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Show N James Reston Grin and Bear It Robert Ruark By Liclity The Salt Lake Tribune, Wednesday, March 4, If Viet War Expands-Wh- ats ' - In all the talk about the United States expanding the war into North Viet Nam, it is odd that nobody has even raised the question of seeking the approval of Congress for such a move. Legally, the President, obliged by the Constitution to protect .the security of the United States, may act on his own as commander in chief. Also, he is bound by the Southeast Asia Treaty, ratified by the Senate, to defend South Viet Nam against Communist aggression and such !f aggression has clearly taken place. ' Yet as President Harry S TYu- j man found in Korea, when he acted without-form- al congressional approval to carry out the Tesolution of the Security Council of the United Nations, there is a good case to be made for seeking congressional sanction on political and moral, if not on . constitutional, grounds. Despite all the casual talk about expanding the war in North Viet Nam, there is no reason to believe that President Johnson, particularly in a presidential election year, would do so unless he were suddenly faced with- - imminent loss of the war. It didnt come as a distinct at play - acting dia1ect or off-sho- Goren On Bridge the President with the congressional leaders in any formal way. was less than delighted over the housing problem. I suppose we could have cast Fagin as a Scandinavian, and we could have made a Black Muslim out of Hamlet, just to keep the books straight, and I suppose that the Italians have a point when they dont like to be portrayed as classic gangsters. A A1092 V 6532 QJ10 WEST A 4KQ Parallel AKQ J7 8654 V None . VKJ74 A765432 9 A832 74 SOUTH 3 V AO 109 r 8 4K8 f J 10 9 6 3 The bidding: South 1V East 1 4V Pass. Pass' Opening - 3 V Pass lead: Seven of Declarer played the trump suit as if he had the benefit of a peek into his opponents , hand. In the discussion, how- - ever,hewas I able to clarify his performance to the sa- tisfaction of everyone., South called over- Easts one bid with one heart North offered a jump raise to three hearts which it is to be observed is not forcing. WEST LED the sevqn of clubs, East put up the ace and returned his singleton diaMr. Goren opening ciub mond. West played the ace and another diamond which his partner ruffed with the four of hearts. The defensive book was now in, and East exited with a club, putting declarer in ' the dummy. The fate of the contract rested entirely on how the trump suit was handled. A SMALL heart was led,-Eafollowed with the seven, and South, without any notice- st re-ent-er finesse. South drew the last trump and claimed the balance. , After accepting his 'part: admiring congratulations, South was called on to account for his extraordinary handling of the trump suit WITH SO FEW trumpsTn against me, I knew that after - East ruffed the diamond, the percentage play calls for a single finesse in hearts; however, I was able to glean some very pertinent information from the bidding which con- vinced me otherwise. -On the evidence available 7from the first four tricks, East was revealed to have four clubs and one diamond. HE MUST, therefore have four spades and four hearts,- because holding a five card suit he ' would hardly' have opened the bidding with one club. I accordingly played him for all the missing drumps- .- ur This was not done, however, despite general support in Congress at the time for Mr. Truman's decisions, on the ground that it would be foolish to have Congress debating whether to approve action that was already being taken by U.S. soldiers. -- NEVERTHELESS, one result was that Korea became a major political issue later when the Republicans referred to the conflict as Trumans war. Mr. Johnson, of course, knows all this because he participated in the discussions at the time, THE QUESTION, able' hesitation, played the eight of hearts from his hand. When West showed out, it became routine to the North hand with the ace of spades to repeat the heart ners instructed the Air Force to defend the South Korean air fields and help evacuate American civilians. The next day, Mr. Truman ordered Gen. Douglas to provide air and sea support to the South Koreans. It was on this same day "that Sen. Alexander Smith (E-J.) proposed a congressional resolution supporting the action. Mac-Arth- post-morte- m - A New Yorker drove all the way to California without incident, but once within the city limits of Los Angeles, found himself hopelessly, confused in the complex of overpasses, underpasses, and clover leafs of the freeway system. Finally he pulled up alongside a man who had a lady and four children in the car with him. 