Show LOCAL ano ang OTHER MATTERS FROM jault DAILY aug auf 7 higher and higher the tho e mercury seems beems to go up into nto the nineties again wull well ur ft t t will soon bo be glad to get down a number of degrees Augus august els eis IB advancing no new hew mining maps we have received a copy 0 of a bew mew wew ew alining map mip of bingham canyon fron from actual surveys vs by NY L I 1 bowen bower 11 they arm amm on sale book s store east temple st recovered Ee covered brother wm J smith of the lith ward who was severely kicked in both legs by a vicious horse some time since is id now able to te bo be about again aga inand and attend to business from kanah brothers william D johnson John son sou jr and james A lt lit arrived from kanab last evening called u upon n us ua this thia mori mort morning king th they e y re report port t the tto fio e harvest prospects as being e na good and a general time of prot prod prosperity erity in that part of utah recovering the numerous friends of judge hector C haight of farmington will be gratified to learn leam that that eliat estimable gentleman is ia gradually recovering from his la late t e severe attack of illness he commenced to improve last sunday and has been gaining strength since then in england by letter from elder peter sinclair of this city dated july wo we learn that he arrived sa sanely safely nely rely at glasgow the day pread previous us and on the date of writing went to liverpool 11 he had bad a splendid voyage across the atlantic not having been so eo much as sea gea seasick sick police court some of the bibulously inclined of whom there are a sew few in salt lake perhaps think they can indulge with impunity since the resi resl resignation nation of judge clinton this is a a couple of persons who had been imbibing to excess were brought into the nice mice police court this morn morning hig nig and ha had to pay pas the piper 11 still at work the gang of horse thieves who have hive their bead quarters in wyoming and andin in this city arg aro apparently still operating we learn that macarter Mr Carter carten of carter wyoming byomin g had a couple of brown kulil mules stolen from his corral at that elace place last saturday arid and that when he 0 ill lil last st heard of the thief he was making headway in this direction by the old chalk creek road boad from fort bridger the ani animals mills are sie branded U S on the neck anu ana ab shoulder duider I 1 departed this life some time yesterday elder george E groves taylor of the ward died at hia hla residence deceased emigrated from london Eng england landi in 1866 crossing the atlantic in the company of saints which left that city may of that year in the iship nhip american congress he was somewhat widely known having been president of the paddington london branch of the church for some time previous and up to his leaving for ohis this country I 1 nearly a rire this th morning there thero was nearly a fire in the store tore of rimey reed red greeley appo i site the walker house A person was vas e engaged in fill filling irig some small lamps which derwon weme were on the counter when the fluid uld caught fire bygone by some means causing a big blaze binze several ral rat parties i Ps en endeavored endeavor deavo to extin extinguish gu isly 1811 the flames and had quite a lively time in doing so BO some bome of them setting fire firo to their clothing in iii attempting to throw the burning burul ng lamps out into the street and one man gob got hla his hand scorched at last some bome water was pumped pumpe dupon upon the flames which subdued them the damage done was only trifling but had it not been for the prompt measures taken the affair might soon boon have culminated into a full grown firo niro bad treatment we have sometimes alluded to the treatment that apostates who lend themselves to b be used as tools by the carpetbag carpet bag ilici liberal raly rall element receive after the latter iatter think they amm ame of bf little present or future use in furthering their nera nela rious riou 8 purposes this was verified gallong bot dot long iong since in the alse akse case af ofa a some what prominent pro apostate mhd received a most shameful tongue flagellation el at the hands of a certain judge who was lately clamorous in asking the people of utah where them free schools was ghecas the castigation ti was of that loud mouth edi ed unrefined e d kind which is so agreeable dl to take thebe rated party and hla hia friends feel extremely indignant Indig nann nanh not to say disgusted with the i judge and hopf to get even with him yet the worst part of it t was wat that the little affair abak place pince in a meeting of diber liberal Liber alsy alsi where a fellow feeling should have made rondo the parties wondrous kind it is abot smooth water with those who try to make themselves believe they wave have outgrown a hysten out of which they have merely dropped coal the coal question n which so many people are interest ed has at last nearly come to a partial solution we learn from mr george that arrangements are nearly completed for the adjustment of the railroad freight ta tariff on coal between ogden and echo which will bring it down to near the old rates rate sand and as a consequence in a very few days wasatch coal will be on