Show TO TUE THE desere DESERET r NEWS I 1 SENATE the credentials of reelection re election of anthony and cragin were presented casserly presented a petition from the citizens of 0 california for the tion of congress on behalf of Amerl ameri american ban a citizens imprisoned by the british government for political of fences referred to the foreign relations committee and ordered printed A resolution was passed donating ordnance for an equist equestrian rian statue to general rawlins A bill was passed to confirm the title of purchasers of lands sold for taxes in the late insurrectionary states A bill to aid a railroad from sioux city to amended and passed the bill for a pension to mrs lin 1 coin eoin was laid aside 32 to 1 22 0 1 to take up the civil appropriation bill several amendments adding thereto appropriations amod amounting to including for an addition to the war department part ment buildings were adopted in the evening session the civil appropriation bill was proceeded with several amendments were ado adopted ted including an appropriation of a bundred hundred thousand dollars for geographical surveys and military in the territories west of the missouri river sawyer offered an amendment providing for compensation for IT S officials who have not taken the test oath for services rendered in 1865 and v 66 A discussion ensued i 0 one no side arguing that the adoption of th the amendment would nullify the statute imposing the test oath while the other side claimed that the statute had bad been practically repealed in the appointment to office of former rebels and that the services for which compensation was asked had been fairly rendered the amendment was adopted 28 to 10 an appropriation was made of for fora a pier and new levees at del lel delaware for the clerks in the treasury and for repairs and defur bishing the presidents house A bill was reported to the ben ate and the amendment concurred in for there the removal of the indians from the black cob reservation nebraska to indian territory the post route bill has been passed r also a resolution to print twenty thousand additional copies of the bill to enforce n the amendment el sherman from the committee ofton of conference ference gerence on the tax and tariff bill made a report which was adopted he stated that the most Import important arit atit of the senate amendments had been agreed to toby by the house the principal question referred to the committee was relative to the tariff on sugar in regard regard to which it was in substance the senate classification with a slight reduction on melada sugar and acdan an increase of one fourth of onu per cent on one of the higher grades of sugar the duties on books and bessemae Bes semar steel remained as passed by the senate all the assistant assessors now engaged in assessing taxes which are stricken out by the bill are to be immediately discharged and su per visors of districts are to be consolidated gross receipts and tonnage taxes are both repealed sherman also submitted the conference committees report on the funding bill which was adopted sec see tion first provides for jhb the issue of two hundred millions in five per cent bonds three hundred mIlI millions lons fons in id four and a half per er cent bonds and one due thousand milleo million n fn an four ien len per jer cent bonds running ten tehi fifteen and thirty years section 1 two au thorlies authorizes tho tha secretary of the treasury to sell said bonds at par for coln coin and apply the proceeds to the redemption demp tion of outstanding five nive twenties orha or he may exchange new for old bonds I 1 at par but the new bonds shall be issued for no other purpose A sum not exceeding one half per cent is allowed for disbursing the new bonds section three is unimportant section four provides for there the tho redemption demotion of the ive five twenties now or hereafter falling due at par beginning with the first numbered and issued the interest to cease attree months after proper notice has hasteen has been given gives section nive five authorizes a two and a half per cent interest on gold deposits twenty five per cent of which deposit must be retained in the fu U S treasury the balance to be used in the redemption of five twenties section six bis provides for the cancelling of all bonds now held or hereafter purchased on account of the sinking fund section seven is stricken out in reply to a question by williams sherman stated mat a reduction of taxes will be effiee effiec effected ted by the tax bill to the amount of seventy six millions the deficiency deficiency appropriation bill was reported from t the 0 committee on appropriations with amendments A bill was introduced granting a bounty to soldiers hon honorably oraly orLly discharged from the service between the fourth of may and the of july 1867 and to the widow children father and mother of any soldier killed or wounded in the service who enlisted for not less than one oue year it was thought that it would gost cost about ten millions A bill was waa presented for granting C a pension easlon to mrs lincoln which was briefly rie fly considered and an amendment to ave g e hei her fifteen thousand dollars in heu of a pension was r rejected pi acted HOUSE mr ferria offered a resolution declaring that the and articles