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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, OCTOBER 26, 1978 Police KeraorS Woew SCss7 By DAVE WK.IIAM MU' CLJ ARI II ID Clearfield . loses out their fuotbul' siason liete this wet k when the aleons host the Roy Royals in the finale for both 1 i luhs in Rt gum One ai turn By GARY R. BLODGt IT Davis School High marc hmg hand was edgfd out of first place in the annual Davis Cup Hand Review at University of Utahs Rice Stadium last week by a large group of high stepping, blue and white cladded students from Sky View High Sc luxil in Smithfu Id, Cac he County DAVIS CAPTURF D second place in the traditional spectacular before a large crowd on a very chilly night entering for placed third and American Fork took home the fourth place trophy, accord ng to Wav no James, coordinator of music for ttcxids Cross the first year Davis School Distric t. IT WAS a 126 piece Sky View band that broke the tradition of Davis winning the annual competition The Dart marching band had captured top honors the past three years l In the competition, however, Morgan High won its first place crown for the fifth consecutive year the only school to win this l honor since the division was started in 1974, said Mr. James small-schoo- small-schoo- LEHI CAPTURED second place and Delta High was third in small school competition. Fourteen schools nine and five smaller ones put on a dazzling 2',j hour performance large sc hcxils DAVIS COUNTY schools swept all three places in the individual judging of baton twirlers and captured one of three places in drum major competition. baton twirling, Teri Whitehouse of Davis was In first, Sally Lund of Bountiful placed second, and Shonya Dewall of Viewmont was third IN DRUM major competition, John Sweeten of Davis took second place behind Brad Goodwin of American I ork. Payson's Connie Mad-- a n was third Sky View edged Davis in the Urge school division of marching band competition with 370 points out of a possible 400 Davis was only five points back at 365, Woods Cross had 3 15, and American fork, 310 IN SMALL school competition, Morgan won first place with 331 points, Lehi was second with 310, and Delta was close behind in third place with 307 The winning Sky View band is directed by Ms Sheri Buck and her father, John Manning continue into post season play with a play off game scheduled lor the beginning of ru xt wetk The Royals will likely finish fourth in the league which mi ans they draw the urun viable task of playing di fi nd ing state champion Skyline in the playoff However a Roy win, coupled with a Bountiful loss, could put the Royals into third plac e. Don't In t on It though 1 he I ale ons have been a gixid team this season Huy played everyone, wiih the possible exception of the Bountiful game in who h they simply had one of those nights, and with a few breaks along the way the falcons could veiy well ho in conun-tinfor the upcoming tourn nament AS OF I ATF the Cl at field team has had problems points on the board, the ir d fm sc has jterfoimed well but they have been called upon too much in recent games. Their defense has allowed 92 points, when you consider league leaders Bonneville and Bountiful have given up 91 and 97 points respectively, which sounds like a lot but really isn'l Offensively though the Falcons have only scored 4S points This is ihe surprising figure because the Clearfield team has some talented people on offense Tight end Roger Vin g pul-tin- MS. BUCK said the band actually is three smaller bands compnsed of students from the 10th, 11th and 12th grades They have won first places at the University of Utah, BYU and Idaho State she said They University, also performed at the Indianapolis 50i) auto race last May. Mr James said the Davis Cup Band Review is sponsored each year by the Davis School District It was witnessed last week by more than 5,000 persons at Rice Stadium sjx'i-C the football. Quarterback Larry Read has turned into a gieat scrambler definite threat ROY Wit L and gixxf hands Id has to contain the running of J i rnumlt s to have a shot at the Key als, but not only that they nun I be aware of the pass w tin h Sieve 10 al, Bobby Claik. Jack Mullins and con j.any are vi ry good al cent is as pood as any in the league at his position, and running hacks Mike Arrant. Doug