Show STUDENT LIFE & NOVEMBER 1902 i ONE KIND OF MAN V lie rose in the cold grey hush of dawn And toiled till the day was done lie fed like a brute when the conch-sheblew And slept at the set of sun: Ilis face was wrinkled and drawn with pain Ilis great frame bent with care He looked on the world with stolid face And saw7 no beauty there ll He was kind to his wife as a beast to its mate And she smiled and held her peace And staggered along in the loveless yoke And prayed her God for release There was shelter and light in the dull bare cot Enough to eat and to spare Hut there was no food for a starving heart Nor a glimmer of love-ligthere ht Broad fertile meadows smiled at his feet Where wild flowers decked the sod Huge mountain monarchs enthroned about Reflected the face of their God There was joy in the laugh of the tumbling rill There was peace in the twilight dim A riot of beauty everywhere But the beauty was not for him i Wild bird-nuie- s rang from the A carol of life and mirth green-tippe- d boughs And the sunset gleam and the pale moon’s beam Illumined the face of earth Men’s hearts throbbed warm w ith the blood of youth Men’s lips breathed a grateful prayer But the man looked on at the teeming world And saw but dullness there He plodded on through the weary years A path of unbroken night And passed with a frowrn at the journey’s end To stand in the Master’s sight Oh Father of Mercies pity the man Whoever that man may be Who moves unmoved through the beautiful world Nor opens his eyes to see t i i I I BEraciuuK- 3 ft i 3 O 9 ft ) I 9 jft © t 9 e 49 ft ft J J ftft ftft |