Show fid eid i widm Wm dm it 1 S 1 if M 1 I ehlt ebia saie sale SAIT laie lafe crry cery i january jati Sati usry uary 2nd and sm yesterday being New years Yeara day I 1 L arter after attending chur q rehn rein reinfred ai fred frea reil seated witha wit beoo boon 4 hand recently rece n tl y written by nn eminent iRu english glish historian po ion Europ european eap hinry In which I 1 found pi appeared to mew jol senoia hence I 1 commit bow mj th them eul eal to if adu thi nic thena 0 raa place in IDL the I N awa ine ile the te iv arter artter vr ten ter atter attar tn tal tai historical facts drawls own of the deflects on society I 1 which these japs facts have bavero bro oro duct t was the conclusions velch J ich induced induces me ine to notice them fon for egr some y yearb years ear eat s mst ast I 1 have been of the opinion thit i eia eio ought not dot to be hin sin great gp gap 1 1 between the madoo orthe of the rulers and of thel deop e and that accurate aco aeo information amon among the tho people as a body lla iia is essential to the well being fa a nation to effect this there ought to be IA idaess and freedom of thought freedom of speech free freedo dobi fhi fai of the reis I 1 and generally grine rally civil libert ilbert i our legislative I 1 department has taken jaten the tho framo flame view in la that it has hag left lert all thebes theses matters to be reg regulated by the corn corp combson hion bion people the historian above referred to expresses his hib b ia opinion 0 in these words worde therefore that the efforts pf af government IQ in favor of civil civilization are aro when most moat successful kral ital altogether neg negative and seeing too that when those tho ae efforts are more than nega negative tini tivi they become lD jurIous it clearly rollo wg that all speculations must ba bg erroneous erro enro neou which ascribe the progress of europe to the its ralena this I 1 is an inference infer aehee which rests not only on ora me the arguments already adduced bub but on facts chich might be multiplied from every page of history for no government having bavine recognized its proper limits the result ia Is that every government has haa indicted inflicted on its great in injuries juries junies and hag haa done this nearly al ways with the best intentions the effects of its protective policy in laj ur ing trade and I 1 what Is far worse in increasing have just been noticed and to these instances innumerable others might bearded be added thus thug during many centuries every government thought it was its bounden duty to encourage religious truth uruth and discourage religious error the mischief this lih has produced id ial incalculable flitting plitting PLit ting aside all other considerations it la Is enough to mention its two headla leading consequences which are the tho increase of and the increase of perjury the increase of hypocrisy is the inevitable result of connecting t any description of penalty with the profession of particular opinions whatever may be the case with individuals it la certain thattie th atthe majority of men nind find an 1 ex extreme trenie difficulty lo 10 long resisting resl resia stin ting g constant temptation abd aad when the temptation comes to them in the shape of honor and emolument they are too often r ehdy ready to profess the dominant opinions kud and abandon nod noc indeed hadeed t thair their belief but the external marks manks by which that belief 13 is 13 chade pu public iio every bian blan man who takes this step la Is a hypocrite crite erite and every government which encourages cou rages this step to be taire talie lr isan abettor of hypocrisy and a creator eri cri stor of hypocrites well therefore ther eforo ina inn may y we say sas thal that when a government I 1 holds oat as a balt bait that those who possess certain opinions bhail shall enjoy certain privileges it plays tho the part of the tempter of oid old old oid and like the Ev trOne basely offers oters the good things of this world to him who will change his worship and leny hu naith atthe at the same bame 6 and as a part of this system the increase of perjury has accompanied the increase of hypocrisy for legislators plainly seeing that proselytes prose lytes thus thud obtained ouid should not hot be relied upon have hilve meb met the dan jan gerby the most extraordinary precautions and compelling men mea to confirm their belief by repeated oath oaths ha have ve thus bon bou son sought ht to protect the old cree creeds c a aga against atie new newa converts averts it is IT this suspicion aal aai to the motives of others which ilas lias h as riven given nise tise to td oaths of every hind and in every diree direction tion in england even evea the bo boat bont at college is forced to swear about matters mattera which he cannot understand tand and which far riper minds m are unable tina vins I 1 bp to master f he afterward goes into Parlia parila parliament md n t be he must again swear about aldge his bis religion and at nearly every stage stag e of political life he i musi must tw tak fresia fresh oaths the solemnity of la Is often strangely contrasted with the trivial functions to which they are the prelude A blomn 0 the deity being thus made mado at every turo tuno it has hab happened as might have been expected