Show IT IS TRULY TO SEE what improvements now exist aa hs compared with railway travel only a afew few years ago to be come mine convinced of this one has only to select selee kSor for his route F east mst ast the popular and well known cm i northwestern mm inai you are landed by the union pacific la R R in the union depot at coun council cil cli blufus e where stands the 0 and N W palace train composed of pullman fullman composed hotel cars pul pui pullman ix ian lan sleep sleeping ing cars elegant day coaches smoking baggage postal cars etc ready to convey its passengers pw engers tb through rough iowa and illinois and hild into chicago gil gliding drig smoothly along over the superb track of steel balij through thriving cities and villages comfortably seated in this train one scarcely discovers the high rate of speed at which lie is riding train of th this Is road are always on time con sections sure and passengers seek ing pleasure comfort safety barety and ease in traveling will find nind the north western in excess of their expectations and alad the i greatest of alt all al routes to chicago a and nd the E east insist upon ticket agents selling you youl ta tickets cheth via this road all ail agents sell seil them li examine amine amino T tickets 1 C ki e L 4 and refuse to buy if they do not read over this road if you wish the best traveling accommodations you will buy your tickets by this route BAND AND VILL IVILL TAKE wake no Rf dawly ar we have a positive and speedy cure for catarrh diphtheria canker mouth and headachy He adach in CATARRH REMEDY A anasal nasal injector j ector free with each bottle use it if you desire health and sweet breath price 50 acts sold bold by Z C M SL I 1 drug department wholesale and retail salt bait lake city I 1 daw dr oxygenated BITTERS are a cheap rend and simple remedy for foi dyspepsia and biliousness in all their worst forms it lff iff a well known preparation and has been known and endorsed hy by physicians for many years and has hay been used by thousands of ers in all parts of the world as a standard and reliable remedy for coughs and colds take BROWNS COUGH BALSAM BALSA 31 for sore bore throat and hoarsen hoarseness e Ss use use BROWNS tarm TARN TAR TROCHES ROCHES for headache and biliousness use BROWNS LIVER PILLS for indigestion take BROWNS TONIC for catarrh use GERMAN CATARRH CURE CURB for purifying the blood usg use sarsaparilla AND DANDE LION for cuts bums bruises and I 1 frost bites use BROWNS ARNICA SALVE sore lungs rungs cured by using BROWNS COUGH BALSAM for western diseases use BROWNS brownm 3 WESTERN REMEDIES for sale by all dealers in medicine in salt lake city and utah RESCUED eaon ebon DEATH the following statement of bvm J coughlin of oi Somerville bor Boi nerville mass ia Is BO so remarkable ip that we beg to ask for it the attention of our readers he says in the fallor tail fall 0 1876 1 was taken with a VIOLENT T OF THE LUNOS lungs followed by a severe vere cough I 1 soon began to lose my appetite and flesh I 1 was so one time that I 1 could not leave my bed in the summer of 1877 r was admitted to the city hospital while there the doctors said I 1 had a hole in my left lung as big as a malt palf halt half dollar I 1 expended over a hu hundred ildred dollars in doctors and medicines I 1 was vas so far gone at one time a report went around that I 1 was dead I 1 sw swe gave e up tip hope but a friend told me of DR R WM HALIS HALLS BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS I 1 laughed at my friends thinking that my case was incurable but I 1 got a bottle to satisfy them when to my surer surprise I 1 so anid arid gratification I 1 commenced to feel fl better my hope hop e once dead began to devite and today to day I 1 feel in better spirits than 1 I have the past three thre years ai f write this hoping you will publish p uld I 1 it t so that every one afflic afflicted acted with diseased lung lungs wail w 11 II be induced to take DR WM NVIA HALLS CALSAM tob TOR fob THE LUNGS and be convinced that consumption CAN BE CURED CUBED I 1 have taken two bottles and can positively say sa that it has done more adore good than all other medicines f I 1 have taken since my sickness my ily cough has almast entirely disappeared and I 1 rhall shall soon be able to go to work sold by byall all ail druggists I 1 A STRANGE PEOPLE you know that there are strange people in our coin coln community we say strange because they seem fo prefer to suffer and pass their days daka miserably abis ably made so with dyspepsia and liver C and general debility when is gua guaranteed i to cure them sold by Z 0 M L I 1 drug department wholes wholesale aWand and retail reta bait salt lake city utah I 1 daw fave save your harness by it wha i uncle sams sama harness Oll which arill ri 1 keep it soft and pil pliable able abie thesis this is mhd L best estoil oil elbr ever made