Show local and other Othir matters FROM DAILY pally jar uan JAT 5 wheres whereas wiggins Wigg ms the standing question on the streets today snow T two 0 or three inches luclie of S snow now neli neil last night or this morn ing r left tor cache county pro P fessor 0 H 1 lugs jugs territorial superintendent perin of schools went north this morning on a tour of inspection of the schools in cache county he expects to be absent nearly a month his flute an employed of this boffl office ce lost a portion of ab a B flat flute an and d us as he feels feela that his flute will always be flat without the missing part begill he will take it as a favor on the part of the finder if he will leave it here for him the new H ew e w york observer is a large eight page double weekly religious and secular newspaper newspapers published lish edby by sydney emorse EA lorse jun co 37 park row new york this paper has an extensive circulation among the tho leading religious denominations and no doubtful advertisements are admitted A swindling case this afternoon J levi was before justice justlee Illy lily per ou oa a charge of obtaining goods under false pretenses to the amount of nearly a hundred dollars from fromn N S the case was clear against the accused and he was fined he did not have the he wherewith to meet this assessment and in default he was sent to jail the law calendar the law calendar of the third district court is being cleared leared with dispatch As was previously stated in the NEWS would botho betho be tho the case PH P H emerson A J 1 has hns been appointed ayt by JB B V tio gio kc merean mckean benn hern 0 J ia to assist the tho latter in disposing of legal business busine ju judge edke emerson sits on the bench lithe in the federal court room attending to cases on the law calendar while judge mckean Is doing the same thing in the grand jury room this arrangement will continue through the whole of the present week i proboscises proboscides es mr charles W 1 stayner announces in this evenings NEWS that he will lecture in the ward assembly rooms booms tomorrow t night on the tho fruitful subject of noses and arld as this is a theme not to be sneezed ht at s he hopes hopek to edify and instruct a large audience on the occasion his lecture will be illustrated by drawings the able pencil of mr nar ottinger ana and will include every species or of nasal from the veritable pot jot pothook hook pug to the fierce and aggressive roman facial han hau die dle die by this conspicuous phy slog projection he proposes to tell the owners of the vart various ous kinds whether they be boorish or oram amiable lable labie forcible or imbecile docile or balky and will make it a point to introduce flashes of wit and humor as thickly into into bla bis lecture as currents in a christmas pudding those who attend will be almost certain ertain to be greatly amused as well as receive some instructive hints on matters L inquest at big cottonwood cotton wood mrs birs ann catherine Hentze died suddenly at big cottonwood on new years day after she had bad been dar oar dancing leing and an in inquest aest was held over the body of wilch which which the foll following ow n is the return i F OF um UTAH uit uli county of salt lake i an inquisition holden in big cottonwood precinct yat lab at 11 zum tum jan 4 1875 at the residence of andrew hentze upon the body of ann catherine hentze there lying dead before B B bitner a justice of the peace of said co by the jurors whose names are hereunto subscribed 1 CC the said jurors u upon oli their oath do say that she died from some lla ila natural cause unknown to the jurors but suppose it to be heart disease aiu lin in witness whereof we have ave hereunto set our hands theda the day yand and year above written T 5 awilliam tW ILLIAM CASTO 1 I G DAVIS I 1 jurors I 1 VILL jam aam DREDGE J c B B justice of the peace reace the ithe deseret news beesly our mammoth weekly issue contains sixteen pages and eighty columns and is one of the best family papers published in th the e country aimin aiming g to be full of jot instructive tive and entertaining reAd reading flig and scrupulously careful in subject and language the number for january 6 contains the katie king fraud who killed coffin A mek medium furn on the bench 19 discourse on plu piu plural tai rai marriage by elder orson pratt GlAd address diess dress on railroads Bail nafi roads ronda by hon moses thatcher the bie nie meeting eting of the years the new year y ss false faise news some things that might be asked for decay of immigration aca A auy amy happy exception 11 indigo Bend igol in a anew ew light besides telegraphic dispatches 11 local news newe correspondence notes notes of various kinds brevi ties etc elte there is no better paper for sending to friends acquaintances t or any other people who may wish wash to learn of the situation and progress of this territory returned erom from the east this morning we had the pleasure of meeting bishop A 0 smoot who reached this city last night from th the eastern states where ho he has been beedon ddn a business trip connected with the provo woollen manufacturing company while absent he hb went to many of the large manufacturing urae turing cities among them boston lowell nian dian manchester chester and worcester ce where be visited the various ou manufacturing establishments gleaning information that will be useful in the management of the provo factory in his visits he be was treated with the tae greatest cour court T tey te sy tho the proprietors of the establishments lish ments affording him every facility to inspect tho the various processes of manufacture he also visited philadelphia cincinnati cinnoti cin nati st louls louis and aud washington he purchased a large quantity of machinery and a carload car load of cotton ya yarn rn and dyestuff dye stumm stuff for the provo wc woollen elleh factory the major portion of f the machinery having been bought in philadelphia and the balance in st SL louis he invested in this way in the vicinity of the machinery just purchased will fit the mill up sufficiently for all present purposes and will nearly double its producing capacity Bishop smoot had numerous op port unities of conversing with members of congress who he found to be well wel posted ted regarding the true situation PO of utah annal annai affairs rs