Show ANOTHER now nov it is barnum the irrepressible who ilas lias b become i e possessed with tile the desiro desire to I 1 go up in a beal brIl balloon loon or rather see kee somebody else go up and start for across tile atlantic our exchanges say P T B Ls Is det determined ermin that tho the experiment shall be fairly tried if not under the auspices of tile the graphic people then underlies under ilis lils his own though it cost coat half I 1 hhurst it hundred dred thousand dollars bar liuni mini having always an ambition to succeed wherein others have failed is thus represented as writing to ehe the papers oil on this flighty subject in rn reply to a host of letters from all parts parti of the country I 1 wish to say bay that if it balkon does docs not nol cross the atlantic the present autumn I 1 will v ill lil expend 5 lW if hec necessary essary lir lit that riat fiat attempted bind und if risible accomplished as ah early ut u t apar 3 car as as may be lie provided one or hore pore lore wro lau can be foslid ja america P or r europe vrho arbo ho have hat 1 e falth faith in ili its and mill heartily attempt its accomplishment mr green thu inu at who bas bag made upwards of 0 six liu lit h indred undred told me in lou don doti dod years 3 ears ezrs ago ayo that he bad had no doubt the atlantic coald could 1 lc c barely barcly crossed in lit a balloon in i froni from two to thre threta duys days fujs mid wid lie he ati ellered ill ered to attempt il if I 1 gouid tile I 1 arm urn in with several crunn ls jn lit faunt aut nut aai england ilni linI ard and alid and although alt alln allU hugh lugi I 1 duall pire rire prefer ler lev 1 to hue bue hae tee tle the thu honor hai bei iya lya tu toan tunu au A mer men acan hwan I 1 aln all 1 I 1 ludm li vve lve dodot dodl tt t t tuat tull thy great feat mill 11 le be u ti twelve tw elve elvi mouth I 1 shall have the olk maletia manufactured in china put toi tol a rether and aud pre arad under the 61 of men inert in lit lo 10 london adon an acen a cen gion sion made from the th crystal co fetal pal pai neo two grou proucy ilde tide thea thra gurnig iho the ballou n to america nid ald aid mad mae atlantic tic trip 1 from blew ew york I trust the public w 11 1 ll I 1 nievo that if I 1 put ut my liand haid hard to the plough lilai I 1 lok lo iok k back bacr I 1 I 1 r T |