Show BY TELEGRAPH yen m umon AME AMERICAN RICAN CHICAGO 22 chief engineer marsh of the government building while making an inspection today to day discovered in the attic attiq over the railroad mail room the dead body of a trial man the attic is divided into compartments corresponding to the rooms beneath and connected by small window like holes large enough to admit a person of ordinary size there is scarcely any light fi iee ime them in the third compartment was the ghastly body well advanced in decomposition the face blackened and bloated with two months mouths 0 oi death it was stretched but at full length lying on the back with the right hand over the face nobody connected with the building could identify the remains the man had been about five feet ten had dark red beard and moustache wore a anew new suit buit of clot ciot lies but the pockets contained no clue to his identity an empty phial and an an empty whiskey flask lay jay by his side the whole case is a profound mystery and is feared all the thy more a as several persons claim iio 10 have been through these attic rooms at times must havo bave been considerably later thail litke is suspected period of the death suicide sar bar san BAN FRANCISCO 22 abou about t 1030 this morning a shooting affray occurred at the corner of washington and kearney streets between thos W cunningham and J A alian chandler d in which the former was killed and the latter wounded though not dangerously family quarrels were the cause of the tra tragedy gerly tile the parties par ties having married marriett sisters chandler claims that cunningham sought to break up his ills family in on sequence of which chandlers chandless Chand lers gife gio left him and sued for a divorce he also claims that cunningham first drew his pistol with threatening language cunningham ia is a commission merchant and chandler was formerly employed in tile the mint blint and suase as a member of the california board 94 brokers ers ens lately he was out obus Q bus ness but was expecting a government appointment it is reported that ho he is 13 a nephew of the late zach chandler I 1 A washington 22 republican senators will doubtless meet in in caucus tomorrow to morrow the purpose of the meeting is to bring about the holding of abne one or more executive sessio sessions na at an early date in order to dispose of some of the accumulated business but hut with the understanding that the contest over the proposed election leg of officers will th then an be renewed the president has expressed to leading republicans an earnest desire for the confirmation of the most important nominations in order to re lieve all the departments of government from embarrassment and confusion republicans now seem in favor of confirmation also and before the middle of next week will hold a caucus to consider the matter one hundred and fifty four nominations are pending the judiciary committee will consider eions before it tomorrow to morrow morning the tiie most prominent being stanley matthews republicans declare they wiit will still control the business A number of or petitions are received from baltimore against the confirmation of adrion as post postmaster maste r secretary blaine said to some bus ines men today to day that he be intended to use every ex to increase and main maln maintain tai tal a trade and wants to see legislation gi for the purpose next year the president will withdraw the nomination of H C russell for postmaster at eufala alabama simon cameron is here for the purpose of adjusting the difference between the president and conkling yesterday during the five hours session of the senate he sat most mos of tile the time in a private room with the vice vlee president and was in ih close consultation consula tion during durino the time with the vice president conkling jones nevada and a few other republicans public ans known to be special supporters of senator CorTh conkling ling all tiie tile gentlemen who al attended tended this mysterious conference are very secret as to what transpired the natto natio national n al be publican willbo morrow print the follo following new yorki york april 23 22 tot Toi Jeorge G C gorham gor Oar iam republican office washington D 0 you will please say eay for ine that all charge 1 direct or indirect which affect my lUtei integrity rity as a public official are absolutely and unqualifiedly false signed THOS J BRADY A senator who is a mamber of tb the e commerce committee commit teet says conkling will not ry to postpone the fight light on robertson conkling feels that lie is stronger now that ever and when executive sessions are held he lie will instead of smothering Rober nomination in the committee report it adversely and attempt to have it reject rejected edd edi til the friends of stanley matthews say ills his case easo faso will be one of the first acted on and he will be confirmed as 20 democrats and IS 18 republicans have promised to vote for him conkling will not now make any daht fight on lyt atthews matthews as he does not care to involve himself in any antagonism all the indications point to matthe confirmation iia ifa social says A band of armed men mien roae rodo up to the house of a man named mci Mcf mclauren auren living in the little town of or frior prior texas last tuesday and del