Show 10 1970 i Page 3 Pronounced a success 'dance CONCERT — The USU Theatre will present a concert tonight at 8 pm in acert hall of the Chase Fine iL center under the direction t!rion Andersen Guest will be Matteo This to and the free open is ijnaer jrt ALLET CONCERT — The Ballet Ensemble Ccclanati corrpany-in-esidenc- at e rUwill perform in the Chase Theatre m Arts at Center 8 pm Their final f£::sday classical urfarmance of ssntic and contemporary JT Will be August 19 Plan to jticad one of these concerts INDIAN Aaociation Urd STUDENTS will celebrate the anniversary of the in- dependence day on India on in the Aug 15 Saturday Engineering Auditorium at 7:30 pmDr HB Kulkarni associate in the English professor ibpartment will preside over the Hindi movie “Kanoon” shown Admission is 75 per person function till be cents CONCERT — This Sunday at 3 pm in the Chase Fine Arts Center This concert will be the last of the Summer teries Admission is free to the BAND public TOURNAMENT — (Open university students) Come your skill in this session’s UC to all try Looking annual Summer games tournament Bowling table tennis pool and chess Tournament starts tomorrow and runs all day Tuesday and Wednesday There is not cost to the participants for this event to be held in the UC games room (Aggie Bowl) SPECIAL CONCERT — Melva Niles will be in concert Wednesday at 8 pm in the Chase Fine Arts Center She has been acclaimed by critics as a performer of rare talent and beauty She has starred in such productions as “Brigadoon” “Showboat” and “The King and I” Plan to attend this event TUBING PARTY — The and Pathology Speech Association at USU is holding a tubing party and watermelon bust for its members and dates this Friday All are to meet at Hillcrest school at 2:30 pm for the tubing party The watermelon bust will take place at 4 pm REPERTORY THEATRE — "Room Service” will be on stage this Thursday “Waltz of the Toreadors” is scheduled for Friday night with “Bus Stop” being performed Saturday All performances begin at 8:30 pm in the Lyric Theatre and are presented by USU’s Old Lyric Repertory Company All seats are reserved Admission is $150 for adults $1 for children and high school students and 75 cents for USU students with Summer activity cards Ti7®fe ©§ By Trudy Todd The third show of the Old Lyric Repertory Company’s 1970 season is officially pronounced a success by this critic Jean Anouilh’s play “The Waltz of the Toreadors” was an excellent selection to add the finishing touch to a trilogy that is not only humorous in nature but also subtly instructive “The Waltz of the Toreadors” is a sophisticated farce which makes a definite statement on the nature of man’s existence in a social world of his own creation It is at once amusing and thought provoking Anouilh uses the intricately intertwined romances of the plot to create a situation which strongly criticizes a false standard of sexual morality and the hypocrisy of marriage without love The truth in what Anouilh says through the actions and affairs of his characters is funny to be sure-b- ut painful Allan Gross did an excellent job of portraying General St Pe the character around whom the whole action of the play is cen- He was brilliantly “deadpan” in his delivery of some very amusing lines Through Allan the romantic plights of the General became tered at ’70 season real and poignant He was a trapped man-- a little desperate and disillusioned foot in living with one the past overcome with the reality and hassles of the present and yet still somewhat idealistic about the future Everything about the character showed this from his concern about his paunch to the lecherous gleam in his eye Ann David Mme St Pe was a most convincing shrew She was easy to hate as the grasping hypochondriac wife who seemed to be trying to kill all that was kind and loving in her husband And yet at the same time there was an understandable method in her madness Bill Curtis playing the naive virgin Gaston was perhaps the most lovable of all the characters He played his innocence to the hilt in several cleverly directed sight gags and seemed to take a personal delight in the humor of his situation Dr Bonfant the family physician and confidant played by Jerry Allen was maily an expositionary character He was only indirectly involved with the romances and yet was invaluable to the plot’s initial creation and to its unraveling in the conclusion Through conversations with him the intimate secrets and desires of General St Pe were revealed Jerry portrayed the Doctor just as Anouilh created somewhere between completely respectable and a little shady with a rather dubious bedside him-alw- ports writer views chances BYU will be strong offensively Holmes OB Blaine Smith K Wes Miller T Bob Thompson T but weak defensively with only 11 Preston Peterson The young Aggies won’t have starters having letters and only much time to gain experience 17 lettermen in reserve The “Y” ’Life Sportswriter since they open the season with is always tough in Provo and the With the beginning of practice Aggies will have to play well to power Kansas State on Sept 13 of one for the 1970 Fall football season be to win Kansas State is rated Colorado State at Ft Collins is only weeks away Coach Chuck the favorites for their conference the Mills has a problem How to title and should be overpowering a questionable game for but new coach a has rebuild both a team and a at home Aggies CSU coaching staff Bowling Green will probably be has a group of 35 returning letThe 1970 graduation the easiest hard team on the termen The strength of the rams Only saw the will depend on how well Coach Aggies schedule If the Aggies departing of USU’s exsenior players Wampfler can unit them but also two are going to be gaining of its The “U” lost members of his coaching staff A1 perience without losing Bowling but offensive punch they got Green should be the game Prukop who joined Utah State in is £87 left to take a Laramie “Scooter” Longmire from position at Idaho because Wyoming in State next Michigan State Longmire has Walt Corey University from chief defensive coach had joined been said to be the best young The Cowboys rebounding third for Utah State in 1967 after a seven season and a tie an quarterback in college football and loaded The strength of the “U” will year career with the Kansas City in the WAC will be Chiefs