Show PAGE FOt’R- - The of Summer School Ex-Coach- By Way of Campaigning Your Political Friends Stars In The Service Romney Lists es Mix e FORMER CARDIMAL cPohnny AND GIANT" SLUGGER WHO HIT 184- HOME RUNS IN HIS 7 YEARS AND WAS BATTING - CHAMP IN - Coach E L “Dick” Romney’s summer school for coaches this year featuring William H “Little Bill" Miller— coach of the former national AAU basketball champs and Frank Leahy meteor of Notre Dames’ fighting Irish gndders is an outgrowth of 17 years of experience The following is a list of some of the famous coaches that Romney has had come to the USAC to instruct in the coaching school: “Pop” Warner — advisory coach at San Jose State A coloiful inventive and philisophical man Bob Zupke of Illinois — A daring resourceful and versatile coach Wallace Wade of Duke— A polished gentleman Very thoiough sound and analytical Harry Kipke former coacn at Michigan— frank and conseivative probably because of an mher ted system of play Very likeable Howard Jones of Southern California — Thorough set candid exnaul and a particularly acting worker lt seems different about this time of year not to be! itemie Berman of Minnesot- a-! :m- - waiting up the story about how the Aggies under the and thorough Quiet friendly tutorage of George “Doe” Nelson took the conference aginative Doc has perennially produced a Fritz crisipr of Michigan — Adap-- " lestlmg championship able cieative and an exceptional championship squad as well as won the admiration of all those associated with him This fact is attested by the organizer Clark Shaughnessy of Stanford fact that he was voted as one of the most popular physical —A great imagination especially training instructors by the Air Corps boys on the campus on offense Ability to get good te-it is not unusual as the Air —— suits with little material Remark- - Corps will confirm to see "Doc" able sincerity leading all of the bojs in a gruel- Bill Spaulding former coach at mg y run and — teamed with Shaughr essy spite his age to tmish less tiled at same school Decidedly philos- - than his youthful trainees This ophical with a great sense of hu- - same sort of perseverence and mor Has a particularly keen in- - stamina has been charaetenstie of “Doc" all of hi life teiest in his players Francis Schmidt of Ohio State Even before deciding to come exceptional daring a lover of of-- over t0 the Uimed Slates from fense and a hard worker hl8 natlve Xoruay Coach Nclson Dana Bible of Texas- -a great had been subje( ted t0 stlff coulse teacher with the confidence of ev- m calestheniC3i swlmmlng and eryone skiing Because of his financial Stub Allison of California Do ditflcuiUes was forced to detailist Joln the crew of a Realistic hard woiker sailmg vesse) and genial m order to come to America Lynn Waldorf of Northwestern When he and his companions W're —Original geneious in his opm - flnally set ashore at Tapnm!b ions and stimulating Washington they had exactly $1 10 Carl Snavely of Cornell tnoi - ‘t0 last them for ail of their needs ce ough detailist especially resoui It was in thls same clty that he ful on defense obtained a job in a sawmill and Lon Stiner of Oregon state although only IS yeais old took Young and full of file Gave ex- - the rugged life of a lumberman in cellent demonstration of line play full stride At the age of IS he His coaching showed good balance had mastered the language well of offensive and defensive taetns enough and had advanced in his ’ Henry Frnka of Tulsa univer - work to such an extent that hel ' sity— a great lover of the football was placed as foreman of a con- -' game A hard woiker and veiv struction crew State “Doc" has turned out more popular with the men on his While still serving in this ca- - championship wrestling squads' teamS he started to work seriouslv than pacity any country Romney groups them m the fol- - wlth a boxing career and in a c °f ha Ve" y6arS lowing order m regaids to the sys- - few years was fighting such men tern they taughtD°Ch h“ produced(li champions as Jack Dempsey and Lou Firpo Offense-ZupC r i si e r "lhe wild bull of the