Show August 3 1970 Pci 2 Broadway hits r? CONCER- T- Come hear your favorite Broadway songs in this “Spotlighting Broadway concert to be held in the Chase Fine Arts Center tonight at 8 pm No admission charge for this event SOCIAL— CREAM ICE Tomorrow from 12:30-1:3- 0 pm on the UC plaza Visit with your Bruce should contact 752-689- BAND Sunday at Bur-tensha- CONCERT-Th- in the pm 3 THEATRE-“T- REPERTORY CONSUMER GAME-Lect- ure by Betty Furness Listen to her tell how the rules can be changed and how to win the consumer game Lecture takes place in the at auditorium UC pm 8 tomorrow Betty Furness was a special assistant for consumer affairs under former President Lyndon B Johnson TOURNAMEN- T- (Open to all university students) Come try your skill in this session’s annual Summer games tournament Bowling table tennis pool and chess Tournament starts Aug 11 and runs all that day and the next There is no cost to the participants for this event to be held in the UC games room UC in WHITE PINE LAKE us on Bridgerlands’ most scenic hike Enjoy the natural beauty of the mountain country that can only be found along the White Pine Lake Trail Tour leaves the UC at noon Thursday No cost but bring your own lunch Wear sports attire and hiking shoes hike-jo- YOUNG DEMOCRAT- S- Hear the views of K Gunn McKay and J Keith Melville two opposing Democratic candidates for the First Congressional District at a meeting Wednesday at 8 pm in the UC auditorium The meeting is 'sponsored by the USU Young Democrats Any person interested in becoming involved musical (Aggie Bowl) SPECIAL CONCERT- - Melva Niles will be in concert Aug 12 in the Chase Fine Arts center at 8 pm She has been acclaimed by critics as a performer of rare talent and beauty She has starred in such productions as “Brigadoon” “Showboat” and I” Plan to attend this event “The King and ty FrJJ Fran!: Combining their singing arranging narrative and piano talents for the program are Shirley Cazier Larry Cannon Vernett Jones Joan Griffin and Joy Jacobsen The musicians will present the music in concert form with narrative written by Vernett Jones interspersed hroughout Joy Jacobsen has arranged the accompaniment The cast’s repertoire includes a medley of some of Broadway’s superhits" In this program designed to appeal to every member of the family the performers will sing such favorites TO SING MELODIES — The cast for "Spotlighting Broad- as “Oklahoma” “I Could Have way” which will be performed tonight at the Chase Fine Arts Danced All Night” “I Enjoy Center and Larry Cannon Joan Griffin Vernett Jones Shirley Being a Girl” “My Cup Runneth Over” and “If I Were a Rich Cazier and Joy Jacobson Man” About 20 Broadway shows x will be represented ‘Consumer Game" ssffify IFmresss LOGAN — Betty Furness special assistant for consumer affairs under former President Lyndon B Johnson will talk about the “Consumer Game” tomorrow at 8 pm in the UC Auditorium here The public is invited to attend Miss Furness continues to speak for the consumer as a member of the Board of Directors of the Consumers Union and a regular columnist for McCall’s to spsali Magazine She is also a member of the Advisory Council to the Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs vice chairman of the National Committee on Tax Justice and vice chairman of the Senate Citizens Committee for Postal Reform During her two years as special assistant for consumer affairs the speaker’s campaign was to educate the consumer on her rights and to educate her on how to buy After graduating from Bennett Junior College in Millbrook NY Miss Furness began a brief career as a model She worked as an actress in Hollywood for six years and in 1948 entered the pioneering television industry A year later she began work for Westinghouse Miss Furness’) interest turned to politics and in 1960 she became involved in television news and public affairs for American Broadcasting This led to her work for Citizens for Johnson and Humphrey and then to work as a recruiter for VISTA and the Head Start program In 1967 she was named Woman of Achievement and also awarded an Honorary LLD by Iowa Wesleyan University £ 'M coHscmvcw - Ht$ OUR MEPIC KUSU Specials Hour centers around theater A objector" ' The daily couxm ATC SYNDICATE KM737H rUi nti! Published each Monday