malp Full MONEY TO ) LOAN 74 PINTO 4 cylinder, 4 speed, beautiful over $i3O3(1 off new. 64,598. brown, lake the whole family 76 PONT. GAT.. yitft economy. SI,59It ir. Black, luxury, VII, auto., '74 IMPALA WAGON ioaded. Special, $5,198. V4 auto., air, maroon: Take the '76WVA to Yellowstone, $2,998 family auto., air cond., aconom 74 IMPALA and comfort 63,696. auto., air, maroon. take the V4, '76 MONTT CARL 0 whole family, $2,798. V.I, automatic, air cond., luxuri'74 FIREBIRD COUPE ous white, many extras, $4,998. V4, auto., air, blue, hard to find '76 GRANADA Ind drkttd $3,9'.4 3 speed, 6 cylinder, CHEV. CAPRICE week. Sharp blue, ...special of the Estate WOW" V4, auto., air, Save ;ovo AM .7S PONT. TRANS. VI, auto., air, silvor, saortv car1 for hie student. I '75 OLDS CUTLASS cvl., auto., air. Moo, Hard lo find ond priced 6 FORD MOTOR utonuttic, Air cond., reo end whit!! tV,VqN, CREDIT COMPANY - 2nd mortgage loans to $50,000. For Instant Into, Cod 214 4475 or Larry D. DImIck, stop In at 535 E. 4500 S. SLE, Ulan bet. 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. AVAILABLE for Bus, ness Farm, Professional PeoPie. Balch, PttriattRI 13, Nate funds end bank rates. 25411641 LOANS AVAILABLE NOW For any purpose you rosy have Fast ServIce. Low Intmost. MONEY V.000 to IS mHUon I. I I I I MONEY WANTED 72 MUSTANG MACH 1 5 Trans., Factory Air. $2695 71 Mk, 6'07)0- etAlute -1 66:698 - VA lartornatic, air cowl, 'mini and morn tor the CORVETTE v4, seasel, air, red, Warty car for ele sporty cerson,$7,11). '75 4 0NÄTE CARLO LA bauti'74 okiiini 260-auta., air. Tilt vOliall, 4 weed, green, Ward 6 cviêncter, luxury, rar. 14098. worts car. $4,596. ;16 6AALlau cLAssit l'. '74 DATSLIN 260-v .1, auto., air, gram, iuxury car. VA 4 lewd, green, check this pr wed, 3,6 Economy --- isi-- a '1101 is mow, yi, whIle imPei air, rlest, P4 blue, take fami!yj3,re - FORD CITE 4, auto., air, v,41ite, sharp and pric ed rtioRt $4,04,4L 4 'IS CAMARO and., air, a4,19ai $3. O'S- ( FOREIGN CARS DATSUN sod. Gold, Excellent atladent,1 carcylinder, to cut igas costs, 63,096. 76 4 4 Air I 1 11A vir Can Depend On 3443 So. State ri 6tirill FINANCING INSURANCE 1 r,41. 5650 So. State Mt 10 OE 4 titan cps ................ OLDS. &muss Cps '71 FORD Swim Weiss '89 PONT. Wailes San. '66 OLDS. es so. '65 MENG. Sedan .,4 $2,799 I I , 1 I I MAIN . c Il : f ,,, - 'Iti, :es.!.1-,- , ,,t, tit ri ,A0 ..,,: 4 .!.!.)t,'',.;5f ,, ' ' ';'',.!'fr,:.;.4',;:1:. 1 DODGE .17.-il- i..,,ELII. FORD Sun", d- ist voNte Cab, derT:Z.: oyeertob4e. ,1 air. Chad( t1 l'I,-?;e- - - In 4 ' ' , - ' Ilit.;Z7' it ; ' ,,,, ."4:,7q-',4- CHEV Vs TON 4)(4 automatit, air. blue, white. ater. extras, $5,596. '76 BLAZER 4x4 automatic, maroon, $5,375. ores ere almost $10,060. new The , ', .....h.,... '76 ,, , - ' Al fiV,MIt121 1!"11frit:IZC',ii .' P .U., .....).1.1..);::tth',:- - t:.t ; i $5,496. rt '75 Don't wander all over town looking for an au, inexpensive Find the tomobile car of your choice here in the automobile settion of the Classified Want Ads! 'Ts ctiEV. VAN automatic, check this price on tics worithorse.14,747 '74 L.U.V. to2 TON Cylinder, 4 speed, canary yel 10Vi, econornv at a low price, $2,518 , ,4,gf ;.!:Z ;L:k' ETRUCKS I Tt' ?v7"--.r"s- CHEV . co. ed I M2 rifD CHEV . l'73 BLAZER ., ; '76 auto CARLO S MONTE coupe, sh arp cat. V.8, moil s auto.. p air '76 auto PaNfo ,.4 tom 4 $1,1,14. IXA CHEV. Lo s VotCHS00,1,C0E CHEV a '-' top. P s p s:ladarn: ..,. au. ati 404 Podi 48,p 14AulL,C,Itsc.,c pitdour Vo38aut CHEV v. TON automatic, blue, nice truck, miles, special, $2.9.N-Fenin vi TObeauttful btu., VS, automatic, won't last lone at this erica : '76 '111.?,;:.v.1: S2.996. '73 FORD RANCHERO Works like a truck, drives end looks like a car. automatic, air cond., mem, extras. $2,fte8. '73 CHEV 12 TON SUBURBAN VI, automatic, air. Vacatior weclat, $2,5N6. , irs IASY TO RAC( AN AD IN THIE COLUMN. NET CALL THE 4,i t. " 262-341- 1 LIAM' ADS Dlol - 0. fliaftt VParIDADLEI 4q.