Show LOCAL ind OTHER MATTERS RATTERS 7 i mn tom MONDAYS A 8 dayl nayl nally DAILY LV MAY blay 11 it 1 the ka f showers A splendid con fe ie 11 of the rain oh oli saturday oye ore eye evening and sunday 1 in omIng morning 6 amodei amodel aa i odel A i old oid gentleman 1 an named Daan has been exhibiting the madel madei bf a ship in front of the exchange buildings to today day it took him between sixty and seventy day chy to make iland it and ho he wishes to dispose of it for washington county brother oscar westover who is now in this city after goods for the store of the united order of pinto settlement reports that the order Js is working wol wel lland iland lad iad that the more experience the people have in it the better they like it fit lit about hal half fp f p past ast six bix yesterday evening a man fell down inan in a nit fit it or a series of fits at the foot of commercial Sire street eton on second on d south street some good sam ar itans tried to alleviate the poor fellow fellows feI oel lowb lows s sufferings in various ways hut but others othe rd unthinkingly retarded his yby by closing around him tai to ki gratify rati an idle at the sufferer lt expense n him sina out ou this morning L a mereha tit whose place p lace is a distance d irn east temple street was fined 5 5 5 for administering corporeal chastisement to a fellow i who as was shown in tile the evidence had bad been sponging ilig 1139 on him for several weeks and at the same time injuring in jurin him in busi ness less some might have the opinion that the tile kicking was not misdirected but it must be remembered that the la law was infringed hinged 0 by it rampageous this morning camel bear went up to a citizen who was standing quietly ly by and co commenced pummeling pum meling him div ing as liis ills leason meason reason that the party to whom the thu hammering was administered had bad insulted ills liis bears Bear ls auntS The police coAl considered dered that this was wa s not A a prep 41 W ethod of and marched him to the city hall he was to havo have an interview inter yiew with justlee jjustice clinton this afternoon jy i v q t jaa gaa accident a zo on saturday after noon logn daniel H halliday a il police kofl nicer ulcer of Provo tiu m g getting 1 over a fence into the stray pen at that place moved his pistol out of his pants pocket into that of ill lil coat when the pistol went off the ball J big fig ined 10 hig n leg entering just lodging in the fhe f lie lle vicinity of the ancle up to yesterday evening the ball had not been extracted he is ia attended by D ers and provo 1 educational at the request of 0 Terr tonai tonal superintendent of common schools the county superintendents super den ts t s and teachers ers ors met in the university building J aday evening last to take tike huito into consideration the tho best ebest means af pf furthering the cause of edrica uli hii inU jah jab laings decided upon was that there should lc be a mard board of bf examination in every county sor for or thu the purpose of testing the efficiency of candidates for forthe the cespon responsible arile position of tea teachers ellem fine eino horse horsa A mr sewell was exhibiting a splendid looking stud horse harse on the streets today to day A party who has the reputation of el g t adjudge a J amme ot af horseflesh sald said 1 0 na of albest th ebest put up ani ant but that probably some rome people would ol 01 object act to ralsey him because he was raised here certainly there are persons who seem to have imbibed the faise false no nothing egan egin can be farst class elass that was a fine rine looking symmetrical tji orse IL A rascally business oia satu salu r emray day ogie ofie one of marshal McAlli mcallister sterpe sterle deputies arrested dt at ophir and brought to town a man who is ac cubed of ef enticing two young 1 I w women 0 man to that place under me fhe pre tence of finding ulem situations in a homei hotel but on reaching 0 O hirthe giris girls disbo discovered vered that the rouse eouse house to which they were about to be taken was was a place of ill lii fame and they re fused to stay the fell feli fellow ow refused reful refus to pay tho the return stage stag e fare oare orthe young women and when they reached this city their trunks were retained at the stage 0 filee office until billil the fares should bo bg forthcoming tho the girls were supplied from an intelligence telli gence office in this thise city elty ity release please return them A ap party from saudy sandy tle purchased ur chased a variety of at articles tillei at the dry dri goods department of Z C HI L on saturday al forenoon and wishing to attend conference asked one of the clerks to take charge of bf them for a few hours the articles were packed in two bundles which the clerk placed on the end oud of the counter where the owner was informed they would be safe enough when lie he returned tho articles were sere minus and the clerks could abt give any information concerning them it is thought they they ivere were taken in by mistake as another hother af parcel was left in I 1 its place the articles are worth about twenty dollars and the party who took thy the parcel by mistake will oblige by leaving it it at the emporium for the owner A prowler brother joseph watson of the ward happened to bo be absent from home the other night his little girl had oc casion