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Show tynts! Do not read this ad ASK YOUR L ; i 2124 Highland Drive BUDS ! D CLASSMATE Xdtws! ! WELL-DRESSE- SUGAR HDUSE or classy duds Mesa College Says Yes For Military Training Lawrence College Starts Weekly WSSF Pledges Last week a poll was conducted on the campus of Mesa College to determine whether the students want to be obligated to serve their country in a military organization. In answer to the question, Shall we as a nation, undertake universal military training?, the student body of Mesa College voted 47 yes. A break down of the vote is as follows: Lawrence College, Wisconsin, has decided that the primary responsibility of students in this country is their fellow students abroad and accordingly will raise funds exclusively for WSSF this year. The college is now having an active campaign, and has set up a system whereby each student pledges at least twenty-fiv- e cents a week to the World Student Service Fund until the end of the school year in June. The plan which was started last month should mean a contribution of six dollars per student by the end of the school year, or a total of six thousand dollars from the school. The plan was announced at the convocation of the entire college. The President has urged the greatest possible degree of student giving for the WSSF. In order to concentrate the relief efforts of the studens, no other relief organizations will be permitted to campaign on the Lawrence Campus. Men Approve U. M. T " ' Vyoming U Says Text j3ooks Not Subversive A Its Vacation Time Laramie, Wyo., (I.P.) port, released recently by University of Wyoming authorities, of the special committee appointed to examine social text-hooused in the Universitys classes disclosed that its examination failed to reveal any material in any book examined which, in the opinion of the committee, falls under denomination of subversive or re- ks un-Americ- an. In making the investigation the committee stated that it had undertaken no comprehensive or precise definition of the terms subversive and The committee did announce, however, that information on any form of government should be freely accessible to students, and that material which frankly advocates other forms should not be denied to students so long as it purports to be what it in fact is and does not seek to conceal advocacy under the cloak of alleged objectivity. The report in speaking of the function of the instructor stated that It is the function of the instructor, to lead his students to view such material in its true perspective . . . Any instructor who fails in this regard is not a un-Americ- an. competent teacher. According to the report the committee proceeded to examine in its opinion paraded under false colors or distorted facts to the end that any forms of government or governmental institutions were made to appear in other At 5:00 p. m. today the student body will throw their hats ing, April 5, at 8 a. m. Remember it is a double cut to miss any class either today or April 5. So plan to be in all your classes. exams With pushed into the pages of history, and some are wishing thats where they had been all the time, the text books are set back on the forgotten shelf until the time rolls around for the final exams. It will now be possible for students to settle down and enjoy the forthcoming spring. The dorm students are overjoyed at the opportunity of leaving the campus with all the memories of studies which ought to be done, or sometimes the faculty wonders if they even worry about them at all. Most of the faculty are looking forward to that time when mid-semest- er they will not be bothered by stu- dents hanging around and most of the time catching up on their sleep in class because there was a good bridge game going on the night before. Mother: Westminster Coffee Shop 1647 SO. 11th EAST o SANDWICHES HOT LUNCHES 84 T 12 Undecided 4 Women Approve U. M. T into the air and take leave of Disapprove the campus until Monday morn- Undecided 30 54 U. M. T 6 Total, approve Total, disapprove 57 33 Matrimony is like a call, You go to adore, you ring the belle and give your name to a maid and then you are taken in. Why Co Farther? Prescriptions Soda Fountain Luncheonette Sundries And what did ma- mas little darling learn in school today? I learned two kids not to call me mamas little Magazines Boy: books for material which than their true light. Disapprove U. M. How much do you want to bet that Russia celebrates Uncle Tobacco Film Service Sams birthday on April Fools Day? G&rdivell's Variety Store Service op Bryan Pharmacy Open Seven Days a Week nth East 1702 South 1788 So. If East Phone Complete 1-St- 6-5- 038 Dial 6-68- 32 |