-17---16Jf- 1 318 tZwuseer 1 8951 9 : i! 695 i NEW power jp i S3,895 : . t Pow Plomonsil Shows the hest le ce,e ano haintehance Get this one hrst te Ia 72 OAISUN 8 210. '75 DATSUN 8 210 '72 VEGA AAPP:: '73 PINTO 2 Or '74 VEGA 2 DI Bug :f71 VPi4T1( '72 RENAULT Wiin. VEGA '73 DArsuN '73 610. '69 PONT Win. 2- - '1 '14 ,P VEGA Hetchbark '14 COLT 40( '74 PINTO Vign Or 73 YOLKS '72 COLT Vign '61 VOLKS Bala Bus COMPACTS '71 PLY Duster '74 NOVA '71 leAVERiCK '71 PONT. Ventura '73 CHEV '76 WPC kaonArrh 2O '75 VALIANT. 4 D. 76 PlY Volare. 75 PI 1. Goicluote Nowa '77 ASPEN, 1 LUXURY SPORT CARS '76 '77 '77 70 '72 '74 '70 PONT. IGrand Prix 74 CHARGER SE. '73 PONT. Le Mans '71. CHEN. Monte Carlo 1 A '75 '76 '71 '72 :51 ','LLbss't Cutias., MONTE CARLO FORD Elite FORD Cobra PLY. Fury I. Fidtp ,,GLAPrst,,,' FORD Elite CHARGER SE ASPEN CHEV. impala CHEW impaia Ply Satelitte Sundanc.a CHEV. Malibu 72 BUICK Skylark 73 CHARON S.E. '67 TRIUMPH Convartibio '70 CHARGER TRUCKS DODGE B 300, Flat Bed DODGE W 100 FORD F 250 WAGONEER 13 TOYOTA landerulum '76 DODGE B 200 Van 76 FORD Van 7') FORD F 250, 4 Wheal Dr,ve 73 EroDGE 4. Ton '74 FORD COtirle! '76 DODGE W 200 Club r4t) '76 '68 '70 '73 4 Spd. ton, Van 44iFoRDEA,, '73 Wnc,t, '69 GNIC 12 Ton, 4,4, '77 JEEP C.I5 '74 FORD 12 Ton. 4 Spd BLAZER '75 RAMCHARGER :7733 EutorvICAME '73 SCOUT, 4 Spd It 1 ,M At Club Cab DODGE & w Camper WAGONS .14 row) 73 CHt V 10 Pass 1410 76 Pt Y 10 Pass sVgn '71 f 000 Wagon '74 FORD 15 NM. Van 75 FORD 10 Pass DODGE Camper Van '73 . UTAH'S NO. I DODGE DEALER $4,495 :7746 p.m. Sm. PARKING, ENTER SERVICE DEPARTMENT 6 0 Oogn W,spo P'l rill TIBOR 7.:1 t- 1 1 (Iran Torino ABmticIC:L Irttt EASY TO DEAL FOR FREE ATTENDANT tSAVE SUB COMPACTS . 'WHERE SERVICE IS DEPENDABLE" 1 FM 8 Camper SAVE ' 1114;41 - DORSI AM '76 $4,495 Ii 1 1 74 VAN f,716st4 PS.PR. a.r . 0 0 1 ionoptillenWSINOMEEIMIO 1 !. heavy-dut- TAKE A TEST DRIVE TODAY F 495 I '5,095 dual Mirrors, shocks, heavy-dutbattery, cOnventenos pkg., prottIction pkg., 6900 GVVY and more. It ,- ,- steering, rack). 750)06 Si,40f cloud & tires, metallic. - f, o i $2,495 71 DODGE 1PICX1 360 1 Ip 1 n 11 sigh"TO $3,695 I! $4,495 !I $2,795 $ 1122! , 2,495 i , $2 795 !i : $3,595 . $ i 435 InSte:leortiionng: V I : Auto. V-- 11 A411 Th Wheel Covers. White Side Wall Tires. 7147 CIT- Y- 24 MPG. HIGHWAY' 0 : Metallic Green tTRrZiall sunimnrotql CIIIPIMMILIErir ohm 6 6 k0 ...,....p.,,, Color. i Phone USED CARS & TRUCKS 8A 11 'Jade 0 s6, 295 CHRYS. I I , '6 595 tv cu. EASY TO PARK t 4 i ;ri, 521-15- 35 A.,'.4fplotanfielt, sino '77 414'1. CHEV vb.' loks, f' ,Acpara - VA. low - 4.4.46 177 0 $4 00 00 GLIAnAtiTC2 i BRAND Mt W 0 4 p s air p CHEV a FORD v- cPe IMPALA ,. 521-41- - V viola, ,Stist3UaRutBoANiseVatl 416 " "1.) p.s., alt corwilng. i 73 t '75 t '76 VP dou 4 LTD 111011 i : 2:10t' llreo top.. AU-F- wk.; iiiii- .1. NEW 9 FORD i173 Gmc IS THE TIME TO BUY! ta air cond ' wit-eh- aa VY.,0 extras '72 OMC Vs TON automatic, good runner. Go ,9511, In style,7stiacp,s CHEV ,I1J'itoS.'larp::, PONT. ! 73 I '76 CHET Ii '76 Now C4APZC1 v- Continental .dn., full power including tilt VAINII, cruise control, e11A11171 o i. $4 tomatic trans., VS, iol', tintodynss. -- - - ' 4 $4 it condition-.-1 & SERVICED - Majn bk-' low V-- ..y.s,;:,o-.1,-o-....o.-.....,,.- 4,14u. jor. - CARS ,,, k-'-,5.:;;;-;..-- i ,c, - ....':- '- 1 , Alik ' lspd., Nock. : top tpiality i '75 ft.,.1..".."-aa..It .t6,111 tit! i : ,,,e4) '7 6 0 : '73 ' ,, ,'7'sl''''i 1 :' : '75 1 is 4 rtii1-4:, ,',IT II 4x4 Lots of 1445 Oldsmobile 4X4 so J,ICENSK S. 5TH SOUTH ..'", automatic, Seding,on, SYSTEll I Ken Garff USESIO ',toiling, '77 Nova HERTZ cilmEylitoniElp &MAIN i f,-c 16 BLATE-- MAINTAINED 1 e 4;',;;laV,',3',1. cylinder, automatic, this W441409(1 . - Custom coupe, air cond., p.s., pls., auto, vinyl top, low miles. lIS Lincoln PROFESSIOXILLY 0 sth South Front State to 2nd East Iet 11 IMPALA 6,3295 - $1,295 $695 $295 $175 $125 C.. 4 1934. , ' : 0 vl.',A,k,(-- 7404 Chey. Ste 1 111 1 STREATOR ; '77 : : 'f4'.iit,,Ik.if. 4116- Chevette hatchback. air conditioning, bucket seats. a Economical little car, 54 9 350 , .. , MARK 4 , i pm. 313 '3 9 895 276 A ',s7,Virt,:,751,1?