Show TO THE dese DESERET NEWS TM a ZI adma dma de 8 rapi rapt 4 1 f tf a f SENATE morion morton presented resolutions from the georgia legislature accepting the conditions imposed by congress by changing the state constitution and ratifying the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments edmunds from the committee an on pensions reported adversely to paying pensions bf f the soldiers of 1812 A number of bills were introduced and referred t on motion of trumbull the senate took up the bill to relieve from importunity and preserve the independence of the several department tha Govern ment he explained that the judiciary committee had amended the bill as first introduced by prohibiting recommendations altogether pomeroy schurz and howard thought this too sweeping and land that for the present they must rely upon some body in making the appointments members of congress were perhaps best fitted to act as advisers williams moved to t amend lamend the bill by prohibiting judicial military and aud naval officers as well weil as embers members rR of congress from recommending applicants the morning hour having expired the senate proceeded to consider the census bill from the house the bill was read at length also the senate substitute sti tute simply directing the secretary of the interior to change the schedules and blanks blanka forsaking fer for taking the enumeration of the inhabitants and to make the same conform to the constitution conkling spoke in favor of the senate substitute and adverted to the house bill mcdonald from the postal committee reported favorably on the bill to encourage the establishment of a line of american steamship steamships st for the conveyance of U S mails malls to european and asiatic ports to promote ote immigration and reduce the rates of ocean postage cole introduced a bill to amend the act authorizing the establishment of ocean mail mall steamship service to the Haw hawaiian alian allan islands and to extend the same bame to australia stewart introduced a bill extending the provisions of the civil rights bights act and for the enforcement of the amendment sumner offered a resolution which was adopted ask asking asking ing information with regard to bonds issued to the pacific railroad companies corbett from the committee on commerce reported without amendment a bill to encourage telegraphic co communication m muni between the eastern and western continents which gives American the and asiatic telegraph company exclusive right for fourteen years to maid main maintain tal tai n a submarine cable to asia starting fruin froin a point south of cape san juan INI washington mush territory it t also provides for the detailing of U US S vessels to assist the promotion of the scheme A message from ohp house announced the death of representative hoag whereupon thurman and sherman made appropriate addresses the customary resolutions of condolence ada were adopted when the senate adjourned the vice president submitted the resolutions of the iowa legislature ratifying the fifteenth amendment sumner samner from the committee on foreign relations reported a bill to provide for the appointment of a solicitor for the department of statland State and for additional dit ional clerks in the departments sherman from th the e finance caminit tee reported a resolution reque requesting stin the president to institute a correspondence with great britain and other foreign Power sIth a view to promote the adoption adopt ioli by the legislatures of the several powers of a common standard of international coinage and to submit such guch correspondence to congress adopted ramsay introduced a bill authorizing the northern pacific railroad to issue bonds for the construction of their road and to secure the same by a mortgage referred several resolutions of inquiry were adopt edone calling on the post master general for information as aa to the number aad cost of blank petitions and circulars for abolishing the franking privilege bent from the post office department drake called up the resolution to amend the rules of the senate BO so that hereafter indian treaties may be considered in open session the resolution was amended so as As not to apply to 4 treaties transmitted by the president for confidential consideration and agreed to the tha west point appropriation bill setting apart a portion of eort port snelling as 4 a military reservation and aud for a permanent In min military miH tary post and arid in settle maent of all claims relating thereto passed hassed A bill relieving a large number of persons named from disabilities imposed under the fourteenth amendment was passed the census bill was waa then taken up sumner spoke in support of the house bill morrill of vermont moved to amend by providing that the census shall shail embrace additional nal nai statistics upon petroleum molasses grape wine cereals silk wages labor telegraphs railroads fisheries and timber lands morrill of maine from the committee on reported the house bill to supply the deficiency in the naval appropriations with amendments increasing the appropriation for the bureau of steam engineering from half a million to a million and the appropriation for the bureau of corl coil construction and repairs from one to two mil lions williams introduced a bill granting