the Summer school quarter bv th Associated Students of Utah during State Editorial office1(ASUSU) 3I5- Busi"e Cr'V University Center 3?7 Correspondence change of address should be sent to PO Box 1242 University Station Logan Utah 84321 natinna1 adverfi3 9 Ssfv1c’' Lexington Ave AdftSv " xr'£s:LVpiL?:e“"ed do sity Tnot norftli" IKS EDITOR-IN-CHIE- i expressed rePreS6nt OB the editorial pages of the Student Life he V6W of the d"ody or the univer- - PHOTOGRAPHER COLUMNIST Specials Hour” on KUSU-Fthis week will be principally centered around theatre Monday’s program is “Theatrical Colloquium” which was prepared by CBC in conjunction with the Expo ’68 World’s Fair A week-lon- g conference was held in Montreal with more than 500 delegates from 40 countries The hour-lon- g program discusses the “whys” and “hows” of contemporary theatre whether or not it is necessary to change with the time whether theatre is enlightenment or entertainment and the architectural technological and international implications of the theatre Tuesday’s program is the prize winning “Oedipus-Oedipe- ” a drama which follows chronologically derivations along the Oedipus theme The music for this drama also follows a chronologic theme from the ancient Delphic hymns through medieval and Renaissance periods to contemporary idioms The drama and music were prepared by John Reeves “Tell Me Where is Fancy Bred” a documentary on the National Theatre School of Canada will be heard Wednesday The program consists of interviews with founders instructors and of the graduates school with excerpts from rehearsals and the final production of “The M Hostage” The theatre series concludes on Thursday with “The National Arts Centre” a documentary on Canada’s new Center for the performing F ADVERTISING by the National Education New York New York 10017 Td CIRCULATION G- - Nick On Treseder Grry Carjon Car( Anl Broadway” a featuring program famous melodies long popular on the Broadway scene will be presented by a group of local musicians Aug 3 at 8 pm in the Chase Fine Arts Center Concert hall he will be performed this Thursday and Saturday eveing “Bus Stop” is the scheduled play for Friday night All performances begin at 8:30 pm in the Lyric Theatre and are presented by USU’s Old Lyric Repertory company All seats are reserved Admission is $150 for adults $1 for children and high school students and 75 cents for USU students with summer activity cards (i “Spotlighting Fine Arts Center there will be another Summer Band Concert Admission is free to the public ministrators in this casual event and v n is Chase Waltz of the Toreadors” professors n 0 ad- friends o w 1 Friday “Specials Hour” turns from drama to a lecture given by visiting lecturer Dr Fellman Fellman will discuss pornography and censorship Puccini’s “La Boheme” and Bartok’s “Bluebeard’s Castle” will be (Continued on Page 3) KUSU-FM’- s Mrs Cazier has been active in community musicals for eight years She and Mrs Griffin have been students of voice with Naomi Farr in New York and have presented recitals in Logan Mrs Griffin and Mr Cannon both hold the distinction of having sung with the Madison (Wise) Philharmonic Chorus Cannon is head of the Mathematics Department at USU Parin community ticipating productions whenever time permits Cannon is also involved in wood and wire sculpture Vernett Jones has been active as a poet narrator script writer and community and church worker for eight years in Logan Mrs Jacobsen offers her talents as a pianist to groups and individuals whenever possible She has been accompanist for the Towne Singers as well as high school singing groups for the past four years Apology Now let’s get this straight! Even if the STUDENT LIFE editor does qualify as a member of “Upward Bound” he does not (he’s too old) and he is not of We apologize for the mistake the “Upward Bound” at USU to its proper writer Actually the article was written by Shirley Grayer who will graduate from West High School Salt Lake City next year She is the student participating in the project this year Her article was printed in full and was left in its original form We think she did a good job of for reporting and we thank her the story she wrote for us tgh not crediting student life means NEWS Hisfro Live Music Fri & Sat Mo Cover |