Show fTLcz rcun STUDENT LIFE LOGAN UTAH THURSDAY OCT 25 1934 Conference Shots BY PAUL SPENCER S TEAM A LEADER By adhering to newspaper talk ether rumor we find that way ay Mttk there1 a o football lean slaughtering cppoe-eit-o football game This ta small team is that of Ashtoa high school and is coached by Gordo u Dixon Dixon’ tram ' has a three games ia succession la their conference Dixoa captained the Aggto machine last yew aad built one of up a reputation at the peat little ends ia Aggie football history DIXO-V- ul fat toil Aggie Froslni Tainigle-Wit- Greenlings Hard After Second Straight Victory In Championship Race Teams Are Rated Ute Papooses Here Friday h OUR BID FOR ALL AMERICAN Creative Dancing Chi Omega’s Lead While snooping around the other day peeking through windows doors and I at last discovered the origin of the weird sounds issuing forth from the women's gym The beating of drums had made me wonder if a tribe of Indians had broken loose and were holding a powwow But after all as I soon discovered it was Mrs Carlisle's’ creative dancing class the real reason so many girls have trouble in walking up stairs After I got used to seeing the girls in bathing suits— don’t shove fellows — and the severe long sleeved black costumes I watched for a while to discover something about tbe methods used in danci- Checkers that ancient and favorite game of the kings and the first event on the girls intramural program this year has ad vanced Into the fourth and fifth rounds of play and should be key-hol- es - PHI KAPS ARE As Being Even WINNERS IN SOFTBALL With the Utah university Pathe opposition pooses furnishing the Utah Aggie Greenlings make In a series of hard fighting battheir final bid for the state freshman championship Friday at Lo- tles the Phi Kappa Iota were able gan The game is scheduled for to prove their ability as soft ball 2:30 in the Aggie stadium winners Through a successive team This Is the Ute's first confer- elimination or “fight for the survience game while the Aggies have val of the fittest” ’their victory already turned away RIU'i hid determination was decided The opfor a championship by handing posing team which showed Itself as them a 0 a veritable second place winner last week THEY NEVER HAD A CHANCE Coaches Van Kampen and Brady was the Barb first team when Brigham Young's Cougars "never will probably make several changes they were outclassed with a one bad a chance” This was the final in the starting lineup from that point margin by the Phi Kappa word uttered by the large crowd used last week Jennings has been Iota The score ending by 6 in of spectators that witnessed the shifted to tackle while Magnuson favor of the latter of Colorado tilt because of injuries received in the The cold afternoons during the last Saturday at the Ogden BYU game may not start but past week were thoroughly livenstadium In crushing BYU 18 to will probably see action during the ed by the shouts of the ball play6 Colorado's versatile offense put Several other changes will er aa they fought hard for their on one of the finest exhibitions game be made in order to bol- team honors The quadrangle was of brilliant running effective probably ster up the Aggie team in an ef- padded more securely with every and accurate passing blocking to stop the Papooses available space occupied by the tnat has been seen on a football fort A complete probable lineup is as jeering fellows Every indication field ia these parts for years and follows: Waymount center Galla-ge- r made it known through out the years and England guards Jennings school that a struggle for some and Triblet tackles Max Ander- sort of sport supremacy was being KAYO LAM A JACK RABBIT son an 4 Jettie ends JSlator or staged Tbe result being that the When i n man a jackrabbit Gard- thirteen organizations competing quarterbacks This question can be easily ans- Andreason half- there were four which were able ner Poole or Fowler and wered by anyone who has seen to stand the tests and bring points Itii sensational backfill Id man of backs and Spousen fullback n names from to their respective organizations Many the Colorado I' ia action Lam is a jackrabbit at any time on the last year's high school squads ap- The teams which were in such football field especially when he pear in the Utah starting lineup successful conditions were the Phi has the pigskin tucked under his which is as follows Thomas and Kappa Iota first Barbs No L Schleckman ends and second Barbs No 2 as third and arm aad is headed for the goal- Hultz Darehlimier tackles Bennion and Delta Nu fourth posts iRCARNDS - WE ft ON THE- S fUDEHr e Atkinson guards and Beckstead The teams in ranking are as EYfCUTve COUNCltJL UTAH TO SHOOT AT DUCKS center In the backfield Mecham follows as determined by points Each year the University of at quarterback Balkin and Ras- won Results of softball and points Utah steps out of its own confer- mussen at halfbacks and Smith