lands to aid the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from columbia river to puget sound bound referred conkling from the committee on commerce reported with amendments a bill to prevent encroachments encroach ments upon the harbors of the united states the senate went into executive session and at its expiration adjourned HOUSE A number of bills were introduced amons among among which were the following follow Dg one to allow drawbacks upon duties paid on ship building material one abolishing the franking privilege one to promote the circulation of weekly newspapers news papers within the counties where they are published and to allow theares theire transmission of all periodicals sent nom from the office of publication to actual subscribers cr one requiring a uniform railroad ralli raili oad gauge in the united states one to discontinue the Freed mens bureau and to amend the law establishing a bureau of education one to give the female em aloyes of the government the same compensation as men in similar positions also several bills making land grants to railroads orth offered a resolution asking the president deat for the correspondence be tween sickles and the spanish government in relation to cuban affairs also for any information with regard to the present resent position of the struggle for independence in cuba adopted sargent from the committee of appropriations pro privations reported the indian appropriation pro pria I 1 tion which appropriate ts against 13 less than the bureau asked for it wis was made a special order for friday next morgan announced the death of his colleague trunian H R hoag member from the toledo di ohio after the usual eulogie eulogistic tic speeches peeches pt aches and resolutions of condolence condol prue the fhe house adjourned jour ned having gnot grot appointed a committee ml to accompany the remains to ohio the resolution oti offered by marshall of ills last monday came up again declaring in substance that tariffs tariff s should be levied for revenue and not for protection tec tion the question was on Kel motion to table which was carried 89 to 77 A motion moti onto to reconsider was tabled 29 9 to 18 bingham introduced a bill amending the postage law making letter postage one cents the bill adds half an ounce to newspaper postage and requires one cent for four ounces and one cent for additional ounces that all nil 11 newspapers circulating cire plating in the state or Terri terni territory territory tor y where published or within a hundred miles of the place published shall be exempt from postage the bill also makes it the duty of the P M general to establish uniform and moderate box bos rent laflius La flins resolution declaring the publication li in the globe of printed petitions and the continuation of the frankin frankln franking privilege a wasteful expenditure of ehg the e public money and directing the discontinuance of such publications came up considerable discussion ensued garfield desired to amend declaring the publication of the alobe globe a watte wasteful ful fui expenditure pend iture of public money but laflin refused to accept the amendment lins lina resolution was finally tabled 72 to 53 0 ingersoll gave notice that he would introduce an amIn amendment dment to the constitution ution giving congress power to issue notes and to make them legal tenders the bill for granting temporary relief to the poor of the DI district of colum bia bla wai wap was taken from flom the speakers table the house amendments were inserted and a conference committee was asked A joint resolution for the payment to the family of the late secretary rawlins kawlins of a years salary was passed the contested elee election tion case of covode against foster was taken up paine desired to be excused from further service on the committee of elections stating that while his personal relations with alethe all ali the members were pleasant there were such differences of opinion between some and himself on vital questions underlying their duty that he thought it best to be excused pending further discussion the house adjourned GEN GENERAL eual EnAL NEW YORK vork the american eiro fire proof warehouse ware house company having discovered discovered that some stolen bonds of the company were in the possession of pinckney Pinc kney kuey bros brokers wall street summoned them before the at the examination they refused to give any account of how they came in possession of the bonds additional details make gen phellos Pu ellos defeat in cuba more decisive than re ported by first advises advices ad vices he barely escaped annihilation losing sixteen hundred men 0 an explosion occurred yesterday at the dye house of the new york dyeing and printing establishment on staten island four employed emp loyes were frightfully burned the loss is slight the following have been rectors rector of wells fargo co a express leland stanford lloyd lioyd tevis M H latham D 0 mills 0 P huntington W G fargo A H barney J C fargo B 0 C cheney judge bedford Dd in court of general sessions today to day denied the motion for the transfer of the trial of mcfarland to the court of oyer and terminer the trial will commence on Monday March ath washington in january franked frankett letters at a cost of passed through the post office also a