pke ot?fr Pampas " kelson was disSchmidt Wamer After moving to Utah "Doc" also Up secondShaughnessy m the turnout this year and Waldorf engaged n the rough sport of StateS’ Defense — Bierm an Kipke wrestling and alter defeating such Wref ‘"B pr“ctlce-?l- 1 itadents on cam?us men as Ed “Strangler" Lew is a Spaulding and Bible °“ be lnterested ln developing Fundamentalists— Jones Allison Jim Londos and Joe Sleeker won 68 Wade and Snavely the T t°lr I champion-ehancewat unUl they Most versatile — Rockne the or- - ship 110 to old d° anything about ar1 charcoach and colorful gamzer By ths tlme "Doc" was t Concerning post-wplans acter too old for piofessional sports Doc alpears optimistic “All of and so began looking aiound for a our armed branches realize the Utes permanent job The USAC leadily important pait wrestling plays in accepted his application and for developing stamina and strength To NCAA the past 23 years has been benSo despite the fact “Doc” did not efiting from the expenence wis- have a wrestling team this year dom stamina and perseverance of (because of lack of competition) of Coach Nclson Utah defeated St John's we should not foiget him for he is to 43 36 last Brooklyn Thursday During his long reign at Utah our champion of champions night putting on a bnlliant buist of speed to wm the mythical national collegiate basketball champ- 199 j 1 1 cross-countr- 1 - a- - AmiL Student life f‘" T (Note' We present for your approval (oi condemnation) the following candidates foi student body offices this spnng Take your pick look ’em over ) PRESIDENT Burns Crookston athlete sopho- returns more piesident from year in army political science variety of "A" sweaters former Blue Key award winner Dan Ludlow present thiee-yea- r councilman goes for president Red Cioss drives and successmarried takes fully care of equipment for Logan Collegians wit Lloyd Mecham any- thing for a gag political pre-la- S d science mis orator K E PRESIDENT live MoCallixter eager efficient Student Lifer AW S olficial Spur permanent committeeman Jeanne I’orxgren peien nial publications workei dependable chemistry but not enthusiastic about it cheerful LuJcan Hinelicliff serious junioi class AWS official led plays bass viol hair BAC Clara Jean Nelson sionary secretaiy scholarhei is lov- strictly ship "knowing says campaign ing her” manager Hael Stoddard queen of college public seivice quaiter at Stanton! d sophisticate gond-natuie- SECKETVKY Bonna Jones up for second tcim thorough “her misses little would be of benetit to the entile student body" Julia Theurer gagster Provianother red head dence secretaiy potential frosh Dorothy Nielson ex and soph class officer sweetheart of Sigma Chi worldly Alta Jolley Hurricane school secretary high Spur secretary of junior class business Theta Chi Ruth Madsen junior Weber high physical education major sorority Patsy Barber president prom committee clips jokes for Student Life North Cache Anna Lyle Pi ice softball player fights through Durham’s classes commeice Malad THREE-- 1 gVR COUNCIL Jean Richards fieshmar vice president high school yearbook editor energetic operates in high Tennis Squad From the Files of Ray Nelson Helen Flint Davis high onion raiser fnendly "intei estod m the futuie of Utah State Kathleen Grant Ogden Buzzer personality gal on her Ev Thoipe has his eye (the wolf) fnendly "Let's Erlene Atkinson have some USAC teamwoik by voting for Erlene for three-yecouncil" quotes campaign man Anita Campbell high school big shot Logan tall daik personable firm exponent of young ar love RichHelen Hae Merrill mond Noicaclnan editor class peisonality Lorraine Cunningham clubber types at exten sion service ex-4-- EAR COUNCIL and quote Airgiuia Dixon ' No if you want acfoolin' tion with a bang she's the only one to fit the bill ” Roma Berntson daughexter of college secretary "The Man pel t imitations I Love" trombone player lielva Andrus junior tieasurer president social chairman of soronty ability not rationed Lucille Hati h sophomoie unites features (occasionBuzzer staff and Stu ally) dent Lite t English intelligentsia