Show our gur gatina country ry contemporaries ogden junction M lilay ay 97 9 we were favored with a call j to 0 day from eider elder john seaman SC aman of morgan Nl organo who returned last thursday he was absent about flyr months visiting relatives and friends in the states of new york and he was and kindly treated and ands labored faithfully in defending the peg pep people ale of utah from misrepresentation beut 0 M r wheeler arrived nere bete ika lka la steve edv edn and will voll sta stay i iu n jt bivy several beveral daya daja Y feut U t nhe veela Ve rhe eit ele elb elt haa baa a national nat ional lonal re on as cis an explorer ngi nee nepi all aud and ihor aff ough practical selent Ht w wilt will lias d ft va vait stamo amoo inba 1 f volu abl frn of twi e leat i eat st lib asin tsin harce harge of the tf iloth i JOth erldean erl dian and arid has 1619 hin lma his good ju judgment ent ril marin maRio oden O ogden den ills his 97 i bilea headquarters abd the baab bame of supplies for all alf the of hill bill beying ing company in utah i in Confer conference enice erlee on monday afternoon Pre president aident F D said sald the jurisdiction jurdi clion of the presidency of thia stake es extended extended tended tola tol 1 of weber county couney coo cop nty and ia south youth ka 0 u th weber wc bp r rno and than ihan part part of 8 hooper opper in davis county it was thought advy advisable abke auke to divide inep fou rii ril instead of three warda th the e divi Ung aines being luain street an hith fil eith sree that south pf af fifth arid and east of tain would h t the ibe 0 fht ward mard that olta tb rif rit q flah flab filth fiah aej ap i letof wept of maid nain iti seco feco pd ward north of Fifth Filth ani and west oc kaiui 7 77 the third ward and the rest the tile fourth ward ni ehg 3 following were then presented and sustained as hs Bi of the hhie several wards warda named f first ward wardi F A brown 3 see hee fee bec nd ward rbt R bt Mi third ward winslow farr fourth ward N 0 flygare Ri riverdale verdale hanford sanford bingham J harhi Harri harrisville aville P G taylor north ogden amos Mayco cf 7 q 1 I plain city olty L VV V shurtliff f slaterville Slat erville J A allred alfred Ly laynne rine tibe daniel F thomas marniott marriott jas ritchie r mound fort david moore huntsville F A hammond eden josiah ferrin west weber john johnt I 1 hart hooper gilbert belkknap belknap belke Belfe nap f fa OA east weber and south routh weber were postponed for the present t elder eider r cyrus H wheelock was appointed and sustained a traveling missionary in tilis this stale state ofil zion elder henry crawshaw as president of the elders quorum I 1 elder moroni brown ag as the clerk of ur this conference r the tha selection of bishops Bi shops cun olun delors and the arrangement of tile quorums qu was waa left to be attend attended td tor in the several wards |