Show i cache co TL T a 1 I 1 june 10 ISM ducret mews news this settlement 1 4 is exempt from the ruth I 1 less reprisals 0 the hoppers grasshoppers apers and crickets of every every hue than any other in the valley I 1 am told that shelt of excellent lands lying along the foot of the hills eastward and southward of tile the town have for the part escaped cap id pillage from the little marauders since their first march upon cache in 1866 A citizen of wellsville informed me roe yesterday that his crops have been consumed by them four including the present and that the nama name of grasshopper has become a terror to him bina it seems to have fallen to the lot of that settlement the oldest in the valley yearly the lions ons share of visitation from the rapacious pests this is very philosophically accounted for on the presumption thra anas the good folks of wellsville having be bes come cane inured to hard times by their experience here heze and ehe che elsewhere where haye have accumulated a heavy stock of patient endurance durance and job like are put upon the vigorous Vigo fous ious exercise lest iest its fragrance goibe sli sll should ouid be waster wasten wasted on tho desert air trulyn truly TL have liever llever elsewhere wi times tires red fed sed such samples en of bf taking joyful ay he spoiling of their grods fast last aa a C community ity and almost to anundi an ovidii i il 9 i r y r ri r aa i V al as within the confines of wellsville when to all human appearance their last reliance for an earthly subsistence has been thus successively swept away by these incorrigible devourers devour ers if without invidious distinction the encomium paid to peculiar personal virtue duemay may he be awarded to any one community may not the settlers of wellsville be called the most patient people of utah and if of utah then by inference the most patient people in all the world and why may not columbian Colum Colun bias iblas soil rear bear men as great as britaina Brit ains isle exceed what greece and rome have lone done or angland any land lana beneath the sun But Franklin claims some further notice As an incontestable index of the progressive wideawake wide awake status of its people I 1 believe there is not a family without the DESERET NEWS besides it is promptly paid for they are characteristically act a paying community for their public spirit they have won the deserved laurel of having no rival similar ratio of population in cache county and bishop hatch has well earned his distinguishing title of working bishop their capacious stone meeting house is isto to be at once seated and otherwise put in order for convening the people the addition of a liberal sized recitation room is is proposed to their handsome stone school house to quiet any serious shocking of grammatical nerves I 1 had better explain that the adjective handsome here very properly qualifies botn the nouns Iston eiland elland is school house housell A operative cooperative co store and telegraph office also of stone i receives its roof this week an elegant t prayer room was dedicated by pres benson on thursday last when the people celebrated a sabbath midweek mid week by assembling for instruction nor were the poor forgotten on that day it being S the regular fast day as evinced by the donations at the house of bro bo john biggs steward for the poor their sunday school is fully attended A select school is taught by miss libbie merrick a teacher late fate from wisconsin who with mrs airs M D merrick as assistant si t presides over the mental destinies of some hundred and twenty scholars upon this school and all I 1 admired about it I 1 have now no thought of dilating I 1 shall state however eyer ever that in my humble judgment as a primary I 1 school it is a model in this region operation cooperation co is in the ascendant its advantages are up parent apparent the deseret telegraph is being extended frap frau liln slin is setting the poles to rich eich mout mott Astory A story is ls in process of a mercantile gent in a northern town who was convicted of the expediency of baptism some months since his trade however seems not to have revived very much and it has almost unconverted him again such buch expedients gang aft aglee in this latitude for fawning hypocrisy ranges about zero an old lady named franklin k has walked thence to the capital to attend every semiannual semi annual conference since her arrival in the territory upwards of seven years ago she ia Is biear near sixty years of age when the president visits cache she leaves franklin frankiin early enough in the morning to reach logan at the meeting hour a distance of 20 miles on ou foot the most elegantly braided braf ded finished and trimmed straw bats hats for ladies q of 1 home manufacture throughout were wore shown me by mrs john durrant at brother bl Biggs i ggs who during a visit with it h mrs A from american fork had bad pretty well supplied the ladled of franklin who never probably even when decorated in the most tio eions i ns appeared to better advantage the martial band at franklin evinces 1 da in iii practice assuring proficiency fici ency A set of 0 brass instruments has been purchased td the brass band will be I 1 out presently richmond i is s flourishing but six miles south bouth of df franklin hel hei massive frame barns carry one in image imagination atlon aaion to 16 the days of yankee utilitarianism good house ardd arid iid ild good barn for jonathans farm but the barn first and foremost bishop merrill is of the ahe I 1 su sumpter sampler toek tock stock and iw K 1 1 1 b it i par excellent in inthe the appe specialty la ity their six mile quota from home to smithfield completes the telegraph line to the head of cache smithfield bishop samuel boskelly Bp Rp skelly irrespective of the hopper encroach ments pursues her everyday every day aay march of improvement A native bard has it she spread herself with a perfect looseness with an unexcelled water power her mills and machinery are ever in view brother bam Sam myall typographic tournament has been no bar to prestige in the bishopric that right line ot of poles from logan to smithfield smith field was well set not an out or an in with a take of eight 0 miles is something one must em aa as a clean proof of artistic proficiency theres something in knowing how to bold the stick you may expect a fiam flaming flam lug ing communication from smithfield on or about friday next the same from richmond and franklin a very few days thereafter the wires are on hand band the hoppers it is hoped wont gobble up the wires though they have eaten onn off nearly everything else and that for four years successively hyde park four miles farther has made some stretches of improvement jana iana judging from the broad acres add added e d and enclosed to its former fields field s bishop wm hyde is a spiritual ther m op but physically impaired since h his 19 1 9 11 injury 3 u y by the accidental kick of a horse h orse bro duce dace formerly of ogden den has erected in the nort northern bern suburbs