-P,W- to 3. conditioning, miles ,295 362A and '2,750 since COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION ce car I I '. AL,to I, ,,,,, 40111?4,111 - ;?!;.i.--- OPEL MANIA I cylinder, automatic, finished In green, economy plus. $1,998. NUOI DISCOUNTS OLDS. '72 ,....:i';',.,f'',;::;pi:AtV,ll',:Z5Y,';;: tAyty'.:Ap .11 PM. Murray al,out emnionolonm 4141'p f 0 CHMOLII irfy AUSTIN manna um $2,999 r, . -'FA telcAll-ft-iitt-l, .:t4141,. YOLUME SALES Polars Sdn.2289A 1 - r '73 Grand Prix I 11.:07;1:;;,. 1,dd tIlseli,x; 3899 $o. Redwood ltd. - ,....., s $oeel Pinto LPONTIAC-MAtb- . , 5 HENRY S. DAY 6 . $2,199 1 A VkAletAAO, 401. O1N ai4 I lt - p,1?);f:!:'.kweY,,,J,!1,'1,,t.i.;',p;?:-,,,,,At-- cGralat COMPLETE i 7 268-680- 1' 5595 973-703- ',Iki I Lemma CP9 OLDS. Medan Sdn ' $799 Chrotii Cps 5214444 1072So. Main 74 OLDS Station (194141. S7,900 Lowed wito extras, excellent 7 am cowman. Call Mon.-Fr- 9644615. trans., p s., p.b., oir $3'295 $2,295 $1,795 .. $2,195 $1,495 $995 $1,795 $2,495 OLDS. Custom ennui Wedon I'73 0 $4,499 Stephen Wade PORD F.230 404 RANGER XLT. Black, 4 Speed. Lots of extras Pius iow mileage. 4 76 I PARTS II 4 .erYce you I) $2295 lk AgaliblEbalb t.,,,"- 5 AILE, A $2,495 '74 Mazda Pickup MILL 73 at. "owl Olds "98" hdtp., fully I I 4724. Sedan, Green, Vinyl Roof, V a. Automatic Trans Air Cond.. Power Seats. ihm arAD III '71 Cataiina doo, 4rL - I ...... I I 1110,4011 - 73 PONT. GRAND VILLE t-- '73 CHU. RiT '73 PONT. x '73 DODGE - Loaded Cond. $1495 Oign., Air iow low mitek 1 CADILLAC 2,695 tea- "They're Priced to Sell" Impala Sedan CARLSON Hertz Used Car Prices Utah OLDS. se Potency Sdn V1.99S txtto. 2 new paint tires, p.s. P b. 8700. 159.3358 DANG1Mit '74 8150. et3t0,Pwr,air, ''',9wb...;;.....;; I 76 Grand Ptix 12.'25 '72 MERC Cougar, fkir,Llutp, p.S., clean. '67 Mercury, vane serving I iraiy '74 CHU. OLDS. ROYALE 1 tvice!v iirimmculate dr eduidded. Mid biro car. no. 102A, Moot000, I owner, car, clean, excel. sell this wet. 31625 nice family, rOnd., must or offer .........."nd Extra clean value rated cars. Co, 8415. 292 '74 ..... Monarch 5ilia, EXCl All optiOrn, 14,100. i -- ,,, IF"."'.'". 701 charge 91684 Total ot paynlents $4,311.84. SrPit".4444.44444, INVESTOR int 00, to Invest either in ownership. or secured 0setS Of company. Bui Wino Material Business writh potent,s1 0 become a mutt! mIttion doilar acOanizahon. soar. In Lumber arri or Sales, a plus. Write, or CA", di.SS Linden Ofive. idaho 41IS, Idaho RAO (208) PARTNER 11 I Mk- V41, '76 CORVETTE Wort, and lust tor you, V4, automatic, air cond., finished in share rich sliver WM. '16 CORVETTE steV4, automatic, air AM-Freo. Power windows, silver, qL 1 1 '73 Y 8426, 2Y2 Motors, 1 2 MERCURY TOYOTA - I Nea' Nese FInance 113L1913. SPORTS CARS Ma. '7s MF ROA ar , air tv rni. air T., H 42290. Volkswagen Intermountain 3n1 So State pi, pb, 292.7201. Britil. 292,7201. Main, 1 CARS & '77 Firebird Form. $5,999 7-- ran) IllAtuv-A- 1,600 cash down, 48 Mo. at $89.93. Total Cash prk,g $3,895. Jr CHEV. CAPRICE 4 Dr., Green, Automatic Trans., 76 $80183 fik Automatic Gold. $3(.418. ' , - I TRUCKS I I MC OW FHATED UZCLI U177Station ot0428 110 CHEV 3,4 TON 4x4 76 CHEVETTE 4 sod., Orange, sharp and 74 CAPRICE WAGON 4 cyl., I sod., Islue, economy 0 uY-ready to go. SAPS. VACATION SPECIAL, V4. autoot the Week. $2,',96. . ,...-'75 CHEV 34 TON 4x4 matic, air, luxury for that trip 0 4 sod., auto., amen. Go in anyettert 10,991. dIowI 4 VS, Rally Sport, style, 0,2W '74 litUiCK REGAL mites 14,99S '75 CHEV 374 TON CREW CAR V4, auto., air, blue. Th4 week's '76 BUICK REGAL V4, automatic, stoki. Take th( special. 53,3a3, top. vinyl Wire, air. auto., tame's'. $4,195i whole VI, 72 PLYMOUTH DUSTER Hard to find. as clean as this '75 CHEV 34 TON 41(4 cyl., auto.. villere can you oet MAW K transportatioo as chaajr2 la9e. V4 automatic, air cond., beauti 'YcliEUH-ATeRBACful red, excellent shape $5,718. '71 MUSTANG FASTBACK Finished in sham frost white. 