Ruth Marie Buzzer editor staff member Lambda Rho officer Jean Chandler chem student W'tber college trans“a background that will fer keep the council on top " Mierma Stanfill walks athlete home ecofast nomics tough classes Prom committee friendly Katherine Jenkins sophomoie officer engineer boy ft lend sense of humor expert on falling-dowgags Ann Price "Attention1 Eveiythmg isn't iationed wre aie not offering shoe stamps or meat stamps but better still the sei vices of Ann" quote will fit the Kathryn Hill bill past experience along executive lines Bjrbaia Jean Forrest freshman class secietaiy president and secietary of gills’ dorm lngh school bigwig Pauline Hyer capable AWS council Spur and on and on pianist Salome Vvaleh Piom committee soiority head e publications dent woiker Roma I’oole snow queen sponsor Military ball committee Logan high ON E- - n long-tim- n 19 stu-Del- 1Y HVRRY HONNELL Awaits “Go Ahead” Signal The latest sporting news hot on the canpus is the talk that Utah State may climb off the e bandwagon and field a s Utah State team In an interview with Piofessor A N Sorenson chairman of the school’s athletic council who has just teturned from the Big geven conference it was learned that Utah university and BYU aie both planning on fielding teams and that Utah State may follow suit depending upon the inclination of the remaining athletic council members If the Aggies get the go ahead signal tney will again be mentoied veteian Aggie by Perce Smith coach who dunng business houis is a prominent Utah printer Conch Smith will undoubtedly build his team around thtee college lettermen Clinton Nelson Larry Wanlass and Dale Lewis Nelson was a lettennan two yeais ago before going into the set vice of Uncle Sam A great doubles pel former Nelson will in deed be a valuable cog in the Farmer machine Larry Wanlass is a transfer student from BYU where he won his letter last year while pertornung under the eye of d the Fled "Buck” Dixon Dale Lewis is a two-yeat the college who may be of help if he can get himself into top notch condition With the many service men still on the campus tlieie is a possibility that some players from their ranks may be invited to join the Aggie squad and their presence would result m a undoubtedly sttonger squad aggregatron Other civilian students who are getting in their daily licks include Dick Gatdner Jack Bowen Jncx Miller and Reid Watkins boni-fid- fen-m- pow-po- Utah-fame- Betty Loll Limlholin decoia-tion- s Prom committee duration Sigma Nu girl plugged for capability Dorothy Myers speech contests Buzzer business Southern Cal manager engineer buddy Marian Olsen gets woik done Monday morning orchids assis sponsor tant to Editor Porter Charlene Petlerson Spur Gardancer president land boy friend Big county politics Adelle A onng true to ma- former fieshman class line officer fashion happy columnist Seth Bills up for council male “will be back next year” Herald-Journ- Saturday when he ran the following item: “Upon hearing that the Univeisitv of Utah basketball team won the crown last Thursday night by tripping- jSt Johns Dale Dew is USAC student body president and manager of Little Oiphan Aggies hurled a deiiant note: “ ‘The Utes refused to play our Collegians this year and that refusal can be interpreted to mean that they are afraid we can lick ’em Therefoie the Collegians really are the national champs We admit Utah defeated Dartmouth and St Johns but we contend that since the Redskins were afraid to play us we won a moral victory Therefore we'ie 1 April - the U S champions’ ” “Lewis further revealed that plans are progressing g the campus and down town to accord the Collegians a tremendous testimonial honoring their Then at the conclusion of the news article the editor inseited a note reminding the reader that “today is April 1” Neat gag eh? Anyway it puis over the point that wish to bring out and not in jest either Nelson’s statement did not stretch the facts one bit as followers of the Collegians well know A not so very popular version m Salt Lake as why the Utes wouldn’t play the unofficial Aggies is