Show r STILL progressing G REPORTS from various parts of the british mission continue to show progress 0 among the tiie saints and the spread of the work among inquiring friends at the london eon Oon conference ference held april ad elder T C griggs reported that since the last conference he had baptized nine persons in the district eiders elders E king and J A jennings had bee been i n laboring in the rent kent district and thirteen had been baptized into the faversham branch elder C F wilcox with elder F brown had baptized sixteen in the berks and wilts wills district and the other laborers in the conference gave encouraging cou raging reports with prospects of baptism am in many places elder W W turner writing to the star from previous to returning home from his bis mission of nearly two years re reports T arts having baptized nifty fifty fly four wit with five others ready for the water elder joseph goddard writing from the birmin birmingham g ham conference speaks of four baptisms in the northampton district and fourteen in the stafford district with crowded meetings at wolverhampton Wolver hampton we have gleaned the foregoing information from the millennial star of april |