or Pomeroy at fullbacks ence and attempts to win additionearned by each organization al laurels by upsetting a highly Pt Team— fated team This year the Utss — 130 Phi Kappa Iota are meeting the strong Oregon 130 Barbs No 1 team from the ‘Pacific Coast in YEARLINGS 128 —— Barbs No 2 the “U” stadium Saturday October — Delta Nu 27 The Ules will have their pet 100 VICTORY Ag Club plays and tricky passing attack all 125 — Ricks if Utah State college critics who ' loaded into their victory gun 100 — Epsilons PING have watched Captain Elmer Ward ready to shoot at the Oregon 100 Utah Aggies' great center in acThe Utah State greenlings start- Sigma Chi as 'they waddle onto the 75 Beta Kappa tion this are acclaiming him ated off a in with their The are hang Oregonians heavy gridiron TOURNAMENT 75 — i one of theyear greatest linemen in the favorites to defeat the Utea as tempt to win their second straight Foresters 75 PKA history of the' Rocky Mountain Jhey did a year ago in Oregon on state freshman bunting by upset- Delta Phi 50 Conference The Aggie star seems SCHEDULED p rain soaked field ting the B Y U kittens 7 ta 0 : 50 — -- — -- — to have everything — speed size Friday afternoon Outstanding Engineers AGGIES TIED FOR LEAD men were numerous on both power and football sense He was i Utah Aggie sharing the top of side The young Cougars out(Joaqh Jensen head of the phy- selected on most sical education and intramural de- teams last season but his play the heap with C A C and the fought and outgained the Farmer University of Utah will do to for kids but were simply unable to partments has announced that in this year has been so brilliant at leant one more week This score when they did enter the cooperation with the sports de- that it has completely week Utah Aggies and CAC take scoring zone department of the Student Life any of bis past exploits A 'week’s rest from ping-pon-g the first The Aggie score came in the competition came up to Aggies from Ward before resuming conference play middle of the second quarter on a Intramural tennis is having a tournament will be held here Box Elder high school where he Having wen three games without beautiful run by Magnussen for hard time to get going because of starting next week to advance in the next round of about forty yards Skousen kick- old man weather but by Monday Ping pong which swept the had been something of a star both play They meet BUY after this ed the placement Just before play in all three divisions should country by storm during the past on the line and in the backfield week’s layoff and this rest should the half ended Greenwell passed be two years is plenty of fun and John Vranes was holding down underway make it tough for the Cougars forty yards to J Benton which has already got underway anyone has an equal chance with the tenter position during Ward's Flay who bare had a hard disastrous first varsity year and Coach Dick placed the ball in scoring posi- in "A” division with the follow- anyone else eeaeon of upsets This is open to girls as well as Romney used the big fellow at tion once more for the B Y Kit- ing results Pi Kappa Alpha dee 4 tens but to no avail the half fraud Phi Kappa Iota 2 boys and many coeds are urged tackle He drew him back howREDSKIN'S LUCKY Delta Phi defeated Foresters L to enter because they have all- ever when he employed a six man ended on According to a In the second half both teams Epsilons defeated Engineers ready shown that at this game line and his defensive play in we find the game If weather permits they can hold their own with the this position coupled with his cenand down the field bv default up teports showing that Denver won Once on interference on a pass all matches up to the ter training in high school cona "moral victory" over the Utes the Y had the ball on the Farmer in this division will be completed boya New equipment will be pur- vinced Coach Romney that Ward Inasmuch as Denver outplayed the 13 chased for the tournament A would be a great center yard line after four plays the today Utes and were robbed only by a The schedule for "B” Unnis was medal will be awarded tbe winState freshmen took the ball on honors in his first year at phenomenal Interception of a pass their 4 yard line Skouse nkieked published last week and will start ner demonstrated the wi' the position who Ute end raced the Swan by bis Tbe matches will be two out of dom of the move punt of the day which Monday entire length of' the field for a wentpoorest "A” tennis which will he the three games up to the semi-finout of bounds on his own touchdown Denver followers claim Aggies have had a great many stripe A series of passes singles will also start Monday and then wilt be three out of a "moral victory” went for naught and it was the with the following first round five able courageous linemen but many o Rounds will have to be played of them have lacked size Ward is Aggies ball once more on the pairings: Delta