Hamblin und Tim rny Gixx h are capable of lurrying to and a cither run or throw the bull IHf OR the Royals their big threat has been I reddy I trnandes, for the past three vears, as either a running back or a split receiver Roy was hurt somewhat in injuries especially when their AS I'' 1 Sky View I f ALIGNS jilayed a g 'I t la Wt k a, n, i I Hie laM rs of lUiMluulle, in fad the y won lit every dipirtimnt eoipt the score, and i uld vc r will knoi k off Ihe R ,1s Big qui stion w ill be tbe menU condition of the f al tons k in mg this is thi ir Lu I i i quarterback Jon Nickerson went out with a shoulder inDoug Fainter has c nine on to fill in for him Another threat for the Royals is In their wide re eiver Kevin Christiansen, who has blazing jury, but g mie, they have I, runaway, cleaied city, golf clubs ACCIDf NIS, 16, alarms, Id, arrests, 4, asstsi other plates d pari merits, puolir, 14, 1 H, 2, 1 campaign sign TOBACCO uulos recovered, 1, thread, violation, truffic, 1, Who was named R'xikie of the Year 1 2, malicious mischief, 3, tin dual tmerjcncy, S, missing person, 1, obscene phone call Open doors, 8, paper service, 11, vehicle repossi ssion. 1977 Answers: f dihe Murrac vonne Goolapong known in what s;x,rt ' 3 N i me Ihe teams nnsaing in the Collmi Bowl ,4 Ohio Si ite and Alabama are meeting in what bowl 2 I Baltimore 1 Orioh-- s 2 Women's tennis 3 Notre Dime vs 4 Sup ir Bowl Texas iesia SAVE $2.0 O or $2.0 0 or both " ' '4 'V " . W w it h p irascientifir theories of authors Richard Wirier and C hirlc s Berlitz tb The library might be a good place to spend Halloween i ve il you have some curiosity into the whys and wherefores of a plu nomenon that has baffled many for hundieds of Gloar.'iold years Police lope. THE CASE of the Bermuda Triangle will be presented Monday at 7 pm. at both the North and South Dav is County branch libraries at 7 p m The program is free and open to the public ( I EARTIELD - Damage and st reen was reported to a tiailer owned bv Bobby tin ailing $95 to a winduA Robinson of 412 S State, No 13, Clearfu Id police reported Some $10 was also taken with investigates the span of west Atlantic Ocean between the Florida and Bermuda coasts known as the Bermuda Triangle It has been the sub- of great speculation due jct to disappearances of ships, airplanes and their passengers under what are seemingly unexplainable conIt a There's No Disguising AGreat Value -- Coupon valid through November 5 - 3 Cash value 1 F total value of $280, were reported taken from the B . B 3 B B B st Gentile Street - 7660434 juvenile suspect plated CAMERA, lens and case, E -- Mist. nananutanR il -- under probation A B WITH THiS COUPON you can save $2 00 off the regular price of any large or $1 00 off the regular pnr of any medium sized p zza Hul pizza or Doth Choose our famous regular pizza or p ie on the topping with new SuporStyie One coupon per customer per visit Not good with other coupons At participating Pizza Hut restaurants tn your area Layton 20 cem irzannapan G arfic Id High School locker of Steven Yamada of 2323 W 30N in West Point A bassoon valued at $900 and a clarinet valued at $o()0 were reported missing from CD ditions INVESTIGATIVE narration ties contrasting views of Lawrence Kusche, who believes the incidents stem from natunl causes. North Davis Junior High School A TIRE and rim, total value of SOOwere reported missing fn m the Clearfield Job Corps bv owner John C. Creamer of Fdci ib That man Lves off the Trent i snaps of life "W'hat kind of a job does he claim7 Hes a bone specialist sets broken arms and legs " -- Rocky Lit. Racquet Club A Athletic Club with Prestigious Memberships Available Now! 0 FACILITIES: courts for 12 Courts, (4 glass spectators), swimming pool, complete Spa Facilities for both men and women Lockers, weight room, party room, programs, 6 outdoor Tennis Courts (lighted), Pro Shop, & NO teaching pros for Tennis or Racquetball Nursery Racquet-Handba- COURT FEES 13te MEMBERSHIPS: For an initial one time payment for the first 300 Charter Members $265 Per Family and $23 00 a month Or $1 75 00 for singles and $1 8 00 per month You can join in on the fun at anytime at YOUR RACQUET CLUB y ko - Pheasanton can now CLEARFIELD hunters carry their sport legally within Clearfield if they pursue it within designated areas set by the city council