Show f) J I' n STUDENT LIFE LOGAN UTAH PAGE TWO STABLE STUTTERINGS The STUDENT LIFE (FRESHMAN EDITION) 1056 Member 1037 FLsociaJod GolloStalc Press Published weekly by students of the Utah State Agricultural Printed by Clark and Earl Printing company entered as second class mail matter September 1908 at Logan Utah under act of March 3 1879 Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103 Act of October 3 1927 Mail subscription rate $100 per year Student subscription from fee Authorized August 22 1918 College l£r Service 420 Madison Ave Agency for National Advertising New Yoik N Y Offices in New York Chicago Boston inlti iT-- Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Copy Desk Editor Feature Editor News Editor Society Editor Harold Simpson Porter U Genevieve E4 Pete Hamilton Francis Burgie Afton Merrill Lorraine Anderson Carol Oberhansley Copy Desk: Mary Lindsay Burnell Winn Features: Elda Allred Elizabeth Price Naomi Everton Grace Anderson Willard Larsen Marjorie Sorenson Kathleen Mabey Mary Lindsay Joseph Evans News: Grace Anderson Naomi Everton Elizabeth Price John Wood Muurine Burnham Joseph Quayle Beth Pocock Rex Layton Elaine Wintch Sports: Lynn Beycler John Bernhard Judd Harris Proof Readers: Mignon Perry Genevieve Romney 5 ft : BUSINESS STAFF Paul Spencer Finance Manager Phone 414-- J Mediator Advertising Manager Phnue 7Gti George A? Definitions a la Stoopnagle Freshman: A thing what when if you leave high school and have nothing else to do you come to college and are Clock: A doodad what if you watch it if it is right you won’t miss the bus- Also has a gadget on it that nudges your eardrums and if you don’t get up to turn it off it keeps ou till it runs down and you sleep indefinitely Nursery Rime Mary had a little lamb He was tall dark ami had a swell car Jee — 1 wish 1 had one Assistant Managers Ferns Evans Myrene Thomas Circulation Manager Assistant A CRYING NEED Sft the past two weeks three editorials have been presented bringing to mind once more the crying need of an Aggie field house Two of the editorials were associated with athletics concerning themselves with baseball and the other told of the 'need of a social center here on During- the campus i V i & Si H ' Now baseball would be heartily welcomed at Utah State but it would hardly he practicable to introduce the sport without the aid of a field house Already tennis track and football have been harassed by a wintry spring and to add a summer sport to the curriculum would be perhaps foolhardy unless some means was put forth offering a way to practice while it stormed And there is a way to solve the problem which in solv- ing one would solve a dozen The answer of course is apparent because only a field house will fit the job Ath- lectics could be handled with the greatest of ease : a good substitute for a social center would be at hand: and to relieve the situation in the library that of too many bull what better place could be found sessions ’ Cut to talk of the need of a field house and to offer a means of getting it are two different things Support Would not be lacking except on the financial side and it is here that the students of Utah State could put forth their Three thousand students could not be expected efforts to pay for an immense field house but three thousand students could start the ball rolling to get the needed money A dollar a quarter chipped in by three thousand students would bring forth a like amount of protests but more important in a year there would be a tiny nest egg of nine thousand dollars This plan may not be desirable and a better one might be' used but whatever it is lets use it and replace a lot — II S of words with a little action! 'i TIIE HONOR SYSTEM PRO I H £ The greatest drawback a conscientious student finds on the campus is cheating during examinations If a student wants to try to do his best and others are using “ponies” that student will wonder if it is any use at all to make the paper his own The school of agriculture is trying a system at the present time to eliminate this evil During an examination the students are to watch each other and report to the professor who was cheating and how it was done This seems to be a good plan and has been tried successfully elsewhere An examination will be a true gauge of what the class is learning and the conscientious student will be judged for what he knows not what he can get from notes Hut on the otiier hand it is seen that students will not always tell on a classmate even at the expense of a better 'grade for themselves Also if the student is concentrating on the examination ho will not be apt to be looking around for cheaters If lie is looking it is probably to glean a little information for himself The idea may or may not go over If it does so much the better if not something else must be looked for At the outset it seems that too many students are here for a lark and as long as a grade is forthcoming they do not care —J K W much how it is gotten THE HONOR SYSTEM CON i ’rtt VJ ii: I! May the sports