Show A temm temble teabie ibie ible battle with dogg dogs g I 1 Yester yesterday day dai monti morn morr nin iio fika dika 1 pe peddler dier of dry roods goods and notions named Z dror ton free Freb freemann tann trian livin living g in hamara mek arrived by the cars from clinton Co county tinty being a wretched sight ta look upon A week ago C yesterday while driving his wagon through tho the the country a few mil mii miles es north of ovid clinton county he stopped and got down to drink at a reek creek crossing the hig big highway hway As he rose up from the creek he was bitten ili in the leg by a margedo lar large gedo godo dog 0 which had come sol mol softly aly up behind behin d him and freeman bmw av two other good 0 1 sized dog near the wagon god H he sprang for liis his vehicle when ahen the tile three dogs made at him to together c aud and his shout shouts sand gand and their Te jells yells lis ils started the horse off ofton on a trot the peddler was bitten seven or eight times timea before he found anything with which he could defend himself and then he got hold of a stick about abdia five live feet geet long lyhl kyhl which ah could bo easily carly h addled the dogs ret retreated reatea as lie he picked up tho stick but when ahei freeman sought to gain the road they all sprang nor for him hini he says that ho he struck to kill fiill and knocked each brute down iu nii tum turn but as nastas fast nast as knocked down they would spring up and attack him mm i nga again ln within nive five minutes after alic the battle opened the hands were were red with blood annd blood was running down into his boots but by a fo fortunate blow he so disabled one of 01 the smaller dog dogs that st the b brute rute had vodraw to draw butof tile the fight there was a rest agal again of four or five minutes and ereman freeman walked slowly back to a fence corn corberand erand exchanged his club fora fota for fon a better one without ia movement on his part the two dogs attacked him again one biting at his legs and the other leaping nor for his th throat tho tile latter animal caught his teeth in the peddlers leris I 1 shoulder houlder hb ulder and tore away all ail that side of the mans coat and made a wound in the flesh which will be weeks in healing freeman vias nias was dragged down and both of the dogs were on him at once though bo lie managed to shake them off and regain his feet A blow from his club dashed out the larger dogs eye and the brute ran round and round arca irca in a circle howling so fiercely that the other dog ran away watching his chance freman ere hit bit the crippled dog a blow ablow which killed it and then he be crawled oon don to the creek aud fainted away some men came along in a wagon and discovered him and li he e was taken to a farmhouse farm house and cared fp for on his bis left leg there are nine nine grounds r from the teeth of the dog dogs 1 on oil the right eleven on the right night arm five on the left arm three on the back three loreet on tile the ghoul shoulder def det gwoon two on the face two t wo on the fight right foot two on the right light hand five on the ilic left two and one gric an the back bach of the head mak in ing c iti ill 0 all ali fort forty y nive five distinct and sep cra erate orate to bites bite some iro lre aro aio mere nips drawing a little blood and making malting the flesh black and blue while others looked loach as if the tho dogs had llad chank edthe flesh flesh fleth the dogs were seen by the the farmers farmon sq ind and they could hot not identify the brutes as being owned anywhere within five miles of the spot where they attacked 0 Freel narn nari he offered no ao provocation for the attack having even no hint of f their presen presence cd before be ing hitten bitten the deepest wounds were freeman anticipates no greater misfortune than the loss of a months time detroit free press aug 29 |