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Show V.TfLY KCf lEX-DA- M Vr3 ',','3 JOURNAL, prCCMfifn 197d 7, j - f Hr-ti New Hook Selections Kays News jf VO 9 iumPT ' it Library n.i hi - 4 The hasv i!!rt ( Ity I ibraf has tie following m-- hooks hif adults an J 1 ildteit T he f OR ADIITA! (unipliti Jt a.k Of hnii!'i!ti And What f Ley (an Mt nt," i.attun,- - "Who's by lawit-m- e Uho In Greek Ami Roman David hy Mythology, J s 1 t! ( u ' orris2A7A i 1 I Williams, The hy 9 Vkite A H I fa'-- ,Uy NrH ( ie m i f r f , f i .in k t ! 4 1 t A j y d m '.1. I .' 1 It I vi V inn at . vi i ' Mi c in ! X . Tl..- - tiiv-t- iRPn little :.:ous2 j .i t i 11' i! r L, !,( Kris M iait t r M -- f M i and (i.es v ud ( f 1 tail e M e fJ it )un ti I I 1. I a 7 f i r 1 rizssini: j t ion!ui I) ! I in the Wood-- . 'rioa Hi g it m ( 'i n M.t-i- i II ill ) Allow Mon i In I ginning at H t, x i , Hrd Mr .ii for Rotn'til t 1 i! ( . " KAYSVll I Kaysv i Hi dm i' ag un run Heights Performing Ails ( oum il wiK "tisor their truJ.iion.it "I he Messiah for the ( hristm is n si I I ason IT IS their third .innu.il performance and Mill bi pn scnted tsvo evening, a! th" Davis High School Auditorium. Saturday Due 15th and Sunday Dec Huh at p m tat h evening, and is free to the puhlic. The Messiah. a famous oratorio by G F. Handel, is perhaps the most famous of all oratorios It is done in three parts and is seldom performed in its entiu-t- H GIORGE Friedritk Handel Mas born Feb. 23, 16H5, in Halle Saxony, Germany, was one of ten children in an unmusical' His family lather was a barber and his mother a clergymans daughter. A child prodigy, spite of he learned to play the clavichord in secret though he was just six years old It was to become his lifelong passion parental in opposition, BY AGE eleven he had composed six sonatas as well as other shorter pieces He also played the harpsichord, otgan, violin, oboe, and bassoon. At eighteen, he became the chief organist at the Cathedral in Halle and at twenty had produced two successful operas He played as second violinist in the Hamburg Orchestra and as a harpsichordist in the theatre. Handel was a contemporary of Bach although they never met. By his twenty-fiftyear, Handel had visited England h where his music was very popular, and except for a few return visits to Germany, made London his permanent As the home. years his genius brought outpouring of operas, anthems, concertos and oratories. The collected editions progressed, of his works have an mdi x nf III! larg- - volumes ( ill ue. ! 'Si D1SASTFR, the seemed to turn again-- ! He fell in debt and was f,u ed wall imprison men! In light of these i I he spent the next sears composing roller than performing As old age approached, ht twenty atm p u tiaily para!y7td, but persisted in his work It bei was during these troubled tones that Handel produced the greatest of all his works, "The Messiah Uah help of Heaven (which he freely acknowledged j, this great oratorio was written in ns entirety in three weeks time For a few years, there was fame and fortune again, but his last years were spent in total blindness and he died at the age of seventy four ranks as THE MESSIAH ' g i I U Its i; it i' limm shi ! un to i n t s ! t i in i (i tie COM s r ji. i 0 II p Mini .ling i'm 'ht I v I 'll l! I i om-mui- of I TO u im mb' 1 charge are is in Glare Mrs Mcfurdv, chainn.it., I)it.icl W illianis, v ii t chan nun and Dwain Bui h man. puhhi uv The committee uigi-- s everyone to attend tins outTo standing perfoi ni.tiu e bring the ir famines an exissual pose them to both a and a sp: ritual m n.ng of music np ( Hansen Planetarium