Show arumcYr Under the j Beit (or lent money Suite f 2350 nt) up tailored to your measure Logan Cleaning and Tailoring company Phone 171 Suits Pressed 60c Adv NONAME HATS Ommand The ‘‘Keep off the grass” sign has been very effective Blanche and Homer have been occupying the Student Body office Reed says this week’s matinee dance was postponed because the wind blew the syncopations away La Rue Madsen shows $300 $500 $700 Thatcher Qcthiag Co Logan Utah remarkable She is hand-- y versatility gloves Her own and others with The B V D club sent out Invitations for their lost “Clinker Dy" this week Andy Caffy gladdened the threshold of the library last week If you want Sweaters Underwear Lucy Hatch was the week-en- d guest of Miriam Jackson Immediately on arriving In Logan she wired for an extra wrap Hosiery Blankets L D S Garments OR ANY KIND OF KNIT GOODS CALL AT OUR STORE WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT AND OUR PRICES ARE 1921 ALL BASIS PRICES FONNESBECK KNITTING Cy Clark was reporved by Justice of the Peace for going about without his number WORKS “Happy” Robinson left Sunday for Utah's "Reno “Farmington is also the setting of many extemporaneous marriages and what a powerful force is environment! Ina McKay suffered from a slight bum on her neck Thursday The accident occurred when she was trying to light her wind pipe Chick Carter spent Friday in Common Mens Room the The Basement Victorola dance club met with Ethel Merrill Wednesday night Bert Law led a filibustering expedition down to Cooley’s Wednesday Several dishes were busted Fornoff left Friday for to bang his Easter Bonnet “Rosy” Ogden THK ONLY PLOW KM AMI PLANT SHOP IN I OWN CACHE VALLEY FLORAL CO “Dlnty” spent the Biergarten in week-en- d Jtilking Molly Our prexy is not a bad scout but he is a terrible gadder He no more than gets home from one convention than he is off for another Prexy also has acquired maney yarns In his gadding about The following la one he tells in faculty circles The story la here given as told by prexy !n his own language f “Weil sir ya know every time I hear you young fellers a talkin about preparedness it reminds me of a triek a pack of pesiey porkepiuea played on me onct Let ma see that was nigh onto fifty years ago now Well Sir ya know tatera were blamed scare around here In them days We didn’t know for sure whether we could raise ’em or not on account of the early frosts Anyhow I managed to git enough good seed to plant night onto a quarter acre I sure took good care of them spuds I watered them and weeded them real often my wife was powerful good at weedin’ too By golly It sure beat the land how them things did grow About the only trouble 1 had during the summer was with them blamed porcupines Course I never thought as how they’d hurt much and so 1 Just let ’em go They were about as thick as bears at a Democratic convent on anybow Finally the middle of October came ’round and I figured it was time to dig ’em Well sir I plowed ’em out all right and aufrerin Jehosophat for spuds! Seemed as If they were piled up on each other like layer cake Just as I’d finished pickin up the first row my girl came a running and told me our cow had got into the and was bloated up like a Next mornin just before sun up I hit it fer the field to finish my Job and by hell what do you think I found? Nary a spud on the whole patch! Jumpin Caesar I was never H set back In my whole life! While I was a flgurin out what' on earth had become of ’em out from one corner ambled one of the pesty porkeplnes when he reached them taters what da ya think he did? I’m a prophet if he didn't He down roll over on them taters git np with every one of 'em a clinging to his quills and mosy back to them dogwoods without losing one Dumbfounded? Why you could have knocked me down with a current of air Prepardnese well If them porkeplnes didn’t believe In it then I don’t know nothin' (By Kenny) Molly atod in the college barn yard the deluge The next try I hit the complacently chewing her cud Yea bucket squarely and was as proud as folks she was a cow — one of these if I had been elected President big roan motherly onee with the feet Now that I bad found the range I of a bricklayer and the soul of a comedian I approached her trem- settled down to work I did fairly well for a beginner and made about blingly with pail and stool making a hard effort to appear composed and half my shots fall in the same counundisturbed But I couldn’t fool old try anyway If an inventory had been taken after about five minutes it Molly She instinctively knew that I was green at the job and her eye would have read something like this: one cup and a half milk in lighted up in expectation Green I was milk on the pail my trousers one cup milk too: why the only thing I knew about on my socks and shoes enough to milking was where to sit down and soak them milk on the surrounding someto was I that squeeze supposed territory plenty thing About this time I began to find out “Book Molly Book Molly” 1 cooed lovingly as I approached with my that I had hands and forearms and arm streched forward like a traffic that they ached To take my mind