Show NOTICE I 1 for salea few pure pare bred lei let cester shire ramn barn a from tive five months to two years old also boar and sow bow pigs slivers silvera ohio improved chester whites apply to 11 0 PARK office ol 01 0 jos jog A young I 1 HAVE in my two red and white steer calves small in each left ear the tue owners are requested to prove property pay charges and take them awat away JOHN JORN COOPER GLAZE graze en a pale summit county 1 HAVE in m my possession session a medium sized bay I 1 mule branded brande arp P on left shoulder acut on ert eft bip hip tae the owner Is requested to pay par chares and take takee away dal a w I 1 J E MALIN loth ward NOTICE t f ca U S naud LAUD D OFFICE LAKE mry dry UTAH utan jan J complaint having been entered at thib this office ay iy homer boug Boag tuon of balt silt lake county against 89 anat john Lovin dable danle for abandon ng h his a homestead om estead entry ko no dated aug 26 1853 1833 upon the youth east Y of bouth south west f and latno lot not noa 7 bea see six 6 and lots no 1 and of f section agven haven 7 township 3 bouth south range oe 1 east in bait lake county territory of wit with a view to the cancellation of or said entry the sald said parties are hereby summoned 0 o appear at this Is office on a the eth ith day of 1 1872 at 11 10 a m 4 10 respond and testimony concerning said saia alleged und and aiho aleo john w ilson who nied filed 3 S no icso 0 for far lots lota 9 and 6 and south erst kast i tl North orth west ya and north east rast south west wesl west bee see six 6 3 bouth houth 1 east Is hereby notified 0 appear on that day and show cause why said r not ba be cancelled GEO B X MAXWELL 1 t 1 T patent hard steel rp ill ILI L foi Q lwi IWI w s m made only by anies AMES PLOW COMPA IffY or of akyi Arri agricultural cultural impie ments and machines hall rail t 33 BOSTON OSTON mas aw j S send bend end for descriptive circular Cir gular pular fa abao db il ban baa ao 0 O 1 fada 1 aa 1 n 4 a ca tei gei 9 01 0 o im SINGER DINGE mi 11 n SEWING WING ILI iki E MACHINES ses NEs 4 is THE eat VAT YEAR Y E A B american june jume i i p pr or A 1 da 11 i r f f 0 o u 1 0 o r l 4 T 1 U tor tol S the aj singer g compan Comp tny arly AT THE wa 49 MW 1 am ac X IL 9 cons by the homes of the people e fe t moc noc received c ived ivea the great areat award awara of tho highest sales I 1 and all ali rivals B far behind them 1 As the following article shows J 66 sewing SEWING MACHIN JEl sayes SAIES FOR 1870 1 ti OT tad vad f r ev t liz lil fiz B the magnitude to which the tho manufacture of sewing mi machines chines has att attained alfted Is kh ownby te the swoon returns tto tio which anyone can have access of the manufacture manufacturers for the year 1870 ino to the owners 0 of f th the leading patents on which they pay a toy royalty alty according to these returns tetanus he number of machines sold by each manufacturer in 1870 id is as follows the singer manufacturing company com cow dy anc wheeter wheeler Com company parly howe machine company grover baker sewing machine i ni eed sewing sawing maehl da compan compau ij 4 wilcox gibbs 6 hewing machine compact company 98 american Batton button hpe company Oo florence sewen hewing sewing machin machine 9 company com oom piny gold medal modal sawing machine etna sewing machine company empire sewing machine company 7 finkie finkle lyon nyon manufacturing company 2420 parham sewing sawing machine company 50 ao 50 and several other companies who sold a few it will be seen roon by this table that the popularity of the singer machines far exceeds that of all others therb their sale bale being one h hair half air alf greater than even that of the famous wheeler wilson wilsom Wll wil son soa machine llach ine lne this Is owing to the fact that the singer company have lately commenced making their old oid and well established manufacturing ing machine what Is known as their sow now new now family fly ily yin Bra nachine machine ehino chine which Is selling at the rate of n nine ine ins to one better than the old style their total otal sales for 1869 were machines against the of 1870 showing au an increase orone or one la in gho tho latter year mew york sun ehe che total sales of 1911 singer machines are very nearly THREE quarters arters QU OF A MILLION I 1 H U I 1 two rno rn o third of which were sold within the laso last throe Thre tears eYears and all are in ST l DAILY kait DAIT j Y tte U I 1 and still here chere are agents for even n the poorest machines who persist in the most nn an yinshing clashing nir manner 99 in decrying oars ours as if it it were possible for the 60 and end increasing majorities of singer bar Par purchasers chasers to be ral lav ma staken taken re are not so vain as to suppose that these large lare sales are duo to su superior business capacity so much as to the superior merits of the singer machines as well as the cl observation IB OF THOSE WHO BUY AND uses USE andare ard arg personally interested in comparing the merits of or tho the dif dlf different lerent 1 machines before making a selection 1 the TUE HEW NEW FAMILY r SINGER SEWING MACHINE birtt attachments FOB FOR all ASI KINDS OF ye we claim and ban oan can show is the cheapest moat most beautiful delicately arranged nicely ai adjusted asted operated and smoothly of all the family sewing machines it is remarkable loh lot only for the ranke range and variety of its sewing but ant also for the varlet variety yand and different kinds of texture which it will sew wih equal facility and perfection using silk slik twist linen or cotton thread bread cue nue 0 or coarse the CX alamo aliue alike on both sides bides of the fhe fhe the sewn sawn the only STITCH that Is 19 universally approved or la Is at all adapted to 1 1 FIRST CLASS WORK tj t j ihus thus beaber cloth or leather may be sewn with great strength and uniformity of ind and 0 a moment this willing and never wearying instrument may way bi be adjusted even by a child for work ou gauze or gossamer goe samer tissue or the tucking of tarlatan or raffling ru taing or almost simoi t any eny dikiy other ther work which delicate fingers ringers have been known to perform all ul machines sold guaranteed to give entire satisfaction I 1 T ae e r X rno s tc to sult luit suit S u it ali all 9 MACHINES nE PAIRED REPAIRED AT reasonable nates KATES I 1 HA wo CHARGE FOR CARTAGE WITHIN SALT lare LAKE BEWARE leware of spurious Spur ious lous needles poor foor silk bilk twist linen and cotton thread bad oil oll etc which may render the best machine useless the singer binger company manufacture their own needles silk bilk and twist furnish tur fur niall lin linen en and cotton thread and oil all of superior quality but which can be relied on only when obtained through their principal or branch offices HE UE singen SINGER COMPANY COMP alty have for thelast the past three I 1 ears been unable to supid supply the tile amand for their machines though much ilas has been done to increase their manufacturing as a les ies much more Is being done at home and abroad in enlarging their present man ies les bril brelding ding new ones availing of the best machinery and the services ol 01 the most skillful artisans in the hope of being able to accept propositions for agencies where such buell are not noi established establishes though they are now tolerably well represented throughout throng bont hont the civin zid world horld lo 10 sure sore to wet set the best rest before yon you purchase ha ba enre sure to aeo see the swim swin geles at the central general quency singer sewing machine depot Z CL 0 ir 1 I 1 EAST TEMPLE ST second M door south borth of eagle emporium sala SAM laake tax my CITY a mv tf mtr S mph 9 i i i 14 jjr r f I 1 it lt io |