Show MIDNIGHT midnight and the placid moon mood shone bhone down upon ohp th e hills of this secluded vale giving sweet lustro lustre to the tho snow clad scene and charms found only in some fairy tale while thus I 1 gazed upon the sight so magnificently grandy grand and ana yet so fraught with food rood tor for a reflecting mind thank god godl from prom lands afar atar to these those I 1 have been brought yes here amid these snow summits my bosom swell swells with joy and gratitude that I 1 am favored thus to mingle amongst the sainta saints of 0 0 god od and ones both wise and good while thus I 1 mused and gazed on natures dome Be spangled with the orbs arbs that roll in space tho the murmurs round me to whisper there beings live in common with our t race the skeptic tie tle with his creed there la Is no god might starn bland aghast at such a sight as this and ponder well the ill iii he works hemsell to thus ignore the source of all fald fala bliss blim the stars that thu glisten in the vault above 2 the sun and moon noon with grandeur in 14 their courm course tho the fish that swim and beasts bets that walk oer oer earth with birds birda that fly attest their common source lo 10 man the noblest work of deity with his laws on wilom whom Is stamped Jehova hs duplicate lightwell Might alight well weil declare that all things havo have a cause nay mor moro esrom efrom f rom whence have come these yearnings ye Arn ings that so often thrill my soul with anxious throes it not from god the ever living source alas tho prospects naught but bitter woes boes the tender herb amid the forest glade and mighty oak that point the way to heaven the modest lily blushing in some dank remote MI might lit tell by whom their precious selves were given when sleep kind restoratives restora tives balmy wing unfolds enfolds we the forms of mortals pros prostrate I 1 found our mechanism by a power unseen to us still performs its round blest thought that many man though cast upon this narth earth Is not an outcast f from rom our fathers care but here to gain a knowledge of himself and for a grand and better sphere prepare to gaia gain this end the gospel has hai been sent on angels lips with truth and mercy stocked A few among the many have received the key by which these treasures are un locked JAL J jan A I 1 |