4 '74 CHE' stuoent car auto., V4, uncial, a ,r cond., evlinler, automatic, $1,2011. 4 sPeed best buy of the weak 11,598. S3.498. eleePs JULY BUYS, '71 TOYOTA WAGON I ITTANITURE I SIZZLING 11298. 77 CAMARO auto , Roily wheels, Call 1,3395 -IWIgNMI!MMI '76 Trans AM Mk $5,699 1 LoadedOw Mitts Nott Bobcat $3,099 MT 111....tit,". For Your Shopping Convenience 74 Piero Motors. harctioo. auto.. air cond., p.s., P.O. Real snarl). $1,960-ofte'73 FORD ITO Brom, Bountiful S2,788. Motors, 2773 So. Main, Bntli. 1111 .A1GkaZ1---VW& July 25th ALITOMOBiLES VA, auto., P s., new tire', Most in town! $2,990 or air, OLD g Custom Cruiser wagon. 10oass fully loaded. including tilt wneei air, cruise control, $4,05 CLARK BUICK.DATSUai, Woods Cross Exit on '16 if (oven MERE. Mara., Bountiful Motors, $7,188. 27'3 So Main Binh 2924'01. 13 MARO. PROM. 4.dr., $2.688. Bountiful MOtorS, 2773 SO. Main, &nth. 2927201, '72 Montego Brougham Station Wagon. Loaded, excellent cond. $3,399 AVIS 52 E. on ith So. SLC Utah 170 13 SOO. '73 MUSTANG, auto. S7 688, Bountiful 2773 So. Main Brittl. '73 GRAN Torino I dr. lil DI! COMET. Ilk OPEN MONDAY WILL buy silver bars & medallions. Top market prices. CASH for used portable TVs. Bring to 215 So. 5te East. PAY MORE. Furn. antiques, old or books, maize ) s Classified Ads Used Cars & Trucks 1 CASH FOR USED BOOKS-Zions Book Store Would like to buy used Seinen orectic piano. Can PaY cash. Wg IJUNK 5 2 WW1 2. 1600. MUSTANG. 966.3026. MUSTANG 66 y4, 1 woed, Snarl) $oYS 3590387, Mr Wrtsynt. GRANADA 2773 So DEAL MONARCH GHiA, loaded with luxury tures. S950 66 76 MUSTANG, 73 Excellent corsd Bnrti MONTEGO. Bountiful S2,188. '73 Bntfl. MERCURY '75 auto. 2.sionr. MUSTANG, '67 So. main, 2723 c. ps 82,8. . DODGE 2300 So. Hwy. 91, AUTO SIMPSON $5,495 KEN GARFF OLDS cond., Motor4, 14 MENIOVE S450 ONLY Main, Both. 292.7201. CAPRI, Copper. metallic. V4, eft 6E rri. excel mi., '73 MONTEREY. alr 81.988. Bountiful Motors, So. 2773 Bountiful Motors, $4,4138 2773 So. Main, Both 7914101. '7S ME RC. MONARCH 2 d clnY1 too, auto., aconornv 83108 FORD Ranchero, must sell. go5d cond., 1660876 '66 FORD Galatie SOO, 4 dr., V e, auto., rts., air, new tires. Mill runs like new. $32.5 cc '64 FORD Fatron. 6 cvl., auto., a dr, Excellent mechanical shape. Nevi tires. S495. 966.6635. CUTALSS SALON Hives Me car that toured eurooe Handles like a sports car and ridm tika a luxury car, finished in smart cranberry red Drive this One Horne TODAY Air XR7. Bountiful $3.488 dr. 6 2 Silver-red- WILLEY l COUGAR lam So. Main Bountiful 4 dr., blue, air '7S MONARCH, cond., 41 o7TBIRD2-dr.h- 3 s od. Pb., new 209, 707 6426. air, vinyl immaculate otter. '7$ MONARCH 29 30 90, Toti1046-3pAirtt, )ntericor fl exce4ent $900 or best otter. 7959270. ' Brdfl, auto. low miles, '76 BOBCAT, 13.106. Bountiful Motors, 1773 So, Main, BOO. 1911101. Gills 977 6411 're FORD, runs good. good tires. "T" TOP Sv,r, Moor, XR1, Bountiful Main, 16 Capri vo, San roof, 1,3,418 fkirintiful Motors, 1713 So. Main, 1150 FORD sire OLDSMOBILE Motors, Botft So 2773 FORD G416.1e Cony, lathil, tont Pt:winced. SINS. call John 973 Bountiful '76 jUA 53 488. Bountiful Motoril, 2773 So. Main, 13nnt 291120L 74 COUGAR. Slow Ottio car. Only $1.499 P m. 322,4000 a. in. or '76 MERCURY (wand ',Mfg , WOOS BOuntiftst kkators, , 291 not. 1773 So. ikkain.Brittl. ittork wggt ' 76 COLONY 84,968. dr., Beauty 2 Bountiful Motors, Boo. 292 7201. 2813 So. 1100 All 273 So Main, BOW 292.7201. MERC, Montego MX, 2 dr. P, B. nctto , se, auto. Pr S. Exrel cond. vinyl too. 12,I9S 26' 262,9039. f$95. 74 MARC) Brom, 44r. loaded !Sip S, '76 1ORC44800 options, good mileage. Show room cond. 486 184 Of ter tuilv Mike Mn COUGAR 7$ 4dr 461 5660 S27S, ' Brom Auk.; for Sialo 900-- Call $389S. 8411. MARC) '7S $4.568. 273 So '76 MERCURY Molted). excel, cond., fully loaded, will tell bebook Price Make otter, low r69 FORD Mustang. am Mt A track stereo. 24.000 mi. 1666. before 8.30 am or S7P33. S. aft 6: Vpm. INeeketids,anytime. 