Show uncle sams nerve erve and bone liniment is the tile most efficient in rheumatism bruises B burns u r n s scratches and many other ills Ms incident to man and beast sold by GODBE prams co M C a week in your own town terms and jod jon free sree address IL co portland maine w 36 S arlit T A T FOUNDRY kil AND MACHINE coll iya blocks south or of R it depot are now prepared to manufacture AU U kinds of engines boilers grist mills salt mills etc CASTINGS OF 41 KINOS HE IN lili IRON bims bibs portable engines saw mills ORDER VS aw bring on your old cast iron and brass and get the cash T R a MARGETTS prest P secreta secretary r Y T PIERPONT sug ROYAL nw N elys K eyll 10 A absolutely elivure phi phe vure made from grape cream tartar no other preparation reparation makes akes such light Us ht flaky hot breads reades or luxurious pastry can be eaten by y dyspeptics without mear tear of oatho the ills 1119 resulting og from heavy indigestible food tood sold only in a cans by all grocers royat BAKING cas cal CO new york iv lil ili a 1 i caldren CH dren xema eoll roil a zisa 11 I 1 mothers lilie like and physicians lecorn recommend tri ena end it IT IS NOT NARCOTIC CE LINIMENTS the tile worlds vorias great pain re lieving remedies they heal soothe and cure burns wounds weak nack back and rheumatism upon man dlan and sprains galls gaus and Lani rani lancenese eness enesE upon beasts cheap quick and reliable I 1 EF som sol mom 10 v R N eln ela rin IS ats now all admit that most diseases are caused by disordered kidneys or livers liver and that if those great organs are kept in a perfect reec J t condition health will be the result WARNERS SAFE eidner eldner AND LIVER cure CORE Is made from a simple tropical leaf OF RARE VALUE and band is a POSITIVE remedy for the ibe follow following ln troubles pain in uhe the raen rach severe wead head aches dizziness Diz yula Iula gnel gnei inel yes ies n aelred tired feeling N night i glit new ten eats pains in he the lower part of or gho tho glody body palpation or of tho the heart i jaundice gravel cravel pain ful fill urination malarial Fever reier never and ague A gu and all diseases caused calved by the te kidneys liver or urinary organs being out of order it is 13 a safe SAFI and CERTAIN female difficulties such aa as inflammation of the womb falling of the womb Ulcer ulceration atton atlon of the vomb bomb it will control and regulate menstruation and is an excellent and hafe safe remedy for females during d u rinar pregnancy fe As a blood purifier it is unequaled for I 1 itar cures the organs that mahe the blood for bolls boils carbuncled carbuncles Carb uncles scrofula white swelling Sel sei Hns salt poisoning by mercury or any other drug irus lrus it Is certain in every case tov tor incontinence impotence pains in gho tho lions and all similar diseases I 1 11 t Is safe sure and quick cure it is the only known remedy that has cured 13 rights disease asa proof of the purity and worth of this thia great natural remedy read the following CHEMICAL ANALYSIS S A LATTIMORE latrimore ph D r ia professor of chemistry in the university of rochester N ya Y knowing the tha popularity and merit of WARNERS SAFE KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE after a thorough chemical analysis has furnished the following statement university 0 OF F ROCHESTER chemical laboratory ROCHESTER NY N y jan bib sib ISSO mr H U 11 warner hus his h ts placed in my pos fog the formula of the medicine manufactured and sold by him under the beneral gendral dest pation of warners safe ridney kidney and liver cure I 1 have investigated his cs of manufacture which are conducted with extreme caro care and according to the best methods I 1 hare have also taken from ills bis laboratory samples of all the materials used in the preparation of this medicine and ane upon critical examination I 1 find them as well as the medicine into which they enter to be entire entirely Lv free from poisonous or deleterious substances S A LATTIMORE this remedy which has done such wonders LARGEST SIZED BOTTLE of any medicine upon the market and it la Is gold sold by Dru druggists mists and all dealers at per r bottle bottie bott I 1 e for kor or diabetes enquire for WARNERS NERS E rss RIS SAFE DIABETES CUBE CURE it la Is a POSITIVE remedy H H WARNER WARMER CO wa tf rochester M NY Y jt itu u 1 eor for do your own or aroid old ola 1 frit fric print priti bal baell Bat ingv ingy nov no ll v 1 83 3 orena prena for borcard card envelopes ac 14 other sizes 8 14 25 typesetting cyp rs easy by yifter printed coyour do your ca own printing and advertising money made fast in any anyplace place jobbing or running a paper catalogue a eap erp of pr esses ea type cards caras ac for fora 2 stamps kelsey keisey e y co meriden conn coun TT T T A WEM WEEK sla sia 12 a day at home easily 41 made costly outfit free address true co augusta maine i i f ondie ORDIE it D M ka richardsons RICHARD SONS ada IVA L A rt C D et M S P BM BEST IN nie THE WORLD jl tinctured in dent deft detroit dit mich for sale sate by Z C AT I 1 and all other grocers and druggists chicago agent st 17 DURANT cm wf WE ft nun 13 michina atmus I 1 st |