Phi vs Epsilons TEACHERS MAKE HISTORY Pi Kappa Alpha vs Bye BAC off one a day or a forfeiture de- really big He has the fight and Colorado Teachers football team twenty yard marker courage of bis smaller predecesAmong Aggie "shining lights” tnr vs Delta Nu ForesUrs vs Phi clared of '34 have provided for their freshmen battle were Captain Kappa Iota Ag Club vs Ricks the Sign up now on the slip in the sors plus thirty forty or fifty ex school a victory over Colorado at guard who was Sigma Chi vs Barbs No 1 Beta main hall or the one in Jensen”s tra pounds and the added power Bill College Last Saturday the Teach in Jennings which those pounds give He is every mixup until he was re- Kappa vs Barbs No 2 Bye v- office ers defeated Cooirado College inEngineers Should this tournament prove a the ideal center for the modern This is the first time the Teach moved from the game for an tig success it is quite likely that game of football His passing on ers have beaten Colorado College jury Wayment at center was a t a doubles and mixed doubles offense is practically faultless and in the history of their football bulwark on the defensive line and tournament will be conducted showed signs of developing into WYOMING FALLS he has such speed that he fre campaigns The football team before the game agreed that such a varsity material'' Magnussen a quently passes the ball to the who scored the 0)1 ng had gone on long enough classy halfback punter and then beats the ends BEFORE FARMERS ROUND and that they were going to bring touchdown showed plenty of abildown the field to make the tackle a finish to CC’s record in that ity and will be heard from in later on the receiver Skousen Arizona's congame They got it over with and years His greatest value however is tribution a beautiful game played howl Bringing their heavy guns Into on defense His tackling is dead' bis kicking blocking and backing action for the second time this ly and even more important he up the line being unexcelled All year the Utah Aggie fotball maTRIPP WADE SCORE By smashing out brilliant vic- diagnoses the rival's play with unrein team all entire the played Red and Wade chine rolled over Lyle Tripp tories over their opponents Lin- canny accuracy He can also inWyoming univerAggie tackles form a nice scor- markably well In their first showsity to the tune pt 19-- 0 Although coln McClellan and Irvin Fish tercept passes and he isn't the ing combination Red blocks punts ing handicapped by the absence of our advanced into the final round of easiest man in the world to bring and Lyle falls on ’em ever the regulars from the lineup namely the fall tennis tournament If down after he has grabbed one goal line Anyway this is the way It’s too bad "K ear ecuuaa’t have RasmusSen Lockyer Mabey and weather permits the two players Indeed he would be a star in most of their 19 Aggies accumulated points of Lyle’s 6 so that he Mulleneaux the Aggies looked Im- will clash today at 1 p m to debackfields because of his speed scored column against Wyoming could rate the scoring points pressive as they smashed center termine the winner of the medal size qnd ball handling ability slanted off tackle and skirted awarded by the athletic departThose who saw his work at Denthe ends to pile up a big margin ment ver and have followed him in evin yardage over Wyoming McClellan staged tbe biggest The first score came late in the upset ot the tournament when he ery succeeding game are toutsecond quarter After yeoman advanced into the final position ing him as the best lineman in work by each backfield man Kent by sweeping through Captain Mer- the conference For the first time Aggies have a lineman who is 6 3 lin Allen to a 4 Ryan Aggie sophomore sensation viccarried the ball the final fifteen tory The eteady playing and definitely entitled to the highest 0 yards to the goal line In the third court generalship of McClellan's national honors V quarter the Aggies again scored steadyness in the pinches won when Red Wade blocked a Wyo- the match for him NOTICE ming punt deep in Wyoming terIn the other semi-finmatch ritory and Lyle Tripp fell on the Irvin Fish stroked through Ralph Coach Jensen wishes to remind — ball over tbe goal line The third Clark 2 6 The match was some of you inactive stuand final score came after a long exceedingly well played with vic- dents that there is still Aggie room for sustained march Handley persontory going to Fish because of his one more organization to compete ally conducting the ball over Only ell aronud good playing Clark in this year’s Intramurals Why one point after touchdown were has developed some of the best not and start in now bewas converted After a disap- ground strokes seen on the col- fore organize Die others get very far? pointing erformance against Mon- lege courts but those strokes tana State the team again revived alone could not gain him a vic— 183 45 hope in tbe hearts of Aggie stu- tory over his opponent