beritely bera tely murdered mclauren 1 N le his wife wire and a young man living with them named lesse ho rno cause is given for the horrible act viet and the perpetrators of ft it are unknown plunder evidently was not the object as nothing in the house was disturbed CHICAGO 22 london specials say every day increases the prospect that crops in england will be a total or large partial failure it is now some weeks since any rain fell and the tho country is very dry within the last four days there thero have been very heavy frosts throughout the entire country even should there be warm rain within a short time it will be too late to re repair an r the damage which has already been done by the long continued drouth frosts and unusually cold weather these facts together with advises advices heretofore telegraphed in i n regard to the pro bable failure of the wheat crop in large areas of russia indicate the likelihood of a ri erious serious deficit in the grain crops of europe the present season reason it is stated that russia is about to inake make social socialistic iric lAic representations to the powers on the subject of common security against revolutionists bismarck does not seem beem to have taken positive action on the resolution of the diet in regard to the tight right of asylum but itis it is certain he wili will 4 ill lil eagerly listen to whatever russia or any other power may say on the subject meanwhile the socialist law is being applied here renewed vigilance various suspected artisans artisan and others have lately been bren expelled from berlin and scarcely a day passes without the name of some tome proscribed person appearing in the official gazette LITTLE rock BOCK ark 22 rev robert mattlon mattlock was lynched in isard county a few days since bince as it IS is supposed posed he was the prea preacher cherof of new light fanaticism which prevailed in this region last year til enthusiastic believers in blood atonement under Matt locks locka lead killed six or seven men they murdered the miller brothers last august with a knife b but t were we recaptured captured tried and aca acq acquitted u ittu as insane A short time ago a murdered man was found in the mountains between telico and Battes ville and circumstances indicate strongly to mattlock as the murder erThe community was greatly excited and NI att locks i disappearance makes it quite certain he is also the victim of blood atone ment PUEBLO col 23 this afternoon a passenger coa con coach ch containing 14 passengers on the denver and rio grande train which left liere here for chama last wednesday afternoon jumped the track two miles ea east t of rock tunnel and rolled feet down an embankment no other cars left the track five men and one woman were killed outright and three seriously injured no employees of the road were injured except the fireman who was riding in the coach it is imps impossible gible to give a list of the killed at this writing OTTAWA as tile the dominion government has made a dat gnat grat yat gr at concession to american vessels from the westby west by providing that craft passing ino ing through welland canal shall go free frie through the st lawrence canal ill dand and vice versa also that tonnage be reduced one half this covers all that has been asked and will greatly stimulate the commerce of montreal with chisayo Chie chica aco ayo 0 O NEW NT 23 the T tribune tribu n 6 says about 40 manufacturers of knitted goods doing busine business qs in the biffl different erent parts of the country met yesterday to take action in regard to the circular issued by the treasury department which manufacturers rs ay in effect removes the duty on knitted woolen goods and which it ia is claimed threatens to cause serious loss to american man A permanent organization was effected by the choice for president of james talcott the tribune says saya it was stated yesterday that a compromise had bad been effected in the suit against the issue of of or stock by the northern pacific railroad it was understood upon good authority that of shares which it has been claimed were issued only igo shares have been issued absolutely of which only shares have been sold in open market and the proposition to compromise is said to have come from VII vil villard I 1 art one of the conditions being that tile balance of the tock shall not be put on the market but be held for a definite period another condition of the compromise is Js said to be that the villard party shall have a fair representation villard yesterday declined to be seen advie advices es from the tiie city of mexico ca of the are the alleged friendship between grant a d diaz is injuring the latter here without ben fitting the former many diany worthy people give credence to a story put about in the old conservative circle circles that grant has come here in pursuance 0 an agreement with diaz that hew hewl he w wi I 1 talk over a fort sort of protectorate to be subpoenaed by the united stater slater 4 government the story absurd as 58 it is has been circulated by people ol 01 influence and in connection with the general belief that gen diaz has lias eng engaged aed ned extensively in railway speculations it ia is working mischer grant laughs at it but he will doubtless take an early and conspicuous opportunity to 0 make an end