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Show 2 B dcsepet news, Wednesday, june 29, 1977 S. Cigarettes, drugs rapped One of the first surgeons to open the chest cavity to perforin surgery said Tuesday th.it man diseases he now sees an tie with diet, drugs and smoking thoracic Boston surgeon, was in Salt Lake City to speak at the first William Rumel lectureship Tuesday night The lectureship was designed to honor the Salt Lake City surgeon's pioneering work in chest surgery The two doctors have maintained contact since they met in Massachusetts in 1938 In the future, Dr Overholt said, changes in diseases of the blood vessels could be associated with diet and drugs. He also said if a society were to emerge it d would eliminate of the population usually hospitalized 10 smoking causes chemical bronchitis, emphysema and cancer, and it is related to half of all heart attacks, he said Politicians spend $4 million a year to educate the public about the; harms of smoking and at j the same time, vote $88 million to subsidize the tobacco farmers. Dr. Overholt noted He said politicians were being inconsistent in this type of action and should face up to the issues. Because the tobacco lobby is so strong, tobacco is considered neither a food nor drug and escapes scrutiny by j the Food and Drug Administration Dr. Overholt said the recent furor over the dangers of saccharin needs more investigation. We know tobacco kills 300,000 poisoning people a year and they (the politicians! get excited over a few mice killed by saccharin Dr Overholt, founder of the Overholt Thoracic Clinic in Boston, praised Dr Rumel's accomplish- - the second-degre- e stepson Logan kins, his wife's son by previous marriage. Court City Judge Zachery Chumplin set arraignment for July 5 in City Court for Gordon K. Atkinson, unused of killing Robert D Hos with charged murder in the alleged beating death of his Police said a Atkinson was still being held Tuesday m the Cache County Jail NEW ADLER 10DC Select-A-Siz-e Copier Desk-To- p So compact, So economical, you can buy it outright. or mandatory. A Midvale spokesman said residents have been asked to conserve water but are not limited to times or dayB. Midvales water supply, whicli relies on wells, is good, the spokesman said. p m Bail (API Logan man Only Midvale still has no restrictions, voluntary The restrictions also call lor public and private it r goes practically anywhere. Private vehicle ban urged for Zion stated goal of ending domestic livestock grazing at Continued from l The master plan said a survey of historic and archaeological sites in the park should be completed, covering the whole area. At Zion there are excellent opportunities to present a meaningful story of man in this region, including the fascinating history of early Mormon settlement in the Virgin River Valley, the plan added. The document also stated that the park should accelerate its acquisition of all private property and grazing rights and eliminate all domestic livestock from Zion. But in a Deseret News telephone interview, Heyder said not much can be done to accelerate purchase of private property in the park. About 3,800 acres are privately owned in the 146,000-acr- e park. If someone has property Hi the park and wishes to sell, we certainly would be interested in purchasing, he said. But he added, If theres no adverse use to the land thats different than is presently being done, we wouldnt condemn. He said the timetable for purchase hasnt changed much. More moneys available to purchase these things if and when they become available, he said Likewise, little is being done to achieve the plans B-- Complications arise m keeping the lung from deflating when opening the chest cavity, and m keeping the patient ventilated and breathing when closing the cavity. O LOGAN ha, been set at $50,(88) for institutions, cemeteries, parks, apartment com plexes and other large arcus to reduce outside watering by half. Wasteful use of wafer, such as using water to hose down driveways or allow it to Ik lost in gullets or on stnets or sidowulks, is also prohibited South Jordan, which relies on the Salt Lake County Water Conservancy District for water, join a growing number of other water suppliers in adopting mandatory water conservation measures Of south Salt lake County cities. South Jordan, West Jordan, Sundy and Murray now have mandatory conservation programs. A Riverton spokesman said meters were being read and a decision muy bn made next week If water use is more than acceptable under voluntary efforts, Riverton may also tie forced to adopt mandatory measures. Even-numbere- d Surgeons throughout history have shied away from opening the chest because of pressure problems associated with the lungs, Dr. Overholt said. one-thir- Cigarette techniques, making