Show orr I 1 pei Pet iTeria tigris Ti grix b k AlN ain grees GREEN NOV 17 1874 I 1 etus beius IT frothing has haa in marred arrear the usual quietude peace pence antl anil harm harmony harmons of our settlement for months all seems seem wll well an nut j anxiously ay awaiting the comm comin enio enie ment of rall rali railroad rod nod 0 o operations wi with til the hope bope that business will revive and money mones become more plentiful with us on the clae of ins ina tout tour town was visited visite d y yn yi n party of hor kor hum peddlers hailing from oak creek after their departure from eown town a number of olour our citizens discovered that they gad bad had lost sundry au and cl div divers rs artic artices ps such euch as of yarn yarD socks bocks aud and clothing do thing 1 in I bucl buci 4 articles as are usually ieru lel upon the clothes iino line AO aa ary opa individual bad had jame hay bay qu which led suspicion on to the party aforesaid our constable with acome overhauled them chem at dc donals Dou d ais als Ws mill and interrogated them in reference rede refe relice to the tho contents wagons buff hut but tiley weme nvere not pot disposed iobe lobo io ba communicative in tb tho the meantime our justice RR BR R B R bewellyn ew ellyn followed up the be c can an sta stables bles blea party anti and antl reached the thau liau camp f io J jutas tho the the tho peddlers Nedd peddlers lers wp wenoa werona rea noa sum suming ing an attitude e of A stolid laudif ference and a disposition to pay no rio attention to the const conat aules akies les ies posse the justice justlee who la Is somewhat plethoric in peb person permon on and consequently ly wears a magisterial nir air ask ash asked ed the privilege of examining the wo wagon ons to which they asse assented nt ed an ex revea ledi ledl baek back full of arti articles cles clea ora ofa of a varied nature U upon pol poi opening the sack mark the ludt iad vidu vidual 1 l in ri whose wagon it was wag was found owned to the therb theft titi 01 the articles arao arUo les lea some ot which he procured in hoo ift Plea pleasant siant slant a hog minu the head hedd being boing in the bottom or of the tho wagon this thib I 1 As na name lne lue int is flint W radford Rad dord ford a young nian and s re resident of oak ciki lier iier had an ex examination before judge lewellyn lewe i who la Is a terror to e evildoers vil vit clours alid end pleaded guilty his nine fine was assessed nt at 40 0 and costs in the mean time thaul thet mt plea piea sant saut q authorities were noti notified nned fled pir pip cpr r ad and an ye yesterday took ill lil him M to mt pleasant to answer t to 0 the theft of af the ther articles artic lei lel mien lien froin there this same party passed tb brought here wore one otia year ye arago a io an andi that thit helb iM lagoa seats I 1 wa rivia riving 1 a 1 whips I 1 and afe aee swe fe irn inn arlous arloua parla of I 1 tho ef vie tho beem geem to have been lieen only boix one otlo wagon 00 rif alfr alfi ing chwa tho i r 11 fa anaf antrone othe indi individual owning ta tot be the tha thier thief dr cr ims ins its hoed this will pu put astop to further r proceedings of this character SA 11 i 1 how to secure a jorty 4 two p nov noy 17 PJ edo ado I 1 lj forward forwand aou woh vou Aoh the m the result of the election elec tion tiou held iu in oneida onelda county idaho territory nov 3 1874 derived de rived flom mati matl oil the the returns return winch which were made on the qt at malad city and telegraphed to a mr Fauche faucher rj of frankiln frankiin a liberal stating that the liberals have gained seventy five of a majority were not official but bell beli believed eyed eVed to be nearly correct the above frau fraudulent dule duie n t results are believed to have havo been brought about to somer considerable extent by one Effier emerson sort sorl davig davi llo lio who iio is the tho present assessor of oneida onelda county and nominee ee for the same of officer fleer and i one H 0 O harkness nominee for commissioner on the inde independent 11 ticket it is understood tha that these gentlemen started up the stage road going boing afara as jar far as s pleasant valley a distance or of soo 00 oo miles and proc proe procuring tiring voters from all persons living on the road from brorn freigh freighters t e 8 from montana and utah regardless of legality or citizenship and ail air also aiso 0 that they went to tho the fort hall reservation and got a load of in dealus and hauled them to the pulls pulis and induced thorn to vote then took a cincu circuitous I 1 fous route 0 on 11 repented their return getum homeward and rep repeated ent eat their vot vote ci sufficiently ay to obtain a majority it is arti rumored m diedt that flat the red rud skins the next day went again to to tile the place I 1 e where where ro the election had been riold held heid und and wanted another drink for which they expressed espre sed a desire to vote agal again h but as the judges could mot riot be found and the liquor being nil nii all drunk the day before they returned er much vexed and disappointed hb and cursing the white mati maii in consequence of being refused it is ia authentically stated that affidavits an and will be procured that t here there hrc aro not oviel over iso legal votes in all that thac emst vas and pled wilder haess faess the abstract i fromi dromi the returns of bf this arrangement fil shows lowis 1300 SOO votes rotes ifo iro or of which must m be 11 legal when whon n the newn newa reached franklin frankiin in it caused the illiberal cral efat element elemen tto to burst into luto of joy hats hati were thrown into the thie air anvils fired ofton the bonfires dires fires mi made ade and nd shouts from the drunken crew moade monde the welkin rin landecho M miles lies lles this powerful independent party ia of two 06 parts the brains or head bead being in malad land laud the posterior part nue nub Fi anklin frankiin bu bur but halving ha iving no intermor int inte eror part it will wt soon an digout anettie andt nie tie head being with out eyes why this should not be law und hild becele brUt berated edwith with thanksgiving people of onelda oneida submit I 1 to uch aeh outraged hy the outlaws of society or will they arise drige and vin fidatti their rights having haying alade the and canal canals plowed thy labidi jat jai landy ids idi the grain krain krain grain bulic built schoolhouses and mills billis mildd last lavt budnot mast hait built the first birst railroad the firsti telegraph nto into idaho territory what say the ild iid good mitelda i i I 1 |