staff of the freshman class offer their humble opinions concerning the very unsportsmanlike tae- tics of the professors of the agricultural school in asking pupils enrolled in classes which are under the jurisdiction of said school to report any and all students they may happen to notice cheating in exams The basic idea of the move is obvious to cut down the underhand methods of certain pupils to attain high grades Granted this would be a However magnanimous stop toward better citizenship aien't you cutting off your nose to spite your face? Aren’t you urging the honest upright contingent of the school to lower their characters by reporting these incidents making a skunk out of a rabbit to snare a fox? We feel you are standing on the wrong foot that there is some other plausible means by which cheating may be cut to a minimum without asking someone to smear their escutcheon to reach that goal A squealer is in the estimation of his fellow class-mate- s the lowest of low as you may recall from your college days There is a murmur of dissatisfaction rolling around the campus and we fear that if any of the 'squealers are apprehended he would look mighty queer 'wandering in the middle of the quad sans his pants and we ’would be only too glad to aid the cause After all gentle-'me- n the object oi a college education is to assimilate as 'much knowledge as possible not to inveigle high grades out ’of you profs The cheater hurts only himself We as a ’class new to the ways of this institution feel this campaign to be in conflict with all the rules of sportsmanship of which we are so familiar — Freshman Sports Staff i anti-Jcheati- 21 1938 ex- pressions with the origin use and probable meaning W arsmu: (Polish Usually used as "Warsma little girl been herself lately?” Watohado°n : early (Probably DuiCh) Common form of greeting Most popular in the library Contraction of "What are you doing” G°teher (German) Means "Have you got your” Jtigo: (Must be Jugoslavian) Heard most frequently on Monday Contracted form of "Did you go” Usually used in conjunction " with "home for the ‘Owjadoo (Resembles Cockney) Can be used as an acknowledgement of an in roductian or as "‘Owjadoo in the exam?” I Airing the Campus PKP’s Are Exposed A bride thinks of three things in the booth offers the advantage when she enters the church: aisie of having a sympathetic audience sound proofing —Round Up and in addition alter hymn Statisticians estimate a 50 per cent The average college man is a decrease in protesting profanity — Criterian dame fool Spring — When trees begin to An engineer at the Universi y leaf and so do thoughts of study —Silver and Gold of Wisconsin says that students dancing to swing music generate enough heat to warm a "You look sweet enough to eat” building for two clays in winter He whispered soft and low us the baked Show weather Big ”1 am” she said quite hungrily —R M C Apple "Where do you want to go?” — Normal News Words of wisdom that continue: The course has ended and the "Who's that necking at my grade is final But father's com- door?” says the modern house ments will live on and on the o'clock in — Western Graphic mother at three morning when she hears a noise on the front porch Singing in the tub and shower — Denver Clarion is on the way out the latest trend being toward serenading in the d The professor we telephone booth This was recently proven at the University of Colo- would like to meet is the fellow rado Guaranteed to give the vocal who would lecture to his steak and choirs a better break because of cut his classes! — H S U Brand the less humid atmosphere singing two-sto- absent-minde- College Grammar Commonly used words and week-end?- Bob Simpson Bill Glasmann Advertising Staff: Boyd Stewart Lynn Sorenson Sherman Anderson Harmon Toone APRIL Freshmen Give Ideas On How to Run School In turning this edition of Student Life over to the Freshmen Editor Rcdford said “Heres your chance to get your pot peeve off your chest Go to il” Revision Proposed For Constitution I was assigned to write up the Proposed AniciHlinciits grievances of the Freshman class ( 'oust it nt ion As I make up only of one per cent of the Freshman Note: No money to be spent on to interview a campaigning I decided Class “ hut is so rare as an ‘A in number of Freshmen and find out Add to Article III Sec 3 Clause 5 June?” their likes and dislikes Fiist came Carrying successfully shall mean Bill Thomas receiving glades averaging “C” or "What are jou studying ScholSays Prexy Thomas "I'd like to better The Attendance and now?” asked Mrs Magillieiid-ah- y see every Aggie hive a good time arship Committee of the instituevery Friday night anyway To tion shall be empowered to pub“We have taken up the study start such a campaign I’d like lish regulations and enforce the of molecules” answered her to see all Aggies and partners at above provisions pride and joy Add to Article III Sec 3 Clause 6 the Dansante tomorrow night” “I ho(! you will lie very atAt a meeting of the organizatentive and practice constantHelen tion