operations safer for patients, he said He also invented some widely used instruments and was a master at oiganiing the surgical team and training nurses and technicians Dr Oveiholt said the chest cavity was the last territory of exploration in the human body, defying surgeons until the last 50 years He said Ills interest in the new field was sparked by a fellow surgeon who invented the bronchoscope, an instrument that can lo( k into the lungs "He could look into the lungs but couldnt do anything to fix many of the things he saw, Dr Overholt said. I decided that we had to be able to open the chest cavity. "I never saw an operation m which the chest c av lty w as opened or the lung operated on until I did it myself, he added "I had to train myself because there was no one to teach me " Dr. Overholt Dr Richard Overholt, a A strict water rate schedule SOUTH JORDAN designed to cut consumption goes into effect here Friday South Jordan will charge its water customers $10 per 1,000 gallons used over a monthly maximum of 30.000 gallons. The first 8,000 gallons will be charged the regular rate of $0. The next 8,000 gallons will cost 31 cents per from 1,08) gallons, and the next 20,0(8) gallons will cost $1 per 1,000 gallons. 16.000 to 36, (XX) Mayor Orrin Beckstead and the City Council have also issued a proclamation, which has the effect of an ordinance, restricting water users to specific hours and times for watering. These restrictions follow uniform guidelines recommended by the Salt Lake County Council of Governments homes should be watered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and homes on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. No watering is allowed on Sunday or between 8 a m and ments and attributed his success to three things "Dr Rumel perfected surgical Jordan raises water rates Zion. We have two (grazing) permits in the park, and one of them is a permit, Heyder said. life-tenu- The permit allows grazing on land purchased eight years ago by tho park. It is for 1,025 animal unit months (AUMs). Part of the purchase agreement was that the person who sold the land to Zion is allowed to use it for grazing as long as he lives. So theres no legal way to speed up acquiring this permit. The other one (the only other grazing permit) is 39 AUMs and that one is up, I think, In 1980, Heyder said. The park probably will not renew the grazing permit, he said. Other grazing within the park is on the private On the lnholdings theres probably land remaining But nothing can something like i,000 to 1,500 AUM be done about this grazing, Heyder said. After all, its their land. V J H D n-r- XLf s $795 00 Big copier features in only 39 inches of space: n Produces 10 crisp copies per minute Automatically trims from 5V2" to 14" paper from books Copy on roll-fe- d exposure objects magazines, documents, or continuous Dial 1 to 15 copies Automatic control power shilt off Plugs into 115V outlet Instant-o- 3-- gigflj aprtfts Manust? ogBunfoggaaiEfte' raiKnagigaEuere & j IZZiaDLlLtJk nnnm&& fir JOIN OUR PHOTO FUN CONTEST Free Parking & Free Lagoon Rides When you pick up your entry form, you will also receive tickets for parking and free ndes at Lagoon Over $1 ,000 m prizes Enter now at any Inkley's' 0 SPECIAL ROLLEIFLEX SL 35M (Teachers f.lcsllory I in Kane win raise 'I -- - Csize KANAB Teachers m the Kane School District will receive a 5 5 percent increase in base salaries for the 1977 78 school 4 In addition, they will e receive a of one half percent of their contract salary in December, according to 1 I Doyle K. 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MAMIYA-SEK0- R MSX-50- 0 Lightweight 248 219 X-- 15 oil 3 220 shutter opening for existing Precise focusing from light filming 2 inches to infinity 4 to 1 automatic zoom Electronic Loop Sensor for 2 precise film and sound synch. Filming Speeds (18 and 24 fps) Ultra sharp Sankyo f1.2 lens and many, many more. Come see this revolutionary new way of making movies Total salary ai count in creases, including mcre- ments and fringe be- nefits, will amount to 8 8 or 9 percent, he said Only Reg. $19.50 made. Here are some of its unique features: ; List $370.00 Uses flipflash Its the Sankyo XL40S ... the most versatile sound camera ever trict superintendent I 2) size KODAK INSTAMATIC SUPER 8 SOUND term one-tim- for AAsize D Z Xenon 1 .8 Interchangeable lens ASA Range 1 2 to 6400 Self timer Through-the-len- s metering 1 to 11000 second shutter Flash synchronization Catteries A s.iw i D j tfljcn Vi H ; sn y -- i i u 484-439- 7 262-924- 5 wide-angl- 328-056- 1 486-392- 1 292-147- 4 n List $210.00 133 wCase SERVICE UR EKTACHROME AND KODACOLOR ROLLS AND EKTACHROME SUPER MOVIE FILM In 'jy 10 a.m. In by 4:30 p.m. Out by 5 p.m. Out by 10 a.m. , Except Saturday na graai mm& vsmiAE 1Mf |