ort the market again with little if any advance on the prices which prevailed before the raising ot of the freight this intelligence will be bd received with general satisfaction this is so far so good good buethe but the question will vill only be wholly and satisfactorily y solved solve dand and the difficulty diffly entirely removed when the community will be in such a position that thit they will not be at the mercy of a railroad company who have the power and who to some extent have manifested the will to create a monopoly for the furtherance ance of af the their irown own ends independent of the distress and inconvenience they may entail upon others that question will be gratifyingly decided when a railroad lail road between the weber coal beds beda and this city is built or when coal is in proximity to this city we hope to see aee ep one or the other 0 it SATURDAYS SATUR dak DAr DAILY aca aua 8 the U S te deral derai officials are beginning to move into their new quarters quarter ar the clift house A Rampa gous rellow fellow shortly short after ten last Jast night an intoxicated dutchman went to the house of mr H S beatie beatle who was absent at the tho time and greatly frightened the inmates among other pranks he expressed a great desire and made several efforts to kiss the girls he was arrested and on the way to tha city halli he heaped any amount of abuse ul upon on the officers who had him in curto custo custody fire lire alarm shortly after eight last night as one of the side gas jets ili in the central icea ice ream cream parlors first south bouth street wies wits being lighted light ligh fd tied some lace curtains caught fire and the flames com cum communicated mu to the colored paper ornaments maii ta with elih which the ceiling was ornamented making quite a blaze the city hall and engine house bells were soon roon rtin runs runt and the engines froli both places were pr promptly om aptly brought out but lucki luckl luckily I 1 y they were not needed a aa the flig nire fire 6 was soon extinguished after doing bu but bub small da damage daniago niage I 1 for lake side benoro Be before boro ioro us lie a couple of complimentary tickets for an excursion to lavka lalka side wath the retrenchment association faugust august bisters E W east and abd E daskare the commit tee of arrangement and mr hir james currie has been secured as prompter which indicates that there wll will be some indulge indulgence nce uce in terpsichorean exercises doubty doubtless s all who participate in this ibis excursion projected and managed by ladle ladie ld ie will enjoy a most delightful time which we wel most heartily wish them whether our multifarious duties will admit dmit a of us joining in it or no another shoemakers association now come the shoemakers of the lith lath ward and form themselves into the eleventh ward boot and shoemakers association they will open busl busI riesa nesa on I 1 monday in id it a portion of the same building build d as is ig occupied by the LX L bakery when they tilly will be pie prepared pared to mantlo manufacture lettire mens boots and shoes blizel boys boya women and inis misses ses shoes as well weir as to do all ali kinds of rep repairing remaking ahing aking nothing lik ilk liko le cooperation operation co for the chie ehle achievement or of success in business thel shoemakers and tailors are striking in id tife the right tight direction and why dont the various other trades follow sult suit 6 cheap coal coat CW is cheap again in couse coupe quence of the reduction of of the U P R R freight tariff t to 1 nearly the old rates it will b be 0 seen by au an advertisement that mr robinson by hla his salt lake agent mr wm win salmon halmon come before beform the thu public with his hid excellent coal at per ton tou nt at the depot A great deal has been said sald ahou abou about t copse ril rii rs getting light weight in id purchasing coal of various klud kind stend in view or of this M mr r salmon will guarantee fu full fuli I 1 I 1 weight every time when he the hauling bauling is done by his bis own teams but ot of course coatse cannot be responsible fe when it is done by the teams teama vf other parties nothing like perseverance A gentleman who is rather freely married and rather freely bles ed with wit olive holiva branches wasa was asked sred how many more he expected well he did not know he be was as eager tu to be yo bo blessed as ever partly out of a patriotic deslie desile e to bened benen t the country abd partly out of a pardonable paternal phi pil pride dein delu in having posterity that would be a credit to him for said he fil pil think more of every one thal that comes than of thoe thone tho e that came previously but I 1 am not yet quite satt nned fled with any of them aud as I 1 invariably think the latest comer tho the finest and best beat perhaps by di diligent igent continuance r in in the good wor work k 3 I 1 may yet f ully fully realize my idea ideal and my soul may be entirely satisfied with my life creations A pleaman pleasant time the edcur from this city to franklin frankiln returned inbi insi night at about twenty 4 minutes to eleven and it is the testimony of all who in it tho thu trap whom we have seen that the party had a ve very vury ry pleasant time and that that result was largely