within the last two weeks of Our able ly” said Mrs M- - “I tried to Allred says "I'm for bigger and school all new student body offibetter assemblies like the one cers shall subsertbe to the folget your father to wear one we are presenting tomorrow afterbut he couldn't keep it in his oath of office: noon It’s going to make Aggie lowing eye” in an honest demo“Believing history" Helen by the way ought cratic administration of student to know She's in charge (Ed's Note) affairs having studied and underWe wish to announce that the cheer- stood the student body constituNext our Freshman editor will be under leader Judd Z and statutes and Harris gave us tion psychological observation for two his ideas “I want more comfor- realizing the sacred trust placed in weeks after the publication of this table seats in classes maximupi me by my fellow students I paper - do hereby solemn- registration at twelve hours no home assignments and half hour ly swear to uphold and enforce ‘‘I fear” said the postage on the classes with lunch between There the student body constitution bystudent’s letter to his father "I should be a law against teachers laws and statutes in status quo am not sticking to facts" giving D's and F's and I also unless and until they are amendthink—” Here's where I left Judd ed by due process as provided Thirty days hath Septober is still giving out ideas for im- therein and I further swear that I April June and No wonder accept this office in good faith proving the USAC All the rest have peanut butter and will execute the duties of my an Our capable I lovely secretary office to the best of Except Pasadena which has the my knowledge a Union Afton Merrill wants Rose Bowl and ability” building "Not just a dance hall” No one shall be considered as she continues "but a center for all Once a big molicepan holding office until the above oath fraor club student class body Saw a bittle lum has been subscribed to ternity socials" Sitting on a sturb cone Article III Sec 3 Clause 18 Chewing gubber ium council member The three-yea- r Harold "Stub” Simpson assistSaid the big molice pan ant sports editor for Student Life shall be elected at the same time "Won’t you simme gome?” and editor of the Freshmen edition as all other elective student body “Tixey on your nin type says "I should like to see baseball officers and in the same manner Said the bittle lum as a school sport at the AC I except that only freshmen will be hope to see a Big Blue Baseball allowed to vote on this office “Oh hum “said Ralph Redford team at Utah State soon” Article III Sec 4 Clause 16 as he saw Chief Sweeney When asked what they would The executive council may at Just another good man going like to see most of all at Utah any time appoint members of the to waist” Stale athletically-minde- d Dick student to organization body Warren O'Gara Ed Izatt committees and delegate to them Ryan Our Father’s who art in California Pete Hamilton Bill Whitesides power to act for the executive Hollywood be thy name Seth and Murray Maughn Harold council within specified limits Thy cinemas come thy stills be Gutke and many other outstand- Article III Sec 4 Clause 17 dumb Frosh athletes all answered No applicant for a student manIn Los Angeles as it is in New ing in unison (quote) “A NEW GYM” agership shall be considered for Haven (unquote) appointment if he has not been give us this day our daily news Herb Packard wants at least two passed successfully at least 12 reel labs a week in "Courtship and hours’ work And forgive us our debts as we Marriage" Article V Sec 1 Clause 1 Class forgive those Charley (C Franklin Brown to Government Who show double features before you) says “I'd like to take this Officers of the classes shall be us opportunity to infoim the Student as follows: President Lead us not into musical comedy Body that for the most part Secretary and Engineers know how to dance Article V Sec 1 Clause 2 Deliver us from wild westerns which fork to use and when it's Officers of the freshman class For thine is the King Kong and time to get a haircut In fact the shall be elected during the first the Powells Freshman Engineers are practicalAnd the Gloria Swansons forever ly civilized- I should like to see two weeks of the school year of the other classes shall Ah Me the student body abandon the Officers be elected during the two weeks that all are theory Engineers HERE'S MORE ABOUT immediately following student body elections Dave Thompson ace Natural History Elections shall be Clause 2 beater wants a class of swing (Continued From Page I) music inserted into the course of handled according to the follow(1) Nominating meeta great white cloud bank over the study taught by some fairly com- ing plan: for each class where nominings Benpetent swingster preferrable north rim ations can be made from the floor Thursday April 14: We had fine ny Goodman member of the class or by Now here's my suggestion I'd by any quarters and hot showers at Tuba petition of 25 bona fide class memCity and in the morning were like to see the Awards