Show LIST mst OF LETTERS REMAINING IN THE POST OFFICE AT V salt lake city sept SO 1880 IM which 11 not called for within one month mouth will bo be sent to the tho dead letter LIST 8 A free areef F mantle it RE E atwood B felter fetter mrs A anderson andersen A AS S 0 nelson E P anan I 1 IS 1 1 gabrielson 11 neely 31 if A armstrong rm t g F G garrett garvett tt J needham S A anderson 11 II M mercen 0 n D 0 atkinson 11 II 11 oswell J austin N harvey mrs r P st halset halsel E B pa papworth h E kit dit brown drown mrs hazene hazen E gr perkins J barnes P J hughes J 31 Prea torL L burnside Burnsl de E 2 hudson L purse L burton f hutchings R ac it bissell F howard M L S 13 bird I 1 rd J howard 8 richan W Drock brockbank bank KA KAHoa hoagland gland gIand 8 E reinig M 31 A boshard M I 1 raymond 31 black S 8 irvine irvino R H 2 rands L C i 3 robison E christensen christeusen C jensen A J 1 S hil III johnson A J D cahoon E M H jensen A M snow scow D christensen E jorgenson M senior E cox E B 1 L jensen M sperry E Cal calhoon locin J jorgensen S smith E J james S suns 0 collins K johnson SA S A swenson H M S corey L if J clark M kimball kimbail yit lit E swenson J curtis P kettle 11 1 1 J L childs lir 11 koons 0 swenson AT 1 kimball IVA iya shipley 31 deana dean A L shaw R deals denial A 0 2 1 louis louls 13 M 1 sharps donner mrs M T davis davia E R loren afis mrs thorup 0 V donahue J E taylor L decker becker L lee leo looey EJ tea dale date L davis davilma M A lennan J 0 taylor M davison M K liddle liddie J w K E a wells wella G eastman G GL L mckean mckeand A walters H erikson J P myrick 0 woodmansee Wood mansee mansco L eldridge L moco mcco cocome in e E wall wali wallace aee ace L E v mead E J wheatley M foss fossem S 31 matthews J whitehead A it forney eorney E lyst LIST A 0 P anderson A gordon D DJ J parsons W WP P u c 11 change T E 13 peterson Pc terson L if I 1 F P gray P F askew G gorringe J parker larker A F abbott J ll 11 petterson patterson A S anderson P G holt W E il harrison W H it browne B P 8 2 hitch S P rigby rig by IV bellamy A K howard R richan 11 bolton A 8 hallett 0 co bridge H j hardman L rawlings J ton holt mr reus G barker A acks J robbins C B 13 best A harris J reynolds 0 birge dirge F FES 1 2 1 loffman Hoffma nJ J W S bjorkman A hessa hess J Sc roggle gleA A barrett 0 F holbrook J 11 A S bradley CJ C J howard 8 branham 0 C harmer J C it B 13 narrow barrow arrow arnow E R F heath H smith J bowers F FP P ballej han E j 6 fbi 4 barker E harmon Harmo harmoney nED E D J JL L bollan G 11 hurlen A W B D brimley it J simpson W T C jackson 8 sadler sadlers S cain A jones D snow snowa M L ajacoby if 11 B D sheets N 31 51 nf 51 31 jacobsen C A steil Stell hemer bemer L 4 cornish W K johnson B J stevenson stev stes ens on L chambers W jones BV B W steel J F carter R J D stuart stuarta J 4 currie J IV D sullivan J 11 clinton J ak K slack J connor J 0 katz 11 Strang Stran gowell ewell H coombs H knox R G sheldon ngn G it cappra G kelly J 0 sheppard G carson H A kempton J stevens E cox E kelco kelce G E sproul sproule F Chandi Chand cr D 31 kinghorn G S Sie pencer noer D H cole coie boleo 0 karshnak Kar karsen A K stanford C caffall C knight e mr strong 0 L D L T r davis davisa A W lan ord W theriot J P WP I 1 lindsley ley W thornton J I 1 dearing J lee lees leos S turrill tun ill lil J A davis davish 11 larsen barsen S taylor H S deer doer C leakey P C tremayne Tre mayno H Ihm duncanson eanson canson D lessing L 7 thayer hayer E IV at larsen N C Thom pecia 0 D ir lundgren J A 2 vir fir riginos rig inon IV larsen J trane C everill sea lundell landelle F 1 ester tester C t man lucas A ja Co Thomas D P evans W long longa F IT erickson J DI wheelwright ekman J A lk lulligan S H IV B evans J miller R Son W bastman eastman east Rast man G L moury it wright it eichenburg C meline P whipple N W everill sea morres J P whiting J man mackai J weitzel J 2 jr mitchell J Whitt whittemore emoi e J forsgren rorsi ren J 3 2 mad madsen sen 11 II wheeler J L 1 folsom H G K N winter if 3 2 F fordia ord n aebker K woodall E B fowler lic ilc II 11 C napper J whitney F W it NV G nilsen F it westover C french N 0 wilson walteon 11 J I 1 11 va N L Y osbarno r R young souna youna J W oliver B D H persons e enquiring sor tor the tho abo above abos s e letters metters are requested q to s grade ate ato when advertised JOHN T lvin LYNCH postmaster |