He left Utah State to take years depend on how well Coach Meek ready for one of their best o JC can build a team around Mr 8 in history Twenty-twposition at his alma mater 23 Miami Longmire The Utes will be in transfers and returning for the game and d for nucleus Aggie-lanTo capsulize will be the Coach Mills ofThe could get scalped Coach Eaton’s team position: He must replace 22 Idaho University will be the lettermen and rebuild a shaky fensive line is shy of talent with All Aggies homecoming opponent defense to meet the toughest only one returning letterman at and it should be a happy have schedule in USU history other Offensive positions The To help him Coach Mills has 18 homecoming The Vandals were least one letterman be will line young last year when the Aggies Wyoming defensive returning lettermen 14 of whom exthem in Moscow and even lacks were starters last Leading big even’ though it13 defensive beat year of the though they will have a good crew Utah State’s defense will be perience Nine 200 back over pounds they will be without the linemen weight Ray Child Ray will be the back-fiel- d Jerry services of center of what Coach Mills hopes The Wyoming defensive Vandals the Last and Hendren year will be an will be experienced improved defense over depended on Hendren for all their lasts years which gave up a have good size him they don’t The Aggies will have to keep offense Without whopping 3374 yards per game Dennis Ferguson will be the the “Pokes” out of field goal have much punch Memphis State taught Utah veteran in the defensive back-fiel- d range because is back for his State how to play football in kicker Bob Jacobs and now the senior year Last year he lead all Logan last year Even if Utah State is unlikely to to Memphis travel with 76 Aggies must g stop the other team from scoring collegians in 15 Seniors lose will NCAA and The they will be doing a little bit of points He set anwith 18 field from Tigers from most team last years Uiat Wyoming record line themselves offensive and WAC in the defense goals He also lead the John Strycula who time a have will tough The Aggies lead three statistic punting with a 425 average will home categories the beating the Tigers in their home Aggies last Returning will be the key to the year USU offense Utah State will have face Wichita State Wichita ground Mexico State will be the New a should be tough again this year great corps of quarterbacks last Aggie opponent The Aggies tough are always with but the Aggies Craig Smith leading the not really known as a football at home Kentucky at Lexington are Way Craig played last year as an but they should field a opponents power next the Aggie end are and quarrunning back as a good team The core of the team Although Kentucky is known terback Tony Adams and who good will be 15 Jaycee transfers and basketball power they have KenMickey Doyle will be giving gained experience last year the size and southern pride Craig a battle for the starting m should be good How good feather Position tucky would be a fine Aggies will be is a questioncould the Aggie cap Utah State’s hope for this year With luck the Staters it As one alumnus put it 8nd the future will be 20 JC a good team but it looks like tne field all lose doesn’t matter if you transfers and 22 sophomores to be a “wait until next of the games just as long s it’s going Some of the better rest sophomores “Y” and the U year” are Tom Forzani FL Jerry you beat the REPORTING: two-thir- -0 let-term- an 249-Pou- FFG®cfcs' 9Hn ays manner The General’s aging girlfriend and the immediate cause of all the confusion was played convincingly by Nancy Blackburn She managed to play the dream girl of 17 years with just the right touch-maki- ng her seem an object to be pitied as well as admired Pe’s ugly General St daughters were just that Sandra and Jan Wheelwright two love-struc- k the empty-heade- d girls as always on the borderline of being completely annoying One step too far in that direction and they would have driven the audience to complete distraction but as it was they merely generated more sympathy for the General Other good performances were given by Kathy Allen the fet- seamstress Jan ching Christiansen and Lynne Paoletti the maids who provided General Pe with extracurricular activities and Aron Thedell the drunk “Friar Tuck” who brought a quick resolution to the St matters at hand An opening night performance is usually rather traumatic-f- or both the cast and the audience but Thursday night aside from a few minor difficulties like rather slow light cues seemed to go exceptionally well The problems with bobbled lines that did occur only added to the quality of realism that the play had (A passing thought about realism: the shield that General St Pe had on his study wall had some rather interesting symbols not at all what one would expect on the study wall of a home at about the turn of the century) The play was presented as a totally unified effort-costumake-u- p and lights and set everything worked to make an evening at “The Waltz of the Toreadors” one to be remembered with fondness for a long time to come mes - ds CLASSIFIED AD POLICY All ads must be paid in advance Copy Deadline is 12:00 Noon 5 days before publication date FOR RENT Girls — private furnished rooms $4500 monthly includes utilities Board opt Sigma Kappa House Phone 752-822- FOR SALE Five sets of books “Land and People” “Book of “Popular Knowledge” Science” “Harvard Classics” and "Bookshelf for Boys and Girls” Each set is new and costs $25 Call 2 or see at 669 E 752-424- 12th No VW “bug” in perfect with AM-Fcondition after J radio Call ’69 752-040- 2 8 7 nd All-Amerci- Christiansen characterized CANYON Terrace 644 E ’6th No For Summer and’ Student or air concouples Furnished and ditioning laundromat lounge swimming 1 pool 9 or Call Fall quarters 752-438- 563-556- kick-scorin- pm JOBS of all trades for men NEED North Slope Alaska Up to $260000 a month For comwrite Job plete information Point Research Center Washington Roberts Enclose $300 to 98281 -- cover cost FOR SALE A 23 foot by 8 foot Nashua Trailer in good condition and furnished Call or see at 30 USU Trailer Court after 2:30 pm daily 752-945- 9 PERSONALS Will babysit in my home for student or working mothers Prekindergarden instruction to be given Call Mrs Buf fat 752-975- 1 Catcus Club Live music Fri & Sat No Cover |