Show WW va 0 4 1 wM nr 1 eon I U lol goi 4 fik nik fit sf ai ri 2 SALT mare MAXE ctr WU jan january ua ry 16 11 editor bipere deseret newsy j I 1 3 td every one oce interested 4 an the chewel wel wei kiet klet rief our common country and es I 1 peo p pec lally of this particular portion tle hie fhe tie present reseat of affairs presents anub a sub it jeo Jec act well twell worthy their attention from t time lm Ini memorial immemorial men haken have beenen been boen engaged ina lna in a continual struggle to main tain tain inviolate the great principles of civil and ind religious liberty through the pulpit at the bar of ie justice in appeals to the people through the press and the mighty of wide spread publications land and Bome some sometimes timea recourse has been had to the strong arm 0 of f might and with award sword and bayonet the way has been opened up fo for the light of liberty or the thoc foor loor of hope hasteen has been enclosed be closed and men have bound their necks to the cruel yoke of tyrannical masters their minds and their bodies held subject to the cruel kindness of bigoted governors judges and adment administrators k of law dinall its ramifications neat ficat ions lons it 16 beems meems strange that men can be lound found who are willingto willing to act the part of tyrants and oppress their fellow men but judging from the past the i ment mend men gan dan can always be bund found when the occasion s ilon presents itself and in reading the history f d ina inn iia lna measure to overlook the teraun tyrannical leal teat actor f anero artero a casar or a bonaparte in the vastness of their projects and the immensity of their thein successes but for the little tyrant I 1 the one that I 1 mushroom like springs from the accumulated filth and carbage garbage of some bome dark corner and for a short period is clothed with gik a little brief authority and dB uses esthe the opportunity offered to vent vert his spleen on his hib fellow men for such men language falis fails to convey the feelings in fb regard to them and we vie can only take steps to protect th the e factories ol orles ories from the disagreeable effluvium that surrounds their persons and their acts and turning our eyes away refuse to look upon the filth of the wallow into which they throw themselves or behold the vomit to which they have returned tyrants in all ages of the world are alike in the tho name of law and order elijah was waa driven from the tho habitations of men and forced to dwell in caves eaves and rocks in 16 the name of law and order the lawyer and the learned men of judes judea crucified the messiah in an the name of law and order the spanish inquisition burned men at the stake and at a later day the same feeling drove the puritan fathers from the itherland mor mo therland and still later joseph and arid hyrum hynum smith with a host of others were sacrificed upon the self same altar by modem modern civilization today to day men have been found who have inherited the same tyrannical spirit and in the name and order are moving heaven and earth to break the spirit of independence and liberty that the people of utah have guarded I 1 so jealously awid arid but for the feeling in the hearts of the mass of mankind not many days would elapse ere petty tyrants would find cause sufficient for the same came cry that was wash heard eighteen h years ago within the walls of the soly city crucify him crucify him and mahac ano another ther then wickliff or another huas HUBS might be fouad found in our midst whose religious tenets needed purifying at the stake or perhaps the religious ideas of one class laa bof of people may not exactly chime in with the belief and practices of another class consequently another la required in the name of law ari nd order dorder for one agrow weary of this endless round this never varying style etyle of ont out raging humanity ilithe in the sacred name of law an dorder often clothed about with the sanctity of religion uen hen are are told that for beliefs bak sake e they shall be denied the righta rights of citi citizenship zenshi the right to sit as jurymen juryman jury men and indrea incredible ible ibie as it may beem seem seem beem men are today to day buffering suffering the loss of liberty incarcerated with within inthe the strong walls of prisons on account of the belief in and practice of certain religious religions tenets and do the people of the IT S think where the end of all this will be do they not know kno vy that tyrants seek for excuses whereby to take away the rights of mankin dand the last tolerance of their acts endangers chevery the very tery life of independence already the fruits of misrule are to be seen cropping out in our olvy city and territory the columns of bf your paper mr editor contain ever evet and anon the details of df some rome deed of violence men aio aie rio 1 arbot 1 1 ed ardd arid robbed on our bide side wa ad drinking saloons rid zid gambling helliard hel hei hells liand 1 and baudy bandy houses are multiply log in our since 0 of tg ostensibly in xay fay favor 0 r of law and order A way la Is gradually op opening eining up whereby we wa dayrld may rid ourselves of th aa sa political cormorants cormo ranta and again restore to our hitherto quie and orderly city its former good name and