Show passing THE SENATE g w r SENATE washington 1 a i june 22 1874 1 mr I 1 move that the senate proceed to the consideration of house bill no in hr relation elation to courts and judicial officers cers in the territory of utah amr mr we cannot pass that K 0 j mr nir I 1 move that the senate proceed to the consideration of this t bill mr DAVIS I 1 understand tj that at this is the bill relating to utah of ourse course will give nise hise to some discussion U I 1 ar lur jur I 1 think inot mr DAVIS I 1 have heard senators say they meant me antto to discuss it I 1 do not intend to discuss it myself there is a largo number of cases on the calendar and I 1 think they tiley ought to be ba considered it is only intended to consider such sueh as are to and I 1 think that we ought to proceed with them mr I 1 think wo we ought to proceed with the utah bill mr LOGAN I 1 was one who pro posed to discuss tho bill but buettn in view of tilo tho circumstances I 1 shall not do so X mr I 1 want the utah bill taken up first mr WEIGHT at the last session 10 of congress a bill much less severe and much more objectionable than the bill that is id eow wow how presented to the senate I 1 mean much more objectionable to any persons person who deem that legislation on this subject is advisable passed the senate I 1 lam iam am not aware that the bill as it stands now is particularly objectionable this fact is patent that in utah are without courts and without any ot of the machinery that is necessary to enforce th thelah elaw aw now we are within sixteen hours of the adjournment the question is whether we shall take up this bi bill at this time and if possible pass it or whether wo we shall occupy our time timo time in pressing private bills I 1 believe that this bill carl can be passed in half an hour bour or an hour mr I 1 have havo said seid nothing in reference to tho merits of this bill as to how we wd should vote or what disposition should be made of ait it lam iam I 1 am only speaking of the necessity orsome action on the subject that we should pass some bome bill either this with amendments or some other bill in view of the condition of ef things in utah it seems to me is patent to every person now the question is whether we shall spend hair half fi airan alfan an hour or an hour at this time of the night for tho purpose of disposing of this bill or whether we shall have a scramble here over private bills and let this go over it seems reems to me that on every princia principle i I 1 6 can possibly think of it is due to the country that wo we should take up this bill j and make some disposition of it the PRESIDENT pro tempora temp ten borc the question recurs on the motion of ef the senator from new jersey to take up the utah bill the question being taken by yeas and resulted w yeas 25 nays mays 23 1113 so n iha ifa was edg agreed fe e d to 0 mt V ni e mr As aj the utah bill has been taken up mr lotus get on with it i I 1 mr nir SARGENT there thero la is a bill which has passed the house to prevent the slavery of italian children reported favorably by the judiciary committee of this body I 1 do not think it will take a minute to pass it if it is passed there is 18 all an aluen amendment dment reported reported by tho the judiciary committee that the house can concur tn in it is a a most humane billj billi and I 1 trust it may bo allowed to pisa sl the bill was read rend the third time and passed c SENATE washington juno june 3 mr FRELING HUYSEN I 1 now how dhove that wo we proceed to the consideration kide hide ration of the utah bill I 1 have this statement to make mr PRAGUE we ba have i v e div nive five e minutes ini yet for the calendar mr rl HUYSEN I 1 have this statement to make the tho PRE tempore the bill will come up in six minutes without any notice mr I 1 have the hoor floor now and I 1 wish to make my statement the tho bill as it will be presented to the senate willbe will be free from all objection by any anyone one who wants to have order and law in utah for I 1 have prepared asea dues duds of amendments which will prune the bill of anything that could bo be objectionable to any one who wants law there the attorney general has written to us he has told me this morning that you cannot convict any person who is guilty of crime and that the territory is ina in a lawless condition now it seems to me that when we have that opinion from the administration tlona when the tile house of representatives has passed a bill that it is our duty not to adjourn until we establish law there and now I 1 want further to say that if nily any member of the senate thinks that the amendments which I 1 will propose do not render the bill unobjectionable I 1 will accept any amendments in reference to polygamy and bigamy so PO arjust as just to nave have a bill which establishes law in that territory as in every other and with those modifications I 1 think the bill can be passed in ten minutes mr SARGENT I 1 wish most earnestly with the senator that there may be order in the territory I 1 1 think the tho proposition the senator makes to eliminate from the bill anything relating to a disturbing course there which he mentioned may facilitate the passage of the bill I 1 am afraid and have been veen for some years past on account of the high condition of fanaticism ofa