bat that t oarb oat ost wi enjoined A as a thatter of couff course e have hava at degene degenerated into a matter of form forni what mat is s lightly tako is broken ken and the best boat observer or sost i bli all society soe soc fety observers 4 igo j charae charac texa tera arlo are very dif dlf different anh and who hod holth tho the opposite are v ail all 01 agreed on this that the perjury babit habitually uail mali practiced in england and of which government ts 13 the immediate creator is Js ed so gen gon general etal t that at ittia ats 6 a 11 source of national corruption haa has diminished dimin labed the value of human waki moh molay and shaken s tha which wile men naturally place in the word of their fellow creatures the olen oen vices and what is la much more moro dangerous the hidden corruption thus thug generated in the midst of society so clety by the ignorant of Chr chriatian christian rul era Is 13 indeed a painful leet hect but jt 1 one onh which I 1 could not onnic ornic in an analysis of tho the cause erot civilization it would be easy to the inquiry still further and to show snow bow how legislators in every st tempt attempt they bey hey have made to protect pro act csome calar interests and uphold 0 id some gome parti particular bulat principles have not oni only y failed but bat hae have brought about results diametrically diametric aly opposite to those which they proposed we have seen that their laws in tavor favor of industry have injured industry that their laws in navor favor of religion have increased hypocrisy and that their laws to secure truth have encouraged perjury exactly in the same direction nearly every coun conn tny try has taken steps to prevent usury and keep down the interest of money and toe too invariable hus has been beon to increase usury and the interest of money for since no llo prohibition however stringent can destroy the natural relation on between damani dem an dan and d supply ft bas has followed that whon when some men want to bow borrow and other men want to lend both parties arg sure to nind find means of evading a law which interferes with their ra mutual rights inthe if the two parties were left to ada adjust us t their own bargain barguin undisturbed the usury would depend oa orl the circumstances of the loan such ia is the amoun amount of security and the chance m 0 o nt butchis natural a N arrangement r au gement has been complicated by too e interference of government A certain risk being always incurred by those who disobey the law the usurer very prop properly ekly refuses to lend his hla moey unless he is also compensated for ewe lwe he ehe danger be he ia Is in from the penalty att hanging over him thib this compensation can only be made by the borrower who la is thus obliged to pay what in reality is a double interest one interest for the natural risk on the loan and ancl another lu terest interest for the extra risk from the law such then is the position in which every european legislature legisla has placed itself by Ey enactments against usury oury it has hag increased what it wished to destroy it has passed laws jaws which the imperative necessities of men com corn compel ahem hem bem to violate while to wind no up thol thoi whole the penalty for fon such vio jatiana falls qu the borrower that ia is oa on the very class in whose favor tle legislators 9 interfered in th amme stoe t ame atoe meddling spirit and with abo same mistaken notions of protection prot bettola the great christian govern mens ni n F have hame hwe bre done other things still more in ur i us they havo have thado strenuous and effort to destroy detroy tho liberty of the press tress and prevent men from tape their keir heir sentiments on the nos irv irb important questions in politics and religion in nearly every country they with the aid of the cU C church have organized a vast system of literary police the sole object of which eh is to abrogate the undoubted right of every citizen to lay his opinions before his fellow catiz citizens elis elas in the very fw fet countries oliero wine they had have stopped short of these extreme steps they have had resource reco teco uree to others less v violent boll ent but equally unwarrantable for even where they have not openly forbidden the free dissemination of knowledge they have done all that they could coula to check II 11 on a all the implements of knor edge and on all the means by which ir 1 is diffused such as paper books I 1 miti alti veal feal journals and the like they lve imposed duties so heavy that they could hardly have done worse if they had been the sworn advocates of popular ignorance I 1 indeed looking they have actie actually liy lii hea heu it ma may y been ba beem baen en a phat caily Cally said thau that they have taxed the human mind they have made the very thoughts of men ment pay toll whoever wishes to communicate his ideas deas to others and thus do what he canto increase the stock of afir our acquire ments must first pour hid his contributions into the Imp imperial erial CriAl exchequer that is the penalty inflicted on nm for instructing ting his fello feilo fellow iv creatures that is the blae blac mall mail which government extorts from litera literature ture andon audon the receipt of which it accords its favor and agrees to 6 