Show roscAiT for mova tesrifezjat hot SEND TIIE HOYS AWAY WITM A WOltH OF GOOD CHEEK TO HEAT THE “Y" Subscription Rate MISSUTi Published Weekly by the Students or the I' tab Agricultural College $100 per year ' LOGAN VOLUME XXI 29th W pniTOR Standing of Teams U0FU BEATS BY IN DOUBLEHEADER the Last Friday and Saturday her defeats by University avenged the Young Brigham overwhelming University on two consecutive nights The score on Friday was 35 to 33 and on Saturday 24 to 18 "Trixie” Jorgenson forward was His Utah's outstanding player passing and proved a big factor In the U of U victory For Provo Keeler Dixon and Packard all played excellent ball but the B Y quint seemed to have lost It wasn’t the fast ag something gregation it appeared to be during the early part of the season Jorgenson was hight point man with a total of 23 points Simmons and Richardson were the officials leave at 1:45 tomorrow for Provo to meet the Garden City lads In the crucial set of games for the State To date we head Basketball title the percentage column with 3 wins and 1 loss with the Crimson quint in second place with 3 and 3 while the B Y U outfit is in the cellar The with 2 wins and 4 defeats percentage column does not serve as a trustworthy guide in estimating the strength of the teams however and any shift in places is probable If we should win the double header at Provo we would be sure of the bunting while by losing both games to Provo we would force all From three teams into' a triple-ti-e there ft we lost both of our final conference games to the U of U the Aggie Athlete University would become the state winone and by losing champions Becomes Proud ning one of the final games the would be maintained but triple-ti- e by winning both of the final games Percy Hanson former star athlete even after losing the two games to of the U A C la receiving a host be played nest Friday and Saturday of congratulations- ion becoming the proud papa of an eleven and a (Continued on page two) half pound baby boy recently arrived Percy was the second man to play four years football for the Angles "and was one of the most versatile athletes the school has ever seen Besides playing four years football he was captain of basketball and won letters in track and baseball and left school with an enviable string of awards At presat Richfield ent he is coaching We High School in Richfield Utah the young Hanson will be that hope Laval S Morris of Mill Creek as illustrioua an Aggie as his father Utah who will be graduated from the Agricultural College this year has just received word from the Booth Sophs Michigan Agricultural College that he has been granted a research He fellowship by that institution will leave-ttake up hia new work at the close of the wiuter quarter The Sophomore Class met last March 17 at which time he will Friday in the chapel room at an imhave sufficient credits to graduate portant meeting The most signifiMr Morris Is majoring in hortL cant business of the day was the a election of a committee to handle and Is also carrying culture strong course in biology He Is Very ths Sophomore booth at the Junior activities Prom Jack Ford was chosen as prominent in college Some of the positions which he chairman of the committee with the holds In the student body are: Grant West following members: Link a small Frances Thoms tor of the Flora Ammussen paper pamphlet published by the Wendoli Budge and Marjorie Smith Agricultural (Tub of the college This committee has already made president of the Botany Club Maj- plana for giving the Sophs the best and booth at the Proiu or of the Cadet Battalion chairniau of the Military Ball comThe floor was opened to suggesmittee lie hue attended the Offi- tions concerning the next party and cers Training Uatnp at San Francis lively Interest was exhibited which co for the last two summers and Is bodies well for the entertainment very muth Interested In military which will be given the Sophs in the work Spring Quarter Mr Morris has worked and paid hia way through school without aid from other aourcea- - lie is a mem- Meeting her or the Alpha Delta Epsilon ball-rustli- Former Father - MINTED Plan For Junior Prom o Freshman Is Peppy Affair ' U A C Ccncert Band ”— —— Pep" ie the motto we have been living uP “ throughout Our das meeting last the year Friday Is more evidence that we are alive green and growing fforls A program worthy of the Promptly at one o’clock we and of the best concert bands in the seinhled In the Ladiee Gym country has beed attacked with vigor Wtr a few mlnutea of planning for by our college band The results are we are even capable of thinking at very gratlfjlng as to rendition tech- times invialc commenced boxes of nique and Interpretation candy and peanut were opened and The band Is putting over In finent we engaged in a regulur "bust" stle heavy overtures as "William During an Intermission Ruth Sch-u- b Tell” and 'Raymond” Light numand Margaret Baker gave "Frosh for Progresses Steidily -- Windmill” ber including "The "The Glowworm" and "Frau Louisa" are being rendered satisfactorily Working in connection with the band the "liras Quartet” and Quartet” are playing the standard operatic airs Hole and duels Will be Included In the pro" gram t Plan are belatf coiuph led for a tour probably out of the stale and a concert will be given In Logan