Show y ani civill in gab gat D SPECIAL TO ihn THE deseret beser NEWS peb PER j western UNION tanara Ta nArn latiz AMERICAN BOSTON 19 DI davalie DA talle talie iron jawed man died today to day at fall river 19 the report from green bay says the wood woods 9 are on nire lire around big cedar and running alongside the track the hotel and store at big cedar were burned on saturday A big firo fire is reported at ishpeming and fears are entertained of the destruction of the town FORTRESS MONROE IS 18 john AV williams a mulatto boy born a slave seventeen years old has been appointed a cadet to the west point academy the crippins Cri spins claim that they are entirely successful only one shop holding out against them and will discontinue their daily sessions work has been suspended on the public parks in consequence of the failure of the le legislature 0 to appropriate the necessary money to keep tiie the laborers busy over men are thus thrown out of employment in an interview today to day J sutherland restaurateur stated that about a year ago gen van wn buren called on n him and offered him a good site in in the vienna exposition building to open a restaurant and told him that he could make enormous profits adding we will expect of course that you will do something for us in return for giving you such a good site sutherland answered that he could not accept the proposition NEW YORK 19 dr ha harris I 1 physician of the blatchford family says the six domestics domestico of that family who were poisoned undoubtedly obtained the poison in corned beef it is supposed that the butchers at the market where th the 0 beef was purchased used arsenic t to 0 kill rats and some spilled into the pickle which contained the beef all the poisoned are recover recovering ing 1 there was a general strike among the colored journeymen mechanics who insist upon 10 hours as a days labor NEW ORLEANS 19 the tho st martinville prisoners were arraigned 0 before the U S commissioner today in answer to a question the commissioner stated that the prisoners is held were charged with violation of the ath section of the act of 1870 commonly known as the E enforcement n act SAN DIEGO 19 the arizona sentinel of may 19 prints a table showing that 1600 indians were recently whipped whipped by general crook and 2600 are partially friendly i who rho must be watched by 1200 troops if those now under orders to leave the territory do so han SAN FRANCISCO 19 miss liz lizzie lizzle zie I 1 marchant da tighter daughter of a mancho man who was shot by samuels a few weeks since cowhided a young man named george lawless for having spoken disrespectfully of her no arrests the supreme court lias has affirmed the judgment in the case of chas A Russell convicted of the murder of james crotty russell was formerly a resident of salt lake lala A great struggle is said to be prevailing in shamokin Sha pa for the possession of over tell ten thousand acres in the anthracite coal regions valued at twenty millions one party has burned three houses which the other side erected and and retaliation is now threatened 0 H wheeler of new york represents one side and the reading beading railroad the tile other washington D C 2 20 the executive committee of the grand army of the republic reso resolved lyod last evening that the proposed proposed strewing of flowers on confederate graves raves at arlington would probably cause disorder and occasion a breach of the peace and that the national cemeteries were on decoration day only open by order of the quartermaster general for the purpose of decorating the graves of union soldiers in the train case this am in the court directed the jury to give a verdict of not guilty on the ground of insanity mr bell said two of the jurors informed him that was not their verdict the court replied the verdict is entered therefore train must be sent to the state lunatic asylum train excitedly said 1 I protest against the proceedings here I 1 have been five months in jail without being R granted a trial he then addressed judge davis and said before I 1 leave liero here I 1 move your impeachment in the name of tilo the people judge davis da vis ordered him to git pit down and an order was made out to send train to the state lunatic asylum ST LOUIS louls 20 A special from western texas says that grasshoppers in immense numbers numbe ro have made their app appearance in that appearance lanance larance state and are laying waste the vegetation in some localities they have on entirely destroyed the cor corn n cutting it down level with the ground they seem to be moving northward and it is feared that missouri J illinois kansas and nebraska will be visited U S marshal nicolay has arrived here for the purpose of putting captain john maguire in possession of seven blocks in the northern part of the city which have just been recovered through the supreme amme court ra from m the tyler heirs the property is of immense value LITTLE boor BOOK 20 the political situation is quie quiet t the militia on duty at the state house have been disbanded the governor not apprehending hending any further further present need for their services services governor baxter today to day appointed nearly one hundred county off omm meers officers in various parts of the state to whom commissions will be sent tomorrow