aubur 9 one of the tidiest tiniest dwellings in the country the outside hard ninish finish ia is but one half to three quarters of ofaf an inch thick instead of an inch and a half to two inches as is usual about salt lake city thus doubling or trebling the weight t and giving a proportionate gravitating tendency to scale off ofir logan the county seat and residence of presidents benson and maughan 0 is universally esteemed as one of t he the most promising towns of the territory the ecclesiastical and civil government of cache genially radiate from logan and tho thol 20 miles is a somewhat burdensome diw distance stance excised in the transaction of business upon remote districts the machinery is kept in fait working order A semiweekly semi weekly mail bichard richard williams contractor connects the settlements tle tie ments of cache with with brigham city from brigham to logan idis hiis it is carried by bvm bvm maughan and frank gunnell from Lo logan locanto ganto to franklin by hon P Maug maughan ban though by far the most hazardous route within the territory probably no other can compete with it in certainty security and celerity for the four years it has been carried by them joseph aia ala maughan u g h an and john coburn the regular dr drivers i v ers era are young mountaineers of undaunted courage courage and gallantry and father abbott who nho drives the portail fall carriage over the mountains is steady as the old family clock several grizz leys haye have recently made their appearance on logan bottoms where the woods afford ample concealment wellsville it ia is now generally conceded would have hilve be been en better located on an inviting bench across the creek and east of its present site gite her pomo legista legists ts though untiring ng have never nevor reaped any auy fruit frait from tbt hinr ir labors A warmer soil would remedy this annd arid peradventure other othera disparagements disparage ments and transform the fertile lauds now held under tribute by municipal exactions into profitable farms one of the most uber observable vable vabie recent improvements is the massive massive frame barn of bro frank gunnel itis it is by 58 feet withie with well weli I 1 planned stables each 24 f feet edt long a at every corner itis it is capable of storing tons of hay main floor 34 by 60 feet has haq no secord floor Cont contains ains aiDs 30 feet of lumber and is covered with shingles all the timbers and lumber were got out of the mountains above blacksmiths fork after the annual conference and starting of the teams for the poor under br bro ga Gs pers personal ondi direction and material a aid ald d bishop wm maughan of oci wellsville I 1 am informed was the first Ameri amerl amerlean american cati catl who explored bear lake valley he ere was accompanied by T B R leavitt james smith wm hiir garrand horace newell 7 of then the only settlement in liibbe budisin hla the logan 0 rivera river about bp the presen preben t site bite of 1 f ll 11 l l 4 af 0 1 i r f k logan city and continuing north th along 9 the line of the present settlements thence up cub river an incident then occurring giving rise to the name nume four miles over on to mink creek up little pole creek to the present big dugway and through natures beautiful pass over the mountains down into bear lake valley the exploration was then directed along the west side of the lake to what is now called fish fiah haven thence to the head of Fi shaven kan yon thence over an almost impassable rugged range of summits to the head waters of the logan in this region they discovered two small lakes by heavy timber probably never before or since seen by white men the descent via left hand fork of logan into cache valley was tedious and perilous A road by this route connecting in cache and bear lake valleys is absolutely out 0 othe the question of providence bishop wm budge millville milleville Mill ville bishop georce george 0 pitkin hyrkin cyru ha bishop 0 K N liljenquist and paradise bishop david james all situated in the east and southern part of the valley also aiso of mendon bishop henry hughes newtown bishop wm P F littlewood weston ab bishop ishop john maughan and oxford 13 bishop ishop J VV nelson on the western a side sido do of the valley making in all a total of fourteen settlements I 1 can now only say they each partake liberally of the same genius lasof of progress and perseverance peculiarly distinguishing cache valley from its first settlement in 1855 and are paying patron patrons of the nelys neiss 11 may their rulers rufers rulers be ever the embodiment of peace and their ex actors righteousness itinerant and other pedlars with cheap goods really cheap are beginning to td swarm in the county in one or two instances they have already proved of the pestiferous order the bedling persuasion is IA decidedly disreputable in these parts and those having a penchant for this spy gypsy mode of for fortune hunting will be sure to serve themselves by letting the people of cache severely alone ANON ayon the following communication from jack lavelle one of the men now in c confinement under sentence of death in this city for the murder of C russel at wasatch has been handed to us with an earnest request that hat we would give it a place in theNE the NEws vvs Avs being assured that its publication would prove a source of great consolation to the writ er SALT BAIT lare LAKE E CITY PRISON june lith 1869 mr E editor aitor sir thinking that you perhaps would insert this brief statement in in your valuable paper I 1 have presumed to ommer offer it to the public justification of myself but simply to state the truth in regard to a statement made on oath by one of odthe the witnesses in the late murder case where brani branigan an and others were the defendants before his honor judge wilson VV ilson lison presiding the statement is this that aussel ussel v while rhio lying on the ground called balled to Us the defendants to spare him in the name of oghig his wife and children now sir air my ray days in thia this world are numbered and god knows I 1 would not willingly go before this last great court with another sin added ony soul but sir air I 1 pronounce this stat statement false as the man who uttered it I 1 COU could id go on here and say a great deal more butil but I 1 refrain for it is too painful a subject to me to enter into details the 0 only ay reason I 1 have for correcting this stat statement emerit is because his hig honor judge wilson cited it in his remarks while passing our sentence and those same rem remarks arks having been published in your paper I 1 deem it a duty to correct this statement and moreover as it was read by a great many of the citizens of utah by whom as bad as I 1 am I 1 would it thought that thab I 1 am devoid of all humane feelings and sir in conclusion may god forgive the man who swore to ihil statement as hs I 1 hope even hour to be forgiven rt i yo yours bis his very respectfully ac c f ins r k A i moil kih kin y 1 S 4 val vat til zil tit 1 n 1 tn f i ri i nt i 7 i iu |