annual holiday favorite, The Star of Bethlehem has returned as the star program at the Hansen Planetarium for daily performances through the holiday season, which started Nov. 20 and will run through Sunday, Dec. 31 THE STAR of Bethlehem" carries visitors back in time two thousand years and a third of the way around the earth to scan the skies over Bethlehem for the famous Christmas star. Was the star a bright meteor, a great comet, an exploding star, or possibly an unusual grouping of planets? The Star of Bethlehem also explores the astronomical origin of many warm holiday customs as Christmas trees, holly, and and why there mistletoe are so many ancient and modern holidavs at this time of year SHOWTIMES FOR The Star of Bethlehem are Monday through Saturday at 10 30 with a m , 2, 4 and shows on Sunday at 2 and 4 p m. Tickets are $1 50 for 8pm, Years d makers of i ameras and films, and for film processors THE IMPACT of instant cametas un the photography industry has been nothing loss than startling II is estimated that instants in 1377 made up 40 percent of the total amau-u- r camera market instant camei, o and film In the opr n of Research Dipairment Hobson's Reports, the for hi or pio-pecl- Till by i RE ARE many positive factors, including still high consumer incomes, increasformations, ing family numerous new prod u ! in t" ell par- The - will get area residents ikx's clas- help in the it is aired Christmas spirit as Monday at 7 p m. at the Davis County IJataM Inc. 1 Handcrafted Water Beds Hardwood and Soft Woods Full Line of Accessories Upon Order Convert Regular Beds to Water Beds Children Size Water Beds STORE HOURS: 10:00 til 8:00 P.M. COME IN AND TAKE A SPLASH IN ONE OF OUR DISPLAYS Lakeside Square in Clearfield (In Rear) North Library Branch, 562 South 1000 Fast in Clearfield THE FILM will feature Peter Tchaikovsky's music performed by the Philharmonic Orchestra of Budapest, Hungary. Dancing will be m (nmhmaiitm HILL AFB of the 2952nd -Combat The elves Logis- tics Support Squadron at Hill AFB are back in business volunteers SQUADRON have reopened the toy repair shop, fixing up and painting toys and other items for needy boys and girls for Christmas tSgt Jeffrey Grindstaff, Santa's Toy Shop coordinator. said that last year the 2t',2nd fixed up more than 7, 000 bikes, games and clothing These items were distributed by Hill AFB groups to some 500 needy families in the surrounding aiea in Lme for Christmas mark Vi t tie f lel for t he pl.n-- i graphs brms despite some ind'caiiotis tf at it is now i oming mature Although major aiic nt.on in lei years has been !ih us d op 'he instant pho'ography pait of the market, conventional PMure takit.g is still popular and Still grow.ng So, all in Industries, and Photo Products An iniportant foreign entrant is 1 I o me ec BOTH EASTMAN Kodak and Pi'lartad. the two king- ties expanding inpins dustry. are doing excep tii.nj.lv well so la r in the in i In mv bed in the morning; I stretch and I tw ist As I strive to awaken, then cease to resist SPECIAL storytime revolving around the ( hrist- - rent year or instant i n sue id! ag-i- BASE ALL first six Kodak up earnings of $2 $1 42 for the similar period a on a sales increase of 16 percent Even though the company is still in the red in terms of its instant cameras and films, its losses in this department are down-to- AS FAR AS ies b,i' ' .T a , I ki . v 1 Sun y,i ill m nj in .ty id M r my i IV personnel Polaroid 777-215- K- and Mrs Mr - ' an 1 d u-s- t Ijhjisc, of dinner gursty of K i' h ( di ter e H.su j, and Mrs Paul if . iv Mr s Anderson and family of Snmeret (it!, Sup ap. ng and hjjsi his Supapring Ihai'ai-- brother from Mrs .n.i Pahrer. Mrs d.th St. i fbeid, Mr and Mrs. Sheffield ind family of Kavsvilk" Mr and Mrs Blair Sheffield and children of Ogdon, Mr and Mrs Cory Shift, eld, Ogden and Ternlyn Sheffield were all dinner ait the family dinner in gu.