of it publicly CHICAGO 3 the times paris correspondent cables an interview with Leon say on tho results of the monetary conference in which he says my imy opinion is that free coining is the only method to establish bi I 1 favor heartily the free coinage coin coln age of silver at all the mints of europe establishing silver as a standard with gold on a basis of I 1 to both houses of our parliament would vote in ill favor of this proposition by a large majority I 1 do not dot believe however that for a year or more to come this would result jn in bringing a very considerable amount of american silver into france as you are aware exchanges are largely in your favor and hely heiy heavy shipments of grain and produce will keep it ihus thus for a long time to come sinco 1878 we have struck no silver coins but I 1 think it would be found foun d advisable to begin 11 soon to coin silver as formerly discussing the possible action of the monetary congress M say bay remarked the italians will probably seek feek to make some arrangement by it may gain ga in certain ad Avan van takes for their own country some half way which they cari carf withdraw if found adai advisable aa w washington 23 senator edmunds intends leaving washington ina day pr to not to return till til next winter and one purpose of the meeting or of the judiciary committee today was to consider the nomination of stanley matthews the of mahone have been urging ng the committee to act on hinnom his nomination nation even though the action should bean adverse report they believe the senate would confirm him even against an adverse report and matthews and hi his 19 supporters are very anxious anxious tor for the committee to adopt a report so that the nomination can bended beaded upon at the first executive session the committee had just a quorum today to day and waited nearly two hours houra for that conkling and logan iid ild lid did not appear nor did they send any reason realon bayard wrote a note saying he could not attend and stating how he stood on matthews nomination owing to the absence of so many members the committee took no action on the ease eafe vase Al matthews atthews friends here still b hope ope to get action from the comm committee t in time to get the cae before the executive session several members of congress who ho were on zon in their support of the deficiency nici fici eney ency which brady asked the last jart congress for to maintain the tiie islar istar service are here brady ask ed for two milli ns tic of dollars more than had been appropriated and the congles urged the deficiency nici fici eney ency say they did so on the 9 ground round that tho the service had to he be maintained that they recognized ed the fact that brady had been extra fagant bu but they were not willing to make the people of the cour coun country try suffer by depriving them of their mails because of bradys Br ailys allys faults it is now said that brady has prel pres preserved cerv all recommendations and requests of members of congre congress as for increased service and will exhibit them in his defense members of congress urged an increase of mail service in their respective states but they expected it to be done legitimately and most members say they only asked buch auch an increase as the growth of po population J lation and business demanded amors rumors of congressmen having been connected with the alleged irregularities appear to be witt lout foundation yet a high authority in the post office department that nothing yet developed incel pates any member of congress it is announced very positively that ex congressman monroe of ohio is be appointed minister to bra nna brazil zil at a meeting of the spanish american commission at tb a state department today to day durant counsel ion tow for the united states bel before gore fore the commissio commission stated that he had been instruct instructed need by the secretary of state to request umpire count lewenhaupt Lewen houpt to reconsider his recent decision in the buzzi case inasmuch as it concedes to the spanish government the right in determining the question of american citizenship to go behind naturalization papers and require evidence to establish the fact that the conditions required by our laws jaws to entitle an alien to receive naturalization papers as an american citizen had been fully complied wih wi wl h previous t granting a certify cate he then read to the commission a letter from secretary blaine giving him instructions to that effect and stated that he should at once make a formal request of count Lewen houpt to reconsider his decision the state department holds that in determining tile the question of citizenship naturalization papers regular in form and duly issued by a competent tribunal shall be taken not only as prima jacie fade but aa as conclusive proof of tile the citizenship of a claimant this was conceded by baron blanc former umpire for the commission and itis it is understood that our ur government will insist upon this construction the paper call cali calling I 1 ng for an executive session odthe of the senate next week has received a number of additional signatures today to day and everything points to a session for the confirmation of nami nations early next week the nominations however that will be |