hundred tons of printed matter matten at a cost of 33 38 the president will issue a proclamation on monday ratifying the treaty with china and giving the full text of the same dr samuel Bar Ear dilate dIate editors of ot the atlanta mew mew new era has beerd nominated governor of idaho a the case of hepburn vs griswold brought from the court of appeals in kentucky involving the constitutionality of the legal tender law was decla ed in the united states supreme court today to day chief justice chase delivered an opinion inthe court which was for sustaining the court below holding that a contract made before the legal tender law was passed could not be discharged by united states notes his ris opinion is very long and discusses at great length lenith the powen power of congress it holds that congress has no right M 0 o make government notes legal tenders for preexisting pre existing private debts it does not touch the question of contracts made since the law was passed this opinion was concurred ia in by justice nelson justice clifford and justice field justice miller delivered a minority opinion which was concurred in by justice sev siv swayne ayne syne and justice justlee Dallas Dalla they athey thes holding the law to be constitutional treating it principally as an incident to a war power WASHING washington ton TOx D C the following nominations were sent to the senate today joseph B Bradley of new jersey associate justice of the supreme court coart of the united states wm strong of pa associate justice justlee of the supreme court of the U S john W longyear district judge of the eastern district of michigan tallahasse the impeachment of governor reed heed was killed in the house last night by adopting the minority report the vote stood 34 to 21 saz sas SAN francisco 7 the alta alia california yesterday discharged the members of Typographical the union employed as compositors who refused to work at reduced rates of sixty five cents per thousand ems it is understood under sto od that the evening bulletin and morning call will also make d reduction as soon as the required number of printers are obtained the preparations for the camilla urso festival are rapidly approaching completion ion the seats have been arranged in the pavilion to seat six thousand and accommodations for twelve thousand performers the first rehearsal of 2000 school children took place on sit bit saturday last which was very satisfactory the legislative assembly has passed 1 a bill reorganizing the board of fire commissioners ners of san ban francisco fire department 1 the republicans are out of of office the Thedrow crowth th in southern Call cali california forna continues the damage is very great almost past remedy it is said that sheep are offered la in monterey county at fifty cents a head the owners fearing they will die of starvation the late treasurer of the state of df nevada according to the testimony of an expert was a defaulter at the time of his decease to the amount of Ciri cirl CHICAGO cAGo the opinion of the bu preme court on the legal tender question is very long iong after an able view of the case justice chase says nobody questions its constitutionality and not many question the eppedi i ency of the act by which the currency note has hash been authorized but a doubt exists as to the power of congress to declare these notes legal tender in payment of pre preexisting existing debts the ground upon which that power is asserted is not that the issue of these notes was appropriate prop and was plainly adapted as a means for carrying on the war for that is admitted but that making them legal tender to the extent mentioned was such means justice chase proceeds to argue th the a question whether making these notes legal tender really added anything to their credit and int luence influence he says the his history atory of legislation shows that reliance for circulation was originally lually placed in the and not in the quality of the legal tender notes because the tho clause appears in inthe the original draft of the bill bili while the legal tender clause was introduced at theatter th the latter iatter stage of its progress he thinks it by noe noY no means certain that the depreciation of the notes would be less if the government pledged the holder its power to compel his creditors to receive them at par in payment if the quality issued be uniform and the redemption demp tion fixed at a remote period great depreciation would take plate but if the quantity only equals the demand of business and the confidence of early redemption strong the notes will circulate freely whether made legal tender or not he points out the evils of irredeemable dee mabIe mable paper currency and thinks that making them legal tender widens their extent and protracts pro tracts their continuance richmond momi the legislature met at noon the house by a vote of to 10 adopted resolutions asking congress to remove all political disabilities from the people of irginia virginia the Governor governors ls message was read it was quite lengthy lengal Y washingto WAshiNG tos Toy v D C general sherman has issued orders for carrying carrein into effect the act of congress for rel rei relieving r v all retired officers from duty the order takes effert february the senate foreign committee have agreed to |