Show some gentlemen of wealth ani an i influence are dis discussion discussing cussin pi pl ins for the relief of the colored people who are thrown on the community for support by the chances chanced ot 0 war they propose to e some come ei extensive tracts cf of land lana in the he lie hood bood 6 of worcester massand mass and in in new haina shire where tenement houses can call be erected at small cost aid where the industrious habits babits of the people i will anford afford an excellent example to tile the poor negro it is supposed that factories will furnish ample for the male and female children while the farming knowledge if bf the fathers can be put to goo good d account on the lands it is hoped that the pr prejudice judice against clor will mill not be found to P prevail rev ailin in those parts of the country ait aft a it ft colas coias oas oes in other portions anil anti that t e ca celdren ildren of the black blacka bill ill be a ilow allow liow to mingie mingle freely with those oftie f tie white abit e inba inhabitants s in ili schools and out of them and that the privileges of eq equality ualifi in churches chur ebur clie ches hotels railway car cars theaters and bublie c places ii it general will be readily extended to them by the enlightened people of ot massa ausetts hu it is la esil esli estimated mated that e of col cot mizing twenty thou sab a t a in mars macs s chu will aly be abo e tentie part of the ex expense of sending them toj toL iheria ibena or Ceri cerl central america we hae have nothing to say in favor of the plan journal Jo urual tf L commerce thee tuff LOWER lowen CLASS who are they the tolling millions milf rons ions the lahori X men and arid women the ther fa fain fair 14 r n the meehan c the artist the inventor the producer r far from it theae these are natured natures nobility nobi nobl ltv ity gods goas favorites the salt of the earth no imater iv bether whether they are high or I 1 w v in station rich or poor in pelf conspicuous or humble in po iton they are a the tipper r circle in the ader of nature whatever the tire fa lis is of fashion abe society it is not riot low it is is the hi highest c hest best duty privilege pleasure lor for the great men and tle whole women to earn what hat they possess to work their wy way through life to be the architects of their own fortune some may remark the clas clars sirs fers we have nl 41 laded to are only rel hively low sow dav ard and in fact the maddre classes we ive tre lve insist that they are absolutely the vry v ry highest Is there a class of bellas on eaith m who lio ito may pr perly be denominated low if so go 1 it t Composed is of ahoe who consume without pro who adissi pate the earnings of their fathers or relatives wl hout bout laboring or doing anything am thing t hem them J delves selves definition or GOOD goon MANNERs A willei in the tue frantic thui thud what wa we are always theorizing about the world has alays been charmed wi wih b froe fine manners mannera and why should it not riot for ft hat are fine manners but this to carry i your soul on your rip tip in your je 56 in tb the a bahri of your I 1 hand and yet to 0 o stand not riot naked but clothed by your your individual dual quality vs v s ble 3 et inscrutable given to the hearts of others yet contained in 3 your aur own b som eom noly noby y and humanely bretl yet duly t t arid and secured invasion aaion arion polished Poli poll sied sled ni manners minners inners often disappoint appoint t up u good manners never tie tiie tle former be taken on by i d dicent 11 ent souls the latter nob noble leand and opi opulent it nat nature tire NEW KEW FIELD piece pleck A small smail three inch rifled piece said to be bea a Pr invention was recently te ted at fortress monroe and excelled xcell ed in range any guns recently tried there it was posted near the wharf and at it an elevation of about thirty decrees degrees recently lent cent shells into tle te tie woo a at sewalls sewells Se walls point pant where here their sion eion could be seen and heard the lowest estimate of the dla dia distance tance tanca is over gre erp miles |