of the amendment to the constitution having been duly ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several beveral states are valid to all intents and purposes as part of the constitution and as such are binding and obligatory on the executive and congress and on the judiciary of the several states and territories and all citizens of the united states adopted yeas nays 32 a party vote cox cos offered a resolution declaring that the resolution just adopted is foreign to the duty of legislators and mischievous in its tendency and effect the previous question was not seconded and the resolution went over under the rules cox remarking that it embodied the sentiment of the democratic side of the house davis of new york moved to suspend the rules and to concur in the senate amendment to the naturalization bill agree agreed d to yeas nays 53 the bill goes to the president the kentucky contested election case was decided in favor of rice the si eting member schenck kelly and brooks of new york were appointed a conference committee on the tax lax bill the senate amendments to the naval haval appropriation bill were acted upon and the ther hill sent to the committee of conference dawes reported back the senate resolution appropriating for the expenses of the indian delegation to washington it passed the house decided that segar ignot is not entitled to a seat from virginia two hundred and seven seventy ty nive five thousand copies of the agricultural report for 1869 1969 were ordered printed ingersoll reported a resolution directing I 1 ng the su subcommittee committee bub sub b of commerce to investigate during recess the tariff and exclusive rights nights of the ocean telegraph companies but the house refused to suspend the rules for its passage the tariff and funding bills goto go to tle the president for his signature maynard from the committee on ways and means reported a joint resolution suspending the use of whiskey malters at distilleries the bill without further action of congress passed in reply to a quest buest on n by garfield maynard said that the committee did not and would not entertain a proposition to raise the duty on spirits at this session farnsworth moved to suspend the rules and pass a general amnesty bill excluding from its benefits the graduates of military and naval navai academies members of congress and heads of departments who had given aid to the rebellion butler stated plated that the bill was not the report of the reconstruction committee but had been changed by the members from illinois the motion was rejected 74 to schenck moved to suspend the rules in order to take from the speakers table the southern pacific railroad bill rejected 75 to arnoll from the committee on education arld arid labor made a report acquitting general howard from the groundless charge preferred against dimand speaking of the general as deserving the gratitude of the people it was signed by arnoll beatty hoar ilton bardett tyner and pearce the minority mcneely and rogers report included resolutions providing for a court martial and for a measure td secure the interest of the government in the howard university and the lands owned thereby and for the recovery of money disbursed in aid of churches not in pursuance of law there was no action on the reports except that they were ordered printed geive AL cincinnati senator revels lectured here tonight to night to e good audience in pikes music musie hall he held a levee devee afterwards at the house of mr ball bull at which many were present valentine ashburne Ash borne stabbed fat fatally aliv aily elijah howarth Po warth tb lait last thursday in a harvest field near new nev vienna the dispute was about a man hired by one from the other forty persons were precipitated into the water by the bre breaking alfing ot the bridge over the morris canal this afternoon all were saved A london special to the herald say bay says 8 a crisis is imminent on the continent military preparations were going on all last night in paris and if the candidature dida ture of prince leopold is 19 not withdrawn within the next nest twenty four hours the french ministers will be recalled from berlin and madrid and war declared the conduct of france in forcing the issue and refusing to leave the question of the throne to the spanish people is strongly ugly condemned by all europeans and prussian sab sias SaS calm and dignified position is approved later eve negotiations between paris and andE emis are reported to be unsatisfactory is prussia declaring her innocence of intrigue I 1 refuses to interfere with the candidature of on the ground that bhe she has neither the right power nor inclination to dictate to spain or to prince leopold A large party in france favors a suspension of action till the meeting of the spanish cortes but the general belief is that the emperor is determined to fight and will move instantly without giving prussia time for preparation ft is said sald that napoleon would prefer to meet the issue now rather than after leopold is elf elp ted by yle yie spanish people especially as he bases the claims of his own dynasty on the popular vote CHicA CHICAGO ao the tribune special says that our government has received notice that prince leopold accepts the offer made by prim of the spanish throne