Show T rhe THE HE PE becent recent 0 EN T S NOW SNOW 1 isol BODIES DIES of OV ta cne THE 1 by courtesy of mr aiva alvs butier butler we are enabled to ao present biome some aj additional dit ional lonal taets facts regarding the fatal snow enoW slide Blide in big tte tle parties part patt iea lea who wre Be archin forthe act oher oner t bodies rf of mr and mrs beckett and end alte children childred were stu in n p thein jon lon thurmay thursday apal APAU last 1 hlf elf fc f i t they were under u four feet of snow packed olid they vere were not tro zene lint tint natural aa as they lay in bed the husband aa were in one bedana Ixida nd theother theather four children drena td twO girls and tw boys were in another the eldest child abgill a ahi aur was eleven and a nna n the others were graded down at intervals of two years between the slid eoIn eoln all air probability occurred a week ago imbt last night at which alme timea ii terrible wind storm prevailed mr te tele kett keth was figee aged about and bis his wife thir i ty alve 0 i the jeakle came down 1 own the 1 mountain about half a mile land in its descent was divided by uby a huge hoge mock rock the larger half striking the old sates bites house and demolishing it j the iti lii inquest guess quess wag was heid held today to dagand day and the tue burial will probably be conducted at I 1 pm p m tomorrow to morrow feoff ferl SV priesthood riest hood meeting tha regu tega lan lac meeting priesthood will convene in the Assembly hall hail on saturday march ath Rt lLAm ati ilam tuna tyna W clerk committed ahe bo bay boy y Johi JohnI Tash Nash who attempted attempt pd to hobt oa a lad iad ladna admel nied peati et titon on basuray furay Ba turay corn eim ta jail to await awalt the action cf of toe ip default of 0 Ne keeting eting the he sewen ties IQ will PIM pil aho ako uke ahe that meeting wednesday evening at 7 at the ahouee I 1 i t I 1 tf clerk of farst of sleven eirven Ei eyen even it iest 1 augh tand tana tolt ted bat rasi week james johnson and und an dFrank frank Prank of aina alna went to evan dissipate while ol rason kvas ivas was lindae him of j hism bia hla money on and started weah on ajl aji a V ji P atra iff fum he aj at echo and taken back wheres nol lo ue 10 was committed ini default of to await awalt tae abeln of the grand ayi theu the U oad it jt ap pears from the from the evanisto tu Chief loira glihf fhe the rali rail road load tp tab lab Is wt a dead issue lane aa As has haa ipen inin peguy supposed of late fote I 1 I 1 the 11 utah etah t th A railroad will bewz be wl with W steel rails ralis wee wel weighing 9 g pounds yard cr JOT nine nide ty 0 of rals raws pernile ir 1 segus negus manager has haa cretu returned e from new nevy an 1 I a row at hoine hope in ogden that accident T be fulla ame of ot the carpenter mentioned in sat fiat uy dayis dayla Z having broken his amice amiee bouse house throop th he roof root be lie at was waa fritz was waa held on Saturday benin by coroner verdict being in accordance with the facts the boty bota was waa conveyed to coli coll nied to the carew carel of the wife and flat fuai Ay nit fit the tho deceased he was wag 62 years aw wy anda and a native of germany the she prowlers trow Irow lers last rast night an anti antl meeting Vashel 4 la jil the M E church it I 1 was yaa euch ench gather inasio inget hourt bourt the kov kev co aa ikas IWAs i moe roe 1 e I liah ilat walen waher j efured to be bennied lir tir fired up p with the spirit of hii his reH gion glon being inc int slanderous Ali pil helve delve and even vulgar even devoting a portion of his remarks to 0 thoeub the subject 6 carrots dar far rots governor murray lot let off some rhetorical are tire crackers about the stars and stripes and also talked in the thel spirit of bf bitterness bakera man with a at disordered spleen he evinced edan an over plus pius of word and a dearth of ideas that t vas was not hot entertaining ex judge rudge boneman boreman principally conspicuous for 1319 his insignificance w was as exceedingly personal and abu esver ivec the little red rd haired hatred man used asid as aw white haired villain etc eter nobody how ever nays pays layer madr much lom tom to this homdt nonen nonentity try tUy general bane was wax more nore baneful ful ever before this lp was ap by tile government to but a frery large pot bonlon pol tion of ylia ila to that tbt are ate lauch lanch bette better athan ihan than himE himself elf elt an was milde made to the it was waa thought at first gd vIAble advisable to ponnie pannie daffia the voting upon v ner per crusade resolution inimical to tho fh Monnon oriff sr il to df the an afia U society it was de eded to accord the priti lr i lege lego ele efe of mf voting to the whole meeting the r motion fotion on the adoption of th the a resti risti resolution lution was carried carri carrl ed when the contrary vote ivas was cal cai called I 1 ed about halt half a dozen i negatives responded res PO add this ei enraged rived some of the large soured magnanimous minded winded d liberals liberate to sucha such a degree that some come efthem of them palled failed forthe for thoo or voters to be put out one of the latter a young fellow remarked that if that was going to be done now was the time to start in but the bouncing business was wo not resorted to ta it itis is a curiosity to nota note tb the polita cat al status of the four speakers at this I ign ln 1 fot lur morill powwow pow pa W wow v first sectarian preach er and reputed Federal office seeker ril elt 11 HM mii Mij urray rray federal office holder third jacob S boreman ex federal office holder t f fourth M M bane federal office holder 1 med ved IH IN THE SNOW SOW S snow about 35 miles from taylor apache county A tj T at a place called phoenix park brother james hamer if amer a young man mati who was ju lt the employ of nelson beb bab bebej went out huntu OB iho the of january in IR COM r anaw th daniel camp after aw ani unsuccessful trin trip they deci decided dett to return home it was snowing atthe time and the thie two in hopes cf cl finding ome forne turkeys took different dif dlf ferent lerent paths around a hill ago agreeing to meet in the valley bej tej ond ono camp arrived ar rived at the point they were to meet nee t at but hamer did not and the former feimer returned to phoenix A number of men started staffed out to hunt f nor for or hamer and alten alter several beveral days search failed to find him more help was got from taylon and the hunt for ube ibe missing man was waa kept up without ceasing for thirty elgut t day aay a but na no trace of 0 him has baa been bion william Bee Beebe be one one oae oi of thi the search ets e returned to twy Tay loron the night bight of the tho dinst it having been con awed to abandon the search until the snow bLow leaves leaver tha the ground the efforts made mady to recover brothe hamer hag haye haw been very worthy trio boys having endured considerable hardship traveling about upon pack animals ov erthe hard ham crusted snow enow james hamer was 22 years of ago age and abd has hasi 11 olur fiur vur jur brothers brot ners nera and 0 one n e aiso sister I 1 living la irk the vicinity vici nty of provo utah the family emi emigrated grated from pennsylvania to utah about jive five years ago agog vcr ati for these details to brother fiorenza Ii orenza H hatch |