off cop Molly wouldn’t sook I advanced them I began to sing in my cracked three steps Molly advanced three to- tenacious tenor Right here I made a 1 mistake Molly didn't like my storing ward the other end of the yard advanced three more Molly made it I always had maintained that she was four I Increased my cadence now an uncultured thing Anyway she got pleading with her in a caressing tone Bore and popped her tail to my eyes Molly evidently thought I wanted a I found out then what makes a fly’s race for she went lumbering around life so miserable Well I got sore too the yard with me running a good so I stopped singing and began to talk second Call on Me t BS Went Center Street EDWIN 1 week-en- d PMMER A STUDENT OF THE V A C Shave Hair Cm 40c 2c The Delta Nu'a met In the phone Forgotten Piter A IL & Scb Plumbing and Heating MNiAX UTAH He met her on the green one day Quite saucely and pert He saw her legs above the knees He knew she was a flirt booh on Wednesday and decided to Cscb Vzby Ekdrii Ccrpy Quality and Service 35 South Main SL Logan MOSELEWIS Depart m e nt Store THE STORE OF QUALITY Tou ought to seleet Stationery carefully tor every letter thet you 'f write aoe In (XM Co Prertriplhn Drcj earn" MCe an hen ta 14 Weal Center Whan a girl's aysa are dnwmanri wkaa a r-a- ’a that amaaa meT'-eyueara ioviwd LA Lean aaatnn “Rete” announces that parties will be held in his car between classes We ran until 1 got tired and laid "Say you female bovine is that tbe down Then Molly having no one to way your mother taught you to act play with went over to the other side That's a pretty thing for a grown-u- p cow to do ” of the yard and laid down too what I said at all but wasn’t That Strange how that cow hated my company Well things couldn't go on as it will have to do I had forgotten they were so after a time I got np that it was a lady cow I was talking to and that she might be offended nt and went over to reaeon with her ' “Say Molly” I argued “be reason- my rough talk Well she was so she able I've got to milk you if it takes gently but firmly placed her hoof all night I know it's a temptation to in my precious cup and a half of play but try to assert the best side of milk I set to work to pull It out but tree 1 pulyou? nature and let’s get down to It stuck like a serious business A cow of your age led again but Molly only turned her shouldn’t be chasing around like n head and looked at me blankly Then she lifted it out herself and set It flighty heifer anyway” on That cow waa a good listener des- down ungently oh so ungently foot my pite her many faults She had risen Then I gave way A man may be at my approach and had kept attentive during my oration She even able to have his beuse burn down bis hi hair seemed submissive now so I advanced j watermellon patch robbed once more to the fray Frivoloua Mol- pulled his face slapped his ribs dug ly wanted to go on with our little and bis nose tweaked without losing race but I wouldn’t play that way and his temper But when a big clumsy d bawling I finally beaded her Into the corner ' brindled cow steps on bis pet corn and edged up to her aide full weight of her one hunMolly let me get myself fixed on with the dred and thirty seven tone he invaristool and the pall adjusted at the my Insane with anger becomes right angle Then I reached out ably I So way and with my free gave hapand Nothing aqueexed timidly shank pened I squeezed again harder and foot kicked poor Molley on the waa rewarded by a tiny ztream of Thereby I made another grievous milk on my new trousera I forgave mistake for Molly returned the comon the myself and squeezed again This time pliment and left me sitting a poor Innocent grasshopper clinging ground with a dripping to a nearby blade of grass received for a crown full-gro- Established 1883 The quiet beauty of a home well furnished denotes the success of its master Buy it at FEDERAL HEWS The courtship waxed real warm they any As It was bound to do And now Instead of one to keep Unkle Melvin announced today that he would not be candidate for The poor cuss hae got two Congress next fall L Now when we see them on Helen Oubler went M a motor trip green with seme rah! rah! boya from the T’ie tad t’ls aad 1 know B T on Thursday Hla life no longer ta a dream Cause wlvea don’t will It eo WHERE IS THE BED ' AT THK COLLKOK the THEATRE In Nineteen Hundred mother aayn Mancha llndne end list Cannon in The femalee of the race Wore dreseen that reached te the “UNRKQUITTKD iOVK” Maine Winters In ahoea “THE SUITOR” Aad collars trimmed with bee t t MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY’ FRIDAY AND In Nineteen Ten 1 nnderstand SATURDAY They made a slight sxpoeure The Universal Favorite And both (he anklee and the neeh ALWYN SESSIONS IN Came out of the endoeure WTHE MEEKER OF KNOWIjEDAE” In Nineteen Twenty I declare Comedy “HOW’S IT aOINO” They took tea Inches more From whnt waa horrttytai featurelng Dlnty WentcoM Only tnn short years hefern SUNDAY The World famed child UTILE ALLEN IB “NORCJITW BABY UTAH Vernon Young baa received fifty telegrams the last week from Washington D C These telegram were from the nation’s