Tuesday areas in outlying sections of the city where pheasant hunting can be pursued, said Judy Cottrell, deputy recorder The areas are generally on the (Brough Realty) 76545011 CALL FOR INFORMATION AND YOUR MEMBERSHIPS TODAYI Fop fjQn feet of a building By TOM BUSSELBERG THE COUNCIL okayed five Kaysville, Utah YOUR VOTE C?r4 Aq night OFFICE LOCATION 497 N. Main Street 4 4 4 4 4 Ilontoi wall ll citys outskirts and arent heavily populated The council stipulated that shooting cant take place within 600 The police department was in favor, she said. Chief (Daren) Green said hes been trying for a long time to get something like this rather than having poaching and thinks it can be controlled better under state wildlife guidelines THE DESIGNATED areas will be reviewed and revised yearly depending on growth and other factors, she said. The areas included In a very real Utah taxpayer is a are. 1000 West to about 750 West and from 1700 South to 700 South, 600 West to about 500 East from 1700 South to the sense, every stockholder the states largest business"-sta- te government. And not only does that business spend your money-- it also affects your lives through its rules, regulations and taxing in south city limits, 1700 South to 700 South from about 200 West to State Street, 1000 West to Pacific Street along the Union Pacific tracks and the railroad tracks on the IS UPORTAPiT powers Too often that south to 200 North, from 300 North to 600 North and from 1000 West to Barlow Street. business is run bureaucrats who forget the true owners. And too often office holders who have the right ideas fail to work efby fair-mind- ed RE-ELE- IN OTHER action, the city CT 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 council named Scott Louie and Browning of Salt Lake City as architects for the proposed new fire station No action was taken on any pos- ROD WALKER fectively. Ernie DURBANO will work with Gov Matheson to trim the State budget of $15 million And as a former State commissioner, he knows how to bring about need- sible starting construction date, she said Nine bids had been received on the project YOUR COUNTY CLERK i ed changes THE COUNCIL also heard a request from Wendy Gibson of the Wasatch Elementary School PTA seeking protection for kindergarten youngsters forced to cross State Street without aid of a cross- THE CANDIDATE WITH: CHARACTER DILIGENCE INTEGRITY Elect Erme-F- OR A CHANGE. Its your business' For a Sensible Businessman's approach to State Government. ing guard. RESPONSIBILITY Excellence In the County Clerks Office Is Important to you. He thinks of you. Ask those who know. KEEP ROD WALKER WORKING FOR DAVIS COUNTYS BEST INTEREST THE FOLLOWING CITIZENS OF DAVIS COUNTY ENDORSE THE CANDIDACY OF ROD WALKER Oma Wilcox Thayne W. Corbridge C. E. Bill Moss David E Bean Glen W. Flint Dell Singleton Dirk Van Uitert L. W. Hap Robinson LeRoy P. Parkin Aldon Sessions Stanley M. Smoot Coy Hayward A. Kent Johnston W. Telford K, Culltmore Robert Lynn Paid tor by Rodney Walker 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 She was urged to contact the Board of Education and request a possible change in school bus routing to allow the bus to travel to 100 North and as it turns onto 1000 South stop to let the youngsters off on the other side, the deputy recorder said THE COUNCIL deferred any action on a request to fence the Fisher Park bowery due to vandalism. The issue has been brought up before, she said, and the council has said they dont want to fence it off because it might make people feel like they arent welcome." fo)fo) o: ' 0 ir UJ - Democrat Layton Area House of Representatives Paid for by Committee for Durbano E3 2, 95 np g i me AL some c 1, Sports Quiz con- trolled substance, 1, curfew, 5, dog complaint, 7, family fight, 5. hara .sment, 2, home Set urity check, 1, lixise sloe k, Program Prasssrfed At Library Cct. 31st AN T, shooting in the 2, mate impound, I, su- - jm loos c ircurnsianc es, 13, thefis, 7, bikes 2, license assist cultivating si linos with a lot of pride who II waul to be at the Roy luh I ix k f r some juniors to gel some time also Snans (OMPFTING IT :D large-schodivision were Davis, Bountiful, Woods Cross, Viewmont, Brighton, Logan, Payson, American Fork and jifn ! The Kaysville city polic c rijxirt lor the month of September E3E3E3 Bryan Gray |