the rolat relative lye iye position of the genuine stable industrious community a and id the intermeddling carpet who seek sk to 0 curtail the tho peoples peopled liberties to sub servo their own nefarious ends the prosecutions or legal parsec persecutions unions against the hon george Q cannon camion instead of operating against that gent lemans in fluence naye haye had aj a contrary effect the object of those proceedings being befar plainly au understood tors t ue U S deputy marshals discharged since the escape of wiggins last evening we understand that deputy A K smith who is acting in the place of 1 maxwell axwell Nf d during the batters lat absence at washington where he has gono gone on a lobbying mission to obtain special legislation has discharged three deputies it may become a matter for the consideration ide ration of congress whether he should not he be at his post cost of duty attending to the legitimate business of his office instead of bed ben being 91 on a logrolling log coilin rolling e expedition to bore members of t the e national dional Legi legislature sture with his private and ring ax g grind rind ing proclivities does anybody wonder at afu the loose manner in which the executive business of the courts is done not much for when the head mad of the chief executive becu officer is befogged what can be expected of his subalterns subaltern subal terns generally among whom there appears to be about one axce exception P tion to the slipshod slip shod rule artil it appears now that wiggins was not ilot the only prisoner brought down from the penitentiary yesterday as lewis who escaped on a previous Oc occasion casOn alsba also aiso a three card monte man and one springer connected with a killing scrape were also in town and were in the tho marshall office at the time the news of the wiggins escde escape was brought there As aa all the deputies rushed out just then excepting de deputy auty smith lewis and springer got V up p a kind kind of a ruse in the hape shape ot ol a sort of sham fight doubtless doub iless intending in hi this way to greato greate an opportunity to esca escare escape bat the subterfuge iha was waa too thin an fn for deputy smith who spoiled their 1 little irttie atle game warne marne last evening was as offered for the capture of wiggins who was seen een on the street soon after he go got t agayby a party who did not kno know w till afterwards ads about aboul about his boltin bolting g from the de deputy pu ty another criminal escaped the U S lylar ISlar marshai marshal shiLl and his deputies have given themselves A nother another lift in public estimation on by letting another notorious cr criminal Imi nril ese escape ape from custody custo dye dyr the circumstance has created considers consi considerable dera dena able feelen feeling gin gln in the community but cedono we do not t see why it should as the frequency of huch such occurrences should one would think ere this have prepared the public mind for anything that might ight happen in that line this time the party who escaped was john G wiggins a three card monte madi madd aud imd the fhe i softhearted soft hearted accommodating officer e r was deputy U S marshal william gilbert i these two persons were seen upon n the s streets friets yest yesterday erday afternoon an and d the impression of a person who saw them was that wiggins v rould would not remain long iong in care of his pliant friend the deputy wiggins who ia to beane be ano of a gang gan af notorious ruti ruil ruffians ians lans had requested 5 to be al allowed wed to leave the peni penitentiary eteh rv and pime come to t town n for f or the tho 1110 ilie purpose of doing a otie otle lettle little private business with thede thode tho the deputy pu last evening he requested the privilege of bf privately interviewing mr W to which the oell officer offered no objection but bot like a mil mii mild d gently and ami obliging I 1 individual U kept watch at the door of the dooni in which hach mrs W was su to be located whilo while wiggins was supposed sup tup posed I 1 to be hol hoi holding III lii tha deir desfred desired dan interview CW I 1 uhe the bo all ail allowing ink of so tau much liberty 1 Y to t the be prisoner by tho officer Is remarkably ajr t of the ho sayi bayl saying ig that ac a A thu the eane eabe lug ing wa us von ten won ion drous kind subsequent events show that if W ever did hold that interview with mrs W it must have been of short duration a although thou gh the deputy while keeping his solitary ary watch got the impression that it was rather lengthy when he had concluded that pa tience had bad ceased to be a virtue s he heh made inquiries which after a time caused the truth to flash upon his unsophisticated mind that wiggins had bad passed into the room by the dhori door but passed out by the window and by sliding down a roof which was ivas as as the deputy he stood don on and sped to parts secure from the sleepless vigilante of exemplary I 1 ary deputy deput yU U B S marshals this adds another to the ion lon long iong g list of recent ree rec lont bent escapes escapee of prisoners from the custody of tho U S marshal andin and in it is involved a question as to whether the expenses of the officer who took wiggins out foran airing string are to bo be charged up to the account of 11 stationery it also suggests adother paint and that is 16 whether it would not bo be advisable for criminals of various dyes and hues to institute a L kind of common fund for fir the se of 0 having a few medals struck oft for presentac presentation presen tat tnt on to the marshal marshai ars a and n the pst accommodating of his deputies as an acknowledgment of the thu services ices rendered by them in securing to characters of their class so much liberty to run around loose to carry on their vocation of making A a living by preying upon their jellow beings certainly let there be bome some medals medais made for the most the marshals the ether week the giop have you seen began beegan addressed to the U fa 3 marshal marshai or ono one of his deputies I 1 made the bristles stand out upon them ilke like quills ithon upon the fretful porcupine but how much more distressing must be the inquiry of have you seen wiggins lately late lyl As vigilant as a U S deputy marshai marshal 2 will soon become a pio plo proverb verb |