Committee bers if submitted at least 24 hours bath tub and shown the Hopi Village of Moen-eop- e award the before the opening of polls for and the government Navajo silver plated bath sponge phis a vote primary voting (2) Primary electo of Elmo big appreciation at Manave by a project to eliminate all but two cantions for the Garff swell he has job Pueblo Indian who leaches at didates for each office held at done as Student President Body the Government schools Turning northward again we crossed the My wish for the future is that all least two school days after the (3) Final meetings High Kiabab Forest in a snow- student body officers will do half nominating voting held at least two school storm and back into Utah where as well as he has done Elmo from the Fresh- days after the primaries (4) comwe arrived at Zion's Canyon and class man plete announcements of the nomat the the Great foot of camped inations assemblies primaries and White Throne just as the full moon was coming up our evening’s finals shall be published in Stucountry toward dent Life at least one week preFriday April 35: Rangemen and destination Nephi the occurence of the events ceding 17: We are on the geologists went down Saint George Sunday April 3 Clause The class elections to A of now the conditions last rather unanimous way lap study shall be conducted by the respecOld Mother Earth while the rest vote decreed that Timpanogas tive class presidents under the diof us just stayed and drank in Cave be included in the the grandeur of Zion’s Canyon Hunter and Dr Williams rect supervision of the student on body elections chairman Balloting Nearfiy everyone climbed to the seemed rather dissappointed top of Angel's Landing and Hales being unable to bring the Great shall take place at the same time hardy soul took a dip in Emerald Heart of Timpanogas home wit and place for all three classes Clause 4 Pool at 10 P M What's more we them We arrived hale and heart' Eligibility for class had pie for supper at about 6 P M Everybody had a offices shall ibe the same as re16: Visited good time and received quite n quired for student body offices Saturday April Bryce Canyon amid the snows of education meanwhile thanks u Section 2 Clause 1 The class officers shall have as Poweli National Forest and then Drs Williams and Aj-- t Snell after Wilkin Fox had taken some Smith Ma and I’a Cooley a id their duty the execution of all more movies wo wcie off up the Grant Nielson the bus driver projects or duties pertaining to one-tent- h nt by-la- i i’ bull-fidd- d Congra--ulatio- itinery-Alber- In Daring Revelation Considering seniors in relation to brains there are three kinds which are of little or no account those who have more brains than they can possibly use those who use more brains than they can and Phi Kappa possibly have Of the three varieties I Phis have the least liking for the latter The mental framework of the typical Phi Kappa Phi lends itself readily to classification according to the severity of the fluctuations which govern that person’s future idiosyn-craciShould the unavailability of his cerebral vesicles degenerate him into a category of the then his remarkable native endowments are apt to deteriorate under the harsh uncompromising situations of life itself Ah now come! come! my scant little I Q of 90! Why goad yourself to achieve awkwardness of expression and an unsuccessful of imitation the cumbersome words into which Moyle Rice can fracture the laws of lucidity and composition? Flowers For Delta Phis An "A" average is salvation and lack of it the mark of the damned acording to Phi Kappa Phis Phi Kappa Phis are superior beings they are not merely members of the graduating class They are the pick of the select Now thir blood cousins the Delta Phis are no less proud of their fraternity but when you ask them why they gesture fumble feebly for words and then mutter something about strenous days in the mission field and of the new course of marriage at the Institute I’linoey Phi K I'liix Of course Phi Kappa Phis have in their "A" grades an elusive topic that is good for three hours while you are cursing yourself for not having made opportune use of a glib tongue a disarming smile ponies and all the other paraphenalia of the apple polishing art But when they come to mistake your silence for convictions they picture themselves as individuals of prime import about to crash ail of the desirable jobs while you and I “C" students are being politely escorted to a position of low pay in the basement which chances to be embarrassingly near the furnace Hold That Finger So far as a matter of personal opinion no argument is necessary But dear Phi Kappa Phi it is a rash chap indeed who will point his finger at a student of low scholarship and announce: “Look there goes one unfit to graduate What use has the world for his kind?” Yes it is a bold and rash individual who dares challenge in a single outburst the fitness of one whose training and experience has perhaps been more aboundant and educational than his own psycho-Neurot- ic