reputation tarnished as jt it has been by the acts of a aring gring 1 ring who have adopted a rule pr dr ru ruin a motto EXTEMPORE SALT BALT lue LAKE CITY jan li 1872 I 1 I 1 I 1 editor deseret newa bean bear ear sir clr I 1 had been an episcopalian many years a sincere and devout baptist not a few had mingled with wesleyan and primitive methodists pres byte rians catholics and other prominent but bul I 1 discovered year years saxo sago ngo ago that th the e american stripling plink of mormon notor notoriety lotY was more than head bead and shoulder shoulders 4 above them all in everything pertaining to the gospel of jesus christ and the government of god that whilst the former might be ae adapted to their day and age they were utterly incapacitated bated to stand in tha the day of gods power when everything that can be ba bashakes shaken shall be shaken when the church and kingdom of god on the earth united as the host of heaven shall be extended from the theal theil rivers vers to the ends of the earth and the kingdoms of this world become tho the kingdoms ams of our lord and his christ it is not nob marvelous marve lous loua that the prince of darkness should inaugurate an im lm mediate and uncompromising warfare against thib this wor work kand hand and aud employ all his power powen and influence 0 t pull down and destroy that which eventually would banish him and bib bis infernal legions from the earth he could fraternize with christians orthodox an and d i dox doie with greek cathlia Cath ilc lic ilic protestant and jew he was was undisturbed by re formations revivals and religions of multitudinous variety patronizing bl lri ble blo societies missionary enterprises peace pence conventions convention evangelical alliances and every other christian enter ter prise with genial satisfaction but bat when joseph smith received instructions 1 to organize the church of jesus christ with apostles and prophets and it commenced to spread abroad the adversary discover dl discovered scover eci unmistakably that his kingdom was in danger it was not difficult for him to persuade the hireling clergy to close their churches against every representative i of the new church and to raise a long and continuous bowl in all their chur churches chesto to beware of false prophets and new revelations the howl was reiterated from pulpit and press until the whole christian world were put thoroughly on the defensive by clo cio clodin 91 n gi g their churches their houses bouses and their hearts against the servants of god and the everlasting gospel restored from heaven these precautions however were insufficient for the spirit of god attended the ministration of the word and went before the elders opened the hearts of the honest until thousands believed the truth rallied to chestand the standard of zion and united their testimony with apostles and prophets concerning this great latter day work it did not take long for his serene highness and his allies to discover their untenable plat piat platform form and the danger to which prie and kinge raft were exposed by the introduction of the church of jesus Chri christana stand to cope with it with any prospect of success they would have to take the offensive and avail themselves of lies lles mob mobs s and murder murden tactics with which their leader had been famil familia larIni rin fin othen other nages rages ages when the kingdom of god was upon the earth hence we nind find at av a very early period of the history of othe the church of jesus christof christ of latter latten day saints th that atthe the ohr Chr christian fadin ladin world was flooded with the most preposterous lies concerning joseph smith and hia bla foli l lowers verifying the old proverb alle aile will travel round the tho world balat truth ig Is putting his boots on jint but bui fortyune for tyone years has produced wondrous changes and truth bs has got hia hla hoots boots on and aud is sure of an ultimate victory thanks to the almighty I 1 who revealed in this age the wonder wonderful tul fat power of steam and electricity and their scientific adaptation to the wants of a progressive time truth can now travel as fast as ag its antagonist agonist t and has not shown i superiority by overtaking and squelching the monstrous creations of apostates unjust judges lying correspondents and ana other othen reputable disreputable is characters designed by their authors to bring odium disgrace and destruction upon the latter day saints N not ot only have lies base and diabolical i proved futile and unsuccessful against us but mobs led by christian ministers tM and priests have spent their hellish fary oary fury fary upon us ul in yain and in their anici abili anxiety ety and zeal zeni to destroy the church of jesca christ have not hesitated to shed the blood of prophets and saints in thib this hige age and upon this land boasting of its freedom to every man and every creed and still we live and prosper and rejoice in the victory given us by our lord lyord jesus jesu a christ sacred history hii bli tory gives no account of men bearing credentials from the almighty officiating as apostles prophets and elders who were not abused persecuted and we sought by their en emlea modern history cannot show any system that will begly to compare in its results with