'Mister,. implored the New Yorker, can you help me out? Ive been trying to get to the Civic Center for six hours and I wind up at this spot every time. Youre asking the wrong man, Brother, replied the man with the lady and the four children. I aint even gotten home yet from my honey- - - moon. - The - -- . - - - whole neighborhood Persian seraglio, where the customers talk louder than the Loudon. I caught her at her best, with a guy who writes material for her sitting at the next table. . this time I hope hell print it! THIS GUY is named Michael Brown, and he wrote a hilarious thing called Louisiana and another thing caEed MobEe, which are guaranteed to kUl you if you have any sense of humor about the South. (Mah pet name is Beauregard, honeh.) But it seems you cannot sing about the cooking is greasy in old and the gravys delightful shade of blue, or that the corn bread seems to be born dead or (hat they grease them stringbeans until theyre slick (mammys little baby is sick!). They fry things in old and if I lived there Pd be fried, too. , You cant sing it' A fantastically husband finally did something on his own initiative. He dropped dead. His nagging wife mourned her loss and the fact that she had nobody left to badger. A visitor sympathized, How you must miss dear Wilbur. Yes, sighed the widow Wistfully. It seems but yesterday that he stood at that very door, holding it open until two flies got in. Dr. Van Dellen Advice to Cold Sufferers-Get- , however, is whether the problem is to be anticipated in time or left to drift until the President has to act in an emergency when it may not be possible or desirable "to have the. issue debated on The Hill. Maybe it will be necessary to bomb and blockade North Viet Nam, and if men and supplies from China are to be stopped, even beyond in South China. THE FRENCH and the British have their doubts, and the British Labor leader, Harold Wilson, who has been here this week, is clearly against it But the point is that a crisis could develop any day through the action of the North Vietnamese or the collapse of the vention by the U.S. at that moment would oblige Congress to finance a larger war and force the other allies of the SEATD treaty to consider . helpilig in the battle. Keep an Stay Lost The season for sore throats and runny noses is still with .us. The incidence of colds is no joking mat-- ter, considering the statistics "on absenteeism. The American "people have a billion colds - t- jK a year, which cause a loss of 80 million work days in Indus Dr. , try and more than 110 million Van Dellen school days annually. The common cold often includes a large group of upper respiratory infections. There are remedies galore but no cure. . f such as pneumonia, ear infections and sinusitis. The causative agents exist in the throat and nasal secretions. They are transmitted to others through sneezing, kissing, and the common use of towels,' drinking glasses and other freshly contaminated objects. The disease is most contagious just prior to and during the first few days of the illness. This means the victim can pass on the infection before he realizes he has it. . We hear much about pre- ventive vaccines but those developed for upper respiratory Infections are not as effective as the vaccines against other contagious diseases. The same applies to preventive medications. Other Ineffective recommendations include gargles, vitamins, and cold baths and other toughening procedures. OUR BEST BET is to avoid om colds. This is not easy but with a little luck we may be successful. Keep your distance when anyone FOR ALL THESE reasons, the President is obliged to expand the area of consultation before he expands the area of is already the financing a conflict it has not formally .approved and actualC J ly knows very little about, and In an election year, this could easily get the whole operation involved in politics and make the mess even worse than it Is war.-Congre- ss r coughs, She has had to cut Louisiand Mobile out of her ana act At the moment Mike Brown has done a tremendously funny piece for Miss Loudon based on the Ruth Snyder Henry Judd Gray murder trial back when we were all very young, SLOW RIADIRS OR If your child It g poof reodor of o or hot trouble centra Hon toehniquot eon Utah only c reading clml Consultation. IOSTON ftUllDINO , reading center 355-42- V J That every person, from the age of 12 onward, should read one book a month. To be well lmformed to be well armed. anathema to a free people, but if something isnt done, children wUl someday pay a dollar for a glass of milk. Thb MR. BISHOP, what do you believe in? Permit me to answer that one. ' I believe: - fa That the death b penalty should be abolished 'in favor of life sentences in which no' one b eligible for parole for ' That I am lucky to be an ' That the Free Cuba ComAmerican. mittee should Issue 250 million dollars worth of $1 bonds, That thb b the greatest nasen them everywhere, and buy tion in the greatest century in surplus planes, ships and guns of man. the hbtory .with the proceeds, enlist merTHAT THERE isnt one can,- -, cenaries from the free world-andidate in either party big go home fighting. enough to aspire to the Presi- The UJL government dency of the United States. should keep hands off. j That "Red China shoulf