74 and '76 T,BIRDS for sale. Executive cors, excel cont. roust sell, 3434649 or 277 33. '73 I BIRD, 10.000 actual mi., radials, immacuiate. Auto, air. loaded S3695 79S 2S2S, 792 243i. ;73 THUNDERBIRD 2 dr., excel. cowl low m atr, white ladelail top S..1600. 29S 2575 4 spd., Am FM 73 MUSTANG, cassette. '7,34S CLARK BUICKDA 7SUN, Woods Cross Exit on eft 5. 5. FORD LTD. 1150. 245 E. 69 So '74 TORINO Welton cruise concftsC brakes. air, p.a., 13100 FREED 318 834 otter. Make 161 MFRC Cotoar, VIloped, cruise control, tilt wheel, leather Interior WASATCH MOTORS 161 4613 sso So. State 74 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL icrel cond , low dr. hardtoo, miller.. loaded. 84.595. Call 155, 149 on weekends 310.3211 week, days. Ask for Scott. 70 CONTINENTAL Mark CLASSIC, surplus, as is, 81000 or best orter. Can finance. 406 4314, SERVICE PROPERTY MC,MT '76 AAONIEGO I rmssor wra9011, 801.111t dui Motors, air. $a,aaa 171 So. Main, BOO ?amt. sr. sedan. '76 MERC Mcrarch with 83,599 air cond. Vs. rndeeKso, s 199 900autos far co!, Calatinent al Iowa '74 LINCOLN (Pa halo' rstrera am tm stereo. 221 2626. 272 1345, Truck7309 Slate. So. FODO I Tfl condition '69 0000 TORINO BROLZNAM. Ecrel rood 944445 8114 PM 74 Grand Torino Brougham V I. trans auto pc, pb, air. Share. 1.2499 REEDS. 5445 SO. Stare XI 4931. '74 FORD Torino Grand Sports Elite, VA. auto. PA., air, radio. VIAYI Ica. sharp, gaCti buy. stiNNV11471q4LIM : 1976 Eli '72 CHRYSLER New Yorker, 4 dr., hardtop, full power, air, med. brown with matching too. 81,995. $1,695. FREED'S, 1100 So. Main. 71 CHRYSLER New Yorker, 81,350, 4 dr. hate, Loaded, Good tires, looks runs great. 2954946. '73 V8, DEAL i 5445 ta I, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1977 74 MARK IV, 25,000 miles E Clavorl $6,500 No? Stall, 51721718 tghlanO Dr SOO, low ? '20 FORD Fairly 1 mi , runs (100(1. MUS1ANG Grande, ut tir (end stereo. p s., $1,10o Beautiful cond. 521 .130 '74 GRAN $6 9;9- loss, FORD Golate, rurs greitt, lust inspected, $32S. 272420t, 6270 261 1555. 47149 $2 ri of '70 LTD. MUST SELL. 4 dr., good condition. 298 4144 74 110 Coupe Plush, heat CPC 5. Main. So. - 1050. 277 'Jo FORD Eilte, excellent condition make el offer. Cali or 2458 Elm Ave. CHRYSLER Newport. 2 dr., h.t., air, cloth bench seats, yellow with white top. Excel. cond., 51,695. FREED'S, 1100 So, main. 1. extras. 1100 dr., with $2,01$8. ate0- '72 Motors, CHEV Mango I dr. PS., P.b., air, radio. Maroon. $1,495. WILLEY DEAL 3 1800 So. Main Bountiful '73 CHEV CLASSIC, low mileage, AM-Fexcel. cond., stereo, cassette tape deck, Auto. cruise control, PS., P.b., luxury car. New tires. Wholesale price. Call Eves., 4 end. 39,800 mi. '73 CAMARO, Excel. S2,550. '73 CAMARO Coupe. Must see and drive $2,999. 2611555. Monte Carlo. Launau packets. Fully loaded. Must see, to appreciate. 2 sharp. Gordon Wilson's So. Main, EXPERIENCE FREED'S, So. Main, Bntfl. CHEV. Impala 4 dr. V8, auto., air. $1,998. RIVERTON MOTOR, 7677 So. State. '73 CHEV. Estate Wan., 33,000 mi., air, peer. windows, 8 track, 9 pass., 12,500, 1845 Yalecrest Ave., CHEV Nova, sunroof, fully equipped, $1895. Call Scotty CHEV El Camino Classic, hilly equipped, 1589s. Call Mike Soondo,, CHEV Caprice, classic, fully equipoe6, S6595. Call Ben Duncan 77 CA;WARO, air gund., best ofor fer. $4,980. '76 MONZA 2 Pius 2, auto., air, AMFM stereo. 90,000 mi. Excel. cond. $3,.7. Newport. CO 4 S790 ?MO S 70 Iwo so. Main Bountityl 782 4433. 74 MAVERICK. all extras. ommi. ionci see al 81117 Ashore' Dr., 2995864. bet Oar Wan, 1196 Torino auto. MAVERICK é vet, Club Coe top cord Only Sd7S '11 FORD 4 dr air, runs good; SOS, 364441 need rone-u70 FORD GUI) 4 dr. hcrp. b air, immac , S675 led 9463. - TO or WILLEY 466 5735 Bird, loaded, snare, EDI. 261 42$95, best offer, 295 1105 74 PINTO lionasonstt Limo v$itttittl olt. Air AM.FM wiWIOWS, Radial tares, sunroof, c C snows, 4s0c1. L9910 &nu ig619 3 74 MAVF RICK 4 dr V 8, auto, P S., P b. air, radio. Blue. Si .985. '76 PINTO MPG, new tires, S2700 or best offer. '76 FORD LTD Squire Wyn., air, pwr. windows, P.b., auto-arrefm stereo. WASATCH MOTORS 5660 So. State '76 FORD GRANADA Ghia, 2 dr, . auto, air, p s., See at Sharer. Only 84686 Hinckley s Trucks, 2409 S. State, 328 4934. '73 9724411. Of CHRYSLER Town and Coon. try won., ts.s., p.b., air, tape, new tires. Low mi. 3 seats, luggage rack. 83,395 or offer. 