of certain people in that territory that we might have a civil war there I 1 know that they will go to the wall if that civil war comes I 1 know that their fertile fields will be plowed with the plowshares of war and their homes will be de aasted that the thrift the commendable I 1 thrift which now exists will cease and there will bo be desolation because they cannot stand up against the government of the united states but I 1 also know that they will stand up I 1 speak from considerable and a somewhat intimate knowledge of the persons and conditions of things in in utah I 1 believe they will stand up and involve these consequences I 1 think further that the progress of time the influx of gentiles is wearing away that prejudice religious or otherwise on the part or of the people of utah and is gradually I 1 solving this question I 1 think t av they nid aid are in the condition of an ioe foe berg berb that has broken nhom hiom h om its fastenings in the north and floated down into the warmer seas dissolving on all si desand that soon this question will disappear from public view unless you aggravate it by aggressive gres sive measures unless you bring force to bear against them and compel them to resist and we all know religious wars never succeed or very rarely succeed in putting pu n g down the sect against whom t they be y a arm amm I 1 waged I 1 think it is better to leave that guestion question ion to time avisay as I 1 say and if these provisions can be eliminated from the bill and an amendment which I 1 wish to propose saving paving the jurisdiction of probate couts which are the county courts of utah to pass upon the matters relative to town sites as is provided by the united states laws in regard to town sites I 1 will make no opposition to 0 the bill certainly no factious opposition il will not attempt to talk against time or embarrass the senate in any way with that understanding I 1 have no objection to the tho bill coming comin t up and being considered the PRESIDING OFFICER OF elcer rICER mr anthony in the chair the question is ig on the motion of the senator from new jersey the motion was agreed to and the senate as in committee of the whole proceeded to consider tho bill EL H IL N no 0 in relation to the courts and judicial officers in the territory of utah mr RAMSEY BAMSEY I 1 hope tho senator from new jersey will allow the bill to be laid aside informally to uuie 1110 lake lahe up the post po st route bill mr I 1 havo have no power to give way to any one oue i an and shall not mr bir ramsey BAMSEY then mr nir denti dent I 1 will make a last effort to save the post route bill I 1 move to lay ay this bill aside and proceed to the tho he consideration of the post route bill lill which will require some time for its enroll enrollment menti menty in which every one here is more or less interested and aud for which I 1 am very much jm im fortuned lor tor turied tuned both by members of the souse youse and senate tho the PRESIDENT NT pro the senator from minnesota moves to lay jay aside the present and all prior orders and proceed to the consideration of the post route bill mr nir FRELiNG HuYsEN and mr HOWE hown called for the yeas and nays the yeas and nays were ordered mr HOWE I 1 simply want to say gay myself that if we never have another post route bill in the senate of the united states I 1 will try iry to be content if it is necessary to forego any more in order to have that small modicum of legislation which is required in order to commence anat and prosecute a suit sult Q u I 1 t to judgment in any one of the courts of the united states whether within the limits of a state or within the limits of a territory youcan you cannot do that today to day in the territory of utah you cannot convict a criminal there and I 1 think the first work for foh us to do is to accomplish t that hat labor jabor and aund if we cannot accomplish P lish that as I 1 said before save at he the t expense of that very important b bill III lii which Is in the hands bands of my friend from minnesota I 1 would rather sacrifice that if the senate differ from me I 1 want to know who the individuals are that differ mr MORTON there is need for legislation in utah there is no doubt about that but I 1 think there is not time to deal with so delicate and difficult a question as exists there in the few hours we vve have left I 1 am satisfied that this bill will give rise to discussion and that there will be differences of opinion about several provisions in it I 1 think there is not time and for one I 1 shall vote for the motion made by the senator from minnesota mr FRELING HUYSEN mr president I 1 would say to the senator from indiana that I 1 have submitted the bill to those who ha have havo ve be been et i most opposed to it andl andi and aud I think hink they will eli ell eliminate minati from it everything that is objectionable and I 1 3 mr r 1 rac B it is quite plain flain that there is no difficulty iu in passing both bills we have agreed t to 0 adjourn i at four but no doubt th the e house will concur in a resolution extending the time to ten or twelve this evening or until twelve tomorrow to morrow and eilber either elther of these there bills is ot of sufficient im parlance por porta lance i nce not only to justify but require the ibe extension of