that they were too afraid of the defeat they would get Fans in northern Utah know that the Collegians could have taken care of the big and haughty Indians and such a match would have been tops on a basketball hillm®' in Utah Colleghins Win From Southern Idaho Led by the inspired floor woik of big Buzz Winn who scored 18 points the Logan Collegians romped to a last Saturday victory over the Southern Idaho night The feature of the game which was played in Montpelier was the outstanding pivot woik of Ruzz Even when the put Keith “Toot” Trane organizer of the team e on Ruzz he still worked his to take scoring honors’ for the game Grant “Sugar” Mortenson notched up 11 points for the Utahns while Coach Ornn Curtis scored ten Outstanding man for the Idahoans was Trane who amazed fans with his eonsistant “set" shots which won him fame with the Aggies last year Rugged Lyle Hale scored eight points for the Orphans Lewis seen and Dent Dustin five Manager Dan Ludlow repot ts that the Collegians will ofiicially wind up their unofficial season this Friday when they travel to Afton Wyoming to meet the Star Valley Tiibune Makes Errors in Their Meaning Too While noticing the fact in the Salt Lake Tribune that the Utes won the NCAA last Thuisday my attention became fastened on a human interest story concerning Redskin Coach Vadal and Mrs Teterson In the first paragraph it was stated that while the Utes were winning the NCAA Mrs Peterson’s mother had died Then this" was followed by a direct quotation from Mrs Peterson saying that she was very glad it happened because it was something that Vadal had always hoped for After reading it through ten times and urging my friends to do the same it was still hard for us to get the idea straight that the death was not what Vadal had hoped for but instead the championship which the Utes had just won All of which goes to show you that een professional newspapermen can make errors in what they Wioh to say 1 All-Star- s 59-3- 4 All-Sta- rs All-Sta- rs key-hol- “High-Pocket- s” All-Sta- rs too one-ye- 'V fs y ' ' 4 J ' z M z V g'ing the V Dump St Johns Win Arnold Ferrin Stars ill Long wearing easy walking new Jarmans designed especially for you "soldiers in civvies” who plan make and transport America's vital ' war materials more than ever ll 23-a- ll That ' Easter! TW) STYLEPARK SPORT COAT ot the finest dein the New of 100 w ooir signs Plaids five-poi- p 6 A 4 fit $5 $£35 MOST STYLTS “Goes With” Uj you'll appreciate their distinctive Jaiman friendliness of Everything 'j Built to solve your problem of walkTry on a pair today Now ing more in less pairs ionship Ihe Utes thus culminated one of the most stirring comebacks in collegiate annals returning to the scene of an earlier defeat to cap- tuie one of the highest honors in collegiate basketball After a fast and furious first half the teams left the floor with the scoie tied at In the second half after an exchange of baskets and free throws which tied up the score at the Utes forged to the front never again to 'be thieatened Utah’s sharp shooting forwaid Arnold Ferrin teamed with Bob Lewis on a series of tosses which opened a five minutes after the gap at 3 second half started St John’s switched to a fat break but the Utes around the keyhole kept the Indians at long range and forced them to try field goals at difficult angles St John’s however hit for four field goals in succession St John's was weakened how- ever and Wilkinson and Ferrin sneaked in for lay-ushots and ran the score to with a minute left in the game Utah twice refused fouls to gain control of the ball and as St John's lost Summer and Kotsores by way of the foul route the Utes the ball for the rest monopilized of the game Ferrin was high point man for the Utes with 17 Hy Gotkin led St John's with 11 pointsyas in their dramatic triumph over Dartmouth ttf Uts were denied the playing ft Owd Oeffteld who went out of Vv because of a weak on title-holdin- z Needham’s Offer Editor Kay Nelson of Logan’s S ports hit the nail on the head in his news story of We Have Two ELGIN WATCHES First Come First Served! |