to morrow A J herald special dated london 20 says that george smith the daily telegraph correspondent in assyria has found the kings library at nineveh and has discovered numerous valuable fragments particularly the missing portion of the broken tablet containing the history of the deluge hitherto deciphered and now in the british museum NEW YORK london papers state that the clergy and Jesuit sin belgium are making great effort to organize a pilgrimage into the heart of france to the celebrated shrine at poroy boroy Le there to pray for the restoration of the temporal power of the pope each province of the realm is also invited to dedicate a banner to our lady of the sacred heart A mission of monks and nuns nulls who have in view the establishment of schools for boys and girls and the apropo prorogation atlon of their religion gi on in upper egypt have arrived at IC hartoun khartoum Kh artoun NEW ORLEANS 20 despite the terrible weather and flooded streets at lea iea least st 2000 people of all shades 0 of f politics assembled in the exposition hall to hear the address of hon I 1 matt latt carpenter the senator pronounced an interchange of sentiment conducive to the ban bar harmony of both sections he said sald the people of the tiie south must take tac c to their hearts the fact of the abolition of slavery and the raising of the negroes roes to equality and let the fact gear bear fruit in their lives slavery is the dominion of one race over another and does it exist here I 1 know it does not in your mouth mouths s but I 1 feel convinced that in some som e definite manner it exists as in much u ell cil as twenty years ago I 1 was in interviewed ter yesterday ly by a large number of colored men and learned that there thero was a fear of the white men indefinite yet existing they said they wanted protection they are protected as much as I 1 am they are under the same laws and they should not telegraph to president grant but aa as individual citizens stand up for their rights they are as much protected as as I 1 am or any anyone one oue it is believed at sat the north that thata a great many southern men young men instead of leading the colored men here by the hand to mutually benefit each other loaf around whisky shops all day and employ themselves at night in ih shooting at negroes for pleasure sure you know when wilen amah adman amab is compelled to do a thing he does not do it with good grace and may be gentlemen this is the way with this people the colored man has civil rights and let me tell you vou gentlemen nothing will ever prevent him from having them you let the old issues die never mind them but accept the now one sand carry them out applause carpenter advised the division of plantations tat ions and closed by saying gentlemen you have the soil the climate and everything to back taek back baek you and the question is are you going to sit still and see everything slipping away or are you going to rise nise rise up be enterprising help yourselves and be great he then de voted himself to a review of local political affairs declaring that if the election really elected anybody diee dlee ITcE mcenery nery was elected governor if the returns were truthful mcenery was elected but as the case was presented tous to us we were satisfied the election was not fairly held the question then was what could be done donel kellogg was not elected at all mee mcenery nery was elected if at all al by fraud the logical course then seemed to us that there had been no election we knew not now to settle the question we therefore said the only way to do was to send it to the people and have a new election judge hancher fancher has granted a writ of habeas cor cof cornus corpus pus in the case of george francis train returnable on thursday next to show cause why train should not be released NEW yorm york prospect mill at halifax england was burnt on oil the ath dinst throwing four hundred people out of employment loss insured A paris paper announces the abandonment of the proposed french expedition of troops against morocco the good offices ot the english government having secured a treaty under which the E emperor emperor of morocco agrees to pay for the depredations committed within the territory of algeria by tribes residing in morocco and the ex expense pensie of the french warlike preparations pa rations CHICAGO 20 the irhe following dispatch was received here yesterday edwinston dakota territory may 1873 lieutenant gen eral cral P H sheridan arrived here at 6 p in the expedition to powder river via the yellowstone was a complete success the steamer key west the second largest on the upper missouri went up to within three miles of the mouth of powder river niver river and if we had had proper appliances ances to have taken out two loose rocks in the channel at key west falls the last rapids on the river she could have gone up at least eight miles further and at high water could have gone over these rocks with ease at the time the expedition went up the spring rise had not occurred occurred and the water was lower than thai a at at any ti time irne line previous for the last three years the yellowstone is a better stream to navigate than the tile upper missouri above buford signed GEO A major maj or and V U D C the latest intelligence from peru is