player in today's match and will dents and followers for a long The athletic department will furnish tennis balls for the conlooked for vtetgpr qt yyot present A K'dal to tbe winning testBELIEVE IT OR NOT Ripley of "Believe It Or Not1 gives one of our Rocky Mountain a footbaii Conference players break "Believe it or not1 Ripley rays "Skip1 Towan completed 13 passes in succession in one game at Twin Falls high school Towan was a member of the “U” team last year but cannot compete this year due to his ineligibility ng- In this class the girls use the' rhythmic apprcach both in music and body movement The' music is analyzed for its form mood and quality after which body movement is analyzed for the same things The technique of the various dances is based upon fundamental body movements Creative dancing is angular and abrupt not soft and smooth as is natural dancing The work is done by the girls themselves in small organized groups Simple patterns are worked out to the beat of drums and other percusive instruments The floor is used as mother dimension same as the walls and space Although the dancers do quite bit of falling it Is not accidental but is done purposely In their patterns the girls work for design Ruth Wright certainly deserves word or two of praise for her good work at the piano She has to Improvise music using forms not even written Without Ruth the girls would have more trouble than just being stiff set-ba- 7-- BYU-Univers- ACTIVITIES CO-E- © ity well-know- Aggie Captain Is Outstanding Man WIN FIRST PICK YOUR WINNERS PTS In a meeting held Wednesday WAA team managers current business was discussed by Phoebe Weston WAA president Miss Weston reviewed the point system stressing the fact that points will be forfeited if all intramural games are not played according to schedule Checker games will be completed this week at which time teams will be awarded points accordingly first place 100 second place 75 third place 50 fourth 25 Volley ball is to be the next sport participated in and all girls who desire to play on teams should see one of the team managers STUDENTS’ NAME ‘ Hand in Before 3 I M Friday - 6-- Omegas seem to bn in the lead six of the nine leading players piaying for this organization One player Alice Hurren Alpha Chi Omega reached the fifth round of play by winning two thrilling and hard fought victories Tuesday over Dorothy Quinney end Chrystal Allen both Chi Gmegas Those who have reached the fourth round in the sorority league besides Miss Hurren ‘are Margaret Stone Chi Omega: Eleanor Roberts Chi Omega Eloise Brewer Chi Omega Crystal Allen Chi Omega Zetta Benson Chi Omega Alta Reese Chi Omega Verdena pickers Beta Delta and Marian Peterson Chi Alpha Omega The feature match in the independent league was a one hour game between Marjorie Anderson and Hah Broberg the latter- - finally winning Play in this league is not quite as far advanced with just one pUyer Ora Robinson reaching the fourth round Those to reach the third round are Miss Noel Irene Broberg Virginia Rigby Ruth Evans and Madeline Clark Each organization Is fighting hard to get off to a good start lu this year's Intramurals Fifty points are given for entrance First second third and fourth place winners in each league receive 100 75 50 and 25 points respectively The tournament is being run by Miss Afton Henderson checker manager She has been working diligently to make it a success and urges those who are behind to get into action for all ntramural Tennis Is In Full Swing by Monday In the sorority league the Chi Managers Meet I’TS PONG web-foot- s completed SPARKLING MOMENTS in the HISTORY OF CARBONATED LEVERAGES 6-- 6-- post-morte- t 5 Utah-Denv- 6-- 4 er semi-fina- ls rd M 3 V 5 i ' al 21-- 0 FINAL IS REACHED as "My dear” said Napoleon "I just L dropped in for a bottle between battles” NAP cooed the Mrs "Goodness you must he all tired out after that horrid 6-- 2-- will tale a bottle bonated beverage dear?” "You know 6-- Crystal - the inspiration for Bottling Co Coca-Co- la 1070 HO O —0- - O ragfe® N Main vVr I get my best wars from these beverages They’re fairly bubbling with energy” Bubbling energy perfectly describes our bottled carbonated beverages They arc healthful too and refresh ing to the List drop Every member of the family should drink them at ' regularly as Napoleon did Of count that mean keeping a supply of ours in your refrigerator all the time A call to us or to your grocer or drug gist will bring the needed supply LOGAN — UTAH 6-- Logan Hardware Co PIIONE of car- "Ah now you’re tempting me beyond my etrengtb” smiled Napoleon as he reached for the convenient tray al 8-- battle” "But you Athletic Equipment GUNS and AMMUNITION 0 TENNIS RACKET RESTRINGING A SPECIALTY Work Guaranteed One Day Service darling do sit right down talce load oT feet” (grfio::ated - r Ask For Our Drinks Kingscourt and Beckers Limes Rickeys and Gin-geral- 7Up Cocoa-Col- a and Orange-Crush- es ! |