greatest men inch at the President of the U 8 and many senators and federal executives congratulating the club upon the spiritual growth of its members The meetings of the Federal men have been soul lifting for two years past but the last three months the heavenly feeling has stood out so pronounced that the members are looking forward to the time when heaven will receive them as a unit The purity aquad has not reported on law breaker on tb following laws: Nonuse of tobacco going to bed at 1:10 p m sound sleeping In classes careful consideration before peaking to a Prof the marrying of The purity squad outside women also report a great change In tb local officers for good everyone being welcome on on condition and that The Purity la stay n long time of ouch a quad says the cause marked Improvement la dan to a certain i product from tho federal farm The big secret la very dear bow berauso wo oil kaow tho Federal (arm baa beea faaetloalng for six month mad a goat antold wealth has been produced there every crook But there was always something wrong with tho manxrant of the cellar department aad twa month ago who a rod LI:: I retaettoa took over tho position Oca &aa this department has attracted boss Sonora and Brunswick Phonograph Complete Stock of Records at — LUNDSTROM’S Few things increase in value with tht passing of time Among these few are Loveland portraits Loveland The Photographer alab-hoof- The Bluebird That et attention especially when a five million dolls’ check waa lent to Denver as clear profit after paying forty-fiv- e cents for labor Every man who visits this grand old place and everyone must visit it never returns without tbs spirit of the place and be being a good fellow passes along to hla Federal brothers It being such a helpful spirit some of Leona Eamee entertained the Gammas in the Monday after chapel Eskimo Pie was served fa Thatcher Bank LOGAN more And when I net a girt M'Cssh Exposing seek sad haee to think It scares me la to What Nineteen Thirty'll ho Your financial problems will receive the most careful consideration here A kindly consideration characterizes the service of Thatcher Bank Furniture Company “Doc” Parkinson is reported to be suffering from a rupture of the repuA mild flirtation started he tation She fell upon his neck Why any simple prof could aee The choir sang a new song Monday There sure would be a wreck and Prof Johnson didn't make an announcement “Whiskey" Anderson spent Saturday on the campus in all his professional dignity and Impressed the old guard with his suare manner of selling pills THE STUDENTS’ BANK SPANDE milk-buck- Martin Durham grew two facial Celia during the week CLOTHIERS ” long-eare- pledge Harmon Day The Durability of Our Work Will be Remembered Long After the Cost is Logan’s Foremost rn Paul Wheeler felt the “Call of the Wild” and spent last week end in Preston Bterl “Snail" and “Sid” will dethis part on bike for somewhere Howell Brothers ba-lo- Catb’ Wood motored down town Monday FOR FIRST CLASS BAR HER WORK face TExri Prexg Spins a Yam Federal Avenue 31 life the fine fellow have made It possible to be had juat below the college by establishing a mission bouse there influential men to with several chare Of coarse these good men never let a brother leave until he is filled with the sweet spirit then he must visit his superiors at the local offices It Is from these different branches of the mission that tbe fine members assemble to the club meeting to do good to all So let us all pray for tbe Federal Superior and the red haired angel that our spiritual food will last until Uncle Sam call ua home Do yon believe ta tbe effects of I certainly do If I can tot a man laughing I can nearly alwaya laughter? borrow five dollar from him tly Superior Candy Store AGGIE LUNCHBASICET The The Cozy place below the Hill students home We board pou for f 2000 per a dap Sundaps and HoUdaps make good the meals poii do not eat far meals are We month three meals home cooked YOUR VACATION JOB Men! I want four or five fellows who have ability and lots of pep to sell tbe fines line of made-4o-- i etjt- wealert In the country today They are new attractive Also an nnaurpaanrd line nf ish They sell anywhere hosiery shirts Marhinaws etc 1 teach jroe the ropes give ft territory sad work with you ITcssaat aad profitable semaisr meet! work It will pay yoe to write bm G THOMAS LURED BY PICTURE Every night for b whole week Wendell had attended the Lyric Theater The same show waa on every night HI friend became interested and wondered why he attended ao regular They noticed that on part la particalar pleased Wendell and then suddenly ho seemed disappointed It (bowed a number of glrla going to the waters edge and started to prepare for a swim whan lo and behold af reight train appeared and hid them from view When Wendell wes naked why be n Joyed that pert he replied "I have had some experience with freight train and I know that om day that train wlll be late” Pre-eminen- P BARBER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCIii Extends a Special WELCOME to ’students HARRIS PtLLSSUrY Ind West and Center C M WEIDZV Lc"an J: : I |