a brief statement to the efm eff effect act that of coolies shipped from macao during the past twelve years 3 1227 perished from shipwreck wreck and five per cent of the whole from suicide or sickness washington 21 lieutenant wheelers exploration party will leave in a few days explorations and surveys are contemplated by them west of the looth meridian during the field season of 1873 and will include portions of utah colorado arizona and kew new mexico the expedition will bo be divided into 4 main field parties one of which will be subdivided and 4 cal parties par lles lies they will operate in in nearly parallel lines from north to south SAN wran YRAN FRANCISCO Cisco 21 dispatches from yreka breha say that on monday Has brocks command overtook the near fairchilds the savages made a stand among the hills and a llight lively night fight ensued tho the mo docs bein being driven riven off with a loss joss of nive five killed and ten squaws squads and pa gooses captured the were last seen on the ticknor road making for the wooded mountains about butte and ant Amt antelope elope creeks evidently hoping to reach the pitt river biver country hasbrouck and perry are in hot pursuit only a few troops are at the lava bedana it is reported that all the have left there NEW orleans ori OKi LEANs jEAys the following is the concluding portion of senator I 1 Carpen carpenters tees speech last night 1111 now low to my colored friends they are t they e say y a afraid to vote well weil ell eil if th they a ame are afraid from cause then a government will have to be famished which will allow them to vote and gentlemen if the kellogg government cannot show that the election returns were fm fraudulent I 1 believe congress will order a new election and put him out fApp capp applause lause what you must do in the meantime is this as the president must see too that the laws are executed he must under the decree of tho tiie U S court support the kellogg government and you cannot help yourselves durella Du conduct was out outrageous r eo u s I 1 have not a doubt ap applause applaud plaus ej but bu t general grant must support him under the law until congress settles the matter but you must keep the peace until this tilis outrageous conduct of durell is set aside it is not kellog that goe governs riis the state it is not grant but dut but the laws and you must submit congress will doubtless correct it and I 1 pray you gentlemen for gods sake do not injure your cause by any disturbance and I 1 feel convinced you will be set right in your trade and commercial enterprises there is a country below you teaming with wealth and open before you there are the west india islands all forus if we do not allow E europe drope to st steal 1 our trade spain is com biting an outrage on our tra trade do with cuba but we will in the end secure it with these there is the north and the west imploring you for gods sake to do something why dont you let politics alone and attend to your business loud cheen cheers the nation is awal awai awaiting ting for you yoland and I 1 implore you to set your house in order that we maybe with you cheers ST LOUIS A memorial signed by nearly a thousand women of this city praying for the repeal of the social evil regulation system in practice here was presented to t the city council last night and referred to the sanitary committee washington 2 2 2 the following proclamation was issued by the president today to day thereas whereas under the predence pretence pre tence that wm win P kellogg the present executive of la and the officers associated socia ted with lim him him in the state administration were not duly elected I 1 certain turbulent and disorderly persons have combined together with force nud arid arms to resist the laws and constituted autho authorities ritie s of said state and whereas it has been duly certified by the proper local authorities and judicially determined b by y the inferior and supreme courts of said state that the same off omm meers leers are elected to hold their offices respectively ively and to execute and discharge the functions thereof and thereas whereas congress at its late session upon due ue consideration of that subject tacitly recognized the said executive and his associates then as now in office by refusing to take any action with respect thereto and whereas it is provided in the constitution that the US shall protect every state in the union on the application of the legislature or of the executive when the legislature cannot be convened against domestic violence and whereas it is provided in the laws of the U S that in all cases of insurrection in any state or of obstruction to the laws thereof it shall be lawful for the tilo president of the tile U 9 on the application of the legislature of such state or the executive when the legislature cannot be convened to call forth the military of any other state or states or to employ such part of the landane land and naval forces of the U S as shall be judged necessary fox for t tile 1 l P purpose u 0 se of suppressing such in s u r re c ta ra or causing the tile laws to bo be duly executed and the legislature of said state is not now in session and cannot be convened in time to meet the present emergency and the executive of said state under sect 4 of article 4 of the |