pub-lical- ly their respective classes Clause 2 A class fee of $100 per year shall be charged every bona fide member of the student body of class rank freshman to senior inclusive Clause 3 All money's belonging to the classes shall be handled by the Executive Secretary of the In stitution and will be paid only on requisition approved by the student body budget chairman and the respective class president By-la- Pore Speling Irks Breadlines Yearling Prodigy For Students all freshman have pet gripes and here’s mine spelling We hear cries everyday rot only from freshmen (but the the climbing Sophs sprouting Juniors and even the know-al- l Seniors) It seems a rather infinite howl coming from college students but there are a lot of us in the same boat without a pattle— that the pattle called spelling When we get to college we should know how to spell Consider the value of spelling il is used as much in every day life as much as any of our subjects yet it is forgotten in junior high left to the student to battle the rest of the way while he goes on taking "more important” subjects and here we are still battling I remember my eighth grade teacher says “we are at the age now that we could spell almost anything” True enough but why take it by age why not ability? Is it too late to start in college is it ever too late? Perhaps you have heard that "you can judge a man's education by his ability to spell" We are here for education why pass up one of its most important elements? Students take advanced subjects why not some kind of an advanced spelling or even a good old elementary spelling class? It would be an "Utopia" for the Profs if we were all good spellers Think of the wear and tear we could save them and the lead saved by not making red circles around every other word Les set off the bomb freshmen! Lets have a spelling class ut the I guess almost A C While attending the North Agricultural College vious to this year I wa several times that noon iuoi which student's prepared had V steriously disappeared By jUm at conclusions I decided ii students at that particular coll ” were getting "fast” Just recently I have discover the same procedure is prevale on this campus These fast are being pulled Students prepare their lunches must pon(1 the question "Will I have to p' pare a lunch today for that J known friend of mine? I oa pare another After further considering a weighing this matter I haye rived at the conclusion: "It js ( only a joke that student’s bod must be fed as well as their mini that the students who are brig! or otherwise who omitted sch lunches in their school-bmshould be given consideration com5 system of college bread-line- s be provided for by the state I certain the bread-lin- e would M be so long that students would t late to classes Then we will lease know the unfortunate who take other people’s mon are not in the category 0f th0 who lack existent wants pre HERE'S MORE Neo-Quixoti- ABOUT cs (Continued From Page Onel How great must he have been n has deserved this token of cot memoration by those after h And how many illustrious B have been of this city!” This is Rome fashioned after t other city and such that nffi other like her can arise She “The City” with Platonic puri: In nil her history her inhabits! have had a sense of what is for public places and of what a right ornament for a temple h her enemies break her columns destroy her obelisks let the tear down her walls and esr away the stories to build pate elsewhere: the ruins will inspc those buried under them the a en hills will rouse the dead si Rome will assert herself She the Eternal City by Rome is Great What makes Rome great? a: what is greatest in her? Not t: place and not one century Forum is broken and it Trojan Forum lies scattered I each of its few standing cotar is enough to make a city proi Many stories still bear "SPQF in the dignified letters of anor Rome The gardens that went Romans deeded to their city r today as ever green temples the pleasure earned by the per in the labours of the day Chur: es house what centuries of sine' devotion and art produced toe thousands worship at their altar and thousands are made richer the beauty conceived in a pasta: And in this generation new mor merits still rise! they bear b inscription "SPQR”— “The F man Senate and the Roman Rome lives too You will sometime From afar you will see:: monument to Victor Emmax II the Father of Italy It rw as a temple blindingly satues each of these a dome the centre of a 8"- square In the church of Saint Peter chains you will stand silently fore Michelangelo's Moses a urc so strong that a weak man r ans holding it becomes mighty coward brave In the Sistine chapel you be slow in choice On the wall The Last Judgment and on § hu® 1 ceiling you find no end of figures — each a sufficient Pict! f in i t s e f— surrounding bibl scenes Of these The Creation Man is greatest in conceptionBorghcse Museum Intereetief The Borghese Museum awJ‘ naan you with ancient and new expressing the joy of life: the Pulling a Thorn is so abwrtj