In the near future "Sax-opiu- t r feature dance A committee wue selected to work with the Junior Prom Committee laiVar Card was aelected a chairman — There will be on arhool tomorFeb ltd Washington's birthday Friday la not Included row March 9th 1 HX IN GLEECLUBTO By Claude Adams editor of Student Hendricks King Hazel Barbara was to married Life 16 Feb Hartle last Friday Judge Harris performed the ceremony The announcement of the marriage came as no announcement at all but rather a leak In the wall of secrecy surrounding the marriage King was at his morning classes but he decided to take time out in the afternoon long enough to get married so he Just slid down the hill and into the courthouse where he obtained the permit and from there into the Judge's office where the knot which ma can't undo with a table fork was tied Of course he was accompanied by his better half as she must be known King appeared at hchool on Satur- day morning as serene and calm as the North Sea In March and Immediately someone knew —he was not himself He was met coming from his English Class and escorted to the main hall where a rice shower awaited him Some of the fellows helped him on the fountain where he sat while he made his speech his inaugural address "There's nothing to say I’ve gone and done t!” were his words There will be no rolling pins thrown in the new household but Mrs Hendricks is a nurse in a local hospital so We’re sure King will take proper care of his anatomy King will continue In school until his graduation In the spring SNAPPY DECORATIONS UNIQUE PROGRAMS AND DELICIOUS REFRESHMENTS AT THE BALL TONIGHT— DRESS SUITS NOT NECESSARY GOOD MUSIC Debaters’ Letter To Basketball Men The following letter was written response to the congratulatory re marks tendered the ' championship debating teams by the basketball In team Mr E L Romney Campus Dear Coach Romney: Permit me to express through you to the members of 'the Basketball " Squad the sincere appreciation of and the InterCoIleglutd Debators the members of th Debating Counof cil for the cordial 'expression good will which Hpeared in a recent issue of Student Life It ia that a man can do better work If he knows that what he is doing will be appreciated Such expressions as this will be a great stimulus to our debating teams Appreciation of what the other fellov is doing is I believe the basis of mutual understanding and good will which make for successful student activities I believe 1 can say without reservation that no students for anxious In school are more the success of our athletic teams than are the debators We have utmost confidence that our splendid basketball team will bring home an other State Championship this year Very truly yours W J MERRILL Graduate Mgr of Debating Jack Price business manager of the College Glee Club has just returned from a trip Into Southern LTtah where he made arrangements for the annual tour which will commence early in the Spring Quarter According to the manager an itinerary has been obtained which includes the most important cities in Utah The following places will be visited: Richfield Salina Gunnison Manti Mount Pleasant Fairview Pleasant Grove Bingham Sait Lake City and In all probability the club Ogden will sing at the Pantages In Salt Lake and at the Alhambra in Ogden While in Salt Lake they will visit the University of L'tah and a number of ’High Schools In the city The trip thru Southern Idaho as yet has not been finally arranged for but from the inquiries which are constantly arriving it is safe to say that an equally important trip will be se' cured Prof Johnson has quite an array of talent to present to the people of Utah and Idaho Besides club singing there will be solo duet and Paul Wheeler the quartet work popular violinist will perform as will Millard Cluff who will give Several readings ' The quartet consists of Prof C R Johnson Ray Garner Mark Nichols and Frank Kennard The Glee Club is hn advertisement which the school cannot (ail to rc ognize and it should cetmhkhd the support of tveryv kggie full-fledg- POETS CONTEST self-evide- nt LYCEUM COMING THURSDAY NIGHT Carl Akeley noted hunter camer-ma- n taxidermist sculptor inventor and lecturer will be beard at our tomorrow night Lyceum number Feb 22 at 8 p m His subject will be "Recent Adventures in Gorilla Land” Hia lecture will be illustrated with pictures of Gorillas in their native haunts besides other pictures of African animal life Seldom do we have the privilege of listening to such an interesting lecturer We should avail ourselves of this splendid opportunity Thursday night Feb 23 in the Tabernacle at 8 p m r CHOIR TO PRESENT ORATORIO MARCH 7 WORK ON JUNIOR PROM PROGRESSING for the Junior Prom j Preparations are striding foreward At a work party to be staged in the gym Friday nlte at seven o'clock every Junior will have his or her ten little flog ers working briskly on some phase of the decorations Nsmes will be posted In the hall to let each member know what special nook he will fit As the elaborateInto at the party ness of these decorations will be beyond (he power of alt adjective to express there is work fqr more than all Smith says that If hia employees show some skill on this occasion a peanut or even a soft drink may stray Into the gym to reward their elTorta It Is to be real party At the Junior class meeting