-stLayton of Mr and Mrs. Larry Shi and family Holdtav visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagstaff and family were he r parents, Mr. and Mrs Jack Williams of I (n-im- s Wash Mrs Eda F.atchc-- spent the holiday weekend in West Warren with Mr. and Mrs. Leland Eatchel and family Mr and Mrs Scott Morrison and three children of Suit Lake City were holiday dinner guests of his parents Mr. and Mrs. William Morrison fmmmn aumv ff" I MIT f0 H TOO T00 WTtASI OKI A Show Dates Dec Weekday T imes 7 30 Only Fn. & Sat. Show Times 7 30 & 9.35 Sat Mat. 1. IS A 3.20 Adults . 2.00 Students . 1.50 Children ... .1.00 H M M M M ... ... KAYSVILLE THEATRE xximrrTH Optical 'm ail -- Q h h HAKE GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS! OPEN WEDHESDAY MIGHTS TIL 7 P.M. fill CALL US laboratory on premises convenient location FOR DOCTOR REFERRAL HOURS: BOY Store Santa And what do you want for Christmas, little boy?" Boston Youngster Nothing but a three-stoDepartment p heterodyne regenerative unit and a reflex inductive oscillatory tube for my radio." Mon.-Tues- .t LAYTON Thurs.-Fr- i. 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday 9:00-7:0- 0 eye glass prescriptions quick service polyphase wi i v , arid M Pu-rnlt- Arir e. nf Nnrlh r , is In spite of production levels, demand for Polaroids instant cameras continues to exceed available supplies For the current year as a whole, the company should show fine gains. Individuals off base desiring to donate items should phone the toy shop at Hill 3 or AFB, i - rt H Intel Mtv I and eda, ( a,if i'm concerned, sales for the first half of this year were the highest ever recorded Profits were up 18 percent, climbing 1977 from $1 05 from first-hal- f to $1 24 for the same time this year hearing aids mas season will be held Friday at 2 30 p m Regular storytimes will begin for preschoolers each Friday beginning Jan. 5. The library is located at 38 South 100 East in Farming-ton- . t becoming narrower. Overall, the company expects that 1978 will prove to be a good year silver and gold welding while you wait1 BOSTON 06 year earlier donate items are desiring asked to contact the 2952nd Combat Logistic Support Squadron, ext, 2154 or 2153, for pickup Or they can be delivered on base to Bldg 397, downstairs 4 c, in the 1978. per shate compared with The 29T2nd is wot king with the Base Chaplains Office in the project The Chaplains Office receives names of needy families from h c'kc d of emergency repairs tb Vr , Vr and Mrs Dee arul suns. Bret, w Ki .11 nf fCrian, of "SB 4 For the pull of the pillow is strong;, and I lose one last little To the lure of the lazy snooze! Farmington Youngsters Will Enjoy Storytime - ui MORNING EXERCISE and Patricia McBride The public is invited tb FARMINGTON Youngsters in the Farmington area no longer need to travel to Bountiful or Clearfield to enjoy storytimes provided by the Davis County Library up Photo Film h-- to SERGEANT GnndTuff says that he expects this year to lie even busier - 1 months performed bv New York City Ballet stars Edward Villella A in i Mining and Manufactur-ng- . Btli & Howell, Technicolor, Fotomat, Berkey Fhot ). Ihrenreich Photo-optica- l 1 - th- FOR overseas t, n i ontinues to oftei a AS s further goo! the phntogiaphv industry remain very (am'-bit- - despite the in'in-ompelitmn in this f.eld