by his foot that he never notlj you In Pluto Stealing rtosefn lustful Pluto shows you the aw " type of all lascivious eyes offending male in Appollo Daphne is less fortunate Gods change supplication DeF into a tree her fingers afj ready branching twigs with Wj and her fine body is partly clthk wjth bark But sleeping Hermaphrodite loveliness Itself cut into kj stone tread softly lest phrodite open her eyes and I Yours J Piraniaa George P S Never cut spaghetti d rot expect to be graceful but stick your fork into the cr“ mass (b) hold the bowl large spoon against the tip your fork (c) rotate the about its lonf J until no struggling ends r (d) open as wide as you don't pre'end that you b v I buccal cavity (e) Introduce believe me it's the only In t good thing you've lusted life l Collegiate Life “Wakes” Student The biggest shock that a Freshman receives when he comes to college is that he is on his own initiative He is free from having father demand that he do his home work before indulging in entertainment and he finds that his professors care little or none whether he studies In high school it was a simple thing to get a good grade with little work and a small amount of the apple polishing or if the teacher happened to he a friend of the family's but by of the first quarter of college the freshman finds a different situation If "Freddie was Freshmai' elected the “most popular” boy at high school and played regular on the football team he cames to college expecting to "wow” the whole student body slightly at least but he finds he is one of three thousand who all began with the same ambition and his ego is deflated considerably By the end of the second quarter if not before "Freddie" learns that students are identified by Greek letters rather than by the names with which they were christened and that if he wants to keep in the social whirl he should have joined a fraternity In spite of a feeling of inferiority and numerous awakenings given the Freshman by new experiences he still keeps in mind the hopes and plans with which he began his collegiate career: To fit himself in college to take a place in the world where he can make a name for himself or perhaps just a living and while thus fitting himself receive a certain amount of recognition and admiration from his fellow students well-kno- mid-ter- Section 3 Clause 14 Final elections shall be held one week following the primary elections Section 3 Clause 15 All candidates for student body offices shall sign a certificate (as prescribed by the Executive Council) of acceptance of nomination and intention to run for office to IIKKE’S MOKE ABOUT be filed with the secretary of the THESPIANS organization together with the petition of nomination before the (Continued from Page One) petition of nomination shall be the atmosphere of the entire stage considered by the executive coun- changed each time he came stalkcil ing in We must not forget the Add to Clause 7 freshman that proved himself as Publicity through the medium much as an actor as some of the more experienced Eldon Jacobsen of posters together with statements of platform or similar per- as Slender did a good piece of tinent information shall be paid work Eldene Lewis and Herbert for by the student body organiza- Packard made a very charming tion and handled impartially by couple and Lauvaun Zollinger as Mistress Quickly was an excellent the election’s chairman ‘go between’ Other members of Section 3 Clause 16 There shall be no expenditure this excellent east were: DeLos Dean of money or materials by or on Lusk Guy B Christensen behalf of any candidate in any Grover Lowell Cutler Raymond Vern Yeates Richard Maloney student body or class election Candidates who violate this rule or Bell Neldon Stocking John Whitknowingly allow it to be violated by Wayne Gunnell Guy Woodon their behalf may be ruled by ward Archie Perry Ray Reeder the council ineligible for elec- Pershing Evans and Jumes Dunn! tion Students who violate this Fairies and dwarfs were: Lois Palmer Georgene Doutre Marian rule on behalf of any candidate Olsen Josephine Wendelboe Doromay be expelled from the student thy Myers Babbie Dunn Chase body organization by action of the Peterson Spencer Hill council Dancers were: Marjorie AnderSection 3 Clause 17 son Zetta Benson Kathryn BullNo student shall hold two stuock Virginia dent body offices concurrently HarrisMarguerite Clark Bertha Maugha Edith neither elective nor appointive Law was the accompanist except that a person elected as Professor said this was student body president may act one of the Myers most congenial casts on the Council for the remainder and stage crews he had ever workof the year without resigning from ed with Everyone cooperated and another position put forth his best effort This is 18— No student may hold Clause very remarkable because the cast the same appointive office twice was so large and they are certainClause 19— No student may hold ly to be congratulated on their the elective office twice game Wanted success ! t white-man- I K 1 |