last Friday Herb Adamson's resignation as chairman of ths refreshment committee was accepted and StiTl Harris was elected to All the position Cdfcruia Scbcl Scr-- di Auditorium to be Scene of Most Lively Festival of Year Miss Gwiadys Hix a popular read- er from Salt Lake and an advanced student of Mrs Brown of the L D S University will be the special feature of student body meeting to Miss Edna C'rowther will aing day and Miss Catherine Wood will render a piano solo Miss Hix will read "Her First Call on the Butcher” by Fisk and a scene from ‘Madame’ by Bison Miss Crowther's numbers will be those which she will use in the Btate contest a month hence "The Spring Now Has Found Us’’ from the opera by Saint Saous ‘Samson and Delilah’ by Chadwick Miss Wood will play "Waltz In G flat Major" by Chopin’ There will he a rally after the meeting for the team before they leave for the B Y U Everyone is present to show tho boys "we’re with’em” the year Niws By Rtf) S -- A 81 sn ford Feb University A plan for transmitting P I P new by wireless between members of ths association who hsvo ths equipment is being considered at fltan ford Almost all of the Pacific Coast universities have powerful station and the service would lie lualerlslly dd up IS ANNOUNCED : FACULTY ATTENTION The U A C Faculty Women s dancing party League I giving for you and your partners Friday March 2nd Ths place— Hotel Kccles The time— 8:30 p m Friday March 2nd ’ fa-ili- a March 9th ALPHA KAPPA PSI INITIATES MEMBERS Final initiations were held last Monday night at the Hotel Eccies for the new members of the Alpha Kappa Psi the national professional fraternity the Alpha Theta chapter of w'hich is established at the Utah Agricultural College Those initiated were R E Berntson David A Lawrence M West Weston Vernon Jr C Durrell Hendricks P Bur-goy- Ballinger Cyril Hammond and Ixiuis K Falck After the initiation ceremonies had been completed a banquet was served to the members of the fraternity Several matters of business were discussed and vacant offices were filled by election Present officers consist of G W Thain President W J Merrill Secretary R E Berntson Treasurer Lawrence West Master of Rituals and P A Ballinger Diary Correspondent The fraternity is unique in that it is the only one of its kind at the U A C It is not an honorary fraternity but a professional fraternal order the purpose of which is to foster activity In Business Administration Accountancy and Banking and to instill into its members the obligation they have of promoting and main tiihlnlg lilghiideals in the World of cont'mhtcfe hf ia a live organisation abd it 4s 4He intention of - the members of tha Alpba Theta chapter to make this one of the liveat beet functioning chapters in the United States A - The annual bail given by the military department of the college will be held this evening in the auditorium Extensive preparations have been made by the various committees and they assure us tbat it will be the premier social event of the school year The decorating will be better and somewhat novel compared with those of previous years A large part of the equipment of the military department wilt be used in producing the desired effect The auditorium has never looked as welt before and possibly never will again The programs are to be extremely unique They will make very suit able souvenirs The refreshments are to be of the most tempting and delicious kind Tke delightful thing about this and of the arrangements is that they have provided enough to warrant a visit to the booth after every dance The music wilt be the best obtainable Several additions have been made to the Bluebird orchestra The custom or previous years of having a grand march and having the battalion members attend in Herb uniform has been abolished has Informed us that only Borne of the handsomest officers will appear in nalform While the preparations have been elaborated still ths ball is not to be entirely foruaL 1 The Committee wish It distinctly understood Jhat dress suits while not prohibited are-nRequired They have - worked with the purpose of providing ’ the ' most enjoyable party of the year and for the students particularly tor all others who desrtde to attend The ball will commence at 9 p m and continue- until the wee small hours ot - The Southern Methodist university at Dallas Texas is offering two prizes for original poems: A first prize of one hundred dollars and a second prize of fifty dollars The contest is open only to undergraduates In American colleges and Ail contestants must universities observe the following rules very strictly: 1 Every poem entered must be accompanied by a statement from the head of the English department showing that the contestant ia eligible to compete Students of this school must submit their poems to Dr Greever for this purpose 2 No contestant may submit more than one poem 3 The poem submitted must not have been previously published (col lege publications excepted) 4 Each contestant niuat send three type written copies of the AU poems poem which be submits not submitted In triplicate will be ruled out 6 The author's name should not on the manuscrlI pPIeu No subject or llterury type Is The poems may be perscribed and lyric dramatic or narrative they may be written In either free vere or the regular metrical forms No manuscript will