73 NEWPORT 4 dr., air, good car. S',39Y FREECrs. 5445 So. State. '73 CRY. NEW YORKER. 2 dr. coupe. White with white Sep ad bucket seats, full power, Onfie $1,595. FREED'S, 1100 So. Main. sod. 4 '76 trol, '74 2773 4 sod. Low mi. Excel. cond. Best offer. 8024 So. 3725 West aft. 4 p.m. ;77 CHEV Carlo Landau, fully equipped, 15,595. Call Scotty Coupe, Bountiful $2.988. 'P or Chrysler NeyPort 4 dr., se den, air, fight gold with white 1100 So. Maim too. FREED'S, 75 X 'la PITTO S2 '76 DODGE Colt-aiP.s., Pb. 120)5 GO "74 MUSTANG Ii, hard to find. Bountiful Motors, 62,366. 2773 So. Main, Bittfl. '77 GRANADA, 5101 under warranty, 6,0,10 miles, Like new. Auto., PS, p 0., cruise cOn- $4. Motors, 2e. 4931. ndsl 2722, bosi &ler See or call 972 S3r1 at 327o W 71 2 plwro, dr, I evl , auto,. o.nyt too Perfect ctold SIAM or otter 26 t 3641 71 PINTO, totdornatic, runs and looks great MOS, StD Ittp 71 MUSTANG Fastba ck. air cond , radlel tires 943 gy 11 FORD ITO, must sell. air, o s ri b good mecranKal condiiisln $950. 2954466 MUS'IAND, '70 $IMI, in cord 9t6 5599 cc 972 t.sss MUSTAND, He new cord., 966 $47 MAVERICK, 6 cvl. auto, 70 good cord , S6,000 m1, 2024 Inog, good family car, '70 MAVERICK, S9s0 or bast otter Dar S 374 9411 or evenings 1467 547, e t( tor Smttly. -- is Pinto Yk000n, I speed, shorn. spo9 FEEDS. Sa446 So state AVIS T RE 9039, 262 mKhipi PTO. It ELITE 26.TO rni Best otter over 13300 943 3101, 94.366n '74 T.- - BIRD. Lake now like row, EeL tend Beauti. fuily eGu CHARGER. 440 mag )(mood extras, Randy, 261.1409, ith '65 DODGE Dart COUPO iCit St shift. S2.199, trol Brougham, 11,11 lui S3,99S, Ornd os, 100 ob, MS, h escei cond ,25 69 16 CHRYSLER 972 (all 200 359 arcs FORD AP w Motors, Bountiful or 241 72 - so Main, WWI. 15 FORD Grand Torino awe, POsk, loaded, 242 1009, 'is FORD Custom 500 Sedan, hilts eouiresed, F2is9S. Rag Bird wdfi 298 2916. dark green top. AUTO E 2173 440 DODGE Chaliender '70 magnum Rebulti engine, si rate cam. Hurst sniffer, dual point distributor, RoOchester 860 cart). 81,300 or best otter. 7 looksrd, p rn or sae at So Harold's Texaco, 13th E., '69 Dart V8, 34 2dr ht SIMPSON 66. 53 Si Appro. Main, Bnttl. 292.7201 dr Landau FORD LTD S. 75 t cond. 51,950 or Black, beet otter 9421050 71 DODGE Monaco, great shapet Air, F7.8,11290, 71 DODGE Chorger Coupe, orlonhenY. cylinder, auto., $1,3,4 FREED'S, 1100 So. Main. 3145. ht., med, green metallic 2'1 E. DODGE Bountiful S3 Cell. DODGE Monaco. as.. b 60410 mi,os In good cond.. 81,550 or best otter, 26114662 '72 SO. 91 29'24415, 15, r 773 R. 712 43 CHEVO-6L-Pmoala, 4 dr. nactroo, S195. 561.1'70 CHEVROCET-Mont1971 Carlo, 350 automatic transmission, oosver steering, power braxet rower windows, tilt wtleol, AM FM 714rack stereo brand new ste,g belted radial tires. 82,995 or best Oar Will take trad. Call 2991511. Garr SOST sell 1975 Camaro, 31,500 26 mpg 13795 CORNAIR, runs good, Silo or otter Call '71 CHRY. Nawaarl, air, pit. p s., woo cone., $895.2944416, '77 CHRYS. least;Port. 2,000 mi. Will saC. AssumepYmIt6 '77 CHRYSLER Newport, 2,000 assurne miles. Must molt., Partnere, '75 CORDOBA, beautiful, loaded witn extras. red with leather int. rmist sell sacrifice 63950. 9664417 '75 CHRYSLER Cordoba-Mus- t se". Low mileage, very clean. Will let go for 14,195 or best offer. '73 IMPALA, 52,150 or best otter. good Cond., Randy, '73 IMPALA cps. Very clean,new tires, air. $1,595. '73 Chev. Monte Carlo, air spd.,5795. Bob MONZA, Town 5, 74 VEGA, 49,000 mi., runs great, owner. $1,200, will consider offer. '74 Vega Wagon G.T., 4 speed. $1799. FREED'S. 5445 So. State, 68 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville. Excellent condition. Must sell, make offer. '76 CAMARO, Rally Sport, P.s., p.b., auto., chrome wheels, TA St's, 15 000 mi. 85000. '73 VEGA, excel. cond., CT, 4 76 MONZA AMFM After 4prn, bef. 2FP14 Original '77 (SWAP, CHEV '75 71 Buick Le Sabre, 2 dr., auto., P.S., P b., air. Nice car. $1199. FREED'S. 5445 So. Stale, '71 Intermountain So State 2624401 3711 BUICK Skylark, sun-rcoupe. Sharp little car. 11,999. Mt AUSTIN road grader, good engine. 