Show A GLANCE AT sul rul tym SUE oy fivek ta t v 13 py 1 LOUIS LOUI A B 1 VIII vill J according according Acco iding to the Cli Ghi riese ilese annals tac empress si 81 ling chi was the first who about five thousand years yeara ago having gathered wa the silkworms from the trees red them with leaves of the mulberry in her palace and obtained a silk bu superior in quality to that produced in the fores forests t s she bhe also invented silk tissues this invention contributed so 60 immensely to the prosperity of her country that ahe she was wius placed among the chinese divinities and even now be chinese empresses impresses Em presses offer annually solemn sacrifices to her memory As it is the habit of the E emperor mp ero r of china once a year to p plough I 1 h the barthin ear thin order to add dignity aigul t y and honor to agricultural pursuits so in like manner the empress by annually visiting the silkworm nurseries and laborin laboring with her own hands entourages t the ne production of this valuable commodity in all ages the silkworm nursery has afforded a favorite occupation among the fair sex it is still emphatically a female concern what lady will take the lead in feeding these pre precious clous clouA insects and in propagating this rich business in utah two cent centuries rles ries before the christian era eta the chinese carried on a commerce in silk with persia greece and italy the generic name given to this able material has remained uncha ancha unchanged aged except with a slight modification 0 of athe the word in fact the french word sofe sole or silk bears among them the name of goc sec the mongols name it siche the mant araut choua chous aiache the buss Eus russians ihns designate it by the word chek cheh and the greeks aez etc notwithstanding the antiquity of athe the use of silk its nature was for fora a long time unknown and its importation into the west is of recent date compared with its high antiquity in asia I 1 will remark here that several V very curious fragments of chinese works on sericulture erl eri culture were translated in 1837 into int 0 the french language by mr stanislas julien since that time various j chinese particular modes and useful implements have been adopted by the french breeders bleeders bre eders before the third and fourth centuries of the christian era rome borne was compelled to import at an enormous expense silk tissues from the further farther end of asia and such was wag their high price that one pound of silk was worth one pound of gold the history of the introduction in of the first silkworm eggs into constantinople by two monks is a popular one but to a reflecting mind it is difficult to comprehend how these two men coming on foot from china could present healthy eggs to the emperor justinian that they came berh perhaps from a less remote country is the 0 opinion p of mr de d gasparin a high european europea u authority A byzantine writer attributes that celebrated importation to a persian be that as it may the breeding of silkworms spread very slowly in europe silk manufactures were founded at athens and at corinth in greece and from thence sericulture was introduced introduced into sicily and naples and lastly into france franco during the fifteenth cen een century the city of lyons began to manufacture silk in 1450 tours AvI avignon glion and nimes in 14 1470 40 ana and then paris and aini Arni amiens aliens ens but the results were athirst at first so trifling that slik bilk goods still commanded e extremely X high prices they seemed kept in store exclusively foi princes and monarchs henri 11 II when he was crowned at beims kelma on the of tuly 1547 1647 word wore the first silk stockings ever seen in france and in england lien iren henry VIII vili edward VI and queen quen elizabeth at we tile same period of time used blik silk stockings only in state ce ceremonies ramoni under henri IV sully sull suli y established a I 1 silkworm nursery in the garden of t tha the a tuileries Tuil eries oliver de serres the illus of theatre 1 rl jagerm agriculture adne one of the most charming among the old and best agricultural writes pyrites ed by ills his pen a mighty impulse to serl culture in france king henri honored honorea high este esie esteem esteene eni he loved loveda hun s and graciously called him his ard cind find t ehaste r concerning agricultural pr mits wits 11 louis XIV continued to on encourage this enterprise in ili france though with but little success BO so far as relates to the production of cocoons hud nud and the spinning of silk i the weaving of silk goods t bith with kith foreign thread bad on the contrary already made marked progress ili in vla france nce and had a great reat development w which ler let it preserved even up to the revocation of the edict of nantes after which period the weaving as well as the spinning of silk lost ground considerably ably auly the emigrants carried this beautiful industry into england germany and switzerland and raised the most active competition adaist france where manufactures of silk slik remained jn in a languishing condition up to the close of the great revolution at the end of the last century and until shortly before the return of peace to evrope europe I 1 abbot boissier dep sauvages salvages Sa wag waa tj the ie 9 greatest reat leat est writer virster on sericulture of the licht eighteenth ee mth century he was truly the father of the modern silkworm nursery the number of good and intelligent breeders bleeders bre eders has been comparatively very small smail in every blik silk raising country of europe until lately the art of spinning silk is in the hands of people eo p e as ignorant as the men who pr produce 0 pd u ce I 1 it said count corint dandolo in 1816 dicenzio Vic enzio dandola was born at venice in 1758 and biedin died in 1819 his name is immortal dandolo did not regenerate sericulture but he enjoyed the glory ot of having conceived the project of that regeneration he was the first man who in the beginning of the present century seriously attempted to improve the practices of A competent chemist but a little frivolous as a calculator an intelligent and wise mind he submitted the silkworm nursery as he found it to the most attentive and judicious examination and opened anew wa way y before it tie the name of has been given to a kind of as it was conceived and constructed behim by him comprehending that the worms are in need of a pure and incessantly renovated air he disposed apertures aper tures to take in that air outwardly by means of t trapdoors rap whish could be opened and shut at will dandolo placed a stove in the tho room and several fireplaces fire places but though excellent for that time his system solved the question only in m part the ventilation is established by too numerous heart hearths hs the outward air may be too colotto cold coid col coi Otoo too dry too damp da mp the professor tofe sor son is compelled to recommend men ath the e continual use of a bottle containing a purifying purify ing liquor which in reality purifies nothing at all 11 de gasparin epitomizes in this thia wise Dando dandolos lois lols system he had searched to regulate the warming process to introduce more order in the distribution trib ution of food more space in the nurseries and a certain amount of ventilation ti he had touched upon all cases which required a larger reform but he did not know or did not dare to undertake that reform however the name of that noble Veni Ven clan ician ought to be inscribed among the must illustrious seri culturists cul cui turista in 1826 an obscure southern frenchman starting from a collection of letters written by catholia Cat holle holla missionaries in china n having ba stowed his labors on olivier de do serres and sauvages salvages Sa works in order that he might study dandolos theories and surpass them undertook three difficult even prodigious tasks namely to revive and experiment again upon all practices known or tried in sericulture in order to appreciate them to transform serl Beri sericulture culture which was before him an emphrie industry into a totally rational one to realize henri IV and olivier del dei deserres Serres thought that is to say to extend silk husbandry hus baudry to the northern provinces that a sufficient lelent quantity of material might be raised in I 1 france rance nance to give employment to its important silk manufacturers the name of charles beauvais already known to the numerous readers of the NEWS has been immortalized by his silk reform this reform includes various beneficial innovations which can be resumed by byr these two words salubrious cocoon magna gna nerie nerle salu bre it soon rounded founded the i mallk malik silk institute des Bergerie bet Ber geries 8 de denart in the vicinity of paris where numerous students came from every country of euro earo europe e even from india to listen to his valuable valuable atie agle instructions the professor found an jin alle able auxiliary tn in mr dAr dArc darcee det et a sc lenti fio flo gentleman of the first order orden the problem to bi be solved was how bow to realize a very valuable innovation imperfectly discovered durino during the eighteenth century I 1 bcd ventilation it is the principle itself of a salubrious nursery it is re realizing Mizing the prophetic words of an old slik isile bilk raising will perhaps become some c ay A ahus iness anesa where 1 he least sha shall it be left to chance 11 i j |