Show G C J THOMAS bom nom sait salt bahe inre city utah P PRO R d F E S S 0 R 0 OF P M MU U s elc SIC I 1 0 AND conductor OP OF orchestra estra EiTRA AX AT SALT laine LAKE CITY THEATRE brein in informing the members T oi 01 hoxha bands and the musician geue geuer auy any of ulta haa has becane the a antol jull juil julias as kauer bauer t co coot ot uhl chi shiogo ogo the celebia ed makers or oi brass brahs nis nib aua aud by spee spec iiii lili arranged ants with thie lne above firm ferrit and witti the eibey embey co of new mew york he lle catl cati tarnish larnish the instruments of au alt the most cee ceo coe ce e berated foreign manufacturers american instruments delivered in this latty otty freight paid at makers retail prices those ot 01 Fr foreign eign make including drums and cymbals uj mbale at almajera makers alek s with freight freights aued or ets eta es are suii soli dite cIte and will receive alten atten special terms to drass bands for ter lerun IF ad cresis as aa a bove t arranged for B baas bans ans or string bandi banda nce ace according to capacity on reas reea nabie irma i rma i 1 I 1 instructions to city pupils on plan 0 r 1 11 ao ac 4 BEB BE heb B R ate E U mag mac are Indor indorsed endorsed sed and nd prescribed preer iber hber by mor mar leada C physicians ihan than uha any nj other tonia or stimulant noir now la in we nse they we ue A buek buee PREVIL preventive STIVE for petr fever and A amm aam gu elute end and nd all disorders from esue they are highly recommended am an antl anti and la in cas oos of in n digesti onre ue invaluable asan mean an appetizer and R nd ines Inea in eue cue seso aeao orre of general debility they harb have daverin ia tingle budt audi fud la gie ghe mot happy re reautha autta snits the they y are am nely TO rK nalea nales S strengthening be the hody body in tice tige rating the ld id mind 14 and britini tone tous and to the whole holg hoig hole my t em the homb houx are r compounded with the great artt ret rel est eft eare are kad and se tonia tonie stimulant hu has ever eter heen bees offered to th the pabloc SO PLEASANT TO lee iee TASTE and kt the seum bame fame time combining so 0 o many meny remedial agents ng ent indor Inder inversed sed bed by the medical inello fraternity as the tho bett hest known to uis ula it costa rittie little it to fre ife ire tre ire them thea a fain fair trial and every evert family should hate hato a Ilott bottge fe we W mk aak everyone every on to ra vead the eron erom mazy of the moet meet ein eln luent la in the country ST sr louis lomi july ISTO james jawes jl A jackson aco CO gentie gentle bina mina lenas As you bare hare to the medical profession profet sion slon the recipe recino crib home homs bitters bittern it cannot therefore be canel canei derd me m B eart rr or patent pta medicine no patent been for it we have bt examined the formula formate for enslie billoc the tb 41 home rome bitten dd tsy tam y the combination Is ii ono one oc of rare excellence xe nence all nii ja the articles article uselin ned la its it composition are re the belh besh of ftc the class cis to which they hey beloi belor if 1 being highly tonie tonic stoma Stama chie ehte carminative ead and 21 tightly bazat te this the mode of preparing pre them to is strictly la in accordance the rile male of rii ahr macy maey heving bed thin ea seen its imm effect ff geh ech in pur our pris ata eta practice vre ire a take pleasure la in recommending them to ali ail persons desirous ibl ibi lel rog rom or of taking bitters bitten as belag balag me ehe list ua tollo TOBIO klad aad no now dow offend to the public L M UD D r 0 M UD ii 0 colrick M D 0 CA A wass wana II 11 D J C M D X KA A clatie II 11 D dr drca C V F ludwig 8 13 0 uwe mo U D W A WILCOX M MD D hubent hubery prin prim 8 martez HOS hob sr br loins louis wo hlo oct 0 JAS A JACKSON co I 1 have hare the formula formal for making tb the 11 homb home ome oms stomach bitters bittera and used led them thern la in the hospital for th the lt sew rne months tso nao nth I 1 son eon consider sider tham them tho uhe most moat valuable tonie and md now I 1 la a ir a L M kich klch ER hr LouisI uly oly 6 1870 JAS jab A JACKSON ji co f having examined the formula from which your celeb celebrated sho Sto stomach macli bitten re prep aree area and eod bating having witnessed me the method of com bluing different erent gnout ingredient we ean can safely feiy fely recommend thal u the tho best