52,300, FLATBED eouipment trailers, all sizes, tow prices. owner, CAMARO $1,499 good cond., 7 CARLO, 6245 696 cyl. pe-, BUICK Volkswagen 311 So. State Perfect. miles. 75 CHEV too 4x4, Siluiweao. $AKS Celt Ray Bird 9174411. -Cou'75 CHEVY Monza Town excel cond., low mitikswe, Ulm Or best otter, ASA 15Z0 SKYLARK Loaded. Snare car, low mintage. BACKHOE, Ford; tractor, front hyd. blade $2700. 92 Combine. MF SUPER new motor, good cond.,15,000.255-9425- . owner. I 65 2rie 0404. '7$ MONTE loaded. Low cond., EL CAMINO, ercellant cond., atter 61.m. CHEN. Malibu. h.t. '66 call LANDAU. CARLO Loaded. 4674102 72 MONTE '75 Iwo So. Main Bountiful 292 433 BUICK Century TRagal. Siifi Mtn.). 47.000 mi., excel. cond., $2, 700 ar refer. 72 SKYLARK 2 dr. Sedan, vinyl too, p b.. P.S., air, Igoe Kensing Pt 3 dr. st,795. OXCei '66 IMPALA COUPE, good cond. Best otter, 69 CAMARO SS 14S, 150 c.1., 4 bbl 4 sod newly rebuilt angina, $700. 299 902966 ELCAMINO 327, excipi, cond. new , $i JOS. palm, Wagon, cable inside ,out, steel belted rao,als, 57900. 36347E6 after 5. 75 MONZA 22. Air, term, perfect uudition. Like new. 12,$005, Mr. Servant, Mr. Taylor 75 MONZA 2. 2, VA, 15,000 mi, excel. corid , 13 200 or best offer. ó aft Eyes. BUICK Le Sabre. I air, full sized luxury at dr..kt, 81,799, FREED'S, 1100 So. Main. '73 BUICK Century 2 P,S,, pis., air, radio. Blue. WILLEY DEAL '70 CAMARO. auto. 13.S, cOAd 81,675, best otter. 70 CAMARO, excellent low Mileage, Me S. 4,)34 PINTO Squire Vk atIon, 4 auto., D $ ., air cond. AM-Fr ad.(' s. Must to seen. r.&ot 94,3321. atter 6 0 mi. '76 MUSTANG Ghia, white. excei cond , must wet Cell I to S. 5135441 or atter $, It Ghia, 4 60,0., I '75 MUSTANG amid Cl' rs FORD Torino Squire W9n. en, Is. low mi. imnec- VEGA 15 '73 dump truck. yd Motors, Brittl 1 .col - for Sale 'IS MUsTANG 2.2. AM radio) ikon trans radial,. V a inw mi et3s3s4 eves ancl wk, flndli '73 INTERNÁTI 1ravmaill010. ar P s. pb luggage rack, tow pa(save 2clets Mi 77) MRS - - -- '71 LINCON CONTl ev owner, illness ter CPI sale or MI bits va twatoi white. lour mlermr lawn Cotme (clew loaded nd rnocm roor, ail power Incl owe Quad lace iound 3 mo to TOok OniV 7 SOO MU it art after ordered Mese en 0441w ant8 466 4406 7s MARK IV triple while. Corti er 467 adt9 Towne '75 I INCOt N Crwitinental Coupe white. 2951E47 '74 MARK IV. Coupe. steal this 72 GRAN TORINO oo oC ., v.rtvt too, cono . st tS0, 792 MOS -. FORE 4 drTORINO. '72 V S Pb atito D pir cond toS or oloorJbe 4413 P6R15 4Aaveckt. C. coni '75 $3,',415. air. redid. WLLEY DAL leoo so. Main BreintiNt '75 DODGE le ton axe aTiara, $4495. Call JOhn Maack 75 CHARGER. Very soeci&I edition woo. VIZI. 2oiSSS. 74 DODGE DART Sport, 2 dr., Os., P ts., air. V. auto., mhos. Very low Aowlutely flawless! 82,320 Or oder 262.5232 '74 DODGE DART Sport, Maus, steheaders, new tires AM-Freo mode. Want S2,250, 467 2755, 8110G-E auto'73 Polars Custom matic, Pwr steering & brakes, to 81,500, vinyl air, 73 DODGE Polars, 0040 car. 60 DESOTO, best offer. 72 DODGE Monaco, 10- pass. wagon, good clean ear, fully eouloPod, $895, CLARK BLIICKDATSuN Woods Cross Exit on - Wilkenseti 10 CHEV. Biscayne, 4 dr., ais,9150. '70 CHEV Impala, 4 dr. vinyl air cond PB PS. WV., '70 CHEVELLE wagon, auto trans., 6 cyl., air cond. FM radio. Newts tires, seat covers. 6800 as 76 CHE1-- (hevent, ainornatic, 82495. Call LYie k ensen 9724411. 76 CIIEV CAPRICE, excel. cond., Os., P b., air, cruise, fully eou'ooed, Sal00. 268 1918. '76 CAMARO , LT, !telly Sport. Loaded. Must sell. 76 CAMARO LT, pwr. steer, AM. M Stereo, red. $4,800. 2774689, BUiCK LeSabre, excel. cood 9 tires, $1,7v5. 