abstain fiam and what caused causes all this tobe to oe themore the more imore insufferable tuff erable ernbie Is the uke uie use which is made of these and exact exactions fo na wi lung ting ling ft etota 0 m every industry of goth both boi bol jay I yand and menta mental at it Is truly a frig frightful hiral hirai that tha knowledge Is to ie be anu and id that the ther proceeds eda df h honest ow e clabor labor of patient thought and af profound genius arel arb tobe to be dim laia 1414 bed in order that a large part of their scanty earn tarn earnings ings may go to swell the romp pomp of an idle and ahl ignorant court to the caprice of a few powerful po individuals I 1 and too supply them thru with the me ansof tur turning fling against the people resources resource ff which the people called into existence these and the foregoing statements respecting the tho effects produced on european society by political legislation are not doubtful or hypothetical inferences but are sueh such as every reader of history may verify for himself indeed some of them are still acting in england and in one country or another the whole efthem of them may bo be seen in full force when put together they compose an aggregate so formidable that we may well wonder how in the tho yace face of them civilization has been able to advance that under such circumstances it has advanced is a decisive proof of the extra extraordinary ordinary energy of man and justifies a confident belief thau thai ad s the pressure of legislation is diminished and the human mind less hampered the progress will continue with accelerated speed but it ia is absurd it would be a mockery of all sound reasoning to ascribe to legislation any A bhare share pre pro in the progress or to expect any betje betie fid fit from future legislators except thal thac bort rt of benefit which assists in undoing the work of their predecessors this is what the present generation claims at their hands and it should be remembered that what one generation sol bol solicits lefts as a boon the next generation demands as a right and when the right is refused one of two always happened either the tho he nation has retrograded or else the people have risen should the government overn ment remain firm this is t the he cruel dilemma in which men are placed if they submit they injure their country if they rebel they may injure it still more in the ancient monarchies of or the east their usual plan was to yield iu in the monarchies of euro europe p 0 it has been to resist hence those insurrections ions and rebellions which occupy so large a space in modern history and which are but repetitions of the old story tho undying struggle between oppressors and OP oppressed e seed it would however be alij unjust amr to 0 deny that in one country the fatal crisis has now for several generations been successfully averted in one european country and in one alone the people have bean loan so sofe trong troug and the government ivo iso weak that the history of legislation taken as a whole is notwithstanding a few aberrations the history of slow but constant co concession fi cession reforms which would have been refused to argument have been yielded ie aided from fear while from the a steady at e a d y increase of democratic opinions ion after protection and privilege after alter privilege have even in our time been torn away until the old institutions tut ions though they retain their former name have lost their former vigor ad and baere there no longer remains a doubt as to what their fate must ultimately be nor need we add that in this same country where more than in any other of europe legislators are the exponents and the servants of the popular will the progress has on oa this account been more undeviating than elsewhere there has been neither anarchy nor revolution and the world has been made familiar with the great truth that one main condition of the prosperity of a people Is that its rulers shall have very little power p iwer that they shall exercise that power very sparingly and that they elial eh all ail byno brno by no means presume to raise themselves them into supreme judges of the national interests or deem themselves authorized to defeat the wishes of those for whose benefit alone they occupy the post entrusted to them I 1 j yours tru truly ay iy HISTO ricus BICUS FILL FILLMORE more MORn nii jan 3 1871 W V UPP 9 i pre president of f parent S society tor for improvement pro of horses horned stock etc dear dea br brother at her hez we received jour your circular of december lat 1870 and wish respectfully to report the progress we have made in this tho county in organizing a branch braach society tox toy the im improvement to of horbes horses horned horam stock block sheep neep etc on the day of november 1869 1669 we organized organised zed sed an association for the improvement pro alid atud raising of sheep the of df the association has exceeded our oun expectations when ya yvo e organized the sheep were scattered la fil the settlements p poorly orly cared carid for fon forr and ana d h herded so pear near and corralled in the settlements until they were a albance e and a ti 1 I large sh ar the company ealm caim claim calm the following advantages viz 1 e s lt all the tho sheep are taken from from the settlements |