due duo to the exertions land and attentions of mr john K N pike who did all in his power for the comfort and convenience of everybody the only occurrence occur enco ence that caused ther the least uneasiness or excitement took place on the tha return between mendon mention and hamptons Ham whereon account of some sparks from tho the locomotive flying alto one of the cars some bome of the passengers ina lna in a sportive manner called out outtie eire fire The this caged one lady to be ho bo alarmed that bhe she jumped a baby in her arms luckily the train was wag traveling slowly at t the time and sheu was not hurt being prevented from falling against orull brull or under the cars cam by a brakes brakesman man named hopkins who happened happe to be near her this Is the first railroad excursion ion lon or the kind from frim this city to lu cache and from the batt satt traction n that it has given it ii Is ia probable that ahat it ft will by no means be the last an outrage H P bisley an american citizen and nd resl real deul deol of the ward waid called this morning and informed us that as hemas bemas he was leaving the tho polling place at the ward school house on lylon monday day after having deposited p aho hi vote he was immediately ui rested ly iks a per pon son claiming to he uie a U 6 deputy in marshal arshal who said ho he was willing to a beear ear on a stack stuck of bible thi L h he til iii risley bialey Ri ley sley had voted at the city uail 1 previous to voting in his hl own precinct c t sr fj 11 which he ayn 14 i cumi raine fale nor for although h he was in the tha vicinity of the city H hall hali all ali during the day he riot not only vot ethere but never was within a distance of eight or ten feet of the ballot box I 1 mr irisi risley seemed surprised that lie he je be thus treated in view of his perfect innocence of the charge but there is nothing to be surprised at in the matter as there is nothing too mean or contemptible for some of those liberal fellows to do 0 o anin their end and this is nob not only the case with the small try such as committed this his outrage upon mr rinley risley riley ril ey but the ciller chief among them are t tho the u most unscrupulous after being arrested mr bisley was taken to the U S marshals Mars Mara haes haeb office and after giving his name and address hefsas soon afterwards set at liberty teachers Ex examination aminat 10 n ten teachers appeared before the board of education examiners today to day at the university building as c candi adi dates nor for cern certificates fi eates cates three thre of whom anter anner doing pretty well on the alist questions got a trifle heartened disheartened dis and alid gave up leaving seven applicants in the field while being quite thorough the examinations examination s are conducted on principles of the strict strictest ot fairness being to hlo arranged that the board are never aware who the particular applicant iu 18 until they chev have rendered their verdict th the regular questions are printed under the heidinga hea dinga of arithmetic grammar geography and the theory and practice f ce of teaching and are ten in IA number for each branch brauch besides these the applicants are ate on extraneous educational matters when a decision Is ia reached that a person is ii entitled to a certificate certin rate the percentage 0 proficiency ia bated oli on its ra lace face cey cej so that the parties who may engage the qualified teacher can tell ex x antly his hi condition and ano adaptability in the various branches alforo fore forc the ap applicant I 1 van be entitled el to a qualification li certificate lie he must ho be able to an ail awer satisfactorily at leat luat sixty per ce centon litof ohp the questions lons luns prot prof dugga and drs park and doremus are the board of examination FROM MONDAYS dally DAILY AUG 10 tabernacle acle acie Ife hee meeting eting eidel orlou pratt ji preached reached afternoon arter arler noon loon tea ten bi bia 3 14 wander ing at virginia nevada womans comans Wo mans exponent nor for aug I 1 con eon contain talus ars ils report itu Ite port I 1 wo tiia ilia 1113 II 11 voice valt 6 suf Sui prise reception Rw eption eplion 1 fi husbands 11 the grand jubilee household hl hints hygienic notes note the unite order M iga eca A mother tact women I 1 in poll tic tle 11 19 what it Is ia to bo be a widow etc to be contested we understand that the tile late election it in tooele thoele county is to be con cou contested tested it being known that four fifths of the votes cast east ron for the so called liberal ticket were illegal thih this is plainly shown by the tax lists of the dif dlf different derent precincts the payment of taxes being a qualification qu in every eveny male elector artistic the ceiling of the erst ward fine new schoolhouse is one of the best of any public build ings in the city it Is ish surrounded by an excellent deep cornice and is thrown into panels of a peculiarly novel design and there thero are ark ceven oTna orna ornamental mental centre pieces on fill it A school was opened in lii it thi thim morning under the supervision ol of brother ball uncomfortable this has been an arl uncomfortable day a warm dry wind sweeping lip up from tl ti e sheets and darr varr carrying ying along cloud clouds of dust |