be admitted to the United NaThat our problem In South tions. We lock Chinas 600 Viet'NamJYjnot the Commillion people out, while permunists; its our friends there, mitting Cubas six million in. a group of greedy cowards Let Red China fight the Rus- who permit us to "fight for sians where we can all watch. their freedom. , , That we, the people, are .THAT WHENEVER a smaH 180 million political mutes, ' nation like Cyprus or Malaywithout voice, direction or sia or Jordan fires a wild ' goals. shot, we should be first on We have retreated from the scene to stop iti We have out so many smafi political Isolation to personal stomped isolation. We are afraid to fires our feet are blistered. monoThat the voice an honest opinion for wUl on nuclear weapons poly fear It might hurt us in busiwithin five years. When end ness. , , . that time comes, anyone may , THAT THE world b now re- -, press a button. duced to two great powers, That all states should have which could soon be reduced laws against carrying weapto one. That one had better be or unconons, concealed Uncle Sam. , . outside the home. cealed, That no one can buy a friend, .The more we. do ..for other nations, the more they hate us. Let us do less, and . find out who our friends are. t .. You cant get todays young That we are not without to believe that there people stain. The Negro has been was a time when people really neglected and abused for cared who was heavyweight ' 300 years. champion of the world. But he will not speed the process by picket line or forcing his own child into a class where the youngster, cannot pass, Thb b merely grafting the fathers illiteracy onto the son. Give the child a chance to catch up, and then demand integration. OtM the first 20 years. THAT ENGAGED couples should be taught all about the struggle for existence and the blunt truth about the opposite sex marriage-includ- ing . before the big ceremony. That, most of all, we need a leader as the Israelites once needed Moses; as Rome needed Caesar, as the split states needed Lincoln one hundred years ago. A big man. . - WHAT DO I believe? I lieve in these tilings. be- INCOME TAX U.S.-Sovi- NEEDNT -S- EE- BLOCK Hi - co. Phono DA 177 lost Wi South 727 Wost North Tomplo 4122 Sooth Stoto 2112 Sooth Pth lest 040 W, 2500 Sooth, Grongor 2022 South Main, Soontifwl Soaper Says OffUot bit Provo, Cloarfiold, Ogdon, Logan, Pocatolla, Idaha Palls, Eats Waahdays 9 a.m.-- f p.m.. Sot. 9--2 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY W THAT THE war on poverty b a fake. Christ said: The poor ye will always have with you. I Win take Hb word for - A HEADACHE -- it BE - -- That the greatest need in the flit r-- "C v Murderers are about the only thing left in the public domain which b subject to satire. -- And, God knows, the way the town b going theyH probably start a union for their own particular field of endeavor. I come from North Carolina, where I was born of poor but dishonest white parents. I live in a Variety of places, including Spain, Africa, England, New Guinea, France, and New York and in the last named at the Hotel Elysee, which b a French name but the owner b a Turk and I swear Im afraid to make a joke any more about anything or anyj body or even any place. If you say you had turkey for .Thanksgiving somebody gets hurt feelings and throws you out of the hotel.- - John C. Metcalfe MY ROSES When T dream of you, be- loved NON-sectari- has done nothing to stop inflation, and win do nothing because a freeze on prices' and wages would be necessary. the world, organized, you couldnt kid Lizzie Borden, let alone a parlay of Ruth Snyder or a Judd Gray. Portrait "By THAT prayer should be permitted in schoofa. Otherwise, the national motto In God we trust makes hypocrites of us all. carry - nightsticks. That Congress ters: ade- , quate medical- - and surgical care b Impossible for the aged and the poor. American medicine b now the highest paid1) profession in the world. , DISCIPLINE implies Increasing punishment for repeated errors. Teachers should be permitted to use rulers; poUeemen should be allowed to Maggie. Its rough." But if all the murderers in . fa for disci- pline, and the worst thing a father can say b My kid bnt going to have It as difficult as I did. -- ... I see crimson roses grow , . . Even though the winds of winter In my barren garden blow . . . When I think of you, my darling I see yellow roses bloom . . . Even though the frost is painted . ... On the window of my room . . . When I long for you, my dearest I see large white roses here . . . Even though the' springtime weather Is unlikely to appear . . . When I wait for you, my honey I see small black roses bud . . Even though the air is frigid ... . And the- - earth is frozen mud . . . But when you are presAll my ent, sweetheart roses turn to dust . . . For their haunting deep enchantment To your beauty they entrust. ... ... ... ... 