desy tonio tonie with which we iro are kra acquainted vrem from the rest grest reat eue with which they thet are arb compounded and nd from the choles choice m merit merli daale nasle erit erli which en enter ter into them we irs haye have no doubt that they will phot prot ota ott vo as they feneite tobetha mos mol popular toni tonic cadd cand kunits at la me yean year T G M D we cheerfully with every word contained rinea tn in fele eele shoys shove DOT jonm johm MD jor JOH haryman HARTMAN MD D 1 CHAS CHAI M D JOH jonm T MD M D G os S U D r T c yi Aiu M X 0 oct ISO ISTO mel wel Mew V IL B kunedt A co agents auf N home bitten litters gent gretar agreeable etibo to your I 1 ibave examined the formal formals of therome the homo home stomach bitter i in I 1 and the remedies re medle medie it contains tuch such as bre irb la in use by i the medical profess professions fono fone they are very vert a ua pless riess pir pim antly eom oom blaed md as tonic vili viti be round found me corr carr obo oho nets to the treatment treat ment of I rge low or debilitated sieges of the system whether arusing from froni impaired digestion dIfu Uon or from mal mai arious arlon diseases dt digs dils Mi drax I 1 A M D R ES S way WAT HI chemi chomi L 0 CT T SimP M D I 1 W T U 0 ap 8 P U M D J J MB Z 0 g K D J H 0 W erg ere mili milt M D V W K R WD if D GA G A sept ad 1870 J T L SMITH esq ei we wre have hay ex a quod wood the fo formal of ghe the celebrated ritters bitten ml and find itlo ilvo it to be composed of antiole ar tiit that are the hest best ed by the ical leal profession and ind one orthe of the best bost bitters i ars tre a tahir of efnair to la am nis very yary respectful ba hairred HAirr MD B J it id D 0 L if B lra ira bare banz 31 0 tor sale by 67 all and grocer jas A jackson co proprietors etore Latu story stary X za streit 1 ST mayus me Z 6 SEWING EWING EWI M M 4 F 4 1 1 yve aye E INVITE TE THE tae PUBLIC to call and excellent varleni var ieti loti ase Z 40 laba thad t i tr r sa IN itz PLAIN BEAUTIFUL AND ELABORATE STYLE styne OP OF sasie NaSIP AN GREATLY IMF ROVED wita WITH che THE HE i irp iry i t EE basl eiml ac na rac am 1 fi ia the total sales of maelizae Mae nae lilae are nw now yf J THREE E INS ibb QUARTERS S OF caw A iq A MILLI dray i i Thesa theba lesof last s f t I 1 T i n A WC fabb A 40 25 0 ad T t A au aa evidence axim that it 1 la fast winning supreme tavor ravo r la in the household s i i f wige TIIE r singen SINGER 81 mger ngen boivid i OVER oter THE arher COMPANIES ri q W yek zm ab 1 I L j s f y v chicano chicane kene committee furni farni famished by bythe the fire to marvu marcu is 18 isri sl la 11 t 3 lai staff r Hatchi nodi noni all other othni makes maes applicants made their selections with a ne ae disco d on all 1 i J I 1 M J i 1 1 1 j our sales saidi I 1 in n utah exceed any other eouse bouge m in the tite tile edwing ime line r 9 S L ft chicago it i we courte counte courteously oual y invite the natues tobee tosse our tour r rt f iessi bic ric 11 t az a la nwe m nt n t K I 1 ft it attracts attract 4 general attention I 1 and admiration 4 i f r W aiso also desire you yoa to see gee our s 1 u tuckers borders binders ix idera ua tors torn hemmers mem Hem mers ra IP Pl leaters eaters delrin elf banters mastors seam soam N needle e e I 1 A r t z nef nea ef aers 1 v t f OJ SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES siv sir in W r it i X sf aa sei swi a tw it A iti III ire 1 s guarantee EVERY MACHINE WE SELL benl TO GIVE satisfaction W WE as asmah esch one Is tried and anted by experienced experienc ej mechanics andall warranted nieU to bew hew with ease all kinds kunds of goods irom the coarse coaxie coir nesi ss I 1 lo 10 0 the tin fin alna aana i i lacet irace MITSI MUSLIN ay iy CAMBRIC dew DEN INq DUCKING v BEAVER eucks BUCKS buckskin EU alakl uly uin AND ga instruction given frempt free C arg by competent compe tont attendants and torms borms of sale bale baleto to sult suit all OTHER REPAIRED ON REASON myo wyo 0 bie cje ITERMO I TERMO I 1 4 i 11 1 mell mehl 0 ar i i t i alt i i w f WS we a cordial InvItation to alloi all ali to ft t if 4 1 j i COM CO MAND M jai 1 A AND 11 X D I 1 t SEE SE E 0 U R I 1 M mahl mahi CHINES CHI N ES j t j d f L toh t i they wish WI sh to purchase or not daw kaw A i tb hiwing machine Depart department ment tent 1 y c MJ general beneral A Agents t anro awo two noor door benth or kagle kawie f enit elt eit lalie irs irm eloi CIO w 1 i |