Show REMARKS r ey president BRIGHAM YOUNG YO ang UNG delivered in the new tabernacle salt lake city october ath 1870 REPORTED BY lly DAVID W EVANS EVAMS As we have met in the capacity of a general conference we shall expect to hear bear instructions from the elders pertaining to the building up of tho the kingdom of god on the earth this is our calling this is tho the labor devolving upon us and it should occupy our attention day by clay day from morning until evening and from week to week in fact we have no other calling or business and if we are humble and faithful falth faith fl god will strengthen us and increase our ability and give us power sufficient focient to accomplish the tasks devolving upon us in the performance of his work the oracles of truth are delivered men have been called and ordained the gifts and graces of the gospel are restored the kingdom is organized it is committed to the servants of the lord and if we are faith falth faithful ful fal we shall bear it off we it and make infirm it nirm firm in the earth no more to td be interrupted or removed and the teach i ings logs that we shall bear will be pertaining to our spiritual and temporal labors in this kingdom with god and also with those who understand the principles of life and salvation the priesthood the oracles of truth and the I 1 gifts and ana callings of god to the children ot of men there is no difference in 8 spiritual and temporal labors all ali ard are an one ono if ihlam adm iam in the linhof my duty I 1 iam lam doing the will of god whether lam iam preaching I 1 praying lab iab laboring dring gning with my hands bands for an lono kono honorable honorable rable rabie support whether I 1 am in the field mechanics shop or following ag mercantile business or wherever duty calls I 1 am serving god as much in iff one ono place as another and so it is with all each in his place turn and time consequently our ings during conference will be to instruct the people how to live and order their lives before benore the lord and each other how 19 accomplish the work devolving upon them in building up zion on the earth to accomplish com this will require steady laith and firm determination and we come together in fa this capacity that our faith and determination mi nation may be increased and strengthened when we have hare spent three four or five days together in giving instruction we shall only just have commenced to instruct the people and when we have spent a lifetime in learning and dispensing what we do learn to our fellow beings w we have bare only commenced in the career of intelligence our faith and prayers the ordinances that we attend to our assembling ourselves together our dispersing after attending to the business of life in our schools all our educational pursuits are in the service of god for all these labors are to establish truth on the earth and that we may increase in knowledge wisdom understanding der standing in the power of faith and I 1 in n the wisdom of god that we may become fit subjects to dwell in a higher state of existence istance e x and intelligence than we now enjoy we can attain to this on only ay by adding faith to faith falth knowledge to knowledge temperance to temperance patience to patience and godliness to goa godliness liness and so increasing in the principles of happiness and salvation we shall call upon the elders to speak to the congregation as they assemble hero from day to day and I 1 hope and trust that the brethren and and sisters will treasure up in their hearts the instructions that they receive and that they will carry them out in lives ilves this sunda sunday religion that a great many of our christian brethren believe in and practice when their I 1 everyday life is spent in selfishness and for self aggrandizement will not do for the latter day saints with us monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday and saturday must be spent to the the glory of f god as much as sunday or arwe we shall come short of th the object of our pursuit sult suit consequently we must pay attention to the things that we haarand he arand to the principles of the religion that we have embraced in our faith and seek diligently to break up the prejudices and prepossessed notions and feelings that have woven themselves around us through the tho traditions of the fathers and endeavor to know and understand as god knows that we may do nis his will our traditions are so firmly fixed in our feelings that it Is almost impossible to rise above override over ride or get rid of them they cling to us like the affections of tender friends but we must learn to know the will of god and do it and let our traditions go then we shall be blessed there are many things that we should understand with regard to ourselves oui selves and our children and when the mind opens upon the vision of life by the spirit of revelation there is not a person but what can see the eternity of teaching yet to be imparted to the S saints I 1 trust that we shall be edified and rejoice oco together and shall return from this place strengthened and confirmed in our faith and hopes feeling that steadiness of nerve by the spirit of revelation that we shall not be wanted to and fro imagining a thousand things incorrect I 1 and pass by those doctrines and truths that are calculated to exalt the human family |