2 5 Falstaff. He ... e '' - ' ' ' ' 4 MINING Kioto Courtesy Utah Statt Historical ' 't ' . - - Society ' ANDSMELTING-FRO- M A HUMBLE BEGINNING TO A GREAT INDUSTRY was fat, and guild which says you cant even call Jack E. Leonard or Toob Shor fat" any more. theres a i - ' I IMAGINE Shakespeare would be in trouble today with ... ft 4 - . fora lifetimoL proud Q. possession Tr OMEGA rt enVSTAh WAT6NII many - aplandorad, watch with unbraakabla twinkling facat-adgt- d tapphatta cryttal. 17 nwal move mnnt. On of tha Mvoral nxenp-tlonwatch. In ur larg Onwga collection. A 3 X V acy-Colli- - ns I ui -- Bank and Trust Company . AMttICAH OCM SOOtlV y TRACY COLLINS 'Mombof IMU Accounts, Savings f est" ' tax paid Open Monday Evenings Till 9 Daily-Inter- Home and Auto Loans and every other banking service is enjoyed by hundreds of men and women in the mining industry today.- - 120 , Checking- - Accounts, . sneezes or HELP rOR I f Exchange PH There b a Southern lobby against Dorothy London singing funny songs about the South. DO NT USE A towel or an eating utensil that might have been contaminated with the causative virus. Maintaining good general health also helps. Eat a weE balanced diet get ample sleep, and avoid fatigue. Too much smoking and drinking increases susceptibility.. Should these measures fail, and the bug gets you, go to bed. '"3 NIW a, pulls out a handkerchief to blow the nose. , When colds are rife, stay away from crowds, particularly those in places of amusement Wash the hands frequently, especially before eating and after touching a person with a cold. MORE IS KNOWN about ways to avoid colds and how to treat or prevent complications But damn me if I aint stopped with Dorothy Londons particular case of reverse prejudice. This ta -taking it too far. I found, and feU in love with, Miss Loudon a mess of years back when she was breaking in the business a whole heap before Garry . Moore dug her. She Is in my category of special loves. Dorothy used to break up the room at the Blue Angel before she got rich and famous and moved over to the Plazas shook from the explosion in the rear of the town's oldest pharmacy. The pharmacist himself staggered out, his glasses broken, streaks of black besmirching his white uniform. Lady, he implored a customer who was wiping debris from the soda counter off herself, would you please ask your doctor to copy off that prescription again and on the ire ommendation of Secretary of State Dean Acheson, Mr. Truman ordered supplies to be sent to the South Koreans and North West Pass Pass " By Bennett Cerf THAT NIGHT, clubs. I Just Try and Stop Me hen-peck- The Communist attack across the 38th against the Republic of Korea was sudden. On a Sunday afternoon of the day of the attack, June 25, 1950, the Security Council of the U.N. met and called on member nations to give the "South Koreans every assistance. EAST Miracle drugs, side effects! . . . More drugs, more side ' effects! Couldnt I just go back to aspirin, doc 7 weeks column In anger, about the weak-knee- d attitude of Uncle Sam at home and aboard. It created a small stir. There isnt time to write to those who took the time to pen notes. However, one question was i ' in repeated' aabout 75 per Ji cent of the let- - Mr. Bishop - Othello speares In one of Brooklyns toughest neighborhoods, a teacher in the eighth grade asked, "Who can name the greatest invention of Thomas Edison? A villainous-lookin- g youth in the front row volunteered, The electric chair. Mr. Truman had more excuse for not getting congressional consent to enter the Korean War. ? in blackface and him a rabor bis son that Mr. Shake- . YET HE COULD BE FACED with precisely such a situation, and this raises a' number of important questions that have never even been discussed either with Congress or with the nations that signed the Southeast Asia Treaty. For example, even those'offlcials in the government who favor direct U.S. participation in an expansion of thewar, agree that such action could bring Communist China or even the Soviet Union tinto the war, that it might bring retaliatioh by air against Saigon, or new military action by China against ' Korea or the islands of Quemoy and Matsu. Therefore they agree that all contingencies, no matter how remote, must be considered and covered. This is what is being done now. Contingency plans are being discussed. Secretary of Defense McNamara is going to Saigon to study ways and means of reversing the present trend of the battle. But while events beyond our control on the battlefield could create a situation that would force the President to act to avoid the loss of the war, none of this has even been discussed by ? even comedy, though A1 Jol-so- n did the bit - NORTH r shock to me to find that minority groups raise their hickles -- By C. H. Goren Neither vulnerable, deals. . Play Dixie? Jim Bishop, Reporter Yo Better When You Read It Here Believe.lt few Stand, Suli ago I wrote a American home That, under our system, A WASHINGTON Vf LVl .. . . Congr ess' Role? New York Times Service : i i 19G1 .ann , f ' - . Podaral Dapailt Imuranca Corporation -- &i.nrri - -- rr - Z n Mi. t I?!, j |