73 BUICK REGAL, Must sell A Inured s. p b. air, clean, I 5wner. low miles. WHITE, a tyi,, ca boyar, vein bed. $3100 or best or 7564;26, offer. BARBER GREENE, ASPHALT PAVER. Bargain Price. IDEAL PRODUCE TRUCK ton cab and chassis, '60 FORD with cargo van body. 7ig- 40' TRAILmoBILE Van and p?afer, In 9dod cond., S5500. Coil in Ogden. 342.7731 DRILL Presses, grinders, vises, 5i IN Gordon Ave., CAT--MOTOR GRADER. $',995 or offer. VIBRA plus with S Compactor 5 Bountiful 15,000 Gitoo New 1969 '73 CHEN. Best offer. 4 sPO, like miles. call '76- CHEV Monte Carlo Landau, fully equino00, $495, Cell John 76 new, - e. AM, F M, 61.075. 72 CHEV impaia Custom Coupe, fuliy equipped, $1495. Call Lyle So Mein, Broil. CHEVY Monza, 2773 FREED $4 'NS kkA;PI . 900Autos 201I .2613 - Loa144 'noosing v,,,n who, top. maroon, for Solo Ow. fir, '16 CORDOBA. 1, DODGE 5 E. Load 6040 wa14. Tao Clerk ed, REEDS. 1100 So. Maim 14,499 128 4934. '76 DODGE Aspen 4 dr. D.C, 9 72 CHEVROLET Kingswood. Wagon air, auto., Passenger Monte Cori, Cream, Bountiful Motors, CHEV. 76 - . - '77 MAVERICK &rabbe( 2 dr é new metallic blue aoto cyl ntl kw SIA16 or Omni, FORD E .itn call loadecl, eves, arm weekends. EL TE Biack, loacted. Make '7; '76 464 ,8 S3495. 6724411. acS, $4 See Pt., - rot Mom.. So, 900Aut0s for Sole '76 FORD air, cruila control, oeo.o. ye,yet int owe aot ttiP wnte vinyl too. NAV m1. ,SU.:42,4q, 39.009 .tri. to ao0re( S4400 firm 487 '4'9 '76 DODGE Corr, 4., radio. dr., air, auto. Vier, A Pargain at S3788, See at Hincitleys Trucks, 231)9 S. State, 72 CHE V. CAPRICE. Very pood cond., $ i.300 or best otter. See at 628 !Ins Avg or CHEV ton, tuilV &quire-tad- IWO DA 172 4674863. IC16, 74 after 7 pm, 9434787 CHEV. NOV8 Concours, 4 dr., 6 CYL, econ., auto. trans., P40. Stee,ing. $2,9913. FREED. 1100 So. Won. '76 CHEN. NOVd. 28 mpg, 3 sncl. cyl Only 13.000 mt. 13,295 . 581- 76 s4,388, FREED'S, -328- 4934. 9 53946 900Autos , 'V imoariat Li Baron. a dr., were,- men brown, be,ge tell Mtn in,. wilt spats, $1.286 72 MONTE Carlo, titt ' P. stereo, air. mice, $2 250, Icrie 72 IMPALA oisaoeci, mi., rims $195, CHEV. MMbu couee Air, or 0 00., S1,JOD MALIBU CI661c Ste lOn wagon, exceilent cond. Air cond., u99hj4g rack. 972,5218 Mon,Fri. Sale full S1 aoe. '76 REGAL COUPE Main, So, Scot- . air, ess owner i 58,120 or !76 MONTE (ARLO. FuH bed. ed. Exnalent condition, iOw mite- owner, air. 82 995. 363.2191. 75 BUICK Electra 225 LTD, 4 or. tidtp. Like new. Beata. Loarled. 4,195 or offer, 262 9039, 74 BUICK Rivera, N,ce car. C ,11:1C eute,, ffor n t VEGA GT, new eng. radials, snerP Otter 722 vEGA GT wacion, excel cora. Low mIlmoe, Ong,n1 rebut, weth metal kieevek. i NOVA, 7, C;:i.. auto. P. E cal FrIPcl coots $I .295 54,9AS. Illn"-IP4- PS-.- "- 900Autos for Sate '2 Larva,' track, iike new. ste 8 Cail 2,6432qS. '76 MON1E CARLO, (AUTOMOBILES or it. 900Autos r'e' a'r cond., under "al' '74 AMC Hornet Hatchback, must sacrifice, good condition, $1,9S4 after cal, -73 AMC Javoiln, auto., Italia., 82,030. after 6 P.m- - call '71 HORNET, e,r cod,, Chian, good cond., S550 262.9154. '75 BUICK Sk vhawk, excel. cond., while with red int., air cond. $3,495. 2a6.5911. 431,1ICK Skylark, 350 Cu. in., 36 W ni,, As, air, guod cond., MODEL SS, JOHN DEERE combine, good CondltiOrt. '63 1.i4. Truck with grin bed and host. Montcello Forklift. 3,000 lb. cushion, 2 steam mast, LP. Good condition. Otters accepted. To be sold by 764; arn .... Sole CARLO. MONTE RX,d, Call '74 MATADOR 4 door, N,4...0 family ear. LOW M;e,19e, V S As, Db., good tires $1,750 or Otter MUSI seli this wsselL I CALL AUTO EQUIP. SALES West 1700 South 1045 -----used 46" pipe tor culvert, S12 per foot. Used 2k6's and G for fencing, $ ILO each. Misc. used stzel. Mete! SeNege Co. i ''6 76 PACER, automatic. air. 13.1,, like nee, &COO 571 4a34. is PACER Pow Veer, Ptwr Pr.. alr. AM FM rao,o, manual Pfn16, t2MA) or reasonable otter 2 ' 000autos for . , ' , &WMoney Wonted , f, - - - 1- -- -r' 1571610. ' . - ,r - - IZI -- State, Murray 262-741- ' 1310 8 1 A.M.-- 9 Pat' |