Show the pathfinder the intelligence that gen den john C fremont has been condemned to five years imprisonment by a french courton court on acco account urit of his connection with the negotiation of the memphis el paso railroad bonds in paris is a rather astound i ing denouement of a gi gigantic gantle railroad enterprise from an american point of view those who have read the charges made against him however and who are familiar with i the french custom of dealing with speculators will not be surprised at the sentence if it follows a substantiation stant lation of the charges that were brought against him in Inthe the course against of t the et triai trial r ivl ie baron bauldree boidleau Boil leau who married a daughter of thomas H benton and who is consequently a b rother brother in law of or general fremont gave an interesting summary of the batters lat career i when gen fremont married said B boidleau Boil leau he was a simple lieutenant without fortune and was ready to plunge into any new enterprise which promised a fair gain the witness went on to state that fremont was unsuccessful and soon ran through with senator bentons bensons Ben tons estate it was probably on this account Boil boidleau leau through his wife had a claim against premont fremont when the baron went to kew new york to settle this claim he found so he says that fremont had much money on account of the election and he finally settled by ty the 0 acceptance cep tance of francs in in the memphis Men iphis and el paso railroad one witness at the trial mr magnin magdin testified that gen fremont bauldree Gaul dree boidleau Boil leau paradis crampon probst and lis had received in all francs from the french people on account of the bonds only four miles of the road havo ever been built bulit atvas it was also shown that much money had been spent on newspapers and government officials to secure the introduction of the bonds on the paris bourse and to deceive the people the dispatch states stated that the men who were associated with fremont Fremon fc were all sentenced to various terms of imprisonment and were arrested on the spot general fremont was not there the reason which lie has given the american people for nde not E going to franco france was that lie he could not got there in time to be present resent I 1 at the trial jhew york tribune the farmers of iowa resolve to nominate their own candidates for governor the patrons of husbandry in illinois will do the same thing the iowa farmers declare against political parties and aro arc fighting foi for freedom from the thep op ballot pres pros sessions res of monopoly through the ballot box freedom from railroad as well weli as from coom congressional mou i |