Show Summer Quarter L August 7 1967 Numb TtT Second Frosh Pre-registrati- on UnderwayToday the Summer Dance Program a second conceit will be presented Tuesday by the DanceGroup The East Indian styles will be followed Vednesday evening by a Dance Festival featuring a ballet suite and a modern jazz selection Asa climax to Indo-Amer- Concert Set Tues Dance By Pat El wood Assistant Editor Utah State University The Sum -- will present the Dan e Festival -jst 8 and 9 at 8:30 in the Old The dance eon -Sub Auditonum trts are part of the Summer nee Program now in its tenth tr Quarter Annual ciSi at ear dance com erts are a cli the Summer Dam e Pro-n- n -- The u USU to Approximately 373 stu-tr- ts Utah surrounding reas and eastern ctties are ended in the program of feting a iretj of dame courses RACHEL D YOCOM head ' the dance department at the york School of Performing from a is administrator of the USU StutTer Dame Program b's from the New York b hool ns Performing Arts are also vlng dame courses for the ter The Tuesday comert will fea-’- e -- Matteo and the IndoDame Group a com-oftdarners who perform i variety of East Indian sty les s group is the first permanent pany m the Western Hemis-br- e made up of dam ers from de range of ethnic back-d- s or can who is professionally per-n- n East Indian dames d da licet ritic Wa1 ter Terry of the group "Their les have been subjet ted to J exotic discipline bit their ds have been opened to the h1 Sophies underlying 'bore expression ” rr'llema is noted around the r'd as a performer of tradi-’- al folk lone and classical “c dance has developed a stem of teaihing the refme-and mysteries of Eastern to irt westerners He duetts in traditional and g1 original thoreogiaoliv Final Slated Band final ) V' Concert By USU Sunday summer band be held afternoon this on c choie-ographe- also & Wed At USU this section the Concert are: Cinday Mainster Wendy Mansfield Gail Simon Juan Frosi h Nancy Baugh Georgann Kidman Cherie BlowVikki er Fnffin Delores Parrish Ginger Durdan Mane Beutler Susan Carkin Claudia Banks Bei ky Hersh Barbara Waidron DeSiree Tidwell Sandra Plowman Kathy Misener Diane Karren Melinda Duke Brenda James Gern Adler Gad danc e in con-"1- 1 coining the lawn usu ample theatre “"'ert Erected b Dr Max ‘bl will begin at 3:30 p m Decker Peggy Patrick Pat Cutler Bill Siegal DenmsDiamond Mathew Diamond Janee Carkin Tickets for the comert are free to those who have USU summer activity cards and$l 50 otherwise ers for Tina Deine darn Carnival Movie Planned Tues For USU Kids A second afternoon of entertainment games and fun is scheduled for children of USU students fac ulty and staff as the second Summer Children’s Carnival gets underway Tuesday afternoon at 2 Headlining the program will be the showing of the Walt Disney movie “Rusty and the Falcon ” Admission will be 25? for five year olds and older Games and pnzes will highlight the rest of the afternoon A hobo contest is planned where the children will receive pnzes for the best hobo costumes Free refreshments will be Also on the agenda is served a 5? fish pond and prizes for Iik ky numbers dropped from the ceiling in balloons £ ' jf V v ’ ' f - Up ward Bound Play Set For Friday Dramatics is another aspect of the USU Upward Bound program and the students will display their talents next Friday evening when they present “Gilpin County Chronicle’’ in the USU Amphitheater With a setting in the gold rush days the story revolves around the memories of the dm eaced town people Dialogue and songs carry out the plot who h was The written by Russel Poiter production will begin at 8:3up m and admission will be 50? Besides taking roles in the produc tion the studentshavealso been in charge of the ostumes and set designs Lynn Si is in charge of costumes and Ginger Cook and Mike are as stage manMr Joe Craft is advisagers ing the students as director Members of the ast inc lude: Tac katt ac ting Virgil Perkins as the Boy Handy ott as narrator for the prologue Berneatha Calvin as She George King as Gregory Brute Lynn Begay as the Chinaman d Nielson as the Southerner Blackstim as the Merchant Daleen Reese as the Woman and Nma Leech as the Young Brule Si Len-or- A -- -- c ’ r v V4 r liwmg-hamm- er VyVV'- : i - i r A ifXX Steak Fry A- Set Thurs - 4 ' 1 4 At Malibu The air around Malibu will again be filled with the nicuth smell of b rbequod watering steak this Thursday evening when the second summer Steak Fry will be umlei way The cool atmosphere of Iogan is especially invtoig Canyon after a hot summer day Games will begin at 5 p m folluwnd by the full course dinner at 9 p tn Tickets can be put (based at the Union Building Tn ket C'ffn e for $1 25 with a student or faculty activity card or $2 5u J V ' 1HTTE0 tompany Wednesday's concert will consist of three set tions A ballet suite featuring Mu hael Nestor e at USU will artist be presented followed by a section devoted to East Indian dances The third section is modern jazz and will depict the story of ja zz in dame from the cakewalk to 1907 This section features the horeography of Peter Hamilton and Hose Marie Floyd nationally famed Mr Hamilton wll ica E V tMr"' f - A A -- ft UPWARD August 14 Those who are unable to attend any ofthesewill register Septem- ber 21 under the same decentralized system that prevailed Monday They will get personalized advisement in their departments rather than going through amass registration in the Fieldhouse Student body president Steve Green led a group of former students who served as “Aggie Aides’’ to assist the new students in finding their way around campus Lyric Dramas Near Final Presentations Only a few performances remain for USU students and faculty to see “She Stoops to ConGoods” quer” and being produced by the Old Lyric Repertory Company at the Lyric Theatre in downtown Logan Closing Friday August 18 the Old Repertory Company will present on Goods” Thursday and Saturday August 10 and 12 of this week with "She Stoops to Conquer” playThe ing Friday August 11 final week has "She Stoops to Conquer” slated for Thursday August 17and “111 -- Gotten Goods” for Friday August 18 Tickets for both produi tions are available at the USU Ticket Office or at the Lyric Box Office Prices are $75 fur USU students with summer activity cards $1 00 for children and $1 50 for adults Curtain time for all es is 8:30 p m “Ill-Gott- "Ill-Gott- m 4 a - More than 500 freshman students and abcut 20u parents attended Utah State’s first preregistration day last Monday and others are scheduled for the same process today University personnel considered the new procedure to be successful and berefinal to the new student who had the opportunity to become acquainted with the campus Olficials anticipated that the majority of the attending students would he from rearby areas Some however came from as far away as Illinois Ohio and California One father said he was not inconvenienced by coming early but rather was pleased to have a choice of dates for accompanying his daughter to the campus to see that she got classes housing and other arrangements made satisfactorily Every entering freshman who has been given a permit to register has been invited to attend one of the early registration days There will also be one held BOUND students work on scenery for their Chronicle" which will be ploy "Gilpin County in the USU amphitheatre presented Friday evening Air Force Cadets Earn Scholarship Font Ulal State University Air Force ROC cadets have been awarded Air F iree ROTC financial assistance grants The grants will be effective beginning fall quarter 1967 Cadets S’ even L Hammond Oxon Hill Md William H Reeve Ohio Columbus Larry R Logan and Wayd R Taylor Weber Providence were among 600 second year grant selectees from 141 of the nation’s leading colleges and universities -- |