the magnificent ent achievements of this latter day work under the leadership of bf apostles and prophets taken from the common walk walks 9 of society who by the wisdom of god have battled against the established dogmas traditions and religions of otmen men notwithstanding the opposition and au d hostility of of danat fanatical iest leaders and of the tho powerless and godless religions of christendom and abs m bs and aimle inflamed with the most base and fiendish passions of chica mankind 13 susceptible which have too often culminated in plunder arson and deliberate murder these humble self denying and indomitable representatives besof of the lapo Japo stolle giap goabel el have travelled through a and cold hearted world preaching the gospel without purse and scrip in every nation that would receive them have baptized and emigrated emig a great people from the downtrodden down trodden nations and by a masterly combination of this in some respects heterogeneous material have organized a community in these mabun mountains that has no equal on the earth for the purity of its principles and doctrines for its indefatigable industry its indomitable perseverance its temperance and morality and its unparalleled success socially soc Boc lally religiously and intellectually ly it is quietly biding its time poll politically when the predictions of prophets concerning it will ba be fulfilled gloriously celebrated warriors who distinguish themselves by the wholesale slaughter of their fellow citizens and fellow christians are deferentially honored as the heroes of the age and such men are chosen as the rulers and arbiters of bf nations but we honor and bow in defer anea anca to those men whom god has chosen se n to proclaim his law and establish hi his hib a government in the midst midat of an apostate world who have to grapple with wickedness in high places and cope with illegal proceedings of legislative judicial and executive authorities who spend their time in stemming the torrents of social religious and political corruption who at the sacrifice of every worldly consideration have bave established the church of jesus christ upon the earth so neither the powers of earth nor the powers of hell can prevail against it these are the heroes who merib merit the deference honor and love of this generation yours respectfully JAMES H HART hant BEAVER CITY jan lath 1872 editor debret news dear sir in your semiweekly semi bemi weekly issue of the dinst I 1 see reference made to a charge by the enemies of this people that non cormona cannot get justice in the territorial courts while amor mor conall mona mons are not pro properly I 1 perly dealt with wt what you have hav 0 said laid of the tho probate court of salt lake county la true as the dockets will show of both justices and probate courts throughout the territory ri I 1 might instance scores of cases in which our courts have given judgment menkin mentin in favor of outsiders against resident cormons mormons Mor mons one lately where an outsider gained three successive judi judgments against a prominent mormon in a justices court the mor Nor mormon nion de ide fondant fen dant feeling sigil aggrieved eved and two 0 of J t the judgments being too abo small to admit of an ra appeal the whole was brought before the Pro probity binte court by a writ of certiorari where the judgment of the lo 10 lower W er court was led and it will be recollected that the tho judge of said court is the highest ecclesiastical functionary in the county and that the jus tice of the peace referred to is one of his counselors My space will not allow further re gerences feren ces cea but all ail who question this being but one among the many shi efi similar nilar cases are respectfully invited to exam ine the court records throughout the territory confirmed b by the records of bishes Bish abid high councils courts which outsiders have aho aph appealed eato to expenses after these ird are satisfactorily read allow me to ioviti invite the th e doubtful to the records of territorial and nd district courts and the penitentiary to plain uld matters mattens in of L fact which will show where the seat edit of injustice lies and ho have been the partial judges times almost without number when the territorial courts have found true bills and sentenced both mormons cormons Mor mons and gentiles to the ithe eave tavo penitentiary the district judiciary have turned thern them loose upon the community emboldened to daring contempt of territorial authority I 1 know of one case of a desperado convicted before a probate court for shooting with intent to kill being turned loose by a district j adge and he has prosecuted the probate court for fifty thousand dollars damages and the tha general conviction is if tried before sueh such a jury an as is likely to be chosen in said judges court he is quite as likely to gain as losel our oar territorial laws which havethe have the sanction of congress by the provisions provia ions lons of the organic act are ignored except in cases where by straining them contrary to the intent of the legislature they can be made to bear upon innocent citizens I 1 while outsiders who are guilty of the crimes enumerated are set at liberty at city and abid territorial eX expense Dense a and n d yet with these and many |