piogress ' ipjnrxe hav 'ii ularly ji live I Day Library Slated Nutcracker CLEARFIELD sic Nutcracker 825-477- While the summer months arc when moT ptcluie taking occurs, phottigraphv is the year round. This is, naturally, a big plus fm adults, $1 for students and senior citizens, and 75 cents for childten under 12 The Hansen Planetarium will be closed on Christmas Day and New w i i ari ' i , i ! Al hive interests in phoyr dphy, includ ng Mmneso Elves Back In Business Holiday Favorite At At Hill Air Force Base An I bably in ounii.ig for about x i cent of ihe market 3 el. there are several other important companies th it f i i ! avsv R f rt I he II vv t i musn. wins of tin two n f !'ildion, , 'i"i a n I 1 !. I. M J Kavsv ilb mu n umlui n it tin , , i, .im . i . F tie two primary - i i members , il ' t d 1 i., omp ma-i 'hi phningrapliv mdusiri i e I as man Kodak and . ll in n I Moi't r if by fnm! ,,p r s lu h.i m ,ui i s pi i id v g I i - rn.irue vul'i in c best i u of f i i i a'l l)t John win ks of i sf I i i i in in i "1 (iit m jed u j mini its fn st Its pti I tit 10), mil one of the p h is TUT wot Id H mill j. iiti of the t! ,v ! 1 e 1" rt r dll flaf gu. sly (, M's I i s Dra'iev Mr .rid Mrs !'. di Ji tin n ful hen, . m-- , ric, . sh a.I nt ( Ii arf.eld. 'i- - il Amateur Pliotograpliy-OnOf Americas Favorite Pastimes h 1 und H pm C r t f,i if U ,t .. ty m .,f lb, If I. ! T ar d , I m ! b V and drs who re f it kc t s m!ts a; hi t 'h. f hriH.jt n. :j fi fort iiN fiTf i . t I 'Mr bfiol ' uu I iti t i' 'y V 1 Park ! i I)tt t r ,St ' ' . an l.riTo ,g ,t),.t ton H,, !l j) .h h p ni thap ; rv i l.i-- , all I I ! i!v nf c ' ki-- Mr i I ' n in arul Jnv lVar ntation will la- - I. ' S 1,1 I I with d . Ji, j D. I r I ' V n , .in I Silt I Mr 1 1 ,.J . a r ' t . r Hi a. J t, ,i u n r s g ,i 'i i i and f i i t r lair X, .1 Vry I! J ill i ti 1 i V .mil, , , iliii k Mr and I ! i c a a- -d rci ia Waite b 1 1 (.i-rr- V hHi His the J ui) hvr fi n ! i ss! if t It . U,i'.rt anliefil r.i- - f a, M Ms Hi), h V . a n .1 1 Mrs Hr. nt ) ret ,.'i n, Nathan I ' f ' . i 1' (. ."..way a J i i, e r i f ( Mi r v an ai V, x nrry . ( trvuur lit f Mill ,' it .... t., Mr Vry ityy ,. ,i a J t ! ,! !t n i, and Mr a I V'x I'at lr ). r on and far illy id K a i v v r . . e Were by Diane I ye, by s Mt ri I , Slat! Se rgear. Ki IH I Young, s n of rt t.i.-- tl S Air Tofie M i . r Sergeant and Mrs Yn.t c el 2l'i. Vinli t St , F ,n (to Id. t aid , has arrivi I f r d ny hi Si m i but h AH, un SI R(.l AM ! helKoR'ef jnit wiih i r f cm , i uni! (if ! i t s smvicJ .i pnx ici.i Kirii.ifut At H. S M fM 'i ( .mi 3 A'' I t.l F 3 I n Mrs 4 grdi! u.ltr lif ilihiirr Ward II g g Mi Inty tv Mr and Mrs 11 I I.. t a t 11 and ay ( ii.Mu n, I ' n 1 ii'til I y e ffmii w tv ( i . Mf j,,,,! l Nert t ' fruuj Arrives For USAF Duty Thr j j 11. liaI .1 al t Mr Skipper, Hatuvn, "priv.i'e John - C. all. .Way ,f If a t.l.olidl m-li- hy Barbara Ghost In I he (it. road, I I . M "Jeremy Chuiih," a' I up 1 1 f fnxo , l Isn't Hungry, t,i 1 1 , f or ( h.Mn-- . c In Van Willi I iftv htavitz, Complaints,' (Mvstery)bv Mary Mi Mullen, "Itiursdiy The Raht.l Walked Out, hy Harry Keineiman. Turn In Its J light, hy Su an I hi hai-l- I i t, I . t,t tie '.a i a f , t nifl . V t and Mis (.aim way wrtr Mr am) Mr Max an.) e,iil5, t mils and Mark. Mr and Mis N- I.M m and tu! Dm, Jamie ami J laa M vj 5 I fl a t .1 ffi-rHit!,, Mr af J Mrs aJ I fiMt-iSuns Halt and Ffad ai d daiif ' Il r ( an.), ahu L t In tali f-'-- eg x Hati'ld c-- I f fat' lali il, 2179 N. 1700 W. 825-16- 24 Saturday 9:00-12:0- 0 Hk t Just west ol Davis North Medical Center fafa uj p i annnaangna |