for leat leather ieather her ber sold hv bv gomm CO elve rit hundred thousand strong in thelast the past few months there have been more than bottles of cure CUBE so sold ld out of the va vast number of people who 1 haxe have I ave used it more than 2000 gases pases ases of consumption have been cured all coughs croup asthma and bronchitis field yield at once hence it Js is that everybody speaks in 14 its ita t braise to those who llave not n qt au iett it let ussa us say 1 if you have a 4 cough or your 3 child u 1 the croup and you value life ilfe dont fail fall to try arv it for lame back side or chest chet use uge Shi lohs loha porous plaster sold b by Z C ML MJ drug department wholesale and retail salt balt n jahe jake eif elf v 1 IN law jaw W J A bailey DAILEY land agent ut salt A lake city write to him endelos enclosing ene losing stamp and he will give in formato FREE about lland land matters a WV w maies males honey of horehound and tar for the cure of cough coughs colds influenza flu enza hoarseness difficult breath ing ung and all ali affections s of the throat Th bronchial tubes and lun bun laings icings 0 rs leading to consumption this sovereign remedy is compounded from the fa evorite receipt of an illustrious physician and chemists chemist 7 who for many years used it with the most com corn success in his extensive private practice ho he had long been profoundly impressed with the wonderful virtue of the plant horehound in union with the cleansing properties of tar extracted from the life tiye principle of the forest tree ables Balsam eavor or balm of gilead for years he be was baffled in in his attempts to blend these great medicinal forces into such a union that the original power 0 of each would be preserved preserve Nl the disagreeable qualities of common tar i removed and theorice the price of the com corn pound be within reach of all at last after a long course of difficult chemical experiments he found that by adding to those five other ingredients each one valuable by itself he be not only obtained the desir ed results but greatly increased the curative power of the compound this having been thoroughly tested by practice is now offered to the general public as a safe sade pleasant and infallible remedy price 50 cents and 1 per bottle for sale safe by all druggists 0 depot crittenton 7 sixth avenue new york city great saving by buying large size 11 ikey ikel tilo TiYo toothache drops cure jn in C my annual catalogue of vegetable a ana and nd flower heed seed for issi lissi rich in engravings grav ings from photographs of the tha originate will be sent FRE fresi fress V to all who apply my old customers need not write for it I 1 offer one of the largest collections of vegetable seed ever sent out by any seed peed house in america i a large portion of which were grown on my j six bix ix seed farms full directions for cultivation on each yicK package aoe age all seeds warranted to be bom fresh and true to name BO so far that d should it prove otherwise I 1 utti refill the on or a der gna cna gratis the original introducer of the hub hubbard rd squash PhIn phinneys 21 melon meion elon eion marble head cabbages mexican corn and scores of oiher other oiher other vegetables vegetable sp I 1 invite the patronage of ad are anxious to have their feed directly i i romi froan ropi the growers grower fresh true and of the very j best hest strain i IJ sew sew new vegetables specialty JAMES jaikes J H GREGORY 4 at eow marblehead mass masa 1 U EN we will win bond our catalogue Catalog tle tie for 1881 Containing 4 full fuu and descriptive list of afi FLOWER SEEDS VEGETABLE SEEDS Clad gladiolus lolus lilies roses plants etc 0 faed with ua correct cow com deot peales free to all who send their address application may way be made ame and kia mia street orail EB adolph st ch leago P I 1 R A FA S ild iid LIE lle ya C 1 daj ja t I 1 coref and end en aas as well weil aj tio tie in the world superbly r 1 11 bomm boma la clodi 0 alc elc 5 ill iii gut gilt JS J vw bw per arnt oraf A ai rixie ra cj ina mar max uary aw q aig mio si e 1 and mil ft a rut yuk of utia b ivull nwe wnm fee naw TV ile ewt lw fie nta being perfect la karto web webe I 1 U A I 1 I 1 ste ol 01 tl it cot costs 89 00 and end the P 0 p n 1 r 41 1 jj dictionary oost cost only worth ten tea tim tb nony jv r 74 rs re wo w hamme luw never nar een its it either in griak Cl lg content tt abla jd t act and blod library of cf seferena Se terene ferene Z jan NY N T ane copy of 0 the amalyan popular dic die aona conary the tho th ere test ud beffa book dock e er ua postpaid ta any eny y darm admas on of only 2 21 rii ril amo ago br entire fa f betton action on aaran maran teed two fr roy si 82 A GRAND HOLMAY PP present 04 ida a yil til birr er rood forge for U days uyi only nd 4 spur ara pro rr a gir fit copies sold in twe two I 1 rol lys ins i 1 I 1 yS |