be returned hut all contestants will be Informed concerning the outcome of the 7th In the tabernacle on March the choir assisted by the orchestra will present an oratorio “The "Death of Minnehaha” Thla is the second poem episode from Longfellow's "Hiawatha” tho first episode of which was successfully rendered by the choir last year The’ portion given last year was "Hlawatha’a Wedding Feast” The oratorio this year is one of tho best ever attempted by the choir and gives promise of being one of the best productions yet precontest sented Professor C R Johnson has Each poem la lo remain the- - probeen rehearsing daily with the choir of tta author but It la stipuperty for the past few weeks and expects when a prize poem is pubto have hi singers iu good trim by lated that words "Southern Metho- March 7th The orchestra t practicing diligently for the occasion Two numbers will be presented by ths orchestra prior to the presentation of the Professor Thatcher ha oratorio made the beat of the unusual talent he ha had to work with this year and thla musical entertainment should bo one of the best events of 10 H8 ram NUMBER STUDENT BODY Ag-Cl- war I02T TONIGHT 0FGWLADYS s IF WE LOSE THE RACE IS TIE Fraternity 21 Fir cents per cop MEETING AGGIES BY WINNING BOTH GAMES WILL BE PRACTICALLY SURE OF STATE BASKETBALL BUNTING ' EDNESDAY FEBRUARY ANNUAL MILITARY Farmers And Youngsters YIL To Clash This Week End ' UTAH HOTTE1I lished the dist University I’rlzc Poem 1923” shall be sdded ‘ All poems submitted must reath 15 Dallas not later than March 1923 Dr Greever suggeHta that ail and poem be submitted to him 1 Manu mailed befors March script should be sent to the following sditress: Jay B llubbell Professor of Kng-lla- h Southern Methodist University Dallas Texas The following well known poets will be the Judge: Harriet Monroe editor of "Poet-ry- " a magaslne of verse Witter Rynner president of the poetry association of America ' auand Poems" thor of "GrenatonS "The New Woild” author 'of Louis Vntermeyer TOont Insert on pR tes Sickness Carnes Pcst-pxeme- nt 4 of Debates The general epidemic of sickness sweeping through the school counts among its victims several of the class debaters and as a result the interclass contests will not take place today as scheduled It is probable that they will be held on Friday The Fieshmen are to meet the Sophomores and the Juniors will clash with the sturdy Seniors The debate with the U of Southern California scheduled for February 23 in Los Angeles has been postponed until March 9th The team which will meet thlk coast school is composed of Kenneth Robinson capThe illtain and Preaton Neilson ness of Mr Nielson prevented the contest coming when scheduled but the members of the team maintain that by March 9th they will be in fit shape to bring home another victory Illness ia also delaying the work of the teams which will meet Washington State College In a dual March The team 10th but not seriously which will travel to Pullman is composed of King Hendricks captain and Emery R Ranker The men who will meet Washington In Logan are Craig Hulme captain and Elgin PlflEUl Presto ’ Belay CbssTdes IIlehLcgaCaycn Botany S3 class with Mr Nuffer In charge took a hike up !ogan canOn the yon last Monday afternoon way up many evergreen plant were discussed and specimen taken for work In the labratory When about four miles up Mr Nuffer stated tliat those that were Interested could go up over the hills with hltu and If they did not see some der he would camp there all night Home of the members were skeptical tad told him to pick a good place to sleep Those for Hint stayed were rewarded scarcely had the parly been eltmbln SO minute when the deer were sight cd One member said be wouldu't The miss the sight for tea dollar d'er were slewed at rslher clMMt rang at first but they soon bounded aw ay thru the deep snow and Were i th Sophomore ten-minu- te Morris in a M Neilson last Wednesday in Student Body Meeting won the Hendricks Medal extemgiven for the best poraneous speech His subject was "Preparing For the Future” Verle Fry and Weston Vernon Jr other contestants both spoke upon "College as a Character Builder” while Francis Wilcox chose the subject "The Chief Problem Confronting tha U A C Student Body” Contestants were given a list of subjects three hours before the meeting during which time they were te prepare thlr speeches The winner is a Sophomore and has an excellent list of achievments for his two years here lout year h4 was on the debating team which wow from Montana and he also won Ihe Casto medal for the best prepared speech This year he was captain of the debating team which defeated the U thus helping us to win the atste championship and Is also a member of the tem which will meet the University of Southern California at Los Angeles on March Ihw ninth The 8lg Alpha claim i’riston as their prise goat IbFcrcdlytl U cf Cd UNVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Feb 19 1923 -- The snnual informal dance given by the Juniors of the University of (’alirornla was held Friday night Feb In In hall To rarry on) Ihe Ides of Informality no men were ndinltted wfce did not wear "cords Ths Jut lira railed their dance the ‘Junior after (h plug hats which the e! i wore In former days st Ik UaJvsr-nlj- y The programs were In tr f j of the traditional plug |