to bring a churn into tho tb house from the tile outside to obviate the necessity of going goin gout out of doors she lifted a window that she might reach for the article and take it in in I 1 when she put her hand out imagine her astonishment not to say fright when she touched a man who was crouching under the window the fellow on being thus disturbed jumped to his feet and ran rain there can belittle be little doubt that abat his intention was to gain a burglarious bugl arious entrance to the house with evil intent should he be or any other fellow rellow of the same stripe visit that place again in a similar way bno barq brother watson says rays there thero will be a dose dole prepared for him that will cure eure curil such proclivities ro clivilles in future burglary euy buy glary at a late hour last ladt night a number of men went up to the front door of the residence of mn nir harves harvey harver ath ward and hand ran rang th ebell the head or of tile the house was wa and mrs birs harvey who had bad retired for the I 1 night was very much alarmed and dared not nob kovei move or speak finding that thai no one responded to the anding of the bell the burglars for such jiley alley proved to ba e opened open ed a window and entered the house bousi they ransacked fc everal several trunis trunks and carried away a large number dumber of valuables they also tool mrs harveys pocket boh bot book P which however did mot ilot happen t to 0 contain n much at the time they th ey carried off one trunk bodily it appears they took it a distance li stance of about two and a half blocks to the jot of bishop ward where it was found among some currant bushes busi bust les by the tho police p this orning ri they had broken open this trunk and took what they considered of value including a gold and silver vilver watch from it it is supposed that the robbers expected mr air harvey to answer the th e babi baul call at the door when they pr probably babl would have pounced on him expecting to get a haul from ills his pem pen person on jhb police found the tracks of ol 01 four persons around the scene of the robbery rou bery this morning and it is probable therefore that th that a t na number aber emm ene ere engaged in it the utah delegate some question has been raised as lo 10 bishop cannons Can nona qualification to sit in the house as delegate from the territory of utah on the ground that he is a practical polygamist the house committee oil on elections find that he has the usual constitutional qualifications required in all representatives and as it is neither a usual nor a constitutional qualification not to be a practical polygamist they are of opinion that mr cannon should hold his place mr cannon has been formally elected is over 25 years of age has been seven years a citizen of the united states i is a r resident of utah and that is all ali that the constitution demands it has nothing to say about polygamy or polyandry and so mr cannon may be delegate from utah and have three or ten times the allowance of hap hao happiness lIness which woman cori confers fers that ordinary representatives can legally avail themselves of he may sit in the House make speeches debate introduce bills voto vote for or against and when h he e goes gobs homei home have in addition to all this honor four pair of rosy lips to smile upon him and eight eyes black blue or gray to shino shine in his household firmament for on tile the number of wives which a representative may have the constitution ution is silent the committee say they have no authority to investigate the charge whether mr cannon is a practical polygamist but suggest a resolution be introduced asking the appointment of a especial special committe to investigate the matter and to decide whether if he bo be a 11 practical polygamist he be be eligible ellgie e to a seat in the house when the committee on mr cannons polygamy or no polygamy meet meet they will have to decide 1 ant I 1 what vh at constitutes al polygamy 2 whether mi nii cannon is a practical poly pois polygamist gamis idt 3 whether if so he is a fit person to take a F seat leat in the house of inep representatives the tho committee on elections evidently draw a distinction be between tweena a polygamist pure and simple and a practical polygamist we adaso them wren when they come to the framing of a definition ot bt practical polygamist s 0 to word woid it that it shall embrace mr cannon and no one else great caution ja is needed here ere esseln else eise in the future some somo senator benator r or ito Ite representative elect I 1 nd ind not from utah might probably pro baily bally ly find himself disqualified to assume assi I 1 ine his seat in congress meanwhile ae those who entertain any fears that mr nir cannons presence in the house ma may y be hurtful to the morals of his non polygamous collea will be glad to know that he does not take his four wives to washington with him one or of senator carpenter carpenters reasons why congressional salaries should be increased was that thit every congressman should have his family with homand him and as mr cannon connot draw four salaries perhaps this is W why by he leaves his four wives and four families fa at home at all events this is a charitable construction st to put upon it for all congressional purposes therefore mr cannon may be regarded as a bachelor chicago tribune |