the session for a few hours therefore I 1 that whichever bill we take up am in favor of taking up the relating to utah and shall so vote we shall act upon both these before we adjourn there is is no difficulty in the way there is no necessity nor for an adjournment at four this afternoon mr nir davis DA vis nearly kearly every state in tha union js Is interested in the post route bill and unless unie sib sit jt passes within the next hour bour it pru drubi bally baily y cannot become a law this session the utah bill can follow it and it passes ten minutes before the expiration pi ration of the sess session lono iono it can become comeal a law aw I 1 hope the post route bill will be taken up and acted on there is no objection to it mr wright WEIGHT I 1 have just u t one word to say about this bill di ll 11 wo avo have been here seven saven months the law officer of the government has pressed upon us almost every week since we have been hero here the necessity of action olfaction upon this bill there is the most incontestable evidence that sueh such a state of lawlessness obtains in that territory that it is impossible to organize orga nizo nize a jury and have a trial and have any criminal crimin a 1 brought to punishment nowie now row we e are hesitating here whether we shall take this bill up and pass it when everybody knows that we can if we will give our attention to it pass that and the post route bill alsoc also aiso before four there need not be there should not be an any trouble in reference to this t h q bill by T the senator having it in charge has stated that it ic will be eliminated of everything that is objectionable object lon ion the only and sole object being can organize their courts and juries and have the administration of or justice in that territory ns as they have in the tho states and other territories and yet at this time it is insisted that we shall jay this bill aside and pass a bill that we are as certain to pass before wo adjourn is as any bill that we have passed on the calendar before mr nin ItU luu ramsey BAMBEY ISEY why does the senator so hil hii infer fert ferl mr Girr I 1 am arn very certain tb hat thero thele wall be no adjournment f this congress without passing he bill the senator from has in charge we can pass this his bill and p pass that just as easily five we turn our attention to them as we have done the business this morning mr ramsey BAMSEY the post route bill is an important bill hill to all the new mew portions or of the country in the west and south the poorer portions of the country they have the greater interest in it without it il they cannot get their malls mails improvements prove ments are extending and settlements tle ments are thickening both in the south and west and yet you deny them mail facilities with all the expenses of the post office department they cannot participate unless these post routes are legalized by law the older portions of the country are indifferent to it IL the state of maine blaine that the honorable senator comes from who has opposed op os the taking up of this bili blip bill so strenuously lias has its malls mails supplied by railroads they are post routes by jaw they require no special I 1 legislation n but these remote and new now settlements in the west and south are entirely without these facilities unless this bill passes however trifling some gentlemen may consider the thing to be mr LOGAN it seems to be almost impossible to have any legislation in reference to questions involving involving 9 certain matters connected with the territory of utah time and again the attempt has been made I 1 do not say nor will 1 I that it is a disgrace to congress that they will not act upon a proposition of this kind but if there is anything ap pro preaching aching a disgrace attaching to the congress of the united states now in existence it is the fact that in one end of the capitol a polygamist sits and no man has the nerve to turn him out of the congress of the united states if there is another approaching disgrace it is that congress congles s has not the manhood and the boldness to stand up and strike istrice at this bhame shame and disgrace to the tile institutions of this country pro the chair thinks it is ia not in order to make 8 such sueh references to lo the other othen house ido use mr then I 1 withdraw w what I 1 said in ia reference to the house but I 1 do not in ia reference to the polygamist I 1 appeal to senators on ori this floor I 1 know many of us have been reminded during this session that the republican platform had something to do with legislation I 1 do not think platforms have anything to do with legislation but inasmuch as I 1 have been reminded of it let me remind senators here time and again you have announced to the world that this 11 twin relle relic of barba barbarism rigin 11 should be extirpated from this country and yet in the last session of congress con ress and now when this bill is brought forward to give div e power to the courts court sto to administer adm iniste r j ustice in that territory the same as it is elsewhere in conformity comfor mity with the tilo law we find men ready in every Ios los possible sible sibie way to lo thwart legislation for the tho purpose of allowing the courts to administer just justice icela in that |