and nothing remains to consummate the matter buu but the consent of the cortes the temes times V ashington special says that senator norton of minnesota is lying very low at his residence his physicians have little hope of his recovery e secretary fish has consented to remain in the cabinet until the first of october but he contemplates taking two months vacation after the adjournment of congress this john daalen a discharged employed of morse reddin hamilton jewellers je wellers in this city entered the store and approached morse who was behind the counter and fired a revolver at his breast the ball struck liim bim 0 er the heart but the cartridge being defective the ball did not even penetrate his clothing heavy rains throughout central and southern illinois yesterday greatly bene fitted the growing corn and pasturage NASHVILLE on saturday a party of federal soldiers seized a lot of whisky in lincoln county and took it to tullahoma Tul lahoma and shipped it on the nashville and chattanooga railroad for shelbyville Shel byville on saturday night a squad of men went to concord on the man chester cheater and neville railroad took possession of the locomotive and forced i the engineer to run it to War terrace where the car containing the whisky was overtaken and captured they took it back to the neighborhood of ma unloaded it in the woods and dismissed the engineer washington the president has signed the legislative appropriation bill the ironclad rendezvous at dewor new orleans is broken up and the vessels ordered to beag league island george B williams w lliams of indiana has been appointed second deputy commissioner of internal revenue vice parrel fe signed resigned the democratic members of th the eHouse house have signed a paper to the president to the effect that the name of orth of indiana having been mentioned for minister to berlin they hope that he will receive the appointment A london special to the herald says the army at paris has received orders to march to the moselle and the transports at toulon have the steam up ready to sail for algiers to bring baek back troops the special guards are to constitute the first corps d da armee which will be commanded by marshal bazaine with gen Cor Corf colde cesery thief chief of staff and hed head quarters at the moselle marshai marshal Me mcmahon MiLlion has been ordered from algiers to take command of jhb army which is to operate on the rhine gen le brun will be his chief of staff and generals Fr assade and burbaker Burba kor will march with him the count de baliko with Chan gomer and other othen othera j generals will act on the spanish frontier orders have been issued to pre paie pai e a fleet to transport thirty thousand troops whose destination is hamburg and the north sea bea CHEYENNE 12 A telegram from rawlins says bays sixty indiana supposed to be utes passed north at the separation yesterday and captured one man troops are in pursuit the weather is delightful NEW YORK As the orangemen orangeman Oran gemen were celebrating the anniversary of the battle of the boyne at elm park today they were attacked by a party of three hundred irish laborers whose anger was aroused by some expressions by the orangemen orangeman Oran gemen insulting to their nationality and faith the assailants used stones and the implements with which they had been working the orangemen orangeman Oran gemen defended themselves with pistols thomas grady was shot in the head and instantly killed as was also john brady fourteen years old al so a man whose name was unknown md four others named pat cairn thomas murphy thomas adams and samuel smith were fatally injured and a large number were Beriou seriously sly siy wounded A force fores of policemen was summoned to the spot and succeeded by the vigorous use of their clubs I 1 in quelling the riot subsequently t he the cars conveying the orangemen orangeman Oran gemen down town were attacked and several persons wounded and the cars badly damaged Thom thomas asKane kane was met in central park by the orangemen orangeman Oran gemen and fatally stabbed the affair created the wildest confusion in the neighborhood where it occurred from the latest accounts received it I 1 t appears that the riot assumed more serious proportions than at first supposed there are two versions of the origin of the difficulty superintendent jourdan states that the orange men played party tunes used insulting epithets and finally threw a stone at a workman ami and fired several shots before f any attack was made upon them the workmen then assaulted the orange men with spades ades and shovels and every available weapon athe the orangemen orangeman Oran gemen were nearly all armed with revolvers captain helm states that the workmen were the assailants and that after or SOO of them had bad stormed the park I 1 and driven orangemen orangeman Oran gemen out fight i ing was carried on in a settled manner all over the country during theskil the skir some hundred were wounded and several killed but full particulars have not yet been ascertained three workmen are known to have been beena killed and five taken to the hospital in I 1 an